Who strikes you as the most important political players in the technology sphere? From what I have read, weev actively develops some of the more radical and press-worthy "right of center" websites on the internet, namely The Daily Stormer and Hatreon. To that effect, Cody Wilson owns Hatreon but I think weev does a lot of the programming and Wilson has garnered a lot of attention in his own right. Read: Defense Distributed and the recent 3D printed gun hysteria. Who am I missing? Are there leftist radicals in tech who aren't hired by some of the major companies like Google and just sold their souls? I feel like those companies are so liberal (not leftist) that they attract some of the power players who care about identity politics shit. Chelsea Manning is definitely left of center but honestly I have no idea what she is even doing. Probably just trying to avoid being assassinated by CIA niggers. And that begs the question whether Julian Assange is left as well? He seems fairly independent from ideological trappings (inb4 Putin's suckbuddy). Snowden is just a good person. Jake Applebaum seems left but he was exiled when rumors spread of him being a pervert or something. The problem with the Western "Left" is that they have so many witch hunts that they expel anyone worth a shit before they can do anything substantial. Amir Taaki is left I suppose because he served in the Rojavan army, but he is more anarchist in the vein of right-wing libertarians/ancaps such as Cody Wilson.
Political Hackers and Others in Cyberspace
This question is utter non-sense.
Politics is futile and will never lead to peace. The system's foundations are flawed. If you play the game of politics, you'll suffer. You're suffering your thoughts, desires and projections right now. Stop!
People should disengage with such concepts, otherwise whether you're with or against, you'll be feeding the same system that you want gone.
Breathe and forget about this BS. It won't change anything. Look at the world around you, the real world of plants, trees and the whole of creation. Everything man made will die and dissolve. Civilizations florished and came down and we, and all of our toys and concept, will also.
Chill & meditate on who you truly are in this life, not the personality but the one breathing unconsciously. Your body will die but your life will remain, get to know it within the body for it is bliss and truth revealed.
Forget the man made world and your worries will be lost in deep silence.
Maybe whites are actually too stupid to live.
That guy was proudly attacking white supremacists on the internet before he was arrested and adopted his new persona. Now his posts on this subject are so larpy and ridiculous
The leftist radicals, as far as I have seen, have been astroturfed to fucking pieces whenever they try to organize in their cause.
Btw, no need for hate left vs right, it is a well known divide and conquer method by powers that be, but also known tactic is the fact that status quo "needs to be mainstained" and they usually disrupt everyone who dares to organize against them.
Most of right wing is well known with words like
It is just astroturfing.
Weev is actually unknown faggot that nobody cares about. He did nothing and does nothing and got light sentence for giving FBI some info.
No! Mister I can read between space. Your comment is so foolish it blissed me out.
Leave? Dafuq does that mean? You're a talking dead, a programmed machine.
Join or Die.
Piss of you shill.
Be Snowball:
Leak military national secrets --> flee to Russia (an old enemy of the American nation).
Hmmmmmm make you think how good that E.Snowball really is.
9/10 bait, you'll get most of Zig Forums.
This is the Zig Forums I know and love.
He turned into a rabid white supremacist in part because the judge that sentenced him was some fat nigger bitch. It was a witch hunt. I don’t think he would jump ship so easily.
Think for yourself.
Have you ever thought that when Snowden arrives to an ally of America that he'd be deported back to America? We know for a fact that the plane that was transporting the president of Bolivia was rerouted mid-flight because it was suspected that Snowden was hiding in there. If Snowden went to an allied country of America, it would have been guaranteed that he'd be deported back to America.
Or you know, he's a troll that trolls for his own jollies.
It’s probably a combination of both. You don’t put the time and effort into maintaining the Daily Stormer if you don’t believe in it somewhat, however. I don’t buy that his life is all some master ruse. At a certain point he decides what he wants to work on beyond teh lulz.
Only reason why he sucks is that he is a shitlib.
Stormfags consider TDS to be a ruse.
What a faggot
Is Stormfront even still around? No one gives a shit what KKK larpers think anyways.
There is no peace in nature
8/pol/ > TDS/TRS > Stormfront
Nature is peace. Nature just is. Our perception of time is different from that of a tree or a rock. From a distance we are just bubbles in a small pond.
That graph sure sounds like a circle, so yes. A sattelite in orbit sounds pretty peaceful; constant decline and rebirth.
Most of her effort these days seems to be staving off the constant thoughts of suicide. She tried a couple of times in prison, and again this year (that we know of). Her tweets seem to be composed more of hashtags and emojis than any actual content. I'm not sure there's enough consistency or sanity in her public persona at this point to give her a meaningful label. I always thought that she was a particularly bad person for activists to rally around (kind of like that thug nig who sparked the riots in St. Louis), because unlike, say, Assange, who has been persecuted merely for acting in a journalistic capacity (publishing documents that he committed no crime to acquire), Manning violated the trust s/he was given as a military intelligence grunt. inb4 she/her
You'd need more than a right-left axis (which is terribly passe anyway) to describe Assange. He's more of an opportunistic anti-authoritarian than anything.
He didn't just seem left, he was a hard left literal communist listen-and-believe idpol fanatic. I do wonder whether he's had something of a revelation since his own experience, in which absurd, anonymously-published stories and a vicious campaign to smear his name got him fired from the Tor Project and blacklisted a bunch of other places. Without so much as a court case ever being filed or even a police report coming to light.
I think a fundamental problem with your question is that you're asking about political hackers, when really there's a great distinction between political hackers and political hacks. Manning was never a hacker, but she's certainly a hack now. Assange was a genuine hacker at one time (look up RubberhoseFS and check the credits for surfraw if you're curious), but he moved into hack status (activist status, if you must) long ago.
There are definitely hackers with political motivations, but you'll probably never know their names, unless they get arrested or outed and, yes, I do mean hackers in the Stallman-approved sense, not crackers. The social media promotion that a lot of "political hackers" do is a full time job in itself. It's unlikely that people like that are producing much code of value.
Weev is the biggest faggot I've ever talked to. Manlet mutt that name drops e-celebs like everyone should know them and thinks everyone should stop their conversations and listen to him when he speaks.
Is day Amir Taaki is a real leftist hacker. A lot of the programs his organization makes are licensed under the AGPL. He’s associated with dyne.org if I’m not mistaken. They make the Devuan project.
Have you talked to him in person or just online?
I would say
The only real hackers that exists are already recruited by the CIA.
what a fucking moron you are.
>(((this))) wont change anything
oh wait we have peace in the west
so nothing needs to change since we have peace
and since politics wont change anything, we wont get war either. meditate on that you stupid cunt