What is the worst group of technology-related fanboys on the internet? People who will rabidly defend the hardware/software/anything they use despite obvious flaws that prove them to be small-minded. It used to be Macfags but Apple became so ubiquitous that I don't find the rabid fanboy culture to hold up anymore. Recent people who have started to get on my nerves are Arch Linux users because I hear so much about it for no reason. They remind of retards who shill crypto coins. Evangelical. I feel like hardware fanboys were more popular when you had a multitude of companies (Amiga/Atari/Coleco/Spectrum/Etc) who sold personal computers at such prohibitively high prices that a normal family would settle for one.
Fanboys for [INSERT TECH HERE]
all of it are bad, either purely blind or trolling. also why would you bring up low quality /g/ tier thread here. get back to cuckchan you bloody mong
The two that annoy me the most right now are. Vi/Vim are both fine, but I hate having to hear about it when someone discovers it.
Why Haskell? I don't have a problem with the language and it's not in your face like the above two, but there's a certain type of person who upon learning about it, (at a low level) must evangelize to the world at large as if we don't know FP exists yes, we all did it at University, now fuck off.
No what you and every other faggot did in university was Scheme. A impure, dynamically typed, mostly imperative piece of shit. Fuck off with your pseudo FP.
We were taught Haskell, and there were a few optional classes which also used it.
Nice bullshitting user.
Not really sure what reason there would be to lie about it, nevertheless, I won't be breaking opsec to prove it.
Haskell is commonly taught to undergrads in a "Functional Programming" course you mouth breathing spastic. My Uni in the UK taught it as well.
In frogland we do OCaml, though.
In frogland we do OCaml, though.
yeah i'm sure a one semester course most students don't even take is totally going to teach you anything
I'm fine with it if someone found something they like and want to share it's gloriousness, and although sometimes they just want to carry a huge flag to show the world how homosexual they are because of it I don't even mind that, it only gets annoying if they take it to the point where they derail every conversation they get the chance to.
How is that relevant to the ones taking it?
Holy fuck. The eternal neet speaks. Of course it teaches, that's the point of the course you twit. You do realize that real universities are not like your American "University of Phoenix Online", right? Why are you even continuing in this thread, do you like to be abused or something?
That's exactly it. Vim users are like stereotypical vegans, they just have to tell you about it.
HAHAHAHAHAHA get fucked. You do realize the USA has by far the worlds best universities right? Thats why everyone comes here instead of literally anywhere else. UK gets second place with the rest ef Europe being wasteland.
The USA has some great universities, and I imagine our conversation could be more fruitful if you were capable of attending them. Do you not realize that functional programming is largely a product of European research?
Is that why every computer science paper these days has non-English names as authors? They're all Chinese, eastern European, and Israeli. The west doesn't produce shit for science anymore as our higher education was taken over by Jews and converted into a communist training camp.
That's not something to be proud of. What a mistake.
First and second mate, you're having a rough time today.
Ever heard of ETH Zurich?
The last good American language was C.
LOL nice try europoor try something thats not a UK propaganda site
And those Chinese where are they doing that research? In USA universities.
No one cares. Nice trips though faggot.
And the professors in American universities who are worth their salt, are kikes or whites from Europe.
I can deal with fanboys of various programming languages and text editors because they at least graduated from the basics. The worst people have always been Mac/Applefags. They take pride in their own ignorance. It was bad before the phones came out but it has just gotten worse and worse since 2007. Applefags are the definition of consumer whores.
Kikes teaching Chinks and Poos, all surrounded by angry blacks and spics jumping on the desks, rabid feminists banging on the doors, and deranged mental patients protesting on the lawns. Welcome to America.
Apple did at least make wonderful laptops for quite sometime. They're still good, but the poor design decisions are settling in; now that they're a consumer lifestyle company.
I wonder how shitty Europe and Asia must be if everyone flees to America.
