Yada yada boy wonder. Right, but here's the interesting part:
This really shouldn't be possible. You don't see fuckups like this in small companies, how on earth can a company with a trillion dollar market cap do this? They can literally afford the best of the best whitest of the white scientists to make sure this shit is secure. And I'm supposed to believe a 16 year old broke through this? Look I was a smart 16 year old, half of you here probably are 16 -- some I assume are smart people, but a 16 year old still has plenty to learn, and with this guy's limited knowledge, still got through? This tells me it wasn't some sophisticated timing attack, or a cryptographic breakthrough, but Apple being insanely fucking stupid. Again.
But wait... there's more. So being a 16 year old, he got caught (which is why you're reading this)
So there we have it. Apple is logging the serial numbers of its users on a periodic basis and maintaining a history. Everyone here assumes that, but here is your confirmation. Also note that it is clearly done frequently enough that the FBI were able to correlate it to the VPN he was using, so it's unlikely a once every week, or once every update. Moral of the story is, that if you're using a fagbook, at least do your "hacking" from a VPN running inside a VM that is running an OS you can trust.
I absolutely guarantee he did not actually do any interesting exploits and just found one of their shitty passwords set by a low level employee or some basic social engineering.
Jacob Martin
You didn't use web proxies for that. That is in need of more web servers and security archive.is/RHWBT
If the Shitpostistani finished his opus magnum and uploaded it somewhere, maybe.
Aiden Smith
Rule #1 - no extra life.
Josiah Moore
Either one of his family member or relative/acquaintance is an employee. I doubt that kid bought those apple devices or maybe it was a gift from an employee relative who forgot to delete the "remember my password" dialog or he just shouldersurfed it.
Logan Perez
like nooky nook
Adam Kelly
Are you retarded my boy. Running it in a vm absolutely does nothing, omfg.
No. A VM (running trusted software) is orders of magnitude better, but the VPN connection needs to be made there, not on the host.
Perhaps when you're old enough to post here you'll know why.
Parker Adams
You do realize that the vm has to depend on the host os. The VM itself would never have enough privilieges to write to the real mmio'd network shit itself.
Also please no ageism.
Zachary Morales
The first two are obvious. What do you think a TCP/IP packet looks like? It doesn't matter where it originated from, they're not stamped with serial numbers or MAC addresses.
The reason the host+VPN is insecure, is that it's making background connections with the VPN IP to Apple, with username and S/N information. Simultaneously, that IP is being used for 'evildoer' stuff. That's why it is traceable.
The VM could get you in trouble if there is a possibility for a counter-attack, in which the remote target breaches your VM to reveal a real identity (not unheard of).
Kevin Diaz
Get the fuck out gramps
t. 13 year old
Michael Scott
Dude I don't believe you're conspicary crap, since someone who uses proprietary software deserves that, if something like that WOULD happen. But as I said it would make no difference. The fucking VM is a network bridge so when the VM sends a packet it would be handled like every packet from another application.
Do some proper research.
Aiden Kelly
No kidding. So what? You present no facts to refute what I've said. I can also tell from your reply that you have no idea what you're talking about. Since most criticism is self-critism, here's some pointers so you can "do some proper research." A VM can make a secure connection to a VPN (read about handshake protocols, and encryption), the host is then blindly passing along packets like every other piece of hardware the packet encounters from hop to hop (remember, you don't control these either).
Tell me where you're getting stuck and I'll help, but if you continue to be a moron we'll have to end this here.
Grayson King
you fucking idiot larpers you use only burner computers over long range directional wireless to open or cracked wifi, from concealment, always from a pseudorandom direction.
Jason Ross
This is actually the interesting bit.
Eli Garcia
Carson Nelson
Well, sometimes they are. They might still be. TCP initial sequence numbers are chosen via RNG and some government-tier spyware has used that to exfiltrate encrypted data. Your OS today is using RDRAND to fill those sequence numbers with "random" data. How do you know that ME isn't just encrypting a CPU ID and handing it to the TCP stack? If I was still a spook that's what I'd have done.
Xavier Morales
Do you have trouble following an argument?
Isaiah Clark
fuck off
Chase Butler
It is. It is much safer than to not (see ). It isn't the safest possible, but it's significantly better. If you disagree, it's because somewhere along the line you lack the understanding of how computers and networks operate.
Liam Parker
Because, I'm guessing that they literally store the auth-key along with your data in icloud, it's on purpose. Don't be surprised, the second version of firefox sync does the same damn thing, it's why I'm on Palememe running my own sync 1.1 server. I seem to remember apple giving up data that got a few major pirates in trouble, I guess this is how they do it.
As for the logging, this is how they do it, dribble news of it out in tiny artciles like this, so people don't rebel. I wonder if Snowden was theatre for this reason.
I want to believe this is trolling, like some kind of blanket campaign to distrupt the evil natzee known as 8ch, but really, what is his game? Shilling for apple? 90 iq and he believes what he says?
Depends if you're considering just this case of the serial number bullshit, which I think the guy you're talking to is.