*uganda* *Uganda* *copying* *copyright* *license*SUMMARY *iccf* *ICCF*Vim is Charityware. You can use and copy it as much as you like, but you areencouraged to make a donation for needy children in Uganda. Please see |kcc|below or visit the ICCF web site, available at these URLs: iccf-holland.org
The true cuck license
Kibaale Children's Centre *kcc* *Kibaale* *charity*Kibaale Children's Centre (KCC) is located in Kibaale, a small town in thesouth of Uganda, near Tanzania, in East Africa. The area is known as RakaiDistrict. The population is mostly farmers. Although people are poor, thereis enough food. But this district is suffering from AIDS more than any otherpart of the world. Some say that it started there. Estimations are that 10to 30% of the Ugandans are infected with HIV. Because parents die, there aremany orphans. In this district about 60,000 children have lost one or bothparents, out of a population of 350,000. And this is still continuing.The children need a lot of help. The KCC is working hard to provide the needywith food, medical care and education. Food and medical care to keep themhealthy now, and education so that they can take care of themselves in thefuture. KCC works on a Christian base, but help is given to children of anyreligion.The key to solving the problems in this area is education. This has beenneglected in the past years with president Idi Amin and the following civilwars. Now that the government is stable again, the children and parents haveto learn how to take care of themselves and how to avoid infections. There isalso help for people who are ill and hungry, but the primary goal is toprevent people from getting ill and to teach them how to grow healthy food.Most of the orphans are living in an extended family. An uncle or oldersister is taking care of them. Because these families are big and the income(if any) is low, a child is lucky if it gets healthy food. Clothes, medicalcare and schooling is beyond its reach. To help these needy children, asponsorship program was put into place. A child can be financially adopted.For a few dollars a month KCC sees to it that the child gets indispensableitems, is healthy, goes to school and KCC takes care of anything else thatneeds to be done for the child and the family that supports it.Besides helping the child directly, the environment where the child grows upneeds to be improved. KCC helps schools to improve their teaching methods.There is a demonstration school at the centre and teacher trainings are given.Health workers are being trained, hygiene education is carried out andhouseholds are stimulated to build a proper latrine. I helped setting up aproduction site for cement slabs. These are used to build a good latrine.They are sold below cost price.There is a small clinic at the project, which provides children and theirfamily with medical help. When needed, transport to a hospital is offered.Immunization programs are carried out and help is provided when an epidemic isbreaking out (measles and cholera have been a problem).
*donate*Summer 1994 to summer 1995 I spent a whole year at the centre, working as avolunteer. I have helped to expand the centre and worked in the area of waterand sanitation. I learned that the help that the KCC provides really helps.When I came back to Holland, I wanted to continue supporting KCC. To do thisI'm raising funds and organizing the sponsorship program. Please consider oneof these possibilities:1. Sponsor a child in primary school: 17 euro a month (or more).2. Sponsor a child in secondary school: 25 euro a month (or more).3. Sponsor the clinic: Any amount a month or quarter4. A one-time donationCompared with other organizations that do child sponsorship the amounts arevery low. This is because the money goes directly to the centre. Less than5% is used for administration. This is possible because this is a smallorganization that works with volunteers. If you would like to sponsor achild, you should have the intention to do this for at least one year.How do you know that the money will be spent right? First of all you have mypersonal guarantee as the author of Vim. I trust the people that are workingat the centre, I know them personally. Further more, the centre has beenco-sponsored and inspected by World Vision, Save the Children Fund and is nowunder the supervision of Pacific Academy Outreach Society. The centre isvisited about once a year to check the progress (at our own cost). I havevisited the centre myself many times, starting in 1993. The visit reports areon the ICCF web site.If you have any further questions, send me e-mail: .
The thing with FOSS is you can compile your version and change the text with literally Mein Kampf, noone cares.
Whats the issue? its not forcing you to make a donation to the charity
it's bloat
For what reason? If I want to feed niggers then I'll send money to them, that has nothing to do with the software I use.
It expresses political opinions the author of this thread doesn't like. It's important to very loudly signal that you don't like those opinions to make sure people remember it, either to assert your dominance over people who do use the software or to make up for the fact that you personally use the software because it happens to be useful.
>devised by a longtime female lawyer on software licenses, a chink, and a literally who Blender dev from Commiefornia.
“Commons Clause” License Condition v1.0The Software is provided to you by the Licensor under the License, as defined below, subject to the following condition.Without limiting other conditions in the License, the grant of rights under the License will not include, and the License does not grant to you, the right to Sell the Software.For purposes of the foregoing, “Sell” means practicing any or all of the rights granted to you under the License to provide to third parties, for a fee or other consideration (including without limitation fees for hosting or consulting/ support services related to the Software), a product or service whose value derives, entirely or substantially, from the functionality of the Software. Any license notice or attribution required by the License must also include this Commons Cause License Condition notice.Software: [name software]License: [i.e. Apache 2.0]Licensor: [ABC company]
(((Redis Labs))) recently adopted this controversial shit on the advice of that chink.