They have some quality universities, (I'm sure the University of Beijing or Hong Kong are great), but they're not at a capacity for their massive population. It's also easier to jump start your progress if you can send some people to the top universities, and then siphon that knowledge back. America just happens to be where much of the action takes place, but the gooks are all over the European schools too.
Wrong. Most of their population is not anywhere near capable of understanding anything at a University. The Chinese laugh at their local universities. Notice that the people that come to America are NOT rando poor people overflow, they are the Rich who can afford a superior experience.
I disagree. They've removed almost every port on them and now suffer overheating issues because of the race to have the thinnest laptop possible. This isn't unique to Apple because no one makes good laptops anymore but they've definitely started the trend and spread the cancer.
I knew of two users of Apple hardware back in the day that I considered to be people that got shit done with their hardware. They understood how things worked, maintained their own systems, and used the OS because it got out of their way and was more stable than Windows. Even back then such users in the Apple camp were an extreme minority. Both of them moved on to BSD years ago because OS X has basically turned into iOS and the hardware is a re-branded PC now. They hung on for as long as they could after Apple ditched Apple but eventually Apple ran them off.
You're right they're no longer focused on making technology for people interested in technology. They target normalfags now that use Apple devices as a fashion statement.
Those rankings are horseshit.
The performance indicators are grouped into five areas:Teaching (the learning environment)Research (volume, income and reputation)Citations (research influence);International outlook (staff, students and research)Industry income (knowledge transfer)
Anyone who reads CS research papers can tell you that the authors are not John Smiths from America anymore so the two most important there, research & citations, are not being weighted for much. And "International outlook" is pure SJW - how would learning to be a cuck improve your education? And what the fuck is this: "Universities can also be excluded if 80 per cent or more of their activity is exclusively in one of our 11 subject areas.". That excludes basically all the tech universities in Israel because they don't also teach courses in painting with menstrual blood and transsexual communist theory.
*They hung on for as long as they could after Apple ditched PowerPC
Europe's economy is a disaster due to socialism. You can't run a startup there because they've made it nearly impossible to fire someone and startups are all about forming the perfect small team. You're also taxed to death and the only way to run development there is to petition for tax breaks. That's how CIG manages to run from London. So they subsidize the education of their youth and their youth takes the first plane to San Francisco.
True. I'm using a 2015 macbook pro, which is perhaps going to go down as the last good model. It has a lot of life in it now, but I'm not sure what its successor will be.
Fuck man, I still miss my Powerbook G4. Even if it was a bit slower compared to the intel fags around me.
Why carry a macbook around when you can just carry an imac around?
Take my money!!!!!
That's pretty convenient. I'd love to lug around a 20+ inch screen+computer combo.
I can't get over this. I love how they cut out space just for the Apple logo, so everyone knows.
No its so you can lift the fucking computer out of the bag.
I can see that practical function for that hole. The stand isn't a permanent fixture of the computer, it's detachable so it's easy to remove when it needs to be moved. Now comes the problem of what to do with the stand - do you create a new pouch for the stand creating an awkward bulge in the bag? For me, it's easier just to keep the stand in the computer and cut a hole in the bag to allow it to poke through. The shape of that stand is inherently awkward if you're not transporting it in a custom made foam piece.
i'm sure there are stands you can buy that collapse flat. if you really wanted to be a faggot and carry this shit around all day.
What I hate are fanboys of anti-fanboy-ism. You know the types. People like rabid Atheists who are only interested in the ideology because it gives them a chance to shit on religion; anti-crypto fags who are only interested in taking a dump on people who like the concept why the fuck do you care so much?, etc.
Ecce homosexual
US has like 20 great universities, the rest are all shit tier.
Still better than Europe Asia Africa etc.
