Why go through all of the headache of configuration? Is it actually worth it? Linux from Scratch seems more educational and meaningful to me.
What is the point of Arch and Gentoo?
arch is lame and poser but gentoo is actually the best distro by far if you know or want to know how it works.
Use OpenBSD if you want sane defaults and a complete system, but still get street cred.
Because they're good distros for building up your own personalized OS. Arch is better because it does that while remaining actually viable for daily use. Gentoo is poser cancer for people who only have it installed to brag about since it's actually an awful practical use distro.
OpenBSD is a meme
SSD TRIM is vital to supporting SSDs, as without it, they degrade quickly due to unnecessary reads and writes. Sadly, OpenBSD has decided not to support this.
OpenBSD also does not offer a modern filesystem option. You simply get the very old BSD "Fast File System" or FFS.
Why is this important? Because when most people think of a secure system, they think of being resistant to evil hackers breaking into it. But that's only one part of security. InfoSec can be generally split up into three components: Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability.
In this triad, availability seems to be the one that's lacking here. Who cares how hack-resistant your system is if the data you're protecting is corrupted?
That's not even getting into the volume management stuff that's missing, and the snapshots, and the everything.
"b-b-but MUH BACKUPS!!"
What are you even saying? That bitrot all of a sudden doesn't exist anymore? That backups are the one and only thing you should do and should not be supplemented by a more stable filesystem?
You do realize that if the filesystem is not secure and does not protect against bitrot and corruption, your precious backups are going to be fucked, because you'll be backing up corrupted data. Who even knows how far you'll have to roll back in order to get to a clean state?
"ZFS is one big thing! Very not-Unix! Just combine tools, bro"
OpenBSD doesn't have logical volume management either. Even if it did, FFS doesn't have the checksumming, bitrot protection, etc. Even if it did, OpenBSD softraid doesn't support as many RAID levels as other operating systems' solutions. It's just a worse deal all around.
"Only two remote holes in the default install!!!!!!!"
I hope you realize that this literally only applies to a base system install with absolutely no packages added. In other words, not exactly representative or meaningful towards... anything really.
OpenBSD also does not have NFSv4 support even 18 years after its standardization. This is an issue security-wise because version 4 is the only one to offer authentication with Kerberos plus encryption with the krb5p option.
A common retort to this argument is that the NFSv4 protocol is "bloated", and that's why OpenBSD doesn't support it. Going off this, the OpenBSD project seems to think that authentication and encryption are bloat. Take a moment to consider that. It's certainly a very strange stance indeed, for such a "security-focused" operating system.
Let's of course not forget that OpenBSD lacks a Mandatory Access Control solution such as SELinux, AppArmor, or TrustedBSD, which provide benefits that are relevant to companies, organizations, and governments looking to better secure their systems and classified data.
A few years ago, OpenBSD was actually in danger of shutting down because they couldn't keep the fucking lights on. How could anyone see this as a system they could rely on, when it could be in danger of ending at any time?
"but it's open source! Someone could just fork it"
Oh yeah because surely they'll be able to maintain the entire OS
Actually now that I think about it, that really depends on the person/organization that does it. And they might actually have some sense and be able to fix some of the issues listed here.
It's official. OpenBSD would be better off if it shut down and was restarted.
"B-But OpenBSD is written in strictly standards-compliant C! Clearly that's better than muh GNU virus!"
So you're not allowed to create extensions to the standard? You should only implement the standard and nothing more? Keep in mind that this is nothing like EEE, as the GNU C extensions are Free Software, with freely available source code, as opposed to proprietary shite. People should be allowed to innovate and improve things.
If you're gonna be anal about standards-compliance, then why let people make their own implementations anyway? Why not have the standards organizations make one C implementation and force everyone to use it?
