Anyone's thoughts? I think apple will already have dirt on the Turkish president and his government so its kinda retarded..
Turkey to boycott apple
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Turkey? That's a country?
Turkeys economy is literally collapsing right now as a result of Trumps tariffs so this is probably just damage control from their government. The roaches couldn't afford Apple shit even they wanted too at this point.
They could afford Apple shit, Turkey was a big customer of US networking products as well which has us worried in tech. But their current dictator elected president has gotten them into trouble trying to play three sides at once. You can't try to simultaneously be partnered with the US, Iran/Russia, and EU/ISIS. Maybe he wanted to be like North Korea and position the country as the untouchable middle ground between superpowers and fugged it up.
Turkey is trying to do what China did, use their large consumer market as leverage to turn Apple against the U.S. government.
It's just our retarded president trying to pull some bullshit to please his retarded voter base. These faggots turned me from a nationalist into a literal commie in a matter of years so yeah, you are doing God's work anons. Godspeed. Props to Trump.
Roaches vs faggots. Nice.
Are you retarded? How does that even work? Do you believe in equality of all people and equal distribution of goods?
Are you a faggot too?
Doesn't matter, OP. Turkey has no big influence on the tech market. If it had a big influence on apple that would be great. The apple jew ship has to think at some point.
Apple is producing in China. That's why China can tell them what to do.
Turkey can't do shit other than disallowing import which has no significant influence anyway.
Yes, isn't that how it supposed to work, am I missing something here?
Look if you know you get the exact same shit as everyone else. NO ONE WILL DO ANYTHING AND YOU'RE ALL GONNA STARVE
The only working socialism that has ever achieved the opposite is national socialism
Yes user I'm perfectly aware. We were trying to tell this to Erdogan's voter base for years now, how our economy is extremely fragile and things should change. Some Tweets and threats from Trump was enough to crush our economy and I'm just content with being proven right for once. Let me enjoy the burning scenery.
Discussing this would derail the thread so lets not get into that. Actually, the thread itself doesn't belong to Zig Forums so I don't even have a clue why is it still up.
Chinks may not be roaches, but they're still bugmen. China can't tell Apple to do shit, China needs Apple producing shit there more than Apple needs China, Apple can outsource literally anywhere else if they have to and China knows that, that's why China is allowing Apple to outsource there. That said, China didn't say they had to do jack shit about all the bootleg Apple shit coming from there either
Does he have one? Our roaches during that election talked like they knew they were just mailing their vote to a trash can.
No. Apple is fully under their control Amerifag
Forget about your pride and think about it.
All production facilities are there.
Without them Apple would be done for instantly.
They don't have any great software people would want on other OSs, so the business relies entirely on selling hardware with eye candy OSX on top to normies.
They can't even make a user base on other devices because they disallowed OSX from being installed on anything but apple hardware.
There is a high suspicion of voter fraud. Most pre-election polls predicted Erdogan would lose just by %1. Not to our surprise, he managed to find %2 of votes for himself somewhere, I wonder how he did that. There were some unregulated ballot boxes in East provinces so most likely he stole them there.
>Our roaches during that election talked like they knew they were just mailing their vote to a trash can
Majority of votes that came from other countries were pro-Erdogan (%64 if memory serves right), especially from European countries like Germany.
America and Canada voted left during our election so I assume you are from there.
I brought up actual facts and you bring up 'muh pride' and 'would be done for guys!' nobody cares about your melodramatic rant you fucking Chink. the way Apple runs their business, guess what? Is all Apple decisions. They don't need China, but China definitely needs them. Trump is now floating around the idea of kicking China out of the WTO, I hope he does, the Yuan is even more worthless than the fucking Peso as long as the central bank keeps manipulating it
Other user.
Would like to mention that the turks in Germany can vote him too.
Also, Apples chips themselves aren't even made in China, they're made in Taiwan. Retards the lot of you
I'm not a chink.
China needs no one and if a lot of chinks starve their goverment would probably be happy about it too.
They had a one child policy and the greatest massacre on earth fighting themselves thanks to the jews
Not the full truth as you can see
>The exact location of the factories has not been identified. Apple has factories which supply parts in Taiwan, Singapore, Thailand, the U.S., the Czech Republic, Malaysia and the Philippines, but most of its products are assembled in China.
Sadly they can. We need stop this nonsense. Why should someone have a say in Turkish politics if he is not even living here. This is just plain bullshit if you ask me.
*need to
Key word assembled you illiterate fuck. Apples motherboards are shit out of TSMC (Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company). Apples screens also come from Korea, China literally only uses their slave labor to put it all together
Are you a Germanon like?
Auch Deutscher?
*like me
Nah I live in Turkey. Sorry to disappoint.
However you can't change production location within a day and if apple doesn't want to have get fucked over by the government they have to adhere to what they say. For example: apple does censorship for China. Maybe not in the US but in Taiwan you can't see anything anti-ccp china
We'll ship back your brothers and sisters soon.
Hope your ready to teach them Turk lang
Majority of them are Erdogan voters so I'd rather have you keep them in Germany. Yikes.