Apple by far
University taught programmers. Just look at this thread. If you wasted your time in Uni with CompSci instead of learning something you can't find a shitton of pajeet-friendly learning material for, you are probably one of the spastics who complain about "We learned this in Uni, not this"
I'd direct this at all the faggots at the top of this thread if I would give a shit
Hahahaha. In my country university is basically free, our living standards is one of the highest in the world, no rapefugees anywhere, harder and stricter no-bullshit universities as well. I know a girl who transferred from Stanford to here and went from straight A's to being clueless. The USA nannies you through Uni, you never learn to get your shit together. Fatasses.
I agree with this. Harvard suffers from the worst grade inflation in the United States and likely the world. That means that no one there has to try to get good grades, and the notion of any prestige from getting A’s is a bold-faced lie. Those colleges are literally just job factories that market themselves so well, over centuries, that they have managed to fool tons of people that they’re actually worth a shit. I imagine Stanford is no different, it just has a Silicon Valley edge to it.
These glib spastics learn a bit of syntax, and think that equates to a degree. They'll know whatever data structures are presented by their language and scarcely any algorithms. Higher abstraction and low-level details are complete mysteries to them. They certainly could learn this without going through academia, but they don't. You know the type, there's even one in this thread: . Typically these tards assume comsci students spend four years learning a language. Maybe some community college comsci teach programming, but universities focus on concepts. You are expected to learn the language on your own, and ask TA's for help.
Windows 10 users who think they're in any position to lecture someone who either switched to Linux or hasn't updated from Windows 7.
At least you only see this on gaming forums.
Anyone that calls Linux a hobby
Opposed to a "lifestyle", or "sexual preference"?
Anything that requires an unusual amount of expense or non-public access attracts the worst of the worst.
Cryptocurrency should be used as fucking money, not stocks. The ones who shill the currencies as if they're stocks are the biggest faggots of all, because they are to actual stock market traders like DYELs are to bodybuilders and athletes.
Used to be bad, but considering how mainstream apple is, only the apple purists are the most cancerous of the applefags.
the ones I've encountered are especially stuck-up twats, and when I asked for a specific request in Zig Forums support, they said "HURRDURR YOU SHOULD USE THIS THING YOU SPECIFICALLY SAID YOU DIDN'T WANT BECAUSE I SAID SO!" and they wonder why I flipped out at this shit?
curiously, I have yet to see a Gentoo user as cancerous as an archfag, despite both being notoriously manual distros, why is that?
That's interesting, I see more people who actually bitch about these editors and people that use them, than those who religiously preach it.
Why the fuck do so many of these people exist on Zig Forums? what reason do people need to shit on what is essentially the standard of programming languages?
Is actually one tizuna-posting avatarfag, and another who abuses codeblocks and quotes from a forty-year-old book.
My lifestyle preferences are Linux and Unix. Nobody can control what I do in my bedroom.
Are you retarded? I picked up a CompSci bachelors textbook and the Dragon book in my spare time while getting a degree that's not laughably easy. CompSci is retardedly easy, actually designing Hardware is the challenging part about this field. Computer Engineering is a little less retarded but still infested by "muh full stack development" retards you fuckface. You're defending a degree that qualifies you for web-development.
Can't argue with that one.
Yes, but only because Stroustrup is Danish
Anyone who doesn't hate Microshit or Jewgle. Shit thread, by the way.
yes, K&R C is an abbreviation of Stroustrup, you're really showing off that education
Microsoft's tech is pretty suitable for certain tasks in certain situations. How they handle their internal development workflow is utter garbage though, their incentive system is shittily implemented, which code gets pushed upstream is poorly justified most of the time. Their products suffers as a result of that. They still have very incompetent employees here where I live, very smart data scientists and software developers under their umbrella and also very good documentation on almost everything (I know only of few things that aren't documented well). All in all, I think the company leadership is misguided, their model of software development is archaic (Old-school management system, no rewards for improving code in areas that don't necessarily concern you, monolithic, closed source architecture) in some aspects but too meme-ish (Agile, Scrum meetings, On-Edge Distributed Systems Architecture etc.) in others.
