Is it time to switch to rust?
C++ even more pozzed!
The contact form isn't captcha'd, feel free to write a python script to spam the fuck out of them.
it's time to jump off a bridge rustnigger
Who are we?
#include is a global, inclusive, and diverse community for developers interested in C++. Here, you can find a welcoming space to learn and discuss C++. We also provide resources to create safer, more inclusive, community gatherings.
We believe that a community is only as good as how it treats its most vulnerable members. Therefore, we strive to create a welcoming, safe, and accessible environment. You can find our code of conduct here.
The moderation and administration team are Patricia Aas, Simon Brand, Noam Chitayat, Guy Davidson, Timur Doumler, Kate Gregory, Adi Shavit, Fred Tingaud, and others.
What do we do?
We are still in the process of getting set up, but we plan to provide the following:
A set of resources on diversity and inclusion.
An inclusive, welcoming space for people to discuss and learn C++.
We have a Discord server which you can join through this link.
A toolbox for C++ conferences to improve diversity and inclusion.
Help for conferences in reaching minority groups with calls for papers, and suggesting candidates to invite to speak.
Help for companies in improving their C++ job advertisements to improve appeal to minority groups.
Help for minorities and junior programmers in submitting talks for conferences or job applications.
let's see, first one definitely isn't a jew.
next up has a perfectly normal aryan nose
this one names himself.
another perfectly normal aryan nose
another surprise. I've never seen this many pure blooded aryan's support this. also notice they are all "speakers" but only if there's a code of conduct.
this guy skillfully does not post a profile picture but does post a background picture of him speaking, which is all these people do apparantly, speak at conferences shilling diversity instead of actually writing code.
another perfectly aryan nose and name. nothing to see here my fellow whites.
and last but not least, another strong aryan nose. no jewish influence here at all.
Good work digging that up.
Nice thread. I'm so happy that we are constantly having on-topic threads. God forbid if Zig Forums infiltrated us.
it's amazing that they couldn't get atleast 1 token shitskin or nigger in on this. they are blatantly all jews.
Her last name means "carrion" in German.
She kinda looks like a Jew but isn't she from Norway? They're basically black haired white skinned potato niggers up there, right?
Ha ha, the technojews be triggered.
When faggots like this use words like that, it's fucking disgusting. Even more disgusting when these faggots run hiring processes that auto-disqualify you for using the same buzzwords they use to describe themselves. It also helps that they have such punchable faces.
Why are these people so downright possessed by ideology? It's Incredible how they made a profession out of pushing social justice onto the tech community. Still, some of them seem like they at least used to program, what made them change?
Being good at programming is way tok hard for those women.
Apparently properly writing is too hard for you.
So what if I made a typo? Kill yourself.
Attacking the community, I see.
whoops, that comma mistake would get me 10 years to life in the UK.
beware of the eternal anglo
or worse, if /g/ infiltrated us!
And it will work because the people running the conferences that actually attract people are amenable to SJW causes. Your typical 1488 Zig Forums conference only gets 20 people and that's because the other 20 doesn't want to upset their mommies (and get kicked out of the basement) and another 20 is on board with the idea but find the whole nazi LARPing thing cringy.
The problem is that too many fucking people are brainwashed.
Oh look a bunch of faggots who are completely irrelevent, LET'S MAKE THEM RELEVENT
Kate is actually a woman and she's pretty good at what she does.
wtf i love She/her now.
Sage for double post, she has a PhD in computer science and she is/was part of the C# dev team.
did she work on .NET too?
I don't know, sorry.
well i'm glad he helped bring C# into the world because C++ is not nearly bloated enough
What was she actually before?
Fucking based, I want to marry this woman.
Daily reminder that C does not have such thing.
Daily reminder Dennis Ritchie died in 2011 and nobody knows that C17 even exists, nor should they.
I didn't think this was real. Is twitter just a platform for virtue signalling?
Every day we stray further from the light of god.
Another picture from the side. The nose bump in the photo threw me off a bit, but the side profile reveals.
You guys might want to actually learn something about racial anthropology.
The only way these people will go away is if they are either all killed or their masters are killed. Sadly the white man has all but given up. They can't talk to each other in fear of losing their jobs. They can't make friendships as you're forced to work 8 hours a day for nothing. They can't make money because their jobs are being replaced by shitskins. And they can't fight back because fighting back ironically gives more ammo to the oppressors. This is among the worst times to live. You can't even endure with otherothers in fear of being shamed and losing everything. You're forced into bottling it up forever. Change needs to happen and I know it won't come. Death please come as we need you.
no, it's time to switch to C, assuming you even had a valid reason to be using C++
I thought people were joking but "inclusive" is seeming more and more like "openly prejudice" every day. These people are taking no shame in publicly stating that they treat people differently based on their skin, sex, sexuality, geographical background, etc.