Define bloat.
The text compresses well and takes up only an insignificant portion of any project including it, the license does not force you to do anything (literally), and it adds no code.
It's not a good license because it might become outdated easily and because it's too permissive (says nothing about modifications and relicensing for one), but I don't see any bloat.
Some niggers are indeed human.
You can't relicense software retard.
The copyright holder can set as many licenses as they want.
But you can't remove the text. You can change the indentation of one line and license it with Mein Kampf but you cannot apply something other than Charityware to rest of Vim, only Bram "braap" Moolenar can do that.
(with the permission of every single contributor of course)
copyright holder can change whatever they want.
are you fucking retarded? how is this a bad thing at all?
Typical boomer cuck, what result are you expecting? If we could just give them a chance... they'll be building rockets in no time? How many more billions of dollars do you need to see squandered before you give up on Africa?
Africa used to be profitable under the right leadership. Then the colonialists left. Same with India etc.
And what part of the Vim charity made you think it was a recolonization effort?
You should never feed or help niggers, given the rate at which they reproduce. The only thing that would be truly beneficial is an extensive birth control program.
OP didn't say it was a bad thing. He said it was a "true cuck license", which it is. It is left for your own interpretation as to whether or not it is bad to feed those that are not your kind.
It only works like that if every single contributor signs a contract to transfer their copyright to the copyright holder, which is bothersome and very unusual. I know a lot of GNU projects do it but I can't even think of others at the moment.
Does Vim do that?
Neovim lacks Vim's charityware cancer.
No it does not. Are you hiding the banner in your config?
OP is a fag. The actual license is below the Uganda notice. Helping Uganda is not part of the license and can be freely deleted. Also, if you make patches to Vim and distribute them under GPL, you can distribute the whole Vim under GPL.
It is GPL compatible, but the license is cuckware, sorry vimtard.
Are you sure about that?
The charityware part is clearly marked as being outside the license, and it only says you're required to keep the license, as far as I can tell.
Of all the African countries he picked this one, why?
You should watch the interview where Idi talks about parachuting into Israel and killing everyone.
Also he picked Uganda because that was the big world crisis going on when he started vim, sort of like the Syria of today, but with more muh starving babies.
can you do that?
can I release something under the GNU GPLv2 or v3, and just preface it with
"You can't do X Y and Z and/or you have to do this if you do, everything else with the GPL applies except if it conflicts with this stupid fucking preface".
"This is released under the GPLv3 but you can sell the software and rebrand it without releasing the source code if you pay me"
and then just claim it's released under a (((modified))) version of the GPL
You basically described the qt liscense except with the lgpl
how does it add no code? last time i checked, when you open up vim without a file to edit, it says a bunch of stuff about afrika, instead of just doing nothing like a normal program
i can feel the lag
W-what? Prove it.
Stay mad, Vim-gin.
You do not know de way
If it doesn that, that's 100% bloat.
In which case OP would be a faggot for complaining about the license and not about that.
So how do I remove this bloat from my vim?
I was going to prove you wrong but the text is there and I never noticed it before:
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ VIM - Vi IMproved ~ ~ version 8.1.333 ~ by Bram Moolenaar et al. ~ Vim is open source and freely distributable ~ ~ Help poor children in Uganda! ~ type :help iccf for information ~ ~ type :q to exit ~ type :help or for on-line help ~ type :help version8 for version info ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0,0-1 All
If you're not noticing things that are right in front of your face, you ought to do away with the mindset that you're going to be proving anyone else wrong.
It's one line nigger, along with other useless text, hardly what could be considered "a bunch of stuff about afrika". Still shouldn't be there, it's almost as bad as the jewish shit in clisp.
Poor Africans probably think they're being supported by a drill manufacturing company, because Bram the cuck enjoyed le hilarious same name gag.
Does Neovim have this problem?
You remove vim itself and use Emacs with viper or evil if you are into vi-bindings that much.
In case of autism you may consider nvi (not to be confused with nvim crap) or the original Bill Joy's vi.
Vile is also nice but I didn't manage to see any benefit of it compared to nvi, and multiple buffers only get in the way.
I'd rather be a vi-nigger than emacsculated honestly.
Who's gonna stop me? No one. If no one can stop me, then I can do whatever I please with others' code.
Corrupt regimes need to keep their people at least somewhat happy to remain in power, meaning they must provide at least some level of social services. If you give a country free social services then said regime is just going to stop doing the little they already do to keep the population under control and use the money they save to further solidify their power. You help nobody in the long run by supporting this system, and in a way you are even harming them by making it more difficult for them to topple the regime.