Also Gates is a retard if he actually thinks Voice Controlled OS is what his company should focus on.
In his case, it's a lack of education. Eternally neet.
This is why you don't go to a shit school. We learned compiler development, AI, hardware design, operating systems, and many more electives.
Not only was he Danish, he developed it as a PhD student at Cambridge.
Yeah and the only thing on your shitty little list you can't learn literally anywhere, anytime at the same level you could at Uni is hardware design and maybe OS development. The most webdevs I know are from places like Stanford, so either you're not an amerifat or you better be studying abroad.
Oh my problem is not with people who are self taught, it's the self taught people who go to a very shallow depth because they think Computer Science is writing a Python program and then they call it a day. By the way, these days there is no reason you can't teach yourself hardware design at home (I did so quite a few years after university, since I went for a more mathematical concentration). As for OS development, that's even easier to self-teach.
A big benefit of attending university is that the professors have worked out a proper of arrangement of things for you to learn, and they force you to drudge through all the necessary minutia that someone self teaching would be initially too myopic to see the value of. The next major benefit is networking for your professional career.
It was always amusing to see the "computer genius" students fail out of comsci owing to math requirements. Typically, linear algebra was the great filter, because I suppose for many that was their first hard math course.
The worst group of fanboys are C and UNIX weenies. If it's not UNIX, UNIX companies like AT&T and Sun, or UNIX languages like C, C++, Java, and Go, they don't care. What really sucks is when there's "research" from the 2010s that reminds me of something in 1960s Multics but worse, but there's no mention of Multics or anything outside of UNIX and UNIX languages at all.
If a vendor decides to do something about the crassinadequacies of UNIX we should give them three cheers, notstart a flame war about how the DIRECTORY command *must*forever and ever be called ls because that is what the greattin pot Gods who wrote UNIX thought was a nice, clear namefor it.The most threatening thing I see in computing today is the"we have found the answer, all heretics will perish"attitude. I have an awful lot of experience in computing, Ihave used six or seven operating systems and I have evenwritten one. UNIX in my view is an abomination, it hasserious difficulties, these could have been fixed quiteeasily, but I now realize nobody ever will.At the moment I use a VMS box, I do so because I find that Ido not spend my time having to think in the "UNIX" mentalitythat centers around kludges. I do not have to tolerate ahelp system that begins its insults of the user by beinginvoked with "man".Apollo in my view were the only UNIX vendor to realize thatthey had to put work into the basic operating system. Theyhad ACLs, shared libraries and many other essential featuresfive years ago.What I find disgusting about UNIX is that it has *never*grown any operating system extensions of its own, all thecreative work is derived from VMS, Multics and theoperating systems it killed.
I identify as a command line.
Yeah, check your privilege, boyim!
I'm a mips fanboy, it's rather lonely. Till I get a risc5 desktop then I'll be one of those fags instead.
Linear algebra was one of the easiest courses I ever took. Discrete math was a close second. Then again I wasn't a compsci major.
Yeah, I'd imagine. What do you MIPSfag on? One of those libre laptops rms used to use? A MIPS Creator CI20?
you don't need uni to learn programming, if you didn't start out as a kid (even simple scriptkiddie level shit) you're a goner in my eyes. I've spent half of my childhood in IDA making cheats for mmo games (and making good pocket money selling them) and of course now I laugh when i look at my old code, but it got me to where I am now. All of my co-workers are after university and most of them only started programming at the university and our attitude, knowledge and field of interest is quite different, to the point I'm thinking why do they even write c++ when java would be more their speed.
I wish you retards would knock it off with the idea that university teaches programming. It's like saying English literature teaches reading. Programming is the side effect of what you're going to be doing.
I think his point was that if you don't have the ability to take the theoretical knowledge and put it into source code, then it may as well be labled useless knowledge [for that particular person].
You may be able to understand some foundational or theoretical concept within the confines of a textbook and/or a classroom with its' test tube environmental conditions, but that doesn't mean you'll be able to use or apply it "in the wild".