No backtalk. Your people, your responsibility.
N-no. You took them after Germany collapsed. They are on your hands now.
No. Our parasitic amijew rulers brought them in after we had rebuilt everything by ourselves
Imagine being this deluded. German economy wouldn't have recovered if not for the workers we sent during that period. A considerable amount of your manpower were killed because some maniac thought he could capture most of Europe.
Also this is not about who did what but that they'll never be at home here. It just doesn't work. They're often bilingual and have and make tons of problems.
You may not understand living over there in Turkey but imagine a lot of German people living in your country, mostly paid for by your money you worked for, not speaking your language properly, randomly hitting Turks, living as lower class as the result of this. Would you want that? I don't.
I'm sorry to tell you but your "temporary" workers weren't temporary and they came after the rebuilding was done.
The official lie was that they are necessary economy not the rebuilding and that too is untrue.
Foreign low skilled people always cost more than they make for the economy. Same is true for any other country.
Also Germans don't calculate workforce in men. Every generation of German makes more than the one before. The reason why we aren't living the dream is because of high taxation and regulation. The state takes more and more and that's why we're forced to produce more and more per person because otherwise we can't uphold our living standard (like eating normally etc not going to MCDonalds for regular meals like fat amis)
This also results in our low birthrate because children eat and we can barely finance ourselves. Germany isn't a rich country. At least not for Germans
*necessary for the
I do agree that populations can't properly integrate into foreign cultures even after many generations. We have the exact problems with millions of Syrian immigrants we took just recently, I can honestly relate with problems you stated throughout your post.
Can't disagree with any of your points but say that you are right, it's just my shitposting spirit got the better of me in my last posts.
All good German men died in that war. It was repopulated by cowards and women.
Do you know why I've continued this conversation with you? It's entertaining. You're like a wind up toy, I twist you up and zoom zoom away you go.
You think you are being sly, but I know exactly what you are doing. You are stabbing in the dark seeking to hit one of my principles that you can use against me (Alinsky's Rules for Radicals #4: "Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules." )
Time for a real talk, Commie.
I'm part of a new breed of Conservative and that should make you very afraid. We read your rulebook and we abandoned our principles for preferences.
Let me explain. I'm an advocate for property rights. That's my preference. But if you are a Marxist that advocates for communal rights, then I have no problem with seizing all of your property and redistributing it to all the non-Commies in the community. That's your rule, not ours. We just apply your principles directly to you and not to ourselves. It's what you wanted, after all.
We have no shame, no guilt. Your prodding to find the truth of me revealed nothing. And if you had gotten something right, like say, accusing me of being a "narcissist", I would have simply said "Yeah, so. I'm a narcissist and I will always be right and you will always be wrong because you are a fuckin' Commie."
The only shame I personally feel is being blinded to your Marxist agenda for most of my life. How I could I have been so deceived by your agenda for equality? I thought you wanted equal opportunity, but in reality you wanted equal outcome regardless of effort. Realizing that deception filled me with a antithetical rage against your ideology.
You want to suppress hate speech? Fine, even as a #FreeSpeech advocate, I will apply your rules to you and unplatform you, unperson you and silence your every poisonous word.
We are the producers, we don't need you. You need us. In the grand scheme of things, if society wiped out all the producers, all of you leeches would starve and die in your perfect utopia. But if your scourge was wiped from the planet, the burden your kind brings to bear on society would be lifted.
And the icing on the cake is that you have no plan to fight against our evolved mindset. You risk everything, just as we do, because your very existence is a threat to any principle we might have been beholden to to begin with.
It's "Us vs Them" and we choose "Us".
The redditspacing spoils the pasta imo.
Reddit spacing happens if you copy paste shit and don't fix it afterwards.
It's a great indicator of faggots that are copy pasting their replies from a script
shoo shoo dirty animal
fuck off cunt
It's called election fraud you fucking imbecile. Stop listening to Trump, voter fraud is a highly inefficient method of cheating and is mainly just a pretense for voter suppression.
good but will this even stop anyone from buying apple crap in practice? can they still just order it from a selection of 1 million websites?
this meme is cancer. it's too obvious that you're trying too hard to come up with an insult, just like shitskins. it makes everyone on this board look like faggots
Fucking amerifags.
Here in Germany they openly talked about giving money (50€ if I remember correctly) on social media for every destroyed AfD vote.
FDP also made flyers with 50ct coins attached to them which said that they get 1€ if they vote FDP and another one if they get a friend to vote FDP.
Nothing happend to the people who did this.
Also only HALF of the population of which a lot aren't German to begin with get to say something because of the 5% rule.
Your (((real democracy))) you brought to everyone isn't that real.
Also if votes go missing or a irregularity is noticed NOTHING HAPPENS.
It's simply noted and that's it
stop getting your news from alex jonestein, retard. apple just opened up a hq in israel, it's not the chinese, it's israel. jonestein also says the chinese own hollywood, we both know who does.