OpenBSD's pf has inferior performance, as it only utilizes one core of one processor. GNU/Linux's netfilter firewall does not have this problem. Neither does pfsense.
what about freebsd
If personalization means using a color theme to you. Enjoy your forced dbus/systemd/polkit/gtk3 cancer.
I run Gentoo on everything I can. You get a completely custom system. During install, you just select a profile from the terminal and then edit some text files with use flags and you do some compiling.
It's actually quite nice. It can also be substantially faster than Windows, or even binary Linux distros. Part of what makes x86 fast is new instructions. When you have a binary OS, everything is compiled around the lowest common denominator. Meaning that expensive new CPU you bought with AVX, FMA, etc is wasted 99% of the time. With Gentoo, you get every library and every program compiled for your CPU.
It won't make a big difference on an older CPU, but on a new one, it can make huge performance difference. To me, spending more time compiling when I'm not working if it means a faster computer for free when working, it's a good deal.
Not to mention I was smug as fuck watching everyone's favorite distros turn systemd. I have a very nice pulseaudio and systemd-free distro, running what I want without the bullshit.
That wall of text: Wrap negative rhetoric around simple facts to create the illusion that a viable operating system (it doesn't to be viable for everyone) is actually trash or "isn't modern enough".
Nice attempt though.
PulseAudio's great if you build it with -alsa and +jack (and install jack2 from the audio-overlay). Poetterware deserves to be cucked by a superior master like JACK.
If you want break-proof ZFS you should use Antegros (Arch based)
To get something that does what you want.
For me, yes. I don't know you well enough to say if it's the same for you.
Educational, yes, but not something you want to use. If you don't know why try it, and don't forget to keep packages relevant to security updated.
Users of Arch are basically that cartoon skinny fuck who flexes his non-existing muscles unaware of how comical it is.
One of the few good linux distros. Worth it.
Gentoo has a legit use It's a toolkit for developers to work with compiled software and it also has uses in changing what software is actually running on the operating system without having to work as hard.
Arch is just a baby distro for fags who larp as hackers and moan on about how they changed the font colour to be something different. There is nothing to gain from arch as it uses the same binary based system that most other distros use, but worse.
lmfao daily reminder gentoo niggers literally believe in gcc magic
I'm getting brain damage from listening to you tards.
Their code of conduct is fucking cancer.
This. It seems like a distro for halfchan ricer faggots.
Recent convert from Windows to Arch here. I've used some of the 'friendlier' linux distros like Ubuntu and Debian and it was just so shit because they were obviously just trying to emulate what other popular OS's were doing. I'll just share what I've experienced with Arch after my first 2 months with it:
I cannot speak to any other OS's but as far as my experience goes with these minimal installs, I'm pretty happy. It's a challenge, but it respects everyone instead of starting from the assumption that "dis computer stuff is just too hard for you user plebs." On the other side of that challenge is a personalized workstation and strong command over your machine.
INB4 other OS dogpile: I will one day try BSD and Gentoo, but I really just learned linux as I was installing Arch (I've been exposed to it in the past, but I've never seriously worked with it). Arch has satisfied me greatly so far, and I'm currently using it for work and school, so I can't be bothered to go distro hopping at least until next summer break.
this is actually accurate but arch does have ONE use and that would be: you want a binary based distro but also want nearly every package without having to jump throuh hoops since AUR has everything vs debian style os's that do not have every package
gentoo however is SHIT compared to funtoo (unless you are on some obscure arch) if you want the only good nonsystemd os FUNTOO is the way to go
But the quality is total dogshit and they're from some rando who probably just uploaded it to add malware. Why not obtain such things as source from the original author and install in /usr/local?
Says the guy who never had to compile anything. With AUR: read pkgbuild and any other relevant files (usually none), run makepkg. Without AUR: download sources, untar, read INSTALL, or README, or readme, etc, run ./configure --halp, check which config options you probably need, make, it doesn't work, find which library you're missing, download library sources, untar, read INSTALL...
