The LibreOffice team is STILL salty about Libbie

From the Leddit AMA:

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Gee, I wonder who they mean.

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The poo in the loo plagiarism owl, presumably, would have had exactly the kind of diverse appeal they were looking for - too bad those wretched Gamergaters shut that down :^)

Let's not forget, there WAS a prize for winning. And giving it to the poo would have been good PR in the eyes of LO.

You sure we can take credit for that? I thought it was mostly Tyson's Twitter followers?

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Shitty of them to hold a grudge. On the brightside, Tyson has said he plans to bring Libbs back for his stuff AND she and Kiki are getting cameos in Freedom Planet 2.

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Anyone have a link to the archive?

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Asshurt is what he is. We tore his team a new asshole when they opened their Booru.

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I swear to god that reply has been posted before. Did they make a stock copypasta just for Libbie questions?

I recall the bit quoted being used.

Here's one:

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Gracias, user~

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This seems to be the halfchan archive. There's some stuff here we're missing in ours. I'll combine them later.

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One thing I can't seem to find anymore is the original "gayest, most pointless comspiracy" post. The one with Kaiju huddled around a computer.

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nobody likes you and the art is ugly

Should be pic related.

It's the largest archive I had that was mostly just libbie focused. I have another one that's more meme and screenshot related.

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Didn't mean to sage

Nice to see you're still around, metafag~

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I hesitate to ask, but what did Dolus post?

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meant for

Jesus... The anniversary is just a few months away!

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Not really. The people who would have sperged over having a cute mascot are the type who are using MS Office anyway.


I personally don't think Libbie would have won, but lets not forget how obviously rigged that shit was.

If they didn't want a lewd mascot, you'd think they would pick the otter.

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Libbie was hands-down the best candidate, it was a complete non-contest. She had actual research and effort put into her, provided a set of variations for every application. I mean, what was the alternative? Yet another owl, penguin or hummingbird? Even without us she would have won.

That tail looks like a penis, cismale shitlord.

It is a penis.

Why does everything need to be a fucking circle?

Because the circle is the ultimate shape. It encompasses the most space with the least perimeter. Therefore it is efficient. All points are the same distance from the center. Therefore, it is egalitarian. It is the manifestation of the constant pi. We should all try to be more like the circle.

Circles aren't an efficient use of space.

Daily reminder that they very easily could have sidestepped the faux public vote and left it up to an internal poll to choose one of the hundreds of technicolor hummingbirds and/or owls they received to be the mascot.

Daily reminder that this was a complete waste of time for everyone involved and only demonstrated the LibreOffice team's disregard for their community's choices.

Not me. I have no problem with Libbie and think she's a qt3.14. I just don't like diaperfur-tier anons because they make the rest of us look bad.

I like the idea of Libbie more than her design. I understand the triangle-heavy reasoning but she always looked so overcomplicated and ugly. To be honest the community has done a better job with Libbie than the creator, and I suppose that's a glowing commendation for open source.

It was a lazy Krita squirrel ripoff anyway.

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>made by a bisexual? chinese guy
I can't help but laugh at their hypocrisy.

You did see the other candidates right? Other than the anime girl one, most of them were horrendously awful.

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Sexualisation of anthropomorphic animals is fine with me. That doesn't make me a furry. I'd rather die than join a discord.

I wouldn't be so sure about that. Anyway, what's Discord got to do with this?

You've never met a furry.

I actually have. And he was a dragonfag as well- the backgrounds on each and everyone of his devices was some semi-lewd gay dragon shit. And this was in a computer class as well.

Which kind of computer class?

One about computer networking/server-ish stuff. Not sure if that fits the stereotype more or less.

More likely Joogle Docs over their gayPad.

You reek of newfag, you know that? Stop trying to fit in so hard.

You realize Tyson Made kiki too, right? This is like complaining Oswald the Lucky Rabbit looks too much like Mickey Mouse.

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Wasn't Oswald designed by U.B. Iwerks while Mickey was designed by Walt himself?

The LO/Libbie threads actually gave tech a little bit of life for a couple months. And 3/4 of the OC they generated isn't even lewd. And of the ones that are, I do not recall a single diaper...

Basically, like Kiki, Libbie doesn't really appeal to western furfags because her design is too cute and clean. They prefer shit to look like it came from a fucking Don Bluth cartoon.

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Oswald was a colab, but Walt gave the final ok.

Everybody likes to talk about when Mickey goes into the public domain (won't matter much because Disney has trademarks all over him), but what about Oswald.

Didn't Disney lose the rights to Oswald for 80-something years? I remember them making a big deal about it when Epic Mickey released.

IIRC Walt drew the original sketch of Mickey and Iwerks just polished it up and made it into his own style. Whereas Oswald was made entirely by Iwerks. Hence why they both look so similar. It was Iwerks signature style that people often misattribute to Walt himself. You can see Walts style poke through more going into the later 1930s Disney movies and to a lesser extent in his earliest work which he did for Laugh-O-Gram Studio before moving to LA in the early 1920s

The Disney Company owns all rights to Oswald now so probably never

Oswald entered into Universal Studios hands after Iweks left Disney in the 1930s and the Disney Company eventually bought it back from them

THey bought the rights back. For a long time, Oswald belonged to the studio that made Woodie Woodpecker.

