With Google AMP is the future of the www a future without javascript?
With Google AMP is the future of the www a future without javascript?
>AMP (((JavaScript))), which manages resource loading
OP are you still here or did the shock of Jewgle jewing kill you?
Amps propaganda machine seems to be working overtime lately
It strips the JavaScript down to a very slim package and serve the website from Google servers so it's really fast. I don't know what to think of it but if I learned anything from past it's that Google uses this so spy on your browsing habits out of the search engine.
Your own AMP pages aren't allowed to have javascript in them, retard.
It won't have javascript, only amp javascript for (((loading))) :^)
>le funny (((big nose markers)))
>>>Zig Forums
upboted my kekistani brother!
your memes are stale you nigger faggot, you belong in the oven with all the kike loving donald qtards
Still waiting for something like PPAPI to completely eliminate JS. From the elimination of plugins, to Chrome/Firefox's retarded WebExtensions, the quest to eliminate access to native assembler in browsers is a constant impediment to performance and usability, with no real security benefits.
So elitist you are disassociating yourself from your comrades huh? Good going you have there fucking moron.
>>>Zig Forums
The fuck is your first language, pajeet?
Wow, Google® AMP™ truly is the future of the Internet! Like so many hip and trendy web developers, I lack the self-control needed to not fill my web pages with worthless bloat, which is why I choose to load my resources using AMP™ scripts and serve my pages through Google®'s AMP™ cache! Google® AMP™: the framework of the future.
Yes, of course. I'm sure it's a great idea to let random websites download and automatically and silently execute native code on your processor. Internet isn't cucked enough, you see.
Sandboxing for random untrusted code is a solved problem, and the ability to completely disable sandboxing for certain trusted code would yield even greater speed. Writing everything in interpreted slowscript, especially all targeting the same handful of publicly documented interpreters, doesn't give you any security benefit.
Google AMP — A 70% drop in our conversion rate.
Amp is literally made in JavaScript you fucking mong
I find it funny how amp pages wouldn't even load on my ancient botnet tablet because it didn't support the newer webkit features.
If we didn't have javashitting everything up, all pages would be "accelerated".
Ahh. Is that why car weight has increased so much over the last century too?
TBF, doing some things clientside is a perfectly fine idea, now that the power of computers has grown so much compared to network speeds (not to mention its even greater necessity for p2p). It's just that:
1. It's difficult or impossible to ignore or customize superfluous formatting in pages, whether done with scripting or not, because the entire structure of the web since the first browser without an integrated WYSIWYG editor has betrayed the "separation of presentation and content" ideal on which all SGML-derived document formats were based.
2. Many things that can be done through native browser features, or even within the HTML/CSS specs themselves, are needlessly reimplemented as scripts. Just like how modern browsers themselves ignore native OS features and external libraries to implement everything from GUI chrome to media decompression in JS/HTML/CSS
3. For desirable features reliant on scripting, there is no capability on most pages to opt out and make the server do it, if you're using a thinner client.
4. Even as lightweight interpreted scripting languages go, JS is a fucking abomination literally thrown together in a week, used solely out of inertia, and has only gotten worse in both user implementation and development culture since then.
Are you really sure about that? Ever heard of Spectre or Intel(R) Meltdown(TM)?
The level of vulnerability is identical to an interpreted language running in a buttcode VM, the only difference is the heavier weight and slowness of non-native code.
You must be one of them special types of retards.
(you;r)e waiFu a sluT
Still waiting for HTML, CSS and JavaScript to be ditched altogether and be replaced with something like PostScript.
I don't think you know what you're talking about.
A web consisted of binary vector graphics instead of executable plain text garbage.
Postscript is Turing complete, newfag. Even PDF, as shit as it is, is less bad than PS (of course, that's until you add the pooscript). There's currently no good vector graphic format, except maybe CGM.
Obviously not, since AMP requires a big blob of javascript from Google to function. A big blob of javascript which can only be served by Google, because if you try to download the AMP js and host it yourself, your AMP pages will no longer pass validation and get the ostensible benefits of AMP like higher Google search ranking.
It's “something like PostScript”, not “PostScript”. Learn to read, nigger.