Emacs hate thread: Eternal summer edition

Why hasn't someone designed a modern editor with the functionality of emacs, but without the legacy cruft and shitty rendering support. Yes it works, it gets the job done, and while it is hard to put a finger on it, it feels like a piece of junk. VIM is equally retarded so don't even suggest that to me. If your next idea is to suggest Eclipse or anything electron based, gas yourself immediately.

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Give Neovim a shot. In particular this part:

Neovim does the right thing by decoupling the GUI from the actual editor. Instead, the GUI is just another application which communicates with a headless Neovim instance over a well-defined API. You can swap GUIs like you change your underwear, or even embed Neovim in an existing editor or IDE.

It has much better rendering support than most, though. It even supports proportional fonts that actually work.

Has neovim settled on a nice way to organize packages? When I used vim, it was an absolute mess. I want a central registry, and the ability to automatically update.

The other problem with vim is that most of the packages are quite shitty compared to emacs. Other than the language, the only thing good about staying with emacs is the quality of the surrounding language modes.

Guess how many plugins I have for vim.


Just use nano or gedit you complete autist.

To be fair, that does depends on what you do.
I've never really liked the nest of keybindings you get from vim+tmux.

I must say, gedit is a very fine editor these days. In fact GNOME 3.28 as a whole is getting to a level of comfy that OSX Snow Leopard had.

Define nice...
There is the official Vim website as a central repo, but no one uses it. Vim Awesome lists plugins, but all the info is extracted from the GitHub repo. The plugins are manually added to the website, so it's not just scraping GitHub blindly. No idea if that is what you have in mind.
The current package managers can do that. I use Vim-Plug and I only need to run :PlugUpdate to get my packages updated.
There is also a manager (I forgot the name) which runs outside Vim, so you can set up a cronjob or something for updating your plugins. Vim plugin managers are really just git on autopilot, there isn't much to them.

To be fair, Emacs has quite a headstart in that regard. Emacs was designed with scripting in mind based on the experience with TECO, while scripting in Vim was like an afterthought added in Vim 5.0. There is a reason why people want to use other languages like Python for scripting Vim.

However, Vim's idea of "lol, just recompile the entire thing when you want to add a language" led to most of these alternative languages rotting away. Neovim has done the right thing by making these languages external. If you like Lisp you can now script Neovim using Common Lisp, Racket or Clojure:

All of these are just retrofitted to the editor. It will take some time for people to begin making actual use of these features.

That doesn't mean much. I have almost 50 plugins for Neovim. I did not use a recommended list of plugins, I picked each one myself (or wrote it myself) for various purposes.


But user javascript is a lisp, we can make a good editor with the power of electron!

Someday it will come in handy. For example if you wanded to know what the date of Wednesday next week, you could do it with M-x calendar.

i use geany. pretty comfy editor


Attached: i-wonder-who-could-be-behind-this.png (1520x1080, 1.73M)

I don't get how you people even compare Vim to Emacs. One is an editor that you open to just edit some text and the other one is a way of life.

What makes emacs bad is:
* slow piece of shit
* fragmenting even more the lisp ecosystem instead of using something already used
* mandatory elips config file
* the "my editor is an OS" retardation

Honestly, I use it only because it can do terminal and GUI and because of all the packages (especially LSP support and auctex).

Just use Spacemacs if you want to complain

Or, you know, have a calendar that doesn't depend on electricity.

Emacs is a way of life, but so is prostitution. Both are hard to feel good about.

Emacs doesn't even have, nor use configuration files.



What is .emacs(.el)?

Not necessary, you fucking moron.

.vimrc isn't necessary either

Fuck off, this is low IQ attempt at baiting someone so you can spout, "The lisp philosophy is that code is data". You know damn well what the guy means, and init / .emacs are literally used by Emacs to store all the (custom-set-variables crap, as soon as the user makes a single customization.

While not explicitly mandatory - you could even ignore it at startup, let's also not pretend you're going to get much use out of emacs without customizing a single option, or requiring a single package.

It's an init file. It's a elisp program which is ran when you start emacs. If you don't really don't want to waste time running it, you can run it once and dump core and make a new emacs binary that has your changes saved.

Nope, I'm just arguing that an init file is not a config fiile. The init file can not only customize your emacs, but also extend it's functionality.
If you think that the init file is a config file, then you must also think that all emacs packages are just config files.

I've used config files to enable plugins and hence extend functionality.
Checkmate tardo.