Also even when it isn't on AUR I always create a package because pacman -Rsc libnigger will remove it for sure, but I'm bound to forget some file or another if I just throw it into /usr/local/ like a retard.
It sounds like you use AUR because you don't know enough to correctly install software from source on your l33t distro for pro kernel hackers. It was already my mental picture of Arch users so I'm amused.
Daily reminder USE flags and configuration options can result in faster software
a base OpenBSD system is a fully-usable system that really doesn't require you to install many packages to get a normalfag pc.
I still use gentoo because its no systemd and mature distro(as in number of packages, searchable online support, stability)
I also appreciate having the source code of all my software so I can check how many LOC there are and make small changes that for some strange reason are not possible through configs. The 9999 versions of packages are also a nice way to install the newest version of software from git.
Being able to do use flags optimizations and kernel customization is nice flexibility to have but I dont see the need for saving disc space and barely noticeable speed gains.
If not for the lack of maturity crux and void linux seem like better options. They seem to offer choice of whether to compile from source or install binary, so can safe time when compile is not needed.
crux is more interresting because of it's focus on simplicity and void is interresting because of it's simple fast init runit and using musl which is more minimal than glibc.
This is a bot right? Nobody can be this autistic.
Linux is for virgins. If you want something done use an actual OS.
I felt at home on the internet in the early 90's, when it was mostly tard free, and lost since the iPod got wifi, until I found my home on here
Nigger I said I create a package when it isn't on AUR, how the fuck is that not knowing how to install software?
Well Imma guess that all through the 90s tards had programs and shit all over the filesystem and were not ghettoised in fucking /home.
Like what?
How is Artix or Calculate?
What is the point of threads like this? You're not doing anything but demonstrating your ignorance. Gentoo is a source-based metadistribution that offers great choice to the user and is available on a ton of computer architectures. Arch is a binary-based distribution that values simplicity and bleeding- (or at least cutting-) edge software and is available for only one architecture. Different distros, different purposes, different approaches, different audiences. It's telling that you lump them together. Let me help you out.
If you ask what's the point of Arch, you probably don't need Arch.
If you ask what's the point of Gentoo, you probably don't need Gentoo.
If you ask what's the point of Arch and Gentoo, Zig Forums definitely doesn't need you.
If you can read the Arch wiki, it takes less than 30 minutes to get Arch installed and running with X and a DE/WM of your choice, and a lot of that 30 minutes is waiting for the packages to download. If you want to rice the shit out of your setup, or you want a bunch of custom kernel patches, or you're setting up an audio workstation, then configuration might take a while, but that would be true on any distro that isn't already specifically tailored to your needs.
That's actually not hard for an actual plain-Jane LFS system. It isn't really that many packages, and many of them aren't updated that often. Chasing down security updates for a BLFS system is a giant pain in the ass, though, especially if you've installed something like Xorg, which has a gajillion dependencies. So, yeah, if you've created a "desktop" BLFS system and you actually want to keep it up to date, expect pain.
distros for unthinking babbbys
damn well son you really got me there all these years i was wasting my time. time to switch to ubuntu
Provide retard OP with an introduction will you?
Videos > Wikis when it comes to introduction. but yeah WTFM (watch the fucking movie).
If you don't have low-end hardware, then Gentoo is the most sane distribution of GNU+Linux (But you could still use distcc, if you have multiple computers)
Just Install GENTOO already!
SJW nuff said
I disagree. I installed several versions of Python 3 and ended up borking my system.
Could no longer emerge anything.
I used both 10 years ago, now I use neither: macOS and OpenBSD instead
Once you become a boomer you really start to understand the appeal of "just werks"
Though that's debatable with regards to 2018 Apple
Gotta get that hot new CPU so I can build fucking vim.
What headache?
After 15 years of using several linux distros I can configure any linux box with my eyes closed.
Because you want your OS to be so niche you can't do anything
I don't know if it's changed since, but I recall arch requiring the manual editing of a lot of config files during the setup itself. It's not necessary and nobody should derive pride from being able to do it.
