Unpopular (but completely sincere) opinions
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cartoon mascots are cancerous and retarded and completely unnecessary for software
a real programmer can work in plain fucking notepad
Sure, and a real cryptographer or even a random fag on the internet can do RSA with pen and paper. That doesn't make it a productive use of either person's time.
FOSS software generally lags behind proprietary software on feature parity, fit and finish, and documentation.
Developers working in an environment where they're not paid to do uninteresting, yet important tasks like fit and finish/documentation generally will not do so.
The security benefits of FOSS software are overstated
Black people are good programmers. Indians too.
I think he more-so means that all the superlatives and features of contemporary editors, "ide's", are precisely that–not inherently necessary, so, while it's nice to have those qualities–and, if you can get them, why not?–there is nothing Universal about the nature of any tool, only a means that's just one manifestation of an end.
I agree with both your statements, but because achieving feature parity is inherently impossible; by very definition, one has to follow the other, and, in a paradigm where having a lot of resources to throw at the wall for relatively linear, predictable work e.g. enterprise solutions, video games, a proprietary software makers in their best and present state, big corporations, versus free software makers in their best and present state, are non-profit endeavors of maybe a dozen full-time, decently-paid workers. Furthermor, it's kind of stupid that there are scenarios in the free software world where feature-parity is even a concern, because that implies people are actually wasting times reimplementing an existing solution.
But in projects where pioneering wins–that is to say, the developers choose and create the paradigm they work in, it's, by definition, the outsiders (proprietary or free, but historically mostly free) that have to play catch up. And any one who's taken Psy 101 can tell you people who do things of their own volition, without notable financial recompense, will have the will to do a better job. Without a stressful work place (or shitty CoC-ridden project they're stuck with), they'll also do better in projects that need greater thought, which is precisely what's necessary when authoring new kinds of software. All these performance improvements, of course, are within the limits of the programmers themselves, but there's typically an overlap between who's writing the proprietary stuff and the free stuff.
Also, yeah, the security benefits of an open-sores model are bs. Even if you can see the code, how many people are looking? Can you help change the project, or will people make it hard for you because of some prejudice (sjw's) or abusive licensing (cc)?
Just to clarify, we're talking about unpopular opinions in Zig Forums right?, we don't want this to become a circlejerk thread.
Learning vim is not that hard.
Niggers are terrible programmers.
what does this even mean?
computers give you orders of magnitude time savings for crypto, whereas "coding editors" barely amount to anything at all. the only big gains you get is in languages where they can manage your imports for you and autocompletion
It's like if you started writing a diary about your experiences every day, while at the same time somebody was writing about you without you knowing.
(re IDEs) Using that read on the topic then, he's arguing a thing that nobody actually believes. A real programmer *can* work in notepad, but that implies that they're on Windows. Hell, not having compile&run on a single key combo away will eat more time than even something stupid slow like Atom would over the course of a large project.
(re feature parity) That's a completely unrealistic take of the situation. 90% of the time, you use what you use because it has features X Y and Z that you like. Migrating becomes impossible because features Y and Z dont or will never exist. (Canonical examples: VBS in Libreoffice Calc, or colorspace matching in GIMP). Without those features, those programs can be written off as toys for professionals.
If Linux devs want to stay in their niche only writing software for the minority of a minority that actually use Linux desktops, then fine, but nobody's content with that. They want to dethrone Windows and the big names like Excel and Photoshop. Yet they spend more time on adding in features nobody will use, while ignoring the fact that the reason their product doesn't catch on is that it's missing critical things that the shit they already use has. The number of users that are willing to tolerate missing features they do use to be replaced with new features they don't know if they'll use is basically nil.
The more time I spend in the bazaar, the more I miss the cathedral.
You have no claim to data a website that you connected to collected from you. Their server, their code, their log files. You have no moral or legal right to demand the owner of that server do anything in particular with that data because it's not yours in the first place.
There isn't such a thing as users of computers, only hobbyists, developers and idiots.
The trackpad is the GOAT computer input device. The Apple Magic is far superior to trackball mice.
Pretty sure that's a popular sentiment, even amongst liberals. You don't see them pushing coding camps for other non-white males.
They constantly push the meme of black superhackers. The free Humble Bundle game yesterday, as a recent example.
lucky you
Regular Expressions are bad and should be replaced by Verbal Expressions or other systems that can better explain itself
verbal expressions seems like programming for women and faggots who want verbose, overly long code.
