I am thinking of buying a external hard drive, but some have said that i should buy a SSD instead. Which is the best for laptop use? And is any of them better regarding encryption or any thing?
SSD or hard drive?
Because I am in a good mood today, here is a quick rundown from someone who studied computational hardware:
HDDs are faster (obviously, mainly because cylinders aren't emulated like in SSDs) and encryption will be way faster since HDDs aren't just a storage medium (Why would they be? What use would there be from something that just stores 0s and 1s? That would be pointless) but provide ARM based decryption acceleration (WesternDigital uses RISC-V for example) and yeah, that's HDDs.
SSDs are officially "faster" in synthetic benchmarks but for a laptop that difference is minute, it is only importanr for the l33ts with their modded ThinkPads since they often need that speed for their hacking, etc. but for normal legal uses you won't notice the difference, and modern HDDs make use of advanced caching whereas SSDs are just a bunch of USB sticks glued together. If configured wrongly (looking at you ZSF and older versions of btrfs) an SSD will die much faster than a HDD because they are much more fragile.
SSDs are just an overpriced meme in my opinion, enjoy your laptop fellow user! I am so glad I could help, next time though don't post such questions here as that will attract trolls, be careful of misinformation.
Get a load of this faggot. For cold/warm storage then yes, a HDD is cheaper, but if you're going to install Windows on it, then get a SSD.
t. SSD jew
SSDs are overpriced memes trying to jew the uninformed goyim. SSDs have no apparent advantages over HDDs as said as well.
Is it for storage ?
SSD are not made for storage, they are made for daily use. I often heard that if you use a SSD for storage and you don't use it often, it loses data.
Like said, SSDs are not very well suited for either compared to HDDs, as SSDs are very fragile and modern HDDs utilize advanced selective cylinder caching. HDDs as a technology had decades to perfect itself whereas SSDs have only recently hit the market at affordable rates. I'd also say SSDs are not worth it as your daily driver. But, to be fair, I have heard of a company in a similar sector as the one I work in which switched it's entire data storage to SSDs, apparently their CTO has more budget than brains, since they're already on the verge of bankruptcy as far as I can tell. That's offtopic though, my opinion is buy an SSD once the hype died down and the technology matures. You don't want your OS crapping out on you one day randomly.
Also stop trying to misinform OP, people like you are the reason why all we're associated with being bad people.
Then what about XFS vs BTRFS vs ZFS?
Masterful bait
What about them? Btrfs is unfinished, ZFS is better suited for HDDs and I have never worked with XFS
Don't listen to this fucking moron
this is simple
More space, for price, speed can get around 60-100mbps
prone to shaking or fall damage due to mechanical parts.
Less space, for price, Speed can get to 500write-500read+
non-mechanical shaking or a fall doesn't hurt it.
Hahaha. You fell for the meme my friend!
The SSD industry is pushing their synthetic benchmark bullshit, realworld performance is nothing like it
SSD is god tier for portable storage and laptop tho, I just bought a cheap m.2 casing and installed mxlinux portable on it.
But since SSD is near impossible to recover once broke, I recommend back up regularly if you're putting your OS on it.
Picrel - your place
i liked the first half, but the post in general was decent. good concept, good execution.
Also, due to wear levelling SSDs inherently lack a deletion function. It's worse than recreating file systems and expecting the data contained by them to be automatically erased as if they had been zero filled. Either use software encryption on top of SSDs or you're fucked.
SSD is the only real choice unless you want to have to buy a new one the first time you drop it, even if it's from an insignificant height.
It's also much lighter.
do you people do this for sport?
I've accidentally dropped my old laptop at least 3 times and absolutely nothing hapenend to the HDD.
Anyone who unironically believes SSDs are better in "synthetic benchmarks" only has never actually tried them themselves.
SSDs are faster in practice too. Period. Feel free to sperg and scream as much as you want.
HDD because it's much cheaper.
nope your code is just shit
case in point
nigga i hope u is trollin
nigger almost every HDD I've ever owned as of the late 2000s has died after a year.
try replacing your weight metric with a price metric. why the fuck does HDD weight matter?
someone told me he hit his HDD with a hammer out of curiosity and it still worked fine. that said they still are shit and have short lives (probably because if you write a certain sequence of bits it causes a head crash or some other utter stupidity typical of modern technology)
Do you write from scratch every single line of code you run?
oh and some faggot will bring this up, so dropping a HDD, or hitting it, etc, wont cause a head crash. they're protected against that. but if you're sucking the amount of SSD gaymer cock as most kids these days, you probably think HDDs are made of glass
yes actually I am working on that, and pretty soon all there will be is bios and other firmware turds left
Enjoy your data corruption
A good amount of smaller form factor ones will have the platters shatter if you drop em.
why would you drop or hit a hdd in the first place?