5 files (6 if you use a non "us" keyboard layout). Mostly uncommenting a line or writing a single line. Takes 15 seconds per file. Maybe 30 if you've never done it before.
It is if you want to install Arch.
Nobody said that anyone should. What the guy you're responding to said is that it's not a headache.
And it's not.
What distro would allow me to run different isolated copies of same software without dependency hell in a manner portable apps allow doing it on Windows?
Any distro with a kernel from the past several years.
Docker is redhatware, for the retards by the retards. Stick to LXC for containers, and firejail if you're not retarded (you don't really need containers).
Opinion discarded.
Firstly, go camping in the woods on the weekends. Once you're comfortable with that, find a spot near a water source with fish and build a lean-to. After you can live removed from everything, sustainably on the weekends, study Zen buddhism, specifically the practice of zazen. You don't need to be so rigorous as to follow it to a tee; after all, enlightenment can be gained by anyone. Once you realise you can live by yourself, and understand life by yourself, then you'll understand what your life is, isn't. And you'll learn that you aren't the boundary of your skin. There are no boundaries. Everything is.
arch is sorta like a modern slackware
-the nice part about arch is the latest kernel supports way more hardware out of the box,
arch is like an actual desktop primary os within real world realism
if you love slackware you will like arch, i swear that arch is like modern slackware is a way of putting it
If you don't know why you'd put time into configuring your system (as simple and quick as that actually is) or if it's worth the time, I'll tell you that you are not informed enough neither about the systems you have in mind, their viable uses, nor the actual use you want to have them provide. This thread is shit. You're a fucking moron. Fuck off and don't come back.
Listen to this guy.
The PKGBUILDS have an awful quality compared to Gentoo's ebuild, though. Don't care about debundling nor about software respecting user C/CPP/LDFLAGS.
Read the fucking CoC and then come back to this board. This is a friends only zone.
btw I use arch
and I humbly disagree
OpenBSD is the unix promise realised. Tiny, secure, straightforward and easy to understand, easy to install, easy to install software. All those memes the self important trannies and soyboys convinced everyone were so desperately needed? It simply doesn't have them. Pure and untouched by freedesktop bloat like systemd or pulseaudio and yet miraculously able to run any kind of modern software. Rather than being pozzed by some gay shit they just iterate and improve their own solutions. And then other people copy+paste their stuff. I'm convinced it will get the recognition it deserves soon since it's been improving so quickly.
Calculate is Fanastic, and it's such a good Gentoo spin that it's probably how every newbie should be indoctrinated into Linux. The only Poetterware is Pulseaudio (which can be crippled with -alsa useflags if you want to install jack2 and still play games), and it's built with -03 -pipe. Artix is the least worst Arch derivative.
Reminder that there are three (two and a half) Gentoo-derivatives that are binary-based: Calculate Linux, Sabayon, and CloverOS (half - It's just Gentoo). Use and learn one instead of wasting time with Arch.
Gentoo is a stepping stone to OpenBSD. Gentoo gets you used to ports, slimming down your install, and weaning yourself off Poetterware in favor of The Unix Way. It should be recognized for this contribution.
Really makes me want to install CloverOS
CloverOS is seriously underrated. I downstreamed them for my enterprise laptop deployments. Adding JACK and a KDE desktop made these the perfect systems for end-users. Despite their faggotry, /g/ makes a hell of a distro. If USE flags and package.env changes don't scare you, you'll be sold once you finish the 3-minute install, and log in to the desktop of your choice post-command line login. just switch the -G to -g in EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS so you can build packages that aren't in the binary overlay.
Too bad OpenBSD has a shit package manager (no configuration, no way to easily act as a source-only PM), shit performances, and most importantly, doesn't seem to care. That's why I'm eyeing Dfly more: performances are obviously very good (that's the point of the OS) and ravenports looks pretty good; too bad it's amd64 only.
too bad it's not GNU.
too bad it's swiss cheese for security.
too bad it's in desperate need of a code audit.