I can understand most regular expressions used in practice well enough without needing some gay and retarded crap like "verbal expressions".
Are you mentally retarded? Did choking on that CoC cut off too much oxygen or why are you advocating for retarded "readability" shit. Regex are the most concise thing I've ever seen, and if your retarded ass brain can't understand them, use composition to use Regex in your code. No shitty weird reinventing the wheel required, faggot
Intellectual property is not a valid form of property and runs contrary to both capitalism and communism.
it's literally doodoo. but then again so is regex
const tester = VerEx()
.anythingBut(' ')
const result = VerEx().find('red').replace('We have a red house', 'blue');
^^^^literally you
Computers make humans degenerate.
Zig Forums is full of LARPers
Rust is pretty good
This is one of the easiest ways to tell the difference between a libertarian and a (((libertarian)))
They're only "bad" because they're short, and they're short because it wouldn't make sense to have something be longer than the fucking string it's looking for.
That's not even doodoo. That's what doodoo wants to be when it grows up.
Not that hard to understand, and isn't eight motherfucking lines of code.
There are far too many fads in the world of programming, and they never go away.
In the current year, most people have eight to sixteen gigabytes of memory, terabytes of disk space, and CPUs that ten years ago would have looked like star trek magic.
"bloat" is dumb, generally can't be objectively quantified beyond "contains a thing I will never use", and even when its not, usually refers to things like large binaries (when you have double-digit numbers of megabytes to spare in both disk space and memory millions of times over) or memory usage.
If something is slow, say "slow".
The object.then().then().then() pattern is copeshit for bad languages.
What language limitation pushes people towards this 'return receiver' pattern? How could a language avoid the need for this pattern?
As an example, languages that have a with statement don't need to repeat the receiver so many times. In Ruby, it's possible to make such a method:
def with(object, &block) object.instance_eval &blockendwith SomeClass.new do do_something check_errors! everything_ok?end# Equivalent to:## o = SomeClass.new# o.do_something# o.check_errors!# o.everything_ok?
wew, that's quite the high-powered library you've got there.
/** * Match a tab character * @returns {VerbalExpression} recompiled instance of VerbalExpression * @memberof VerbalExpression */ tab() { return this.add('\\t'); } /** * Match any alphanumeric * @returns {VerbalExpression} recompiled instance of VerbalExpression * @memberof VerbalExpression */ word() { return this.add('\\w+'); } /** * Match a single digit digit * @returns {VerbalExpression} recompiled instance of VerbalExpression * @memberof VerbalExpression */ digit() { return this.add('\\d'); } /** * Match a single whitespace * @returns {VerbalExpression} recompiled instance of VerbalExpression * @memberof VerbalExpression */ whitespace() { return this.add('\\s'); }
That's hilarious. I was gonna make fun of JS programmers and speculate about what they'd do if they discovered context-free parsing... But it turns out they have access to a pretty good earley parser implementation. That was unexpected.
having sex with a transvestite isn't gay at all as long her penis is cute
There is nothing wrong with working on proprietary software. Most corporate programmers are not stupid or unskilled. People on Zig Forums often find it hard to get a job for personal reasons, so they create a narrative where working is unethical or for stupid people.
Linux is easier to use than windows
I sure do love manufacturers installing their redundant proprietary versions of software that is already part of the base system!
A GPL-only society in untenable. Sorry; someone had to say it--but, that doesn't mean I don't want it.
3 letter agencies are not omnipotent and omniscient, and treating them as such prevents us from accurately understanding what they do know, what they can and more importantly will do, as well as create reasonable and effective countermeasures.
"Perfect security" is pointless for most people. Even if people are still backdoored by intel ME or some NSA backdoor, by not using social media, using better (not perfect) IM applications, and blocking web trackers they would help cripple the surveillance state far more than people give credit for. Trying to avoid defining a reasonable threat model and instead trying to account for every possible attack vector seems foolish, and distracts people from neutralizing the most important attack vectors. Not to mention it prevents many from trying seriously in the first place since it's too complicated.
Calling shit "a meme" or "botnet" needs to die. Most people say a project or language is a meme when they've hardly looked into it and can't actually make substantial criticisms about the subject. As for botnet, it's too vague and absolute. You could argue that "one leak" means you are effectively compromised, but it assumes the adversary is a godly 3 letter global agency. Furthermore it doesn't acknowledge gradations of data collection or user tracking between different pieces of software.
