These versions of ubuntu what came after the 2000 haven't patched the y2k bug:
Ubuntu 8.04
Ubuntu 7.10
Ubuntu 7.04
Ubuntu 6.06
Ubuntu 5.10
1.Download any of this versions
2.Get Virtual Box By Oracle (Or create a bootable drive)
3.Disable guest addition
4.Set your PC`s time to 12.31.1999 - 11:50 (Give your self 10 mins or how long you need )
5.Boot up Ubuntu
6.Mess around for 5 min
7.The times hits 12.31.1999 - 11:59
10. Gui is dead
>Y2K Ubuntu Glitch
hurr durr, why don't they fix this.
Oh, come the fuck on. It's just a kid having some fun.
because Linux is written in memory unsafe C and not in glorious LISP.
UNIX handles negative time just fine.
Wow, it's almost like using decade-outdated software is a bad idea.
Fun with timezones and date lines, F-22 style.
Ubuntu 5.10 was released in late 2005. The only reason to care that X crashes when the machine thinks it's still 1999 is if you're planning to send a copy of Ubuntu back in time.
Prove that the OS fucks up when merely working with dates prior to 00:01 2000-01-01 and I might give a shit. But only a little shit, since they apparently patched this bug 10 years ago.
We're fucked in 2036 and 2038.
Or when the hardware clock goes haywire and unix time gets reset to 1970
and i care... why?
holy fuck, you faggots are the equivalent of bitter old grannies who sit around and do nothing but watch CNN to validate their anger and get pissy as fuck when their dead fucking silence gets interrupted by even the littlest smidgen of sound or music.
why the fuck are you even here? oh, that's right. to validate your anger addiction on the next baitpost or when some faggot posts MORE FUCKING POLITICAL BULLSHIT!
If you let it run for 30 years after that happens, yeah.
these pajeet idiots haven't even figured out relative time yet and still need a beginning fucking idiots
Wanna know how I know you need to get laid?
They came out after 2000 so there's literally no case where you would ever go from 1999 to 2000.
If the Linux was in Rust this wouldn't be a problem
Use Redox and shut up faggot
Holy shit, you don't even know how to cross link boards properly.
we're gonna be fucked in much worse ways than a computer time bug man
Yeah I stopped worrying about it when I realized we'll be dead or innawoods by then.
This is without a doubt the most autistic thread i have ever read. OP is posting about a decade old OS and the other autists are arguing about unix time.