Next stage : Internet dependant software

Yeah lil' boy, the new major software company will go full retard by requiring constant internet connection (and ot Kb/s shit) to use your new software.

Better buy this 128Gb ram kit and subsribe for a new internet connection. (Because yeah, it will only support RAM hogs internet browsers fag)

Attached: CyberDeck-Header.gif (970x300, 103.67K)

these fucker.
and ironically normies will go for it. happens when Finance tech illiterate retards making decisions in IT-related field.

t. assblasted sysadmin that already used 3000 USD to built server so they could access things locally for better latency but they went to rent server in different continent.

Normies will fall for anything. It's a fact.

Won't work without Korean fibre infrastructure.

Attached: onlive_game_system_microconsole_and_wireless_controller.jpg (1280x989, 272.5K)

It could be done
with a server network with a system every 250~270 meters, like electric transformer substations



IDK where I found that meme pic, it just looked cool.

Tho, isn't current software already linking you to botnet? like when you have to register?

WTF is this monstruous contraption?
Can't they just use wires?

Wires are too mainstream.
Soon we will have wireless microprocessors that don't need a motherboard, just have it near the rest of the hardware and it will connect itself!


Isn't this a meme?

How can those inductive chargers can be more effective than a wire charger?

Don't give Jewintel ideas user.

A tech illiterate manager told my friend, "We're moving our computers into the cloud so we can leverage the power of Amazon."

Yeah just attach servers to every telephone pole

This might happen if Amazon/Jewgle were to buy out major ISPs.
Not sure why they haven't done it yet, it'd be a major benefit to their botnetting.

Internet company says "S-stop hacking us, it hurts us, plz hackerz dont H4ck, u stole all our dataz!!"

If they really want to do this, then they shouldn't be surprise to expect cyber attacks.
also, HTF is cloud computing gonna improve your power? except if you have top of the line networking equipment and a excellent bandwith, it's idiotic AF.

Soon Google and World will be synonyms.
Fucking tekjews.

Party like it's the 70s?

Wasn't there google fiber already?
It's surely one of the step along the way anyway.

Its never going to happen. Flash storage is too abundant and cheap now and so are existing hard drive solutions. Companies would still rather you download their software than stream it because the problem with streaming software from a company perspective is that you need high start-up infrastructure or you're going to run into quality of service issues. That's supposed to be where "DA CLOUD!" comes in, but using cloud storage still costs money on their end and would still be cheaper to just use cloud storage to deliver software for download instead of streaming.

Attached: brain_pepe.png (1144x888, 336.8K)

They aren't, at all. That was probably other user's point.

Good to see that everyone finally acknowledges what is actually going to happen in the future. Everything will be stored in the cloud. Everything will be connected to the internet. It's over. This is the final stage. They won.

Face it, everyone ITT has already fucking disproved you. Google will become the fucking world and there is nothing you can do about it.

Poe's Law is a bitch because I can't tell if serious

Attached: brainlet.jpg (1000x989, 57.99K)


People said Microsoft and Walmart were going to take over the world too and look how accurate that turned out to be

Instead of Microsoft and Wal-Mart, it will be Google and Amazon whom will take over the world. This is a fact that Zig Forums has unanimously accepted for years, which is why we have spent hardly any time attempting to push back. Nobody will listen. Nobody will change their minds.
They fucking won.


Call me again when Google buys out major ISPs all over the world to further push everything on their cloud servers.
Protip: This will happen and you can't do anything about it.

Fuck you got trips so it must be true. Sorry I had my doubts

Attached: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.gif (224x233, 902.59K)

What do you think 5G is for?

Don't expect a denialfag to respond to this. Their entire goal is to continue hiding from the only future in which your existence is stored in the cloud.
Surrender or die

Fuck off, fucking retard shill. See . It can and will happen.

5G doesn't go over the speed of light
you still need server infrastructure (no, not just an AP a full server with a big chunk of all the data the system handles) every 250 meters to have acceptable input delay.

found the sulking bag of loser

Lol only true if you're clappers, here in the thirdworld shit hole we use recycled chink hardware and dumb phone, sure there are normies with smart phones but they have no power over me.

I've warned you about vegan soy but you didn't listen.

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Yeah that's not something most people even care about. People stream their vidya these days from other computers and so on.

They do care, they just don't know how to express it.

