Seriously, who ever approve this?

So apparently since many years now, everyone thinks that client based software is fucking obsolete and that the future is web-based applications that store everything into the cloud.

Seriously, how can people buy this kind of thinking?
Let's see the facts:

The only positive point that any computer with a internet browser and internet access could theorically access to the software. (Yeah, but good luck using top of the line internet services with a potato machine)

So, I know that there is not really any major company that ever published web-dependant software (except for authentification or register stuff) but the quantity of online things like Paint like applications or similar stuff makes me fear that one day, the corps will simply think that after subscription based software, the new way to go will be online-only software.
What? you haven't got 128Gb of RAM to burn on our internet dependant software that runs only on Chrome? Guess you will need a new computer, fag.

Attached: 30-Matrix2.gif (512x448, 133.45K)

A feedback loop consisting of carefully crafted targeted advertising resulting in brutal peer pressure in addition to normalfag propaganda networks preventing the acquisition of wrongthink/useful knowledge through circular patterns of pseudo-answers and values.
Some examples:
L-lunix is for 60 year old basement dwelling wizard hackers, I-I'm not smart enough therefore I use Windows 10 which is fine even though it sends all my info to the NSA on a daily basis. S-see that report on CNN where that one girl f-failed University because of U-ubuntu? S-some people may be fine with using Linux but I'm not one of them even though I never used it and only repeat the shit I see on the news. N-none of my friends use it anyhow and it can't even run games.
T-the cloud s-sure is convienient, I-I have all my shit accessible on all my devices and don't need to waste valuable drive space! My files are safe in the hands of Microdongs/Crapple/Amazion etc., my iPad might get hacked by one of those evil Russian hackers I've seen in the movies but those big, trusted companies are full of experienced computer experts they can surely avert any intrusions.
W-what? The cloud got hacked? Oh well, not that it matters. I didn't store anything illegal or interesting there anyhow, I am a good person with nothing to hide. Surely the hackers will see this and ignore my password, they stole like 6 million of them anyway so the chances of them going after me personally are quite small.

t. former normalfag

Attached: Terry_where_it_all_went_wrong.webm (1280x720, 1.39M)

but user, that's why we have CLOUD SECURITY, yes that's right, WHAT?, n-no, i-it isn't just regular security, listen, it has the word cloud on it so it's so that means it's 8 times better.

I'm sorry, I cannot contain my urge to shitpost

Some creatures will defend their version of reality to the death. Fuck telling the truth, I lie to blend in!


What are you going to do about it?

That's not the problem with cloud. Right now, you have tons of files spread across several devices. You want to harvest a lot of data, you have to hack each individual computer or device.

Imagine I have something on my computer, you really want my files. You have to find me first, find out what I'm running, etc. It's a pain in the ass.

Now imagine I have something in the cloud, you really want those files. You've already found me, I'm on a cloud provider. You know what the cloud provider is running, there's probably some CVEs out there. Not only that, but you get into the cloud, odds are you can get into several other people's files too.

Look at this cloud ownage.
You think someone could get 90GB of files off of several different computers? This was all made easier to hack because of the cloud. It's also significantly easier for governments to get access to user's files, too. Which is why you won't see them back away from the cloud, NSA, CIA, FBI, etc are all probably creaming themselves over cybersecurity shifting from

Pretty sure the NSA just skips that part. I bet Google and all major cloud providers are just littered with Mossad and "glowing" agencies.

Also notice that Dropbox, GDrive and Apple iCloud refuse to perform automatic client side encryption. "This would interfere with the functionality of our services", yeah I bet it would.

Cloud storage is ok in concept. The problem is none of the mainstream ones require you to generate a private key on your own computer (maybe even using their open source client) and only send encrypted files to their servers.

It's 100% possible and useful at that point. You'd just have to transfer your key to another computer. Phones would be slightly more difficult to setup.

This isn't done though because the majority of shit in tech is stuff they know they can get away with because even though it disregards common sense and is easy to implement it will possibly cut into the amount of money they can make off of it. The only people who will complain will be a small minority that will never hit the mainstream market.

Attached: output.gif (900x506, 5.84M)

This is slowly becoming not an issue. More people have internet access than do not, and before too long it'll be considered right next to electricity and water as basic utilities.

Only getting better over time.

Yeah just like enduser devices absolutely never get malware

Seriously user you sound like people that were around in Edison and Tesla's day about how this whole electricity thing is just a meme.

It would. How exactly does one dedupe and cache encrypted randomness? Storage is getting cheap, but it's not at the dirt-cheap levels that storing 900,000,000,001 individual encrypted copies of lolicatgirls.swf would require.

We've told you this multiple times.
The Cloud will consume everything. The big tech corps won this fight once and for all.

Absolutely nothing! There is a reason we are not negotiating how to push back against the Cloud, because we can't. It's over.

Exactly why surrender is the only viable option. There will be no protest or pushback. Nothing will change this reality. As we speak, our line of thinking is being bred out, and will be replaced with a population unanimously loyal to Google. It's over.

There will come a day when powerful hardware is only sent to cloud providers. The mainframe will make its return and your usage will be monitored.

I fucking swear Zig Forums are the only fucking people who realize this. They fucking won.

Funny how some cucks think this day will never happen. Cloud gaming is already being pushed hard and will become the standard in a few years.
It is only a matter of time now before your existence is connected to Google-Amazon servers.

see a therapist

This, remember to mock normies for being normies though. They deserve it.

