So the trailer for this new film about the deep, dark web came out a few months ago (its recently become more popular), and it looks cringey as fuck to anyone who knows even slightly what they're talking about when it comes to the dark web, or computers, or even just common sense.
Everything in this trailer is stupid.
From the film's tor browser clone "river browser" having to span itself over fourteen different nodes to access its sector of the dark web (on the river network I guess. You know, "tor" actually stands for something, it means something. What the fuck does "river" mean?), to how the villain whose supposedly this genius hacker person carelessly leaves his laptop in a coffee shop (and gave his user account the most suspicious username ever), to how this moron who works in a coffee shop somehow managed to get into this guys account either because it wasn't password protected (some hacking genius this guy is) or that it was so easy to crack that even this coffee shop moron could crack it, to why the fuck is this genius hacker person accessing the darkweb on his host operating system which is none the less a mainstream operating system that is likely to catch a virus, e.c.t.
So this all got me thinking about something which has been bothering me for quite a while now. Why do most people not know shit about the darkweb?
As far as Computer Science goes, it's relatively simple to understand.
But you always hear people, especially online, talking complete bullshit about it.
I see it in my school a lot where you have these stupid kids boasting about how bad-ass they are because they downloaded the tor browser (again, on their fucking host operating system. If they actually get the balls to browse the dark web properly their computer is going to break in like five seconds).
I actually showed one of the students in my school that I had downloaded the tor browser. He was terrified because he thinks that the browser itself is illegal and that just accessing the dark web is illegal.
It got to the point where he actually tried to bribe me to delete the tor browser.
So back to my main question. Why do people not know shit about the dark web?
So yeah, now that's out of my system, do you guys have any .onion links or link lists you could share?
["Unfriended Dark Web" Trailer] i iedadafe