So much luddite FUD in this thread. HDDs are _dog slow_. HDDs are so languid that SSD manufacturers had to create NVMe, because the SATA bus was severely bottlenecking the speeds modern flash is capable of. You guys know that NVMe is able to read directly from memory, right? The whole point of NVMe is to avoid buffers and queues on the disk itself, so you can exploit the inherent parallelism of modern multicore systems.
Holy shit 10/10 please shitpost on /v/ too.
Which is a terrible idea that barely works
Laptops, office mistakes, etc.. Ask IT for what stupid shit they've had to recover from and be amazed.
Use SSDs for programs, HDDs for videos and other space hogs that you don't plan on accessing very often. Also, use an encrypted NAS for your HDDs with mirrored vdevs.
I had an external HDD fall off my desk once and it was a goner. There's probably a luck factor involved.
Because it's for a laptop he presumably has to lug around
Nah, SSD for everything. No spinning rust. Don't be a slovenly data hoarder and you won't run out of space.
I have over 19 TB of videos alone on my NAS.
I'm not going to by 19 TB worth of SSDs.
You're a hoarder, user. Do you really re-watch 19TB of the same videos you've already watched? Is something wrong with your memory where you have to watch the same movie 20 times?
Then it blows cash...
It is possible for work purposes to have that many TBs worth of stuff
Personal opinion.
I'd buy a nice, comfy 4TB external hard drive for porn storage, movies, music or whatever, because most laptops now ship with an .m2 drive or other form of SSD internally. SSD's are faster, but the price per GB is outrageous, compared to a regular, mechanical external. You can get a nice 240gb external for 120 bucks. You can get a nice, 4tb external, mechanical drive, for 99 bucks on sale at Best Buy.
If you actually need storage over speed, mechanical externals are the way to go.
If you've gotta go fast, and can burn through some cash, then SSD is the answer.
In theory, regular hard disc drives also lost data if not used, to the tune of about .1% a year, due to magnetic flux of the Earth, etc. This is the reason Disk Fresh exist. puransoftware.com
So NVMe and m2 are made to be expensive, and SATA SSD are just fucking with us?
Go ahead and convince me those 19TB of videos are work related. Or just be honest and admit it's entertainment. You're a data hoarder and can't throw anything away. It's disgusting.
Maybe it's the source code to every Microsoft product ever shitted out by the bloat loving pajeets there? Maybe he's one of those cp horders and he sells that disgusting shit? Maybe he really really likes working and editing 4k raw movies? Or maybe he is just a hoarder. Who knows.
Everyone from Ijustine
To Marques NigNog
Need 140TB to have a YouTube career.
He's a hoarder. It's probably 19TB of anime, most of which is backlog, that he stores on a server buried under a mountain of empty pocky boxes with fans coated in a thin layer of beef flavor powder.
because it's in a laptop? because you move your PC?
ah just like LCDs are a bunch of calculator screens glued together (not even being sarcastic)
you forgot about the part where the weight difference is not even noticable if you tried
I have lots of data and it's for work purposes.
downloading 10 games will practically use 1TB these days
Don't be a fucking peasant. If this is for your job you can afford it easily anyway. And let's see your 19TB of work data.
A true art lover knows book burning comes often (what.cd for example)
Most media today /should/ be lost forever.
Really ? Does a dirty-leg want a hard dick or softy :0
If someone deletes >>>/zundel/ or >>>/tdt/ it will be hell for you
Only applicable to western media.
work as in not media/entertainment. and no i'm not going to pay an extra 200% for something that's supposedely faster in some way that doesn't matter for most applications (except for bloated software that requires 100000 random accesses to show the splash screen)
This. Go buy a Hitachi or Toshiba HDD. If you want, you can ofc get a SSD for your OS, but HDD is a better choice for data and backups.
why would you be one of those people?
and since when is HITTING A FUCKING HARD DRIVE a mistake?
and when you move stuff around you just drop it and hit it all the time? what the hell
You can pry my animus from my cold, dead hands, faggot.
since when is FRYING A FUCKING PHONE IN A MICROWAVE a mistake?
