University Alternatives

hi Zig Forums,

so ive caught wind of the scam known as jewniversity and im not about to waste $100k+ on my education.

my question is: given $100k, how would you spend it in order to become as knowledgable about Zig Forums as possible?

i was thinking id just hire a kernel engineer from the linux project to tutor me. im guessing id learn a lot more from someone who actually contributed to something Zig Forums and isnt completely concerned with pushing diversity agendas


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My current uni is only like $10k a year. I just live with my parents and work from home and I can easily afford it. Kind of pointless, but I want to get a piece of paper that says I know my stuff.

That is probably an even bigger waste of money.

You're not given 100k. That 100k is paid to the university on your behalf.

I don’t know what to tell you, OP. Most opportunities that don’t suck ass in the United States are limited to college graduates specifically. You should go to college, even if it’s a shitty one, and study computer science.

He never implied that you dense fuck. Ever heard of opportunity cost?

There was a decent thread about this on soykaf central but I doubt that exists anymore. It had university textbook recommendations and stuff like that. If you really want to you can try to dig that gem up somehow, good luck though.

Also, , what kind of shitty country do you live in where you call colleges university, but tuition still costs 100k?

if you want to work for a big tech company and be surrounded by jews faggots and sjw's your going to need a degree or you will never even be considered.

if you want to work for a small business teach yourself how to program and write some shit for a portfolio to prove you know what you are doing, maybe you'll be hired by a small business.

alternatively you can try to start your own business and sell apps on the android/iphone marketplace to dumb goyim who will blow $1.99 over useless botnet apps.

(((university textbooks)))
this shit is pointless learn one programming language (C) and then all you need is reference manuals and basic tutorials/examples which are usually included in the reference manuals to pick up other languages.

Is this sub 85 IQ posting again?

Invest $50k in an index fund and live frugally on the other $50k for two years. In that two years, go through every relevant course on MITOpenCourseware, MOOCs, and other similar shit. Learn: algorithms, data structures, operating system principles, x86 asm, ARM asm, C, Java, Python. That's year one: sponging up all of the knowledge you can and implementing small projects to test your knowledge. You should be spending 10-12 hours a day, every day, on this, Sundays excepted. At the end of year one, you decide what you want to do when you're all finished, because that will determine what you spend year two doing. Do you want to work for Red Hat on Linux? Then you're going to be spending the year implementing a non-trivial improvement to the Linux kernel. Year two will be spent creating at least one significant, professional-level project on a public platforn (Github, Gitlab, Bitbucket, whatever) to serve as a portfolio. You should be able to pull this off. Some pajeet roastie got plaudits a year or two ago for changing a bunch of variables in the kernel code to their 'const' versions. Yes, she just literally added 'const' before a bunch of variables. If you work on implementing a non-trivial driver or kernel subsystem and it's something useful or that people can get excited about, you can get free informal mentoring from a kernel dev just by asking them questions on the mailing list or wherever. Paying for a kernel dev to tutor you is kinda dumb. Sorry, but I'm not even sure how that arrangement would work, whether you could get anyone to agree to it at all, and there's no guarantee that just because someone is good at something means they're good at teaching it. It's a separate skillset.

At the end of two years, you will have crammed a significant portion of a CS education and will have written a significant piece of software that you can use as a portfolio. You'll also have $50k + interest to get you set up in a new city when you get a jerb.

There's no opportunity cost situation here, he's just "not being 100k in debt, and without a degree". I don't at all see the point in the thread


If you are not braindead then you can learn everything online and practice while contributing to some FOSS project and build up your portfolio that way.
Take the money and invest it and half of it use for rent and food.
In about year or 2 you will be good enough to hire. Or at least get an internship to go further with job search.

Literally 5 day study session. Go fuck yourself shill.

Get an entry level job at any tech company. Get promoted a few times. If it's not a total nightmare, don't leave for at least three years unless they fire you. Work on side projects at home. Take an interest in the field you're working in--you should know more about it after a few months than 99.99% of humanity that hasn't been in your field. Aim for "if I lost this job, I could probably immediately start competing against this employer."

