Pic related is what happens to the software you write, after you die. Nobody will give enough of a fuck to maintain it. Your creation will outlive you, but only as a ruin.
Pic related is what happens to the software you write, after you die. Nobody will give enough of a fuck to maintain it...
You have two choices:
1. write terrible but useful code, so that space empires in the year 16020 will simulate today's Earth in its entirety just so that they can steer virtual people to interact with a virtual computer running your code
2. write code so good that people will prefer the experience of patching it to the experience of rolling their own 70% solution in a memelang
People will be using brainwaves and AR mechanics and quantum computers to do things so what's the point of writing literally anything now?
t. totally not a blackpill faggot
What if someone forks your shit?
If you design it well it will be maintained long after you're gone.
How does code deteriorates?
Code suffers from bitrot.
My creations exist to serve me, once i die they lose their meaning and what happens to them is irrelevant
What's wrong with living in a mud hut? The Afriacans haven't succumbed to civilization like the white man did. They are pure, unlike us.
Don't like it? Go be a nigger somewhere else.
They *can't* succomb to civilisation. I guess gorillas are even purer than niggers in this case too.
The gist of it is that it's better to have a peak and a fall, that to stay at beast level all of your history.
The fact that I've gone digging for and improved long dead and unloved projects disproves your theory.
You forgot the reasoning in your argument. Duh huh I'm Da Vinci I can't even form a valid hypothesis.
3. Write the most virulent, debased, destructive code possible at your skill level. Meme-matic, seductive, destruction. Enjoy the show as the entirety of the internet embarks on a monumental & doomed global initiative to eliminate your code.
Write the Necronomicon of code.
Bourne shell.
Maybe if you bought into the modern software developement meme, where everything has got to always be upgraded constantly. But if you look at some old games where the author is dead, well they're still running fine on the original hardware (or emulators) and people still play them sometimes. Pic related is one example.
BTW that's also why I fucking don't give a shit about Linux or related crap anymore. It's a huge waste of time, where software only gets more bloated and buggy and you waste lots of time fucking around with the OS crap constantly. I'd rather a Commodore 64 or Amiga or some other old thing where the fucking ground isn't constantly falling out from under your feet.
Patrician taste. I used to think I was such a badass for having figured out how to advance infinitely with no risk.
Soon, programs are going to be interacting with the real world. Imagine, after the millennial generation dies of old age, how many robots and personalized smart devices with interactive personalities will be left behind still functioning, but with no purpose.
Virus authors of the '90s who died were outlived by their viruses which still spread today.
Why are you calling other people stupid?
One of my favourites from The Scripture of Bourne:
#define TRUE (-1)
The reigning king though I think is Netscape's Javascript. Surely a more heinous, vile, cancerous affliction does not exist.
pure gorilla nigger animals
You mean it will last for thousands of years until a bunch of muslims conquer my country and turn it into first a mosque and then an ammunition dump which will be hit during an attack and detonate?
I don't see how the software I write could have that happen to it.
The Parthenon is upheld as one of the great masterpieces of Western architecture.
You should probably have picked a different example.
When are you going back to Europe?
programmers have fucked up lingo
Bitrot. Grab some source from an old distro and try to compile it. Without maintenance, code rots.
Strictly speaking, the code is the same, but the environment has moved on. There is nothing under heaven that men can create that can stand on its own forever, without continued maintenance from other men. The Aztecs sacrificed lives and prayed in religious ceremonies in order to maintain the world. Civilized societies must operate similarly, or they collapse.
If you've read your Ourorboros - On the Mechanical Extension of Mankind, then you're aware that there are also men whose existence is predicated on the existence of technologies that they themselves now maintain. Unless you live on a family farm, you're probably one of those new men. Maintenance is prayer and if you stop doing it men like you will retreat from the world.
Sure, things change over time. But in the computer industry, things change often and quickly for artificial reasons. After all, why would they let you keep using the same word processor or web browser or OS when they can just fuck things up a then sell you a new version in a couple years? That's how if fucking works with appliances and cars too, except they just use shitty components and design it to be shit so it breaks down often and early.
So that's why I say fuck this shit game and I don't give a fuck about any of this anymore. Modern technology is shit. It stopped being good and fun after it left the hobbyist realm and become just another consumerist turd.
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