If we're going to abandon the GPL's protections, we're going to pick the least-worst BSD to build from. Dragonfly isn't it.
Wow. Those GPL protections sure helped to protect Linux from being taken over by corporate interests. Good thing for those GPL protections tbh fam.
wait, you mean it's ACTUALLY progressed beyond the logo phase?!
I don't see how gentoo is a stepping stone when it's much harder to use. You also have to compile everything which can rape less capable hardware. Ports are easy. I think a multi tiered approach might be good, with the goal of always getting to do what you want. Something like:
1. OpenBSD (surprisingly capable, can do most things)
2. Arch/Antergos (muh WINE, muh steam gaymes, muh AUR)
3. Ubuntu (unlikely to reach this stage)
4. Win7
That way you're spending most of your time on OpenBSD and only using other stuff for specific reasons. And those reasons will diminish over time.
I have latest wine-staging, steam beta, JACK, brave, git mesa, git libdrm, git dolphin emu, git retroarch, flatpack and snappy; all of them quickpkg'd up, and I can install/deploy a new laptop asset with all of the above in less than 4 minutes from *netboot*.
Ports could learn a thing or two from Portage. I'd love to have a package.use (and a package.keywords and package.env) in ports. It'd change my world. Having a layman-equivalent in ports would also be extremely beneficial.
If you're on weaker hardware, use Calculate or CloverOS (or any binary overlay) and quit whining about "muh compiling". I ran gentoo on an Atom D525 for years as my daily driver. It wasn't hard. There's a reason firefox-bin, brave-bin, and libreoffice-bin exist in regular portage.
The truth of it all is that Gentoo isn't hard to use, once installed. it's just hard to *install*. Calculate gets you a Linux desktop in the same time Ubuntu does, and the pain of administration is about the same, if not a little less on Calculate's side. Calculate (Baby's First Gentoo) simultaneously makes Gentoo feel less threatening, and also introduces newbies to a Poettering-free linux experience, likely for the first time in their lives.
A multi-tiered approach would be Gentoo on bare metal, OpenBSD in a VM handling your network/wifi card, Win7 in a VM with LookingGlass (for everything that doesn't work in Steam Play/Proton), and an Ubuntu install in VM for compatibility testing. Anyone dual/multi-booting in Current Year + 3 is an idiot that doesn't know how to VM.
An addendum: while AUR is a neat workaround for the limitations of pacman's design, Gentoo's model is superior, because it literally *integrates* an AUR into the normal package repsoitory. Submitting new packages to portage is as simple as making a bug in bugzilla, and attaching the ebuild. If your ebuild changes too many things, or is updated once every two days or something, throw that bitch in an overlay (which is very similar to an ubuntu ppa from a user's perspective - who uses Arch overlays now that V10l0 is no longer needed?), and then people willing to dip their toe will find you on gpo.zugaina.org
Most of the packages that update from git have a -9999 build of the package, which will update every time you emerge @world; all you have to do is edit a package.keywords file and insert a line about it.
Now, if you're like me, and you want to install minimal Poetterware to make Steam games work (or the wife demands you play Stardew Valley on multiplayer with her), in Gentoo I have the option to disable pulseaudio's ability to talk to alsa. JACK is the Head Nigger In Charge, pulse can only talk to JACK as a slave, and doesn't even know Alsa exists on my system. Alsa, similarly, is configured to only output to JACK. ffmpeg only talks to JACK. so does vlc, smplayer, mpv, gstreamer, kmix, and phonon. Literally the only apps that use PA are steam games. All I had to do to enable this was emerge pulseaudio with -alsa, and the rest with -pulse -alsa, as useflags. Can you do that in pacman/pacaur/yaourt, or are you stuck with every setting enabled by default? Thought so.