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Disney has said since there are some things that would be coming into the public domain soon under the current law, they had no plans to lobby for another extension. They also know they can keep Micky tied up with trademarks, so there isn't really much of a need.

All Steamboat going into the public domain will effectively mean is that you will be able to share copies of that one Micky cartoon. Try to make anything original out of it, and they'll do to you what the Edgar Rice Borroughs estate did to Dynamite Comics over Deja Thoris.

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since there are things they'd like to use (for free) coming into the public domain*

They started to turtle up on the topic not long after the question was asked:

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D-did he just ADMIT that the votes never mattered!?

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There used to be a ton of furries in networking, the "make the internets go" was pretty accurate. But they've been replaced by turkroaches and their pajeet assistants.

I was going to say that India probably has their fair share of furfags given the billion+ population, but it looks like that may just be a westerner/east asia thing. Unless the furjeets have their own site for that of course.

But yeah, those H1B! visas brought in a lot of Turks and Indians it seems. Wonder how long it'll take for the third world to start lusting after cartoon animals?

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When they stop being able to fuck real ones, I imagine.

Because circles are vogue for computer icons. The clearly delineated shape makes them look "neater" I guess. It's a fad, basically.

They don't need to list themselves as furries, they just practice Hindu pooloo magic

It's like half the Hindu Dieties are Human chimeras of some kind. India can claim to be the first furfags.

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Monster girls != furry
Haven't you even been on 4/d/?

snout = furry

I head mixed signals
It seemed to be only about music, but no limitation to that, it feels like having another "allied" group asking for some extension so that Disney have its hands clean.

You're hung up on that post-1997 Furries-defined-by-Gay-Men-In-Fursuits definition. Before then, they were all about "animal heads", and Hindu characters made regular mentions in the likes of Rowrbrazzle.

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A lot of early religions are filled with animal-human hybrids, I guess Hinduism was one of the ones lucky enough to survive to the modern day

10/10, I think the LO team found their new mascot.

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Funny you should mention that...

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Not directly, but the implication is there.

Isn't the main character of that series a slave owning confederate officer?

They were pretty yiffy way before that. There was a huge amount of very modern furshit of Tiny Toons by 1992. But it was straight and free of Judaism (no scat). Then it started to go all Doug Winger by '94. And shortly thereafter it was pozzed.

The first 'adult' Anthro publication was Omaha The Cat Dancer, and it has heaps of Jews and had a Leftist slant (the Reagan era..) You're infected with a meme. Drink this.

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Too late, he successfully infected Zig Forums with furry, there is nothing borderline about that.
plus all those threads full of Kikki and Libbie art on this very board
That chink was subtle, most of the time.

This fucking thread, holy fucking shit its like being in /fur/.

You must be new here. This place has been pro-cute and marketable mascot since at least 2015.

Being pro-mascot does not equal going full furry, m8. I remember when Kikki was still pure around these places.

That shit was niche, probably only circulating in the gay nightclub you went to. Furry on the internet was pretty straight until about '94. Demoscene artists started drawing it around '92, I was there for this and watched it spread.

Kiki IS still pure.

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Thanks user, my sides ascended to Heaven and the Catholic church has granted them sainthood.

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I think Libbie should have a transformation kind of power like turning black (libbie math) or red (impress)

still waiting for the lewd Libbie X Kiki romcom-sitcom

I prefer this idea:

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Thank god. There are way too many disgusting furry mascots in tech.

Damn straight, chum! Let's have 'em churn out more generic anime moeblobs which you can't even tell apart without using a magnifying glass!

Who gives a shit what the normalfags think she's a cute mascot don't let fur fag degenates ruin her

What the fuck does an Anthropomorphic Oryx even represent? I mean the furry community aren't even into it and they don't even like Kiki, Libbie or even catgirls at all. They want the SNOUT and the YIFF (dunno what it means).
Libbe did nothing wrong!
(at least we got libbie fanarts and lewds)

is it a sin if I hate Libbie's hair?
I mean, every time I draw her is a pain in the ass to deal with it.

It's good enough that you are producing content. God bless.

The only people using LibreOffice are people who voted for libbie or EU government employees that are forced to use it by law. The mascot wasn't going to chase off suits because they already think it's a joke and use office365.

My siblings use it because fuck wasting money on an (((Office 365))) subscription.

It's an art skill of it's own to have a sameface across snakes and goats.

thanks. but I feel pretty rusty.

also Am I the only one that everytime that read LO thinks in the magazine instead of LibreOffice?

It's fucking expensive imho. how do they get away with this kind of scam.

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Thanks user, new Libbie fanart is always appreciated. Hopefully I can contribute some Libbie vidya soonish.
Borderline monopolies and normalfags not knowing any alternatives besides Google Docs.

Fuck Yeah!
Finally might draw some Libbie prn again...


Not to mention a horrible sense of composition, anatomy and a toddler's comprehension of depth.

What a chad.

I'm not talking about Tyson, I'm talking about the mentally challenged toddler with the shitty, gratuitous line art because he can't contour for shit. But, for the record, Tyson's illustration itself was rough, not because of his technical inability so much as he doesn't know how to vector.