Time to ditch the extension? Last time I checked, it didn't even correctly upgrade my connections to https on popular websites, so not only it has become useless, it seems to have become botnet.
HTTPS Everywhere now requires "reading your data on all websites" permission
Other urls found in this thread:
I prefer Smart HTTPS.
Provide your source or I'm calling bullshit, faggot
Try google, faggot.
What? Smart HTTPS is better because it doesn't rely on a list (i.e. it doesn't slow down browsing).
I searched for pages on HTTPS Everywhere that had the exact phrase you had in quotes ("reading your data on all websites") and found nothing.
Now fuck off
You can go suck a dick if you want me to find more sources. Go search it yourself, fag.
You're the most retarded poster on a board full of retards. Congrats.
Read the source code, retards. It's javascript.
Ungoogled chromium should be rather safe, no?
You privacy clowns in the EU and UK don't have any privacy you jerk-off to American porn and cry on American forums,boo-hoo the censer our internet well tough ditties mate !
Fuck Chromium, I keep away from that shit
I doubt any group has the autism necessary to really ungoogle it. It was nearing 30 million lines of code including all the forked libraries last I checked and the rate of new code is very high. There are probably lots of surprises in there, like when it tried to download a binary blob of voice codecs.
What about the underlying technologies? Blink and V8 shouldn't have anything google-specific. Would be nice if people took them and made their own custom browser. Like Luakit but bigger.
While this doesn't seem to be new for chromium considering how old the reddit link is, someone did ask about it on their github page recently.
I'd read that if you want to know more. There are also a couple of other older posts about permissions.
You dumb nigger. It has to request that permission to do things like blocking non-https connections.
Here's the file and line where it happens: github.com
Fuck off, fuck you, and stop spreading FUD.
What grades did your college professors give you when you passed in an essay and the sources cited simply said "go google it"?
What an entitled, lazy nigger. You should be embarrassed you knew nothing of this and couldn't even find the information when you tried, instead you're obstinate. Fix your shit.
This complete and utter failure of an argument pisses me off every fucking time.
HTTPS Everywhere has always needed that permission. Otherwise they wouldn't have been able to check and modify the URLs in the first place.
HTTPS Everywhere has the option to block all non-https requests, however it did not block ftp connections. The developers fixed this bug, now the addon can block ftp connections, but by doing that Friefox prompted users to re-allow the permission.
In my screenshot you can clearly see that the 2018.6.13 also asks to read all data from webistes (acceder a sus datos de todos los sitios web.)
Just to be extra sure, here I installed the 2017.10.30 version. Even if you can't read Spanish, you should be able to see it asks for the exact same permissions.
Here's the webpage so you whining babies can check it out for yourselves: addons.mozilla.org
I have cancer now, thanks.
Brendan Eich wasn't fired.
You're adorable. He was fired in the way CEOs are fired.
He was a white male!!!!!
His donation was public and known by Mozilla. He was promoted to CEO regardless because Mozilla doesn't care about that (because gay marriage has nothing to do with Mozilla.)
The notion that he would be promoted to CEO just to be fired is beyond retarded.
chromium is no worse than pozjew at this point
looks like this is all it is
diff --git a/chromium/manifest.json b/chromium/manifest.jsonindex 10b776f062..ccf65918c2 100644--- a/chromium/manifest.json+++ b/chromium/manifest.json@@ -48,7 +48,11 @@ "tabs", "cookies", "storage",- "*://*/*"+ "*://*/*",+ "ftp://*/*" ],- "version": "2018.6.21"+ "version": "2018.8.22",+ "web_accessible_resources": [+ "/pages/cancel/index.html"+ ] }
"*://*/*" doesn't match ftp, they want to match ftp so that they can block it if you want to hit the option for "block all unencrypted requests".
pozjew requires a new permission for this.
He was fired because SJWs found out about the donation, and overblew the whole thing. Not that Firefox had a respectable share of the browser market at that point, but the fact of the matter is that he was canned for the sake of stopping all of the bad press, as stupid as it was.
It's free software who gives a shit, go read the source and see if it actually does something you don't like.
It still sends all your passwords to google in plain text iirc
also, about 3.5 people in the whole world can actually read its source and understand it, and all of them work for google
it requires the same permission ("access all your data on all websites")
False. It wasn't needed until the latest update, hence the interest.
Though on a second thought, I'm wrong and you're right (probably).
Not that it matters, but google chrome was kind of a non-factor in the browser market at that point. The traction it got was several years later.
Both Mozilla, Eich and Mozilla employees in Reddit have stated over and over that he left. It literally wouldn't matter if he was fired since he built his own company after leaving Mozilla, he wasn't going to look for a job on LinkedIn, and the bad press would be far worse anyway.
What are you talking about? Chrome was already the dominant browser by 2014.
It's a terrible permission name that doesn't represent what it actually is doing.
Anyways, it's always needed that permission, they are just adding support for ftp "websites".