Pic related - new hardware that's unstable in everything but Gentoo right now, showing Lennart, Firefox, and Brave's submission to a proper master.
An addendum: while AUR is a neat workaround for the limitations of pacman's design, Gentoo's model is superior, because it literally *integrates* an AUR into the normal package repsoitory. Submitting new packages to portage is as simple as making a bug in bugzilla, and attaching the ebuild. If your ebuild changes too many things, or is updated once every two days or something, throw that bitch in an overlay (which is very similar to an ubuntu ppa from a user's perspective - who uses Arch overlays now that V10l0 is no longer needed?), and then people willing to dip their toe will find you on gpo.zugaina.org
Most of the packages that update from git have a -9999 build of the package, which will update every time you emerge @world; all you have to do is edit a package.keywords file and insert a line about it.
Now, if you're like me, and you want to install minimal Poetterware to make Steam games work (or the wife demands you play Stardew Valley on multiplayer with her), in Gentoo I have the option to disable pulseaudio's ability to talk to alsa. JACK is the Head Nigger In Charge, pulse can only talk to JACK as a slave, and doesn't even know Alsa exists on my system. Alsa, similarly, is configured to only output to JACK. ffmpeg only talks to JACK. so does vlc, smplayer, mpv, gstreamer, kmix, and phonon. Literally the only apps that use PA are steam games. All I had to do to enable this was emerge pulseaudio with -alsa, and the rest with -pulse -alsa, as useflags. Can you do that in pacman/pacaur/yaourt, or are you stuck with every setting enabled by default? Thought so.
Pic related - new hardware that's unstable in everything but Gentoo right now, showing Lennart, Firefox, and Brave's submission to a proper master.
good tier package manager = pacman - best graphical frontend = octopi - intuitive aur helpers
hassle free - no dependency hell but requires you not to be stupid when updating
binaries (not optimized but at least signed) - aur binaries for non-generic hardware
most stuff precompiled for most hardware including recent ones to work
systemd and other cancers but it can be removed / there are forks
forks or scripts that does not require you to touch terminal
better arch than babby distro - command line nigger?
god tier package manager = portage
might be a hassle but worth it (learning curve) - some stuff might go fuck itself (python etc)
source or binaries but mostly source - optimizable and can support more architectures than arch linux
systemd is not default
sadly the project is lacking in funds now (thank you Google for your patronage!)
faster than most distros though it takes a lot of time - the only cons would be how much space and time it needs to compile your browser or even update that microtuned kernel security patch versionX-1(minor fix) or that toaster (then you have to spend another 3 days recompiling if it fucks up or fills up your drive) - though that's just the worst case scenario
you're a wizard! 9000 MP left
what is time? lol i'm immortal vampyros
you're a magus! over 9000 Magical Damage (overkill)
fucked up psychopath file systems (except xfs)
red hat cianiggers (systemdbusetc...)
latency fucked up audio (pulse or alsa the mute)
good file systems
cuck license and slow progression
good audio quality
not enough basic consumer software
kinda comfy
As for arch it's not that much configuration. It just doesn't have a graphical installer and doesn't come with gigabytes of software preinstalled. You install just what you need so you can decide for yourself how you want your system to be. You can keep it small and simple or make it a bloated Ubuntu. It's up to you but neither thing is hard to do. Arch is actually all about simplicity while maintaining a certain customizability. No one who knows a little more about linux than how to launch LibreOffice and Firefox from KDE should be able to pull off a arch install.
Gentoo on the other hand is all about customizability, even down to the compile options. This of course requiresboth a little more knowledge and a user who actually knows exactly what he wants (because shooting from the hip might eventually work and educate you but will not give you a more efficient system than any binary distro).
Arch is for laptops, gentoo is for the sexy grand desktop at home.
Is the speed increase of using gentoo such a big difference compared to Ubuntu?