You don't have to use the cloud or subscription apps or Windows 10. Normies might not say no, but you can take a stand.

GTFO with your blackpills.

It's one fucking autist sent here to demoralize. He does this in every thread, same posting style and everything.

We're not that important.

Yeah, I've seen this meme being pushed around for more than a decade now but it isn't everyone who thinks like that, just the fucking morons.

Attached: EyeOS-2.4.png (1280x800, 386.15K)

Protip: Centralized computing like mainframe computing is an ancient practice. What was old is new again.

If only I was making it up

Attached: 8b662af5111a843663c0f011b30802253930a1a219bec8c59fd523b858c49a45.jpg (1842x1772, 558.7K)

Why do you need powerful hardware? All the stuff we do today was done in the past on simple 8-bit computers. Granted, there wasn't any HD games or video players and other stupid shit like that, but there were games nonetheless, and you could make music and draw, and do word processing, and connect to other computers with a modem or serial cable. And if you had an Amiga you could even do some decent 2D animation.
I pity the fools who are addicted to the modern games and software. They are the ones who are stuck and willing slaves of the computer industry jews. The rest of us who got along fine on 80's computers will have a better future, without their lame botnet junk.

Attached: buid it yo.webm (640x360, 3.88M)

Self-host your cloud

Who says that people who like modern technology are slaves? What kind of slavery is involved in buying high-powered quick-processing computers?

Because you don't just "like" it, you simply can't conceive being stuck without it. That's the difference between a slave and a free man.

I reversed some hashed steam ids out of some "anonymized" telemetry data a few weeks ago. I did so via brute-forcing the main 32 bit space used by steam ids at a billion hashes per second via hashcat. The speed of that still blows my mind. If you had told me 20 years ago I'd have the performance of 5 Cray supercomputers in my desktop that I use to play indie pixelshit I'd have laughed at you.
That's a lot of power, and it's going to end up walled off. As hardware is increasingly locked down, using GPGPU to do things like OCR on cameras pointed at screens to scrape data rather than reverse your way into the data stream will be increasingly important, and if someone like Google physically controls the GPGPU hardware they can try to prevent you from doing that when it suits their interests. Be ready for that push.

What the fuck?

Attached: linux_atheists.webm (640x360, 8.45M)

Do sites like Dropbox do that?

By that logic, everything in modern society causes slavery. People use electricity to power their lights and air conditioning. People rely on plumbing for sewerage and running water. People rely on private and convenient cars to traverse the land. The majority don't conceive life without these modern conveniences, they take it for granted that our modern lifestyle isn't going away any time soon.


Terry has been using Ubuntu for ages. Where have you been?

I've known the Terry memes for years but never really kept up with it.

Those who are marginalized and educated are more powerful than you could possibly imagine. Don't sell yourself short.

Pretty much this.
Normalfags and even devs nowdays care about muh convenient more than anything else.

Power to do what? DDOS attack? Live off the land? Get arrested/killed in a blaze of murder?

Convert the encrypted file to ascii text files no more than a few hundred K.
Take it a step further and feed the ascii output through a lorem ipsum generator.

Presto! You now have encrypted data posing as text files.


Do you honestly even try to conceal your samefagging or are you just trolling at this point

People who handle end-user support for a living.

not even wrong in its entireity. Before technology existed the people used the land for what tech replaced. Before plumbing existed you could go to the local river. Now the river has been built over or is polluted.. Water stops running? you're fucked.

Pic related.

Attached: ThisFuck_1367.png (262x405, 21.54K)

Exert yourself.

Attached: low score.png (597x147, 10.95K)

kys yourself


The cloud offers a number of benefits for developing applications. Offloading the construction and maintenance of infrastructure allows for companies to avoid costs, particularly in scenarios where companies would have to start from nothing or if they do not currently staff the technical skills needed to create or manage such an infrastructure. Provisioning infrastructure and processing from a cloud allows for dynamic scaling as requests increase or decrease allowing for companies to only pay for the processing they actual use. This is especially useful in scenarios where there are potential spikes in usability, if configured correctly services can avoid crashing entirely. Finally by offloading work from the user and to the server applications and services can become more accessible to those without the processing capabilities for an application allowing for widespread proliferation, plenty of people do not have the latest and greatest graphics card. Finally in regards to security there's no question that cloud services are not perfect, the only question is if they are better than what a company can field themselves, and with that being said, plenty of security can be configured on these machines. In fact most cloud services do not guarantee any kind of security outside of the physical security of the machines and require that customers be responsible for their own security on any other level.
That being said, the cloud is hardly from perfect, a constant internet connection being the most obvious drawback, any service or product that expects customers who do not have a constant internet connection will have to look else where. Obviously some retards will shill whatever the newest product to come out is, but it would be foolish to pretend that there are not serious benefits to the cloud in plenty of scenarios.

Glad to see that more and more people are accepting of this reality, and that there is nothing anyone can do to fight it. They won.

Doesn't matter, because everything will be streamed from the cloud in a few years.

Weak trolls are a diamond dozen.

It can be fought but not with words. I hope people realize that soon.


What about those personal cloud devices that still have you create an account and sign in to access it when you don't have the app installed?

gaming is the worst possible format for cloud services, you can expect it to fail hard and get dropped.

shut the fuck up PINE TREE EMOJI. go back to your twitter containment cell.