Yeah, that's how firings at a high level work. Get a gun pointed at your head and next is the mutual parting of ways to pursue other opportunities. Total coincidence.
Alternatively peruse your browsers source to see why those warnings are retarded, because they are.
congragulations you figured out that meme plugins have attack surfaces and can contain malware
Says who? Random Internet people? The only people who say that Eich cannot leave without being fired are the random Internet people. All the relevant people involved say otherwise.
Exactly it was merely a coincidence.
You're gonna need a source for that. Were you referring to chrome sync? Since I'm pretty sure even chrome at least encrypts it in transit
This github issue for ungoogled chromium implies sync isn't used.
Why even bother replying if you're not going to include actual information in your post? People like you should be permabanned, down to the DNA.
The issue that you are telling him to google isn't even a issue now. And unlike OP, there are links to back up my claim: see , , and
If you're trying to warn something about something, you don't do that be telling them to research the issue themselves. Not only that but not posting a link implies that you either don't understand the issue yourself or are just trying to spread FUD.
oh no he must have left mozilla coincidentally at the same time he was ousted for having problematic opinions
Mozilla is so much more than a browser company though. They make several projects to compete with proprietary solutions including browser, email client, geolocation service, speech recognition, new web standards (including protocols, JS features, image and video formats, etc.), web assembly, etcetera.
All this without mentioning the Mozilla Foundation which also funds and supports several open source projects, as well as does campaigns against tracking and in favor of freedom on the web.
And yes, that's exactly what happened. After Eich resigned he was offered a new position in Mozilla but he refused, he preferred to create a browser company. Brave is a decent browser, but it could've been much more if the ad companies and publishers had let them continue with their original ad model.
I didn't realize that "ungoogled chromium" was referring to a specific product - I thought it was referring to chromium ("ungoogled", as opposed to google chrome).
I mean of course it does? At least I hope that it uses https to talk to google web services. I was talking about the fact that anyone who can access you google account will see all your passwords. I was burned by that, and it actually came as a surprise for me: I was checking some stuff in my google account, and then accidentally stumbled upon the list of all of my passwords just sitting there. I use firefox, but several years ago I used chromium, so that must be where it came from.
This, the EFF recently told everybody to stop using PGP because of a bug in how Thunderbird handles its PGP plugin, which isn't even made by the core PGP team or anything.
They're a bunch of transfag niggerkikes.
He literally quit Mozilla because it would be problematic to continue working there because he offended his coworkers. What do you think he just made a new company and hired people who aren't offended? Fuck no, he probably got a nice PR shit setup and hired a bunch of newgrads who don't care about some obscure e-drama politics and just wanted a job.
And lol no, Mozilla is a corporation that makes Firefug (and so happens to release the source for it, which isn't very useful) and that's all, they're practically dead despite whatever brochures you're reading.
Don't forget Mozilla is teamed up with Soros to fight those dirty Internet Nazis.
Maybe little offtop, but is it really that hard to make our own browser? like really, all ""browsers"" are either another fucking OSs (like chr*me) or made by (((them))) nowadays ;_;
Making a browser is easy if you use somebody else's JS interpreter and rendering engine.
Here we go again. Alright, folks, Zig Forums Browser Project, Act 1, Scene 1, Take 1,483,267. Action!
I'll make the logo.
The issue is that the companies involved in making the standards have crammed so much shit in (mainly for the purposes of marketing and data collection) that it's pointless to make a new browser with a new engine from scratch.
Zig Forums already has a browser - wget.
The hard part is making the actual webpage renderer with support for modern HTML/CSS/JS. I have no idea where you would get that separately, I think webkit is something like that, but then you'd be using Google again.
Apple is the main sponsor of Webkit actually.
Only 6 Mozilla employees tweeted that they wanted him out. None of them worked with Eich. None of them had important positions in the company (they were marketing and design.) None of them work for Mozilla anymore.
Except Brave literally has diversity quotes in its website.
And a geolocation service, speech recognition software, JS APIs, new web protocols, etcetera. Just because you don't care or don't know what they do doesn't mean all they do is FF.
This is also a lie. Stop spreading lies.
Yes it is. It still requires that permission, and after you've accepted it thinking it's safe, they can push an evil version that is autoupdated because the permissions you've granted it match.
It's completely retarded to analyze the source of one version to determine if it's safe to grant a permission to every future version. And when that permission is something like "spy on everything you do" then you've held your asshole open for them.
I'm only replying because I think you actually believe that.
Actually the open society foundation, owned and headed by the deceased george soros, is a donator to mozilla blog.mozilla.org
Again, your only "proof" is that you want to believe that they're doing something to censor something, but they're not. MITI has nothing to do with the Full Fact Foundation or the "Bullshit Detector" real-time engine, as stated by one of the articles you posted earlier.
