
Where to begin? I want so much to be in control of my computer. Yet I don’t want to make the leap whereby I could potentially fuck up my hardware indefinitely. Wat do?

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LiveCD (USB)

Why not start here?

install gentoo

1. gentoo usb image
2. as this user says, having the manual helps a lot
3. virtual machine software and a modest set of resources necessary to get gentoo working.
4. time, we are talking about entire afternoons of you slowly following the steps on the installation guide careful enough to not fuck up your install.
5. the will to grind; for once you successfully installed gentoo for the first time you must redo it all over again until you have a minimal need to consult the installation guide.

Have fun OP, and don't give up, you wouldn't want to become a faggot that couldn't even install gentoo on Zig Forums

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The only thing you will fuck up indefinitely is overwriting files that are important. If you have modern (read: not ancient) hardware than there isn't a way for you to break something. While it is possible, I doubt you can figure out how.

It's basically impossible to fuck up hardware through the OS. That's reserved for fucking with the BIOS.
Worst you can do is having to redo the installation and lose your old data (and even losing data is pretty hard to do unless you either execute random commands from the internet without reading their man pages or you encrypt your drive and forget the password).

Its impossible to damage your hardware through software nowadays in any post 2010 PC. You can only do minor damage by overclocking until the point it'll overheat and shutdown.

Try running "rm -rf /" with EFI vars mounted and write enabled. Enjoy your paperweight.

That's only in incompetent Linux forks, if you don't like it compile your own version

The thing about Gentoo is that installing it multiple times will make you indolent. I used to spend so much time fine-tuning my kernel configuration--lately I just run genkernel all. When I bought a new SSD, I used dd to move my current install to it. Now, why don't I use something else? Because it's just that good.

That's not a Linux distro issue, it's the hardware allowing itself to be bricked, Linux is just providing a convenient way to do it. There's plenty of brickable hardware out there. Most SSDs can be bricked by interrupting a firmware update - you could write software to do this on purpose. Same goes for many motherboards.

Linux diindