
How do you feel about the fact that this key, which was previously known as the super key, has been taken over with Microsoft Windows (tm) branding on almost all keyboards out there on the market?

Attached: windows-key.jpg (489x508, 18.6K)

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youngfag detected


Hi, '00s kid. We didn't have that key at all on PCs until Microshit forced it in. It caused unlimited amounts of rage with gamers at the time.

I have a custom tux sticker on it. Git gut tbh fam.

On my keyboard its the "win" key. I It's for window management.

They tried doing it with the mouse also but it failed.

Attached: microsoft-sculpt-comfort-mobile-mice-hands-on6_2040_verge_super_wide.jpg (920x613, 40.24K)

Honestly? I'd completely forgotten it was a thing until just now, since all of my keyboards are pre-95 anyway.

Get a better keyboard

Attached: IMG_20180830_193859.jpg (3905x1383, 602.77K)

That's so weird, I don't seem to have that key! I'm looking at my keyboard at it has a ⌘ symbol with "command" at the bottom.

Lol fag
I remember when it was openapple and closedapple

I remember when it was a commodore logo and the charset had characters for drawing monospaced art

Attached: 536px-PETSCII.png (1600x900 94.27 KB, 125.94K)

What icon should the key have? Something universal that implies OS-level control.

Attached: 1358805.png (512x512, 45.76K)

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (3456x2304, 13.19M)

Stop shittalking the windows key motherfucker, it'll fuck your ass up.

Attached: elliot.jpg (500x664, 62.11K)

IDGAF. Too busy trying not to fart while your mother rims my asshole.

My chink keyboard has a Fn key in place of a second Super key. I like the keyboard, it was the only low-profile mechanical one I could find, but fuck this key. It's one less key for me to use, and it's only used for controlling the LED lighting.

I hate this gamer shit, it does nothing of use and only increases production cost. Do people really use these LEDs? Is it to stand out as much as possible on a LAN party?

Attached: 35264_20837_4612dd0b_12b3_4baf_9458_6d45c818e631.jpg (800x449, 82.62K)

And I forgot the best part: that key is wired to the keyboard hardware, the computer doesn't see it. That way it's impossible to rebind it to something useful, like being a second Super key.

It helps if you have to find some rarely used key at 3am.


Attached: ClipboardImage.png (2730x1131, 2.65M)

It's for when you're jerking off in the dark and have to look at the keyboard because you're only typing with one hand.

Sure, if it was just a regular backlight. But this keyboard has more colors than a sodomite flag, and it has more lighting modes than anyone would ever need. One lighting mode sends out ripples over the keyboard on every keypress.

oh yeah because your 200cd/m^2 LCD doesn't light up your keyboard/entire house enough


Most people didn't use lisp machines.

Most people did not use computers before the mid 90s.

Explains why I've always mapped emacs that way.

gas yourself

Everything comes back to the jews with you faggots. Here you are degenerately sperging out about a keycap. Go wipe the cum off your windows key.

Attached: Dev2-f6VAAA5KVa.jpg (1080x1080, 67.67K)

we gotta talk

It's ok user, I've learned my lesson. I use sublime now.

Unicode has many more of them

So, a strap-on dildo?

Attached: Star_of_David.svg.png (260x300, 6.31K)

It was never known as the Super key. In fact, it was X(org) that appropriated it as the Super key. Similarly how Alt replaced Meta.

Attached: 95fc147c41fd7c39aca9a07b3c75cce2c1c43511fdba8233ee6ac258c41525c6.png (1920x1080, 977.96K)

Doesn't X just call it a mod key? If I'm wrong, then it was added to X when it was ported to lisp machines. X was kind of slow there since it was just a compiled C program instead of a pure lisp one

who cares scrape it off if you really dont want to see it

It's not a takeover nor brainwashing, it's the natural conclusion of 95%+ of keyboard buyers using Windows.

how i know any poster is a burger



Nah you can't draw like you could with the C64's charset and ANSI. BBSes used to use it to draw all "graphics". Was pretty great.


Yeah, I looked into making text games on Unix via unicode, but it's just shit compared to the old 80's computer text graphics. For starters, the resolution is too high, so it looks wrong. Then there's the fact that people will be using different fonts and the characters will look somewhat different. With a C64 you always got exactly the same thing and it was drawn in much lower resolution, where using characters as graphics elements doesn't look out of place. Also on the C64 and some other 8-bitters, you could easily redefine any single character to whatever arbitrary bit pattern you want, in a single BASIC instruction.