Do you care about the data on your disk? Pick a HDD. Do you wanna GO FAST? Pick an SSD.
I had many more HDDs crap out on me than SSDs in recent years, and I had a heapload of both.
With the exception of Chinese/Taiwan SSDs, they're always going to have a lower failure rate than HDDs.
Taobao is where I get my groceries by the way
If you work in video production 19TB is basic bitch tier. Can't speak for anything else though, maybe data analytics?
Oh yea, because the storage device that fails if you shout at it is obviously more reliable.
i mean just moving the computer around (and thus the HDD) fast could make it die, but they're supposed to be protected against that, as well as from dropping, because otherwise they'd be too fragile to be practical consumer items
do you want to actually have space to store shit? pick HDD
do you want to run poorly optimized windows 10 games without waiting for 3 minutes each time you die? pick an SSD
just stick with tried and true hdd OP
One of the reasons dacenters switched to SSDs (specifically Samsung and Intel SSDs) was the replacement rate was way lower than HDDs and the labor involved is a significant cost for them. HDDs are slow and unreliable.
Take into account the data capacity though.
Not really for certain drives.
I know all about bitrot in unpowered SSDs but I've never heard before that it could happen to HDDs as well. I thought HDDs were immune to this shit as long as you stored them in a cool, dry place away from magnets. You sure this isn't FUD / snake oil?
I mean, there are lots of documentation, benchmarks and even whitepapers on SSD bitrot, it's a tested and proven fact that it happens. But nothing on HDDs, only rumors and hearsay on internet forums. If you Google this subject almost all results are related to this program.
I've seen many HDDs stored for almost 10 years that were working perfectly and with all data intact when powered up. So even if this theory is true, I think running a full refresh 4x/year as suggested in the program page is overkill and might end up actually reducing the drive lifespan - once a year should be more than enough. I admit I'm also a bit worried about data corruption by using a program that reads and rewrites every sector of the disk (though Puran Defrag has been my favorite defrag software for years and never had problems with it).
SSDs are the single greatest hardware upgrade you can possibly make. If you're paranoid about longevity and/or storage space then just get a separate HDD for it. On Windows you can right-click the Documents, Downloads, Pictures, Music, and Videos folders to change their default location from the boot drive to the HDD. On GNU/Linux obviously its as simple as making your home partition on the HDD or using symlinks. But I sincerely recommend using an SSD as the primary boot drive. Your OS needs that disk I/O more than anything else and that will give you the biggest impact, especially in terms of overall system responsiveness and boot times.
Datacenter-tier HDDs are slow an unreliable compared to datacenter-tier SSDs. That's just the way it is. This is nothing new, the mass conversion to SSD in the datacenter happened 10 years ago. And today in the datacenter a big thing is high capacity SSDs where HDDs just can't compete on size and power.
HDD has an issue with rusting, shock/dropping and magnetic interference.
SSD basically is bitrot central, so no matter what it should die first.
THIS. SSD for everyday use, HDD for archival
But can they compete in data loss and relative pricing (capacity-adjusted)?
for laptop use, get the SSD. no more file corruption from bumping the laptop.
The only problem with doing this is that most cheap laptop models don't have an SSD as an option. So you gotta DIY, and then you void the laptop warranty. And you may need a system disk/serial for Windoze.
for a cheapskate setup or a 'normal' desktop system, HDD's all the way. cheaper and good enough.
With Windows, the PC is snappier if it has all-SSDs----but if you don't have 100% SSDs, then the one HDD will slow everything down.
When you go to start a program of any kind and you have even one HDD present, it will STILL wait for that HDD to spin up before proceeding. And it does this, even if what you are doing does not involve that particular hard drive. :>\
I don't know that the faster SSD data rates are usually of much help in real life, TBH.
An SSD will not dramatically shorten Windows boot time for example; it stays pretty much the same if all you change is from HDD to SSD. Most of those time delays seem to be written in specifically either in the OS or the BIOS.
The main time that an SSD is drastically faster is if you have to read/write LOTS [thousands, or tens of thousands] of little files around between drives often..... Which explains the data center popularity.
But for a home user--even with most application software, you don't really do this (often re-write huge amounts of little files). So the main SSD advantage is kind of left unused.