It is stated that they're gonna give awards to those who made projects that "explore artificial intelligence and machine learning" and how the "broken" learning algorithms in social media are used to spread misinformation. All that as part of the NetGain Partnership, an alliance between Mozilla, Ford Foundation, Knight Foundation, MacArthur Foundation, and the Open Society Foundation; to make events where they talk about misinformation and shit. It doesn't state that Mozilla is partenred with Soros, the Full Fact Foundation or that they're developing a fact-check engine.
In fact, that's exactly what I was talking about earlier: a bunch of art and cutesy addons to educate people about misinformation.
And? I'm still waiting for proof of Mozilla implementing or developing a fact-check engine to censor the web.
This is all a matter of the public record user. Never mind that Mozilla has been sucking corporate teat ever since it was conceived.
Why are you shilling so hard against something that is clear as day? Do you work for Mozilla and we're watching inner turmoil spill out like spaghetti from your Firefox Pocket? An underachieving Jew, perhaps?
The articles you posted earlier claimed that MITI was part of Full Fact Foundation and that Mozilla was developing a real-time fact checking engine. No such thing is ever said by Mozilla or Full Fact. It's a lie. All Mozilla is doing is researching and making campaigns against misinformation, like the articles you posted earlier.
Which isn't Full Fact Foundation, isn't developing a fact-checking engine and doesn't have anything to do with that. Plus, I can't find any records of Open Society Foundation funding Mozilla, not that it matters because...
Mozilla is funded by thousands of people and companies. It doesn't mean they support what they do. For example, Mozilla is funded by both Google and Yahoo! But that doesn't mean Mozilla is codeveloping YouTube or Tumblr.
No, they're not. You're just assuming they are thanks to a bunch of misinformation pieces and because you assume Full Fact Foundation and Open Society Foundation are the same thing.
Because it isn't. Unless you can certainly prove that Mozilla and Full Fact Foundation are working together to make a real time fact-checking engine to censor the web, your entire thing "argument" makes no sense.
What do you have against long memorizeable master password passphrase patterns? RedditKCD strip is absolutely right.
all data
Typical tricks SHLOMO
Typical poltard.
Welcome young goy. I have been expecting you. You will no longer need those. (uninstalls Google Chrome and switches your startpage from Google Search to a new tab)
Paid Shills, leave us.
I looking forward to completing your mind programming, goy. In time, you will call me your greatest ally.
Oh no, my young goy. you will find that it is you who has been mistaken about a great many addons.
1) That it's a meme that people who are more into cartoons and posing will repeat in its original form in the strip.
2) That it's shit because they're impossible to use on mobile in that form which is where almost all logins come from today so will never be a solution yet will always be quoted as a solution.
Could you not read the image? They are literally developing the tools and using their shitty mobile products as the test bed.
Suck gas you kike.
Not a redditor, so I don't know much about the recent history of r/privacy, but I'll comment critically on his points.
I suggest a new rule. People who ask for sources for things that have been hot topics in tech for a year or more are immediately banned until 2035 as they have outed themselves as being outsiders to the tech world and thus at best can contribute nothing of value. Lurk moar.
So then do you not trust Linux?
If you believe that "open source" means "the source code easy for me to read", you are sorely confused.
I've heard someone say this before, and I'm starting to believe it: people are now more sensitive on the internet than they are in real life. I doubt this guy would've gone on this gigantic rant of faggotry if someone had told him he was dumb for wanting privacy on Windows 10 in real life.
So you don't know what Coral is. Gotcha.
Do you know what Firefox Focus is? I know you do. That's their mobile browser project that has built-in content blocking. This is a product they listed that they'll be using to "combat misinformation". What the fuck do you think they're going to do with it? Think hard, faggot.
Better pic.
As if it matters.
Don't worry though, it's not like it sends them a list of the sites you visit. Unless the site names autocomplete when you type them in the URL bar that is. Like they will by the second time you visit. Then it sends them a list of the sites you visit.
Bu that's ok, I'm sure you have to opt-in to something like that. Oh, it's enabled by default except for developers and the German version? Huh.
I'm sure it's fine though, as this is the privacy browser from a brand you trust.
A brand I trust. A brand I trust. A brand I trust.
That 4-word bit of psychological manipulation is reason enough to avoid all Mozilla products that haven't first been forked by someone else to remove all the telemetry and blobs.
He's speaking English, that I'm sure of, but there's no meaning in his words. I swear it's like he's trying to tell us something...but whatever idea he's trying to get through has gotten lost in an ocean of meme speak and pop culture references that few can unravel.
Focus blocks trackers and ads. The idea behind Focus is that you can open links someone sends you through Whatsapp or some other bullshit and open them there, so those websites don't fingerprint your main browser or soil it with cookies and LocalStorage.
It doesn't.
If it's in the History, then it's done locally. If not, then it means you have "search suggestions" enabled and that info is sent to your search engine, not Mozilla.
All it does is tell Mozilla if the URL bar is showing users results, and if those users are clicking said results. That's how they judge if the results are "relevant" to users It's not sending what those results are nor is it sending a list of the sites you visit.
Nice FUD though. I hope you're at least being paid for it.
I'll have a look at learning Perl and get back to you.