This one is more of a random thought than an opinion: one of the reasons I think software has gotten "shittier" isn't necessarily due to worse programmers, but because of slow advancements in memory speed. We have a lot more RAM today than we used to, which encourages developers to add more features. However memory has gotten a lot more slower compared to CPU processing speeds, not to mention that in the past main memory wasn't that much slower compared to CPU's. People also aren't taught to write software for optimal cache usage, but I don't think past developers had to worry about it as much as modern developers do.
This is true. I'm at the point when i'm more proficient in linux than in windows. Fixing broken shit in linux is much more hassle-free for me compare to windows
This so much. It's absurd how many people in these IBs assume that the NSA can press a button and magically gain access to all systems. The mysticism surrounding IME and PSP is one perfect example: a bunch of people here are actually convinced the NSA has backdoor access to CPUs, but if that were true they could easily decrypt, infiltrate and modify ANY system, which would mean all the pedos would be locked up without even needing to use social engineering, browser or OS exploits to gain access to their machines.
Those are low-effort responses. Whenever a response only has "botnet", "meme", scary parentheses or name-calling it should be ignored and assumed that user has absolutely no idea of the topic at hand. Botnet in particular is used by clueless anons as a catch-all term for several kinds of malware, spyware, adware, bugs, backdoors, etc.
Especially given that "botnet" has a very well-defined meaning already. If your computer isn't part of a network receiving attack commands from a single source, it's not a fucking botnet.
Given the way some of the fags here operate, they would classify package managers, browser/OS updates, and the javascript this page is serving as "botnet".
Terminology is important.
The moment they use a vuln like that in a way that leads to a public trial, the vuln goes away. They are low-single-digits use weapons. The backdoor shit the NSA does is expensive and going to be directed at high value targets, not some faggot downloading kiddie porn from Tor.
Keep in mind there are anons here with severe mental problems.
Where would you rate Windows 10, if your goal is to avoid exfiltration of your data?
This would be valid if we could only run a single application at a time. Since you can run multiple, bloat matters.
Wikileaks and Snowden ring a bell? Vault7? TAO? Embedded Exploitation Group? ...
The three-horned agencies can press a button and access all of your data, they even have AI running doing multiple filtering tasks on different data. They go to great lengths to infect products by infiltrating/intimidating/paying companies. RSA ring a bell? DES - P-Box/S-Box, Speck, Simon? Any of you been to Defcon or discovered vulns that seemed too stupid to be true (human error/incompetence has limits).
Any of you know the Samsung TV story with british intelligence?
This said, they also run PR to boast their capabilities and instill fear into people's minds.
It's mostly for justifying the defense budget, ... A budget that could get at least 40% of the earthlings on this heavenly planet out of suffering. But who cares about money, it's a scam and we all know it. The planet is free, but some individuals apparently own stuff and most of you are but borrowers.
All of this is a distraction from the core truth. The truth of your own being. It's set up to trap your ego into a box. Ego is made out of concepts that one borrows. One copies these observed concepts into one's own mind/memory and applies them to create what ends up as an unconscious image of the self. You have to awaken dear souls. All of this crap, whether you're for it or against it, is futile. As long as it is in you, it will stirr you heart and lead your soul to death. This civilization, just like many before it, is not sustainable and it will perrish. The shittiness that you observe is but the side-effect of human ignorance of the true self and an unconscious desire to seek bliss through action - whatever action. A way to establish one's social value rather than experience the bliss of seeing one's mind and potential being experssed. Programmers aren't the smartest nor are they competent, they're just people/egos. What we seek is too abstract to fit into a programming language, a compiler or a CPU design. Programming - like life - is a game set up to awaken you to a certain level of abstraction and to provide mental tools of analysis and automation. It's not meant to make a world, and it will never do so. 99% of the code the world is running on is patched up. Humans know not perfection as this time and it will require some time before the human transcends this mind and evolve.
Meditate! Sit down for as long as you wish, eyes closed and observe the futility of it all.
Who are you when you sleep? In deep sleep, not REM sleep? Who are you after you "wake up"?
As Jesus instructed: examine yourself, and learn who you are, how you exist, and what will become of you.
Again: Be still, and know that I am.
Have fun with what seems interesting to you, if something isn't of quality, make your own. That's how (r)evolution works ... Someday somebody gets pumped up for some reason and they push the envelope.
Push your envelope and you'll experience truth. You won't read about it, you won't hear about it, it'll arise within you.
Be still in your hearts dear fellows.