This is something autists tend to ignore when debating the fact that the cloud will become the standard for many, if not all, types of software in a few yeears. The cattle just don't fucking care, and never will. There is empirical proof for this that cannot be debunked.

Not an argument. Keep living in denial, bitchboy.

Blackpill user was always right. The kikes fucking won.

That's not how it would work.
Basically, the MBONE was killed by Clinton privatizing the core infrastructure failed but in its place companies built their own multicast internet on top of internet. These private networks have points of presence at all major peering points in the civilized world and you're directed to the nearest one via akamai's patents which they will rape you with some day DNS 'load balancing' techniques. This is how companies like Google and Netflix let you drink deep from their poisoned wells without melting the backbone. You're not actually going to Gomorrah San Francisco every time you click.
So companies planning to do gayme streaming are planning to do the same thing - distribute the games to servers that are network-local to you, possibly within your ISP's datacenter if you don't live in a corn field, that you might have a 1ms ping to. It will actually work quite well, but they need to convince kikes of that to fund the expansion or wait for Amazon's totally sekrit plans you didn't hear of from me to create something like EC2 for this kind of peering.

And with that, the debate is over. Cloud gaming is very fucking possible and everyone who actually knows shit about the real world knows this. They won this fight before it began, niggers.

The annoying use of formatting was one thing, like a toddler using his first speak-and-spell, but the samefagging has to stop.


None of that can make signals travel in time, the signals are limited to 299792458 m/s, you can't go beyond that, I don't care how many parallel channels you have, the signal still has to get there at the speed of light.


It doesn't. You're literally spending more over time than having your own machine would ever cost.

Except now, the penalties are much, much steeper and there's more fun to be had.

What the fuck? Why would this be a part of the events?

Doesn't matter when every new smert device these days is sorely lacking in terms of microSD ports and removable batteries.

>implying (((they))) ever recognized us as people in the first place
I want glow in the dark consensus crackers to leave.

CIA Niggers glows. You can see them in the Dark.
But you can also ram them with your car.
Fuck the CIA Niggers.

Everything's been internet dependent for a while.
Some pirated versions of Age of Empires 2 and Unreal Tournament 1999 I have wont start without an internet connection. Opening them in Ollydbg and then closing Ollydbg, then opening the game, works around this issue (dunno why this works). I sort of thought it was because of the unofficial patch for UT99 but later found the exact issue happens with AOE2.
Counter Strike GO gets some error when you try to play offline mode without an internet connection.
Fortnite has no way to start without an internet connection. So you can't watch your replays without an internet connection, which is a shame because I bring my computer to a LAN party and when I get home I want to review some plays but there's no way and I can't be bothered to reverse engineer/patch the game just for this. Wtf is this thread about tho?

Also you need internet to update your shitty proprietary OS to make sure it doesn't get hit by the latest 0day the next time you plug it in. Same for Linux pretty much but at least in that case you can easily download the updates from somewhere and bring them home on a USB stick or laptop.


it doesn't have to work, as long as they pay for it


Truth. Autists will never understand this. The next OnLive will sell fucking gangbusters and we all know it.

We live at a time when FOSS software is better than ever and when open hardware is starting to appear in architectures that are superior to x86_64 (openPOWER, RISCV) and similarly performant, with compiler optimizations being the main limiting factor.
My goal over the next year is to buy a Talos II as my main driver.

They won when Windows 95 came out, but when they only win retards and normies did they really win?

but replays (demos) give you more than just one camera angle. also recording rapes my disk and is more demanding in CPU/GPU

seems unlikely that it's malware, just some retarded shitcode that was never tested offline


Attached: star-citizen-Logo.jpg (1920x1080, 468.97K)


also fortnite and csgo skins. not sure what's worse, this or buying the latest humble bundle game pack (because it's cheap!) and never playing any of the games

I'll keep my FOSS, thanks.
In the unlikely event that owner-controlled computers become unobtainum during my lifetime, I'll just build my own from discrete logic.

That game doesn't even need the disc once installed, even if your copy is legitimate. Your disc image must be shit-tier.

Unreal Tournament needing internet to function?
WTF, never heard of that.

At least everyone seems to agree on one thing: Everything will be streamed from the cloud soon. Normies will eat it up no matter how laggy the shit is, and soon it will be forced on all of us. Autists who don't realize this are just getting BTFO.
Zig Forums spittin' the hard fuckin' FACTS this week!