In Germany don't they just shut down parties that threaten power? Like they had facebook pull PEGIDA's shit and their rallies and leaders get charged with things like 'incitement to hatred' for not wanting to accept rapefugees. It's like they don't even pretend to have fair elections. I figured the LibreOffice guy saw nothing wrong with discarding votes from people he didn't like because he's German.
You retarded? Chinks work with jews.
You think they'd slaughter each other just because they're chinks? They're not quite as shit as niggers.
Yes. The parties have to be of "democratic nature" which is up to them to decide but with the Alternative für Deutschland there is no real thing they can hold against them because of a fresh name and the consistent claim to be democratic and system adhering.
So they can't just shut the AfD down without officially declaring that it is still just america and the jews controlling us and that there is no democracy.
Heiko Tietze?
Whatever he is he IS WEARING BLACK BORDER GLASSES which has always been a warning sign.
He also retweets Grüne and Anti-trump-tweets on twitter.
The thing with Trump-hate in Germany by the media and the system-loyal people is that while Trump is an idiot, they only promote this fact in Germany because nationalism would harm their goal of destroying us (see Germans of which only some are jews with banners that say that Germans should die) and that is obviously only for idiots according to them
tl;dr it's not the German nature that drives him, he's just siding with (((them)))
forgot image
At least you lucky bastards got Syrian immigrants instead of "Syrian" immigrants we get.
I find it amusing that these countries use commercial products made by foreigners, rather than developing their own IT infrastructure. The work is already done for the most part.
When I read that Iran's nuclear equipment was hijacked and ruined BECAUSE IT HAD A WINDOZE VIRUS I was like 'dumb mud people.'
It started long before that, but the shithead Erdogan wanted a scapegoat and now they found US for that.
I'm a youngfag who has to use a macbook because my dad is one of those people and I fucking hate everything about apple
I put off updates as long as I will be allowed, if it were my choice I'd never ever do a system update but a month ago my dad forced me into it and it just completely broke everything I had going for me. High sierra replaced the 'all my files' folder with 'recents' and none of the settings or whatever for smart folder crap and search preferences can give you the same thing that 'all my files' did before. The stuff it actually seems to search through looks like its extremely limited in scope, if I download something I have to fucking open it before it shows up in recents which is unnaceptable and more
Did you not have a choice? Were you not able to convince him?
Back up your shit on something with a NON-Apple filesystem and install GNU/Linux. Install some beginner friendly distro. Whatever you chose, it can't get worse than Apple.
Had to work with an apple keyboard once. Had switched keys which was really frustrating and the apple mouse was "touch" and had NO MIDDLE MOUSE BUTTON.
Which one?
had no choice, pro
Those use Intel processors.
"Pro" isn't very specific as there are a lot of differenct "generations" and "models" of different "Mac Book Pro"s.
You should have no problems but you should look up whether your "Mac Book Pro" is x86_64/amd64 or x86 and install the correct distro version for your hardware.
Also don't make the mistake and burn it to a dvd.
Just burn it on a stick. That's fast and simple and works just as well.
There are many tutorials on it, for example:
If you don't wan't dual boot just skip the partition changing on OSX in the video and select "erase disk and install ubuntu" during install.
Pick whatever noob friendly distro you want. The GUI installers are all pretty similar. Just pick something modern for your modern hardware like Gnome or KDE.
If it's new it's probably x86_64.
* for 64-bit install 64-bit/x86_64/amd64
* for 32-bit install 32-bit/x86/i6XX
Installation is pretty similar see
Manjaro is the most popular distro at the moment btw.
I personally recommend you chose something that's not ubuntu even through the tutorial I posted shows how to install Ubuntu.
Canonical the company which develops Ubuntu is a piece of shit.
Isn't it supposed to be the other way around?
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
What is it like
With a 40 IQ?
Wait: Is this an AI bot rangegating thread? JTRIG testing their AI shitposting bots in the wild in this thread?
t. distrowatch fag
Try MX Linux or antiX
No. Stuxnet entered the iranian computer systems controlling the centrifuges because israel paid off an iranian scientist by promising rich rewards if he would betray his country. Which was a lie, he was couted, caught and hanged.
That stuxnet entered the iranian system was just a lie to try to add insult to injury.
holy shit, do you live in some sort of bubble isolated from the real world? In shithole countries in Latin America, there are people who go to slums and take niglets' ID away and/or load them up in trucks like cattle so they will vote a certain candidate (google "puntero político" and "clientelismo"). In other cases they'll offer free shoes, mattresses, or money for voting a certain way.
A radio in Argentina was caught broadcasting that they'd give free government issued IDs and welfare money to Paraguayans so they would re-elect the current governor the Formosa province for the 5th time in a row. Hell, even the dead 'vote' from time to time.
This also happens in certain parts of America. Our leftists got so much mileage out of it back in the 20s/30s that it even got a name: the political machine. They'd take illiterate germans and pretty much pay them as long as they voted for that politician. Think the kid that would bribe everyone with food/games during a student body election but on a much larger scale.
are you 12? for $10 you can get a 2GHz+ 2 core + machine with 4GB+ RAM.