If you don't have practice transposing knowledge and ideas from your mind to the world, then it doesn't matter how much knowledge you have because you'll never be able to properly share it and implement it.
This is why the art, or practical, should precede the science. You don't teach a writer when it's appropriate to incorporate semicolons into their writing if they struggle with verb tense consistency. It is silly to teach students, whether they be enrolled in a Computer Science or Software Engineering curriculum, about data structures and search algorithms if they don't know how to reason and program their way through something like Fizz-Buzz and similarly tasked problems.
I think your problem is that you conflate the art of solving computational problems with the art of programming a computer. It's true that programming a computer always requires solving computational problems. My issue is that you can solve computational problems without programming a computer. The reason is that you can encode a logical sequence of computational actions (a certain algorithm) in a language that will not be translated into a computer program; for example you can describe your algorithm in conversational English.
A person who cannot reason through a computation (fizz buzz for example) in conversational English has no business being a programmer or a computer scientist.
As an Arch user I've asked myself the exact same question many times. I simply use Arch because I enjoy it. Granted I've already been eyeballing Gentoo for a while now. Maybe I'm the odd one in that regard.
"Dude, you're getting a Talos™"
Look towards migrating your Arch setup to Artix, ditch the systemd meme.
Not him, but I'm waiting for the Funtoo devs to finish their init system. Until then, I'll continue to use OpenRC.
Hey, it's the Arch user. Well, former Arch user. After looking into Gentoo (and the reasons not to run systemd) some more, i finally took the age-old Zig Forums advice and installed Gentoo. Quite happy with it so far, though I'm still getting my programs and such installed. Looking forward to the years to come. Thank you for your reply by the way.
I've been using it for a few years now. The only advice I have to give it update regularly. Pretty much every day. If you get lazy and start putting it off, that's when you get shit like blocking and circular dependencies popping up.
Alright, will do! Thanks for the advice, user.
That's probably overkill, but it's good to get into the habit. Once a week would probably be fine, but for me at least, it was too easy to forget. I'd realize after a month I hadn't updated, and then would have a block or two. Once I was away from home for three months. When I got back I had a shitload of blocks. I ended up just backing up my home folder and reinstalling. I probably could have just gone on the forum or IRC and asked, but building the system is half the fun, especially if your computer compiles fairly fast.
Most blocks can be found on the bug tracker, though.
Normalfags who follow the latest tech trends.
Macfags are by far the worst, not because of sheer autism but how influential they are
Like right now they are shilling all over HN about how good apple is with privacy, a fucking closed-source company with opaque practices and no audits afaik.
Also because they put up with any kind of bullshit from apple they shape the rest of the market because companies want some of that retarded macfag's money, example: headphone jack is gone, macfags actually cheer for this, now bunch of phone companies are doing the same. Then came the notch, nuff said...
Yeah but those fanboys were useful for something, amiga ones kept that platform alive for longer than it was active as a company. But macfags dont do shit, they are cancerous. They are even willing to sell a kidney for a new iphone even as prices get more ridiculous: the iphone X at $999 drove prices of all other phones in the market to similar levels, now the new model is like $1200 and the """cheap""" $400 SE iphone got replaced with a shitty xr model thats almost $800, and yet these retarded macfags are happy about this so other companies will now launch retarded phones with high prices because apple does that too and it works.
Right now google is planning to replace android with fuchsia which is basically like ios, why? because apple and macfags, thats why.
Yeah, the method I'm gonna take is doing a system update every few days (2-3) to keep up to date. Loveing the system so far though. Easily the most enjoyable system I've used. Glad I finally made the leap.
that's literally all HN ever was
Not sure, if it counts but nothing is worse than the fucking Steam fanboys who think getting a summer sale on overpriced games is amazing and total worth the horrible client which still doesn't support anything higher than FullHD despite annoying daily updates.
Also, it started the whole fucking DRM plague