Attached: 343013570.jpg (550x665, 73.05K)

But user, those polygons exist. You can look at them on your screen.
They are totally worth those shek.. dollars people pay for them.

I made the mistike to find out what fortnite is by searching for it on youtube today.


Go back to Fortnite, kid. Your kind can't handle this discussion.

Why'd he turn into such a faggot guys?

How much are they paying you for this shit?
I'm honestly curious.

Attached: angry miko.jpg (700x800, 126.79K)

Fucking Shills

even lispfag is less repulsive that this kike

I think blackpill fag does it for free. It's gotten a bit tiring by this point, but I suppose it was the natural next step after those cuckchan tripfags got ousted.

Attached: no.jpg (210x240, 13.75K)

It is the tripfags. They're all Polish Jews and between 11 and 16 years old. They sit in an IRC channel all day and "raid" Zig Forums like autists because they have no lives. When they aren't busy shitting up Zig Forums they're stealing donation money from Terry A Davis and playing World of Tanks like a bunch of faggots.

Then shoot them out with a bb gun

5G can actually fry your cells and damage DNA since the microwave wavelength is small enough.
5G is around 80-90Ghz

Attached: EMF breaks DNA ‘Comet Assay’ 60Hz, 2hrs a. control b. 1G c. 2.5G d. 5G.jpg (960x720, 86K)

No bro, my dude. The companies told me all these constant waves going every where is fine, it's like not a problem at all. It doesn't give you cancer or damage your cells or anything! Like bro it's fine!

Normies will reject cloud shit because they want to be MLG pro types even when they're scrubs. The other issue is that launch events would be worst than any MMO ever. Imagine having a million people wanting to play your game and having to render and stream all that at once. MMO servers can't even deal with that many people logging on let alone running the client and host side.


cringe and butthurt

Google will just become Microsoft 2 until another company comes along and replaces them just as MS did with IBM in the first place. Nothing new under the sun. As for cloud services, that will never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever (ever) happen in America due to data caps. Even the most retarded ultranormie cuck consumers will not blow tons of money going over their data cap. And this problem is going to get far, far, far worse as Net Neutrality dies so you have to pay extra to get functional, let alone high-speed, internet.

The only time it could work is if the ISP offers it directly. But the ISP already does this with normal phone services (landlines, voice, text), so literally who cares because in that case Ma Bell is rebuilt and simply gouges the fuck out of everyone to the point where normies adopt meshnets so they don't have to pay $50 to watch a 30 min TV show.

The Internet is not free, it is a paid service. As a result of this, streaming services are unlikely to go mainstream unless a total telecom monopoly happens (which I'll admit is plausible, but it'll be AT&T not Google, and the monopoly will also drive the net itself into the ground in a way not even normies will fully accept).

People said the same thing about radio, TV, airplane ATC, your microwave and even railroad signalling. All of it is bunk. There's nothing wrong with wireless, only if it's proprietary.

It'll be a battle of oligopolies between network and cloud providers, until one of them swallows the other, accumulates enough political power to socialize the other or until some disruptive technology comes along to fuck them both. It'll all fizzle out in the end and only nerds will remember it in a few decades. That's what always happens.

In the end Ma Bell lives. Any company that has to use the Internet (including Amazon) is totally beholden to ISPs of which AT&T is the largest. Until now they've always counted on ISPs being completely fair and only charging for bulk data transfers, without having to worry about competing against the ISP itself. Now that NN is gone, this is no longer the case. Why should AT&T allow Google to have free webmail? They can charge a special fee for that and require Google's webmail use AT&T emails for user authentication. There is no law stopping them, and the few voices in the government against it can be quickly silenced through screeching about Russian hackers.

There is no way any software company can plausibly compete with hardware companies now. The latter can just lock out the former, who will have no option but to accept it unless they can raise the money to construct their own hardware. Google already gave up on this when their investors chose bigger Dividends instead.

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Unless you can pick the closest server, NO

Dafuq am I reading

Google Fiber

No, because as history shows, (((Google))) is bat shit insane

We are talking about unfucking the world, not neckbearding by ourselves

Again, Google Fiber

Don't go silently to the night

They took the goyim, but our underground is safe so fuck you.

What if the signals are meant to be slow but for NWO related stuff they crank it full speed? Packet control would be an issue

t. Vivian James's vibrator

I think they are more >>>/trannypol/ than summerfagging

Data caps won't matter if companies allow exclusive unlimited content

Blackpill. Wow