They have changed the license though.
You are a nigger indeed. Not getting the difference between vim and vi you might as well have a one digit IQ.
You both are retarded.
One can re-license the cuckware as much as he wants.
You can only relicense code if you own it.
If it's free software you own it.
Does the license say you can relicense? No? Then you can't.
No. Freedom does not imply ownership, it is a right to use it, and make modifications to it. Read through the GNU website.
Actually I hate the GPL. The second guy though...
This thead is dum and I must sage
Copyright holder can do whatever they want. If they release it as GPL3, BSD, whatever, they can then release it again as proprietary. This happens all the time.
Obviously the license doesn't apply to the owner since he doesn't need permission to use what's his.
The license does apply to the owner. The fact that the owner may create a parallel license is immaterial.
Meant to add this humorous example, where even Emacs once violated the GPL.
That just backs up my statement. The king has to create a new law to stop the old law from applying to him. Thus, the law as it stands applies to him. Also a King could retroactively create laws, that's not something a copyright holder could do with a common license like GPL. The copyright holder cannot withdraw previously granted rights to preexisting software.
I don't think you know what a license is. A license gives someone permission to use something that isn't theirs. If it's yours you don't need a license since of fucking course you allow yourself to use it.
They can hand out their GPL 3 software as an executable only if they want. GPL can do fuck all about it.
Untrue. You can simultaneously be the creator (as in sole copyright holder) and user of your project. Just because you could have licensed it differently, doesn't mean that you're not in violation of your own license.
I'm not sure how this relates to previously granted. Also that is wrong, you must supply the source code. Finally, GPL isn't an organization.
Obviously if he gives you a license he cant take it away
Absolutely wrong. Copyright holder GRANTS YOU THE LICENSE. He can give away his programs without the source all he wants.
That is what I told the above user.
What on earth led you to believe that?
Wait, are you talking about FUTURE releases? Yes, then sure the copyright holder can do whatever he wants.
For older releases, source must distributed. That should be obvious.
The GPL won't stop the copyright holder from doing that, but that just makes the copyright holder an outright liar. It takes a social justice warrior to pretend that you want users to have the GPL freedoms while simultaneously witholding the source code.
The GPL is granted by him to you. He does not have to deal with the terms of the GPL for his software that he happened to grant users a GPL license for.
No any release. This is the basics of how licensing works. Copyright holder can go back and make it proprietary and sell copies with only binaries (although previously granted licenses still exist
Yes because GPL is the one true god and how dare he go back and license it as MIT, BSD, Apache, proprietary etc.
Yes! Suck it GNU fag.
If the copyright holder witholds sources, then they're not granting GPL 3 rights.
What is common is doing something like distributing code with AGPL3, and then selling proprietary copies not bound by the AGPL3. The AGPL3 is a restriction on user freedom after all.
Wrong. If the creator gave someone a GPL licensed binary they must provide the sources. It doesn't matter if he later decides it should be proprietary. It's a whole different story if he gives you a version of the software that is already relicensed.
You don't assign a license to software you retard the copyright holder grants licenses to use the software.
Licensed is not some platonic property of creation. There is the copyright holder, and who the licenses he grants to use his work. If the license says that "you must contribute any changes you make back to the community" that DOES NOT MEAN THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER HAS TO. ffs learn the basics.
No wonder you're insane.
hmm i wonder who's behind this post
I bet you don't even read license text, do you? You hit AGREE like a good little goyim with the naivety of a Bram Moolenaar fed Ugandan nigger.
is not the origin of cuck
typicall neckbeard LARPer
>He still doesn't know the origin of cuck.
Oh shit, we've got a badass sovereign citizen over here.
neovim was literally started by huehue monkey Tarruda who knocked up his monkey bitch and wanted child support money.
He shilled it on halfchan and I called him a nigger and he got salty and replied that he is people too.
I will never forget this joy.
Then he said he needed 10k per month to develop it fulltime.
And now that people have worked on it for years upon years, they still dont have anything to show for it.
Sasuga huehuehue gib monies or he repot yuo
This is what I find so amusing. It was supposed to be this great modern rewrite, and they had a lot of energy and enthusiasm at the start, but yet, they are still not finished. It's been ages since they started, and probably far longer than in took Bram to extend Vi.
Heh, didn't notice Bram until I expanded the thumbnail.
Pretty sure having a psychotherapist and a web browser in your text editor qualifies as adding more bloat, not removing it.
Cuckold was made up by Shakespeare, derived from the reproductive habits of the cuckoo bird and used to describe a man whose wife was fucking someone else. Not really sure how Ugandan skelly children factor into that.
You cannot extrapolate how charity is analogous to raising younglings that are not your own?