Tech's everywhere. Computers and programming gigs are everywhere. If you go to SF you'll just slip on a 30lb pile of shit and then get instant AIDS from falling into a 10lb pile of drug needles.

Just immigrate to Europe and get proper education there OP. You could close your ears during the diversity talk if you want.

One day, you'll realize there are algorithms beyond bubblesort.

Bad insult.
You should assume he doesn't even know bubblesort. He just calls blah.sort()

Buy a laptop and write useful and interesting projects, then get a job. You'll learn all you need along the way.

thi$ i$ good advice

real men and real programmers use desktops. loser laptop fags.

With that 100k buy food and a internet capable device and use the rest for paying for internet. Literally just use the internet to learn you stupid faggot.

Nigger you can be independent of everything forever except taxes for 40k if talking the USD.
Op if you are a normalfag scum just do what said and waste money on rent ontop of buying food.

this faggot is just butt-hurt xir's still paying off they's student loans.

Here is a tip, unless you are planning on following through to a masters or doctorate university means very little after a year of work experience. The piece of paper you get for $100k is merely credentials to get you in the door, and its not the only way to get in the door.

If you don't want to go to university then you will need to make it up by forming a solid portfolio, your resume should be filled with interesting projects you have done and links to relevant github repos.

Self sufficiency is a major attraction for employers, if you can show you can be left alone and don't need constant babysitting then you are ahead of the majority of applicants.

This is a stupid idea, all you would learn is C and development practices from the 80s.

Thats probably not happening unless he has an existing portfolio, why hire some random with no proven programming knowledge when you can hire a modern day slave via the H1B program from India or China.

I never went to college you asshat, I just didn't read 100 language docs like , but instead actually learned relevant shit about designing programs.

No they don't. The majority of lead devs for major projects work on laptops with good, consistent hardware support

What work do you do?

yes you'd probably learn more, although it would be better to do a lot of other things before that. The kernel engineer would be spitting knowledge you're not ready for, you'd maybe pick up 1/10 of it badly.

But he doesn't give you the fancy piece of paper at the end. Or try to trick you into taking a statistics course by calling it machine learning, which you probably need but really don't want to do because lets face it nobody takes applied math for derps seriously enough take a course on it.

I did something like this early on, except never really payed a tutor. It doesn't matter how good you are without the piece of paper. Hiring is controlled by people who bought into this deal, without this piece of paper you will offend them no amount of knowledge will ever fully overcome that fact. I got past it by working through a contracting company, they don't really care about anything other than getting another warm body on the contract they can take a 30%+ cut of the salary off of. The difference in wage over the period I had to do this would have made the degree a better bet. You have probably not yet met a fresh cs grad, their incompetence will disgust you by the time you've reached a point where you can say your carreer(pay/job market viability) has reached parity with theirs; if you make it that far. You also need to be the type of person who's been programming ect since you where a teenager to have a hope of pulling it off; that translates to about a decade of experience tacked on over them that you'll never really be able to document.

Your company will give you a laptop, because they like the idea that you might work from home, this is a lie we all agree to tell eachother. Use it, you don't want code other people own on your personal property where you might work on your own shit, because lawyers can then jew you in such a way that the company owns your personal shit.

Put the 100k to cost of living and spend 4 hours per day learning and 4-6 hours per day coding (the exercises in your books/lessons count to learning time not coding time, unless they are optional/bonus exercises maybe, use your descression). The coding bit will suck at first because you will just be making and re-making toy programs that don't do much, but thats just the way it goes until you git gud. Aproch your education like it's a job, and in your spare time, browse the code of projects you use every day to see if you are starting to understand it, this will be a good meter to your progress. Once you start to git gud, start contributing to open source projects and activly maintain a few non-trivial projects on your own that are useful. In this instance "non-trivial" just means complicated enough that you couldn't whip it up in a couple hours on google with little to no prior knowlage. Useful goes a lot further than complex. Lastly but maybe most importantly, network. Once you start to contribute a fair amount to a project, start hanging out in their IRC and mailing lists more. Meet people, make friends, talk shop. Without a degree or other credentials, the only thing that will land you a decent job will be recomendations from people already in the field, and sadly no matter how good you are, they aren't going to recomend you to their boss/team if they don't know you or think you are a dick. Also, learn some more advanced math, it's not required, but it helps later. Learning the history of programming, software and hardware helps too, it gives context to the current landscape which will improve your technical intuition and helps you not look like a pleb in in front of greybeards.