They certainly are in vidya that doesn't hold everyone back for the one guy on a potato. Even the 'hardcore' consolebros on PS4 were adding SSDs for warframe so they get more 'boss' kills per night cycle.
That is why archival machines should have SSD for cache and HDD for storage, NOT full-SSD (both price and aging)
you should at least blast the HDDs with warm dry air to let all the moisture out.
this is why old and hot technology last longer than passive cooling heatsink.
maybe use or make a certain scheduler for the SCSI
the problem I see with SSDs are that they're known to get slower as the drive fills up but over all juggling small files are a huge advantage
You should get a USB thumb drive for your OS.
Already knew I was going to be baited after the first sentence but read to the end. 7.5/10
Some specific HDDs have glass platters you can look it up.
Though keep in mind NOT ALL HDDs can recover from a drop. Most laptop HDDs do but on stationary 3.5" drives or some external 2.5" drives - you'll get corruption from a mild shock.
I recommend Toshiba Canvio series.
They just magically work and the haptic sense also prevented me from losing my 'recently recovered files from a shit shock proof drive'.
I dropped my toshiba drive like 4' when it slided off my laptop.
It turned off the led indicator midway then I saw the dmesg safely disconnected the drive with no errors thanks to its working haptic and free-fall sense.
My former "shock proof" external hard drive didn't survive a 3 inch drop and I knew it since it didn't turn off the led indicator and just blinked, continued to spin until it did some terrible spinning and scratching sound.
You just triggered all the /g/tard crossposters
are you fucking stupid? you use RAID if you want reliability. neither HDDs nor SSDs are reliable in any meaningful way
uhhh i've traveled hundreds of KMs by foot with my laptops with HDDs and the failure rate hasn't been any higher than the HDDs in my desktop computers. all of them only last around a year anyway, because HDDs are shit
you stupid nigger, they make the games worse because they're only tested on high end hardware ($1000-$3000), and even then they mostly have terrible perf. you can buy a console instead for only hundreds of dollars, but modern consoles are just desktop computers with a bunch of DRM and shit. you might as well put windows 10 in a box and write a letter X on it
I also heard the head park instantly before it does damage. Seriously why would shit like WD and Seagate not implement a proper gsense? Like the fucking WD drives don't even have a gsense on its SMART while Seagates are just ugh.
Yuck. People still use this? Ew
I remember correctly that archive.is deleted one of their most controversial archives (but that might be shekelsteins fault for maybe threathening them) while they also at one point had problems with Zig Forums and deleted Zig Forums archives (if not all past archives, maybe it works now)
Do you have a photogenic memory to even remember all the books you read? But you do so why are you not burning your entire library and book collection?
so what archiving sites do you propose instead?
nvme is better
SSD you nerd
I archive quite a lot of shit. Can someone recommend me some readings on related software and hardware?
SSD is great if you like spending 4x on storage
clearnet's cucked by the zionists.
either you use a new TLD or other TLDs that only work with new DNS then circumvent any spider/botnet/crawler from reading your site (robots.txt and remove all meta and block all crawler UAs).
archive.is and other tlds are fucked and cucked bowing to the joos after a shutitdown phonecall
while archive.org is also cucked like they fucking stopped archiving Zig Forums too (the jidf really hate this anti-semitic site)
that was back when Zig Forums was gathering too much attention from the jidf they even contacted cuckflare (while they spammed CP) and openly used lizard stresser on us back in 2014+ and until late 2016. The site had never been stable due to the attacks and the fucking captcha bug and 8next migration.
Good thing Zig Forums implemented a native textual archive but there's no image. I can only suggest people to archive their own or archive shit on archive.org (with hopes that (((they don't fucking find it and phone shutitdown)))
Just about a week ago I've accidentally dropped a 2.5" HDD from a height of about 2 feet, while powered on (a 1TB Samsung laptop HDD on a generic no-brand chink USB enclosure). I immediately thought "this is it, I've killed the drive".
Surprisingly, nothing happened. Both the disk itself and the data were intact - didn't even power off or anything, it just kept running as if nothing happened. I've run chkdsk /r, HD Tune Pro detailed surface scan and HDD Regenerator on it to be sure.
By comparison, about 5 years ago, I've insta-killed a powered on 3.5" Seagate drive that was sitting on a desk and working fine, by just dropping a cell phone ON TOP of it. Now that was disappointing.