Let's run through this. You sit down at your computer. It's running an OS with a kernel written in C. It also has a set of userland utilities written in C. You open your browser. That browser is written at least partially in C. You type in a URL and hit enter. That connects to DNS servers to resolve the human-friendly name you typed into an IP address. The most common DNS server is BIND, which is writtten in C. Those IP addresses are most likely dynamically assigned with DHCP. ISC DHCPD is written in C. I hear some prefer DNSmasq for these tasks. That is also written in C. The web server you're connecting to responds to the request and gives you the page. That web server is running either apache httpd or nginx, which are both in C. Later on, you go to check your email. Your email client is written either partially or completely in C. You most likely connect to an external server that stores your mail. That server needs special software to do its job, and there are often serveral options. To mention a few, Postfix is in C, Sendmail is in C, Exim is in C, OpenSMTPD is in C, and Dovecot is in C. What if you want to transfer a file at some point? FTP? The standard FTP/SFTP clients are in C. vsftpd is in C. pureftpd is in C. profptd is in C. NFS? nfs-utils are in C. SMB? Samba is (at least in part) in C. Need to connect to something over secure shell? ssh client and daemon are in C.
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