2 years community college = $8,000
2 years in-state university = $22,000
Total = $30,000 for engineering degree with starting salary of $90k

That's 6 months work for 4 years of education, retard. Considering you earn 40k more than the median salary at that point as well.

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lol, did you know China has very little drug problems because they execute traffickers. Trump was actually correct when he stated this.


is the the "lolbertarian XD" of home education?
meanwhile i got in software without any education while you sit through your retarded classes that don't teach basic concepts like security and concurrency, and instead either talk about TCS which you accidentally applied for thinking it will make you a software engineer, or Security and Concurrency, instead of the real subject. enjoy your java 101 singleton patterns classes

Those sure are a lot of assumptions, stay unrustled my friend

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My friend works at Google and dropped out of uni after 6 months. You don't need a university education to become a good engineer.




We work with Microsoft for making one of their backend services.

Pretty much what I did, but my state payed for my 2 years of community college.

Every job is shit so might as well work for a company that pays you more.

every job is shit in the tech industry yes

You'll never be allowed to become a serious researcher without going to uni.

humorous researchers only

Most universities for compsci tend to be four year long Java tutorials so unless you are going into a halfway decent program yes you are kiking yourself 100%. Also don't spend more than $10K a year for education. I have a degree in computer science, not Java studies.

There’s a reason people get college degrees. You need one if you want make mad dosh.

If this is the case, you're going to a really, really shit school.

Now at unis they wont botter teaching C and C++, they start whit Java and jump into C# whit .NET

My anecdotal evidence differs. The order I was expected to know languages was.
C -> Assembly -> Verilog -> Java -> Javascript

I never touched a college but I excpect at least one systems lang

When I went we started off in C++, and later used C and 68K Asm for hardware courses. There was also some MIPS thrown in too, I believe that was a processor design class. There was even Haskell and Prolog thrown in for good measure. The only course I recall that taught Java was "Software engineering", which was an option I did not take.

My exposure was
don't go to my college.

mine will be like that, i am learning java and also learning object oriented programing theory, this will not work for my class. I am struggling even if i check documentation, turtorials and books, but if every student did that colleges would go bankrupt.

You do know you can go to university elsewhere right? You can get it for free or close to free, and in english even if you're lazy.
Is that really your question? Because if you want a job afterwards you'll need either a good piece of paper or a good word, and being on your own will give you neither. Not saying it's fair, but that's how it is.
You can learn from online courses, there are plenty of free ones from several universities. Also books, you pick any top university half the books will be the same because they're good. Problem is you'll need a lot of motivation to do it on your own. If you haven't learnt shit on your own yet you'll probably fail.
Bad idea. That's a guy who knows how to code, not how to teach. Plus the vast majority of his expertise will be useless to you at the moment, you're trying to run without figuring out how to walk.

All you need to do is get all As in high school and become president of a school club, both of which are trivial in the American education system. Universities are a free way to get a decent education, but you have to supplement it by doing shit on your own. Just think of projects to work on and look up what you need to know in order to make them, you don't need a tutor or anything. If you're adamant against university then you can just learn everything on your own too and once you're good go get an internship at a place you want to work at, ideally overseas, and within a month or two you'll be a full time employee because you're white and natively speak English. Now even if you go back to the US you'll have something real to put on your resume so you can get whatever job you want.

Assuming Burgerstani: try going to a state school, where you'll pay half as much.
My path:
$40K total. No debt due to grants for having an "economically disadvantaged background".

My experience:

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Kill me now, Senpai. The boomer meme about not giving your child any financial support is real.

They need "industry ready students" first (pay student debt), "top dawgs" later (alumni donations).