There's literally no other way to look at this. This is like affirmative action but applied to more groups. I wonder if they do this on purpose to be sly or are just ignorant to the actual effects this has on the groups they target.
This really is a sad thing to see rise in popularity. In a field that legitimately anyone can participate in, people are trying yet again to insert dividers. No longer "programmer", you must prefix yourself so that you can be appropriately sorted. gay latino programmer, white female programmer, asian transgender programmer. Make sure you label yourself up front so that people can impose their biases on you, don't just be a union of people under the same banner.
I hate to witness this.
Good on you for admitting is right by not bringing forward a single fucking thing to refute him. Not that I'd agree with either of you retards
While Aas is a German word I can't remember it to be a German name.
Mr. Zuckerberg isn't German either despite his last name being sugar mountain
kys yourself
lol kys
Yes, time to switch to Rust.
The most dangerous sociopaths are the ones who organize and terrorize, likely driven by horrible undiagnosed illness feeding off of each others enrgy.
For those who don't know, kikes adopted "german" surnames to better trick the goyim, hence goldberg, etc, a common mistake is to assume all german names ending in berg are jewish but they're not.
This, but also, we don't need phenotype analysis when they're spewing demoralization propaganda. Even aryan whites get the rope for that.
Is that how Zig Forumsacks spell "because they lived in Eastern Europe"?
Why not Ada?
They had their real surnames already and the ones they adopted didn't exist beforehand.
BTW Leah Rowe finally got vagina.
she looks like a fuckíng dude
last 4 digits of my post constitutes my jewish name
now rolling
Menodonai Bergenfeld
just jew my shit up
Go back to /g/
Rollin but in my case the last 4 digits reversed cos otherwise we all get named Menodonai.
This, but unironically.
Six-digit donation from Intel/Google/Mozilla/whoever coming in 3... 2... 1...
I do.
it's as if you've never met a jew
Take the D pill boys.
Which is what makes it a Jewish name. Jews always have these weird names no one else has. For instance, Sussmann is derived from Süßmann, which means "sweet man". You'll never meet a German who is called sweet man.
You should have explained why this relevant instead of measuring how long their noses are.
have a good read btw:
sure kiddo
Aas is an ordinary non-Jewish Norwegian/Swedish name coming from ås, meaning "Ridge", related to the English "esker". The German word Aas is not related to the Norwegian name. I'm astounded that you never considered that the same combination of three letters might be a different word in different languages, or that you think anybody would pick the equivalent of "corpse" as their last name willingly.
Not everything is the Jews, you fucking tinfoil hat retards.
Except shit like this. You seem upset Shlomo.
Bump! Tell me about the Jew! Why is he infiltrating the Zig Forums?
This is just another attempt to ruin worker's rights by saturating the job market with C++ codelets and paying programmers minimum wage, and increasing demand for gig economy coding as employment. All hail the future.
They might be Jews. I'm not saying that they aren't, but Aas is not a Jewish name just because it also happens to be a German word. It's not even a German name at all. There are a lot of words in the German language, and many names from other languages will happen to be German words as well, especially shorter ones.
You don't have to be Jewish to be irritated that everybody assumes that all German names are Jewish. There are Germans who aren't kikes, and in this case, this person isn't a German at all. Hate the Jews all you want, just don't be retarded about it. Use your fucking brain, you mongoloid.
Here in Norway Patricia is an uncommon first name, but Aas is a common and a very Norwegian surname. Not that I don't find the other stuff suspicious.
t. Snownigger
Patricia Ass Requires Cock. What's the problem here?
2 reasons.
1, they grew up in this shit. Their entire life experience is this kind of pozzed dystopian nightmare. To them it's not an ideology it's just how life is. Same way you don't question eating pork or chicken, what is just is.
2, look at them. They're ugly fuckers with no value in life. The only way these people will ever be top of the food chain is if they melt the entire chain down into a puddle. They have to subvert everything good in a society or they sit at the bottom of it. Drugs aren't degenerate they're cool and hip. Beautiful women aren't attractive, slobs with neon hair are. Men aren't the best and most productive, they're all rapists (except me, I'm not). Their only hope in not being trailer trash tier is subverting everything. They can live on top for a few years while it all collapses but that's better than living at the bottom forever. Live fast, die young sort of mentality.
Jesus Christ nigger, you couldn't identify an actual Jew if your life depended on it. Whites can be cucks as well and support shit like this, like it or not.