I couldn't really compare it well so far because one is running from a SSD and the other one from a HDD. Gentoo seems a little more smooth though. And besides speed, custom compile options have other advantages too, like applications having exactly the features you need without creating dependencies you don't want for things you never use. Which is a blessing on Linux, to say the least.
whats wrong with btrfs?
A great weakness of linux indeed
is that KDE? on cloveros? why don't you just install systemd/ubuntu if your going to do this heresy.
I built vim on gentoo just fine with a low-end chromebook.
Nina Reiser deserved that.
What init system does calculate Linux use. What does Gentoo used?
This is either a copy-pasta or you've been reposting this shit in every thread where OpenBSD comes up.
Copy-pasting code from the wiki isn't "learning curve"
The only thing I like about Arch is the decent repo they have.
Couldn't you just uninstall Pulseaudio? Pls no bully am brainlet.
OpenBSD openly admits it prioritizes security over performance and the package manager is simple but how the fuck can you miss ports? That's what you use if you want source.
Using ports is pointless--on OpenBSD you get the same version of the package, so building from source is a waste of time.
Are you joking? Please be joking. Arch uses the AUR as a pitiful excuse for their small repo; they also don't provide any flavours (e.g. package-gtk2 for those who want to avoid the gtk3 cancer).
You don't seem to understand. OpenBSD is like Arch in that matter. You can use ports (or ABS) to build individual ports, but you can't do the equivalent of 'emerge --update --deep' using only the port system.
In general, that's true. But there are a few cases where you might want to use the ports:
1) Some arch don't have as many binary packages built automatically as amd64
2) You want to use a FLAVOR that's available for that port but for which nobody built a package
3) You want to do your own customization of a program. It's pretty convenient to go into the port directory and type "make patch" and then just edit whatever file(s) you need and then resume the port build process. I've done this in the past for a couple programs I had minor personal tweaks for (nothing fancy or useful to anyone else, or I'd have sent a patch upstream).
Also it's just useful if you want to examine the source code. The ports tree makes it easy to fetch and extract it with one command ("make patch" like I said above, but read "man ports" for all details).
They're fun
Gentoo doesn't actually have a lot of configuration.
If you want to configure a lot it gives you the freedom to do so, but if you don't want to bother you can just install gentoo unstable/stable, pick your profile of choice and you have a ready to use system.
You're basically asking "why do I have to drink toilet water?" because toilet water exists.
You don't have to go through piles of configuration just because you can.
But if you do want to go through piles of configuration, gentoo is definitely the best distro and you can very well tailor your system to exactly what you envision, something other distros don't let you do.
As for Arch, I haven't used it in 7 years, so I don't really remember much, but there's no reason to use arch even if Void didn't exist, but Void exists so use it instead.
I haven't used Gentoo since it first came out. It was a good learning experience though.. just tedious. Now I might see value in it because SystemD is optional.
Apart from learning about tech under the hood and having no systemD on a popular OS, is there a benefit of Gentoo? Their website does a shit-poor job of selling itself (figuratively).
Puppy Linux does all that too
You seem to never have used Gentoo. I use gentoo since 4 years daily, and while you're right to say that it's not easy, for a tech illiterate to configure everything at first (and it takes time, I had a lot of free time when I learnt everything, as I'm not a programmer), you just have to save your configs, and reuse it anywhere you need it again. The only problem I have with gentoo is how slow is to install package on old laptops (even though you still can go around, be compiling the packages on a strong machine, then move them here).
Seriously, I don't see why anyone, that have dedicated his life to computing, would not use gentoo, or literally build your own OS (linux based or else). I'm just a power user, that's why I'm kind of limited (I'm not programming all day). But for someone who lives on a computer all day long, then seriously I don't understand. Working your whole life on computers, and not mastering the best and most complicated tools available to me is a mystery. At least, if you do something, do it right.
I personally don't see a true master of programming not having his own OS at some point.