I would say that
Scratch => Python => JS for K~12
And Python => C/C++/D => Assembly => Verilog for Uni
And then Java/Go/C#/Swift for enterprise sh*t

That is common practice in Hong Kong, whites are just fags and liberals.

It's common practice in Hong Kong to not provide any financial support? In China it's quite a big deal, families will spend $50,000 a year sending their child to a state college in America.

Sound like a good idea. Do you have any proposals?

In Hong Kong either A. They will send you off with money for US/CA/Aus because "imma rich and fuck the commies" or B Give you absolutely no financial support locally because "get a job faggot, I earn money since I am 12".

Everything is an abstraction of C and Asm, so yeah.

Yeah, my father even had to buy his own clothes as a teenager. That's quite an accurate representation.

I feel bad for my friend who's parents paid over $140,000 for a fine arts degree from a state school.

I mean if you even google fine arts degree a suggestion is "what job can I do with a fine arts degree."

This is what Ctard actually thinks

here was my college:
if i finished the 4th year i would have obtained as much knowledge as i had when i was 16 which still wasn't enough to do any real software engineering

unfortunately a lot of stuff is though, like python's socket functions for example are just shitty wrappers around the system calls but with less documentation. this is because le modern programmer is too much of a pussy to make either a real abstraction or just a plain wrapper around a low level function. same shit in Java, haskell, etc. and PHP somehow does the same thing but 100x worse

you're not an underage fag are you?

building binaries and executables should be simple if you understand assembly ("oh code has to exist somewhere in the address space, what puts it there?", etc)

Go to Europe. In some countries you are even paid for enrolling University. Even if you go to a country that doesn't, public University in Europe is decent and dirt cheap.

The absolute fucking state of burgers

He was a Chinese national. Schools take advantage of people quite frequently these days....

Would it make a difference? I'm not but it kind of makes me mad thinking about it in the past, I'm not going to think like a victim but it wasn't very helpful. I could of died on the path I went down trying to be self-sufficient too soon.

I went Scratch -> Scheme/LISP -> Java at my school.

even for non-citizens?

libgen and other darknet tier resources.

Yes. I have a bro that is getting his PhD in Poland for pretty much nothing.

Top jej, PhD positions are paid throughout most of Europe.

Non-Eu citizens pay significantly more tuition fee, at least in some countries. It is still much cheaper that the USA though, and the quality will be a bit more consistend if you go to a real university.
Quality has gone downhill somewhat over the past few decades though, but that is to expected in clownworld.

people like you are the reasons for why we need 3.5 years of bullshit in college, because now normalfags think information is secret, forbidden, locked behind a pay-wall or some shit.

you don't understand.
clearnet is no good at this point but if you want an okay answer then try open coursewares but yeah you'd still need to 'buy a book' which in my case I just pull on darknet sources (which always get seized by copyright and other legal issues)

you'll only find them in the darknet which only means that: "it isn't indexed by search engines so you have to lurk more"
why are they hiding? yeah, do you know how many times libgen got rellocated? like TPB and mp3 plebsites.

Normally you wouldn't get access to stuff in the science hub even in the clearnet otherwise you could afford going to their schools and have access to libraries but that's too much of a bother.

internet is public domain. it's just that the hostility against them requires them to hide under p2p and other censorless platforms


more like 'fine' arts
your friend should've just gotten a patreon to back REAL artists and watch livestreams.
what's art diploma gonna do anyway? maybe your friend needed that "art degree gets a free doctorate (skip the masters)" thing happening in the west right now eh?

you are the nignog


Dude the real shit isn't even on the darknet, you have to go to the mariana's web if you really want to be enlightened. But you need quantum psychics to access it and that kind of stuff is illegal as fuck lol haha

lol you got swallowed by the /x/ memes newfag.

Zig Forums itself is darknet. there is hidden autismo larping board you probably never heard of and the thread is now at #3675 while the site's hidden on google search indexes.
archive sites also don't like Zig Forums.

you sound like those cia niggers who lurk here during weekends so here's your 666

bro /x/ knows their shit don't pretend like it's all fake dude, you can't not prove it's not really real