Attached: Ninja_v1.png (320x200, 1.47K)

You can, it's just retarded when you can do actual graphics.

If you can do shit like this with unicode I'd like to know how.

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 36.63K)

Unicode is ANSII compatible

I'm pretty sure that picture is using non-ascii unicode characters

It does annoy me that a single company has such power over others. It should have been an universal and non-corporate symbol, maybe the solid diamond of a Sun's meta key. Oh well, at least my Unicomp has the old logo, which looks less amateurish than the new one and has some nostalgic value.

(You can also see that I have Alt and Ctrl swapped around. I very highly recommend doing this if you can, it's way more comfortable to use most shortcuts. Of course, you can't just swap the caps, there's also the software part:
Linux and Mac: there's certainly an option in the keyboard control panel, you figure it out.)

Attached: IMG_20180903_023331.jpg (1280x720, 42.35K)

Like I said earlier, it won't come out right unless you use a font that perfectly matches the old IBM PC character set. And even then it'll be fucked-up looking unless you use a small resolution.

It'll also be black & white won't it? Since unicode leaves presentation except for skin color because marxism out of the standard. A lot of ANSI art was incomprehensible without color, like a color-blindness test. Definitely not like it used to be where text art could just be copypasted.

You would have to set your terminal emulator colors to match exactly those of the IBM PC. Here's some nice ANSI screens if you want to try it:
In my shell, I aliased kat='iconv -c -f CP437 -t utf-8' and that sorta shows them, but the characters alone don't match perfectly the original. Comparing with dosbox or their matching images on link above shows differences. There used to be a "VGA" font for X11 that might be closer than this utf-8 crap, but I dunno wtf I did with it. Anyway this is too much tweaking and I'd rather just run an old computer emulator. That way I can also have a perfect replication of C64 and other text graphics, which as I meantioned earlier, often redefine their characters from within BASIC to make games (pic related). It's this simplicity that I miss the most about old computers. You didn't have to fuck around with libraries and font files and terminal emulators all kinds of stupid shit. Just one BASIC instruction made a dog or spaceship "character" or whatever.

Attached: 2.png (384x272, 1.1K)

Yeah, a lot of PC TSRs did that to fuck with "text" mode in various ways, and some intros left things running after they exited like bouncing C64-style "sprites" (simulated via modifying characters) in text mode and text mode raster bars. I never did figure out exactly how text mode raster bars worked but I assumed it was waiting on horizontal refresh then remapping a line of characters.

I use an '89 Model M

lol they just used the sigil of 6 element black magic like how the hivites tried to harness the sigil of plus sign to harvest positive loosh.

I'm pretty sure TempleOS calls it the Windows key too

Take that, Zoomers!

Funny how early 90's non-portable keyboards had a blank space between Ctrl and Alt as if it was implied a functional key is missing.

Press control with your palm, not by stretching your pinky.

My keyboard had shift key between control and alt.

Attached: T1i_7474s.jpg (1280x853, 264.67K)

get on my level you circlejerking faggots

good goy


What keyboard is that, could you possibly provide a link?

Got it here:

That is the "Towel Key". Didn't you read your Guide to the Galaxy?

Any intergalactic hitchkiker immediately recognized the towel key, they used to be wavy. Towels are wavy. Windows are made of glass, you dolt.

It's marketing brainwashing for you to start calling the "towel key" a "windows key". No hitchkiker would leave home without a towel. Unfortunately, you Earthers have forgotten the use of many keyboard functions.

The real keyboard Brainwashing happened in the year 980. That's 1980 to Earther plebs who don't know 1000 years was added to your calendar, even Newton wrote a about it, FFS.

In 980 the lettering of the most important key and largest key was removed. It's blank! Just look at it there. There's no name on the key, and you don't even know what it does. But if you ask an Earther you'll see they still have a vestigal memory from before the world wide mind-wipe.

Don't even ask an Earther what a key named "Space Bar" should actually do. They've been programmed to answer you with damn near anything but the truth.

See you at the Restaurant at the End of the Universe...

Attached: towel-key.png (169x175, 20.73K)


I like it.

Attached: Windows_Swastika.png (507x404, 6.1K)

t. strag

have that same exact keyboard and I just set it to static, low intensity color for . don't use the faggy settings or just turn off the LEDs, retard

*literal twitter meme that was then forced into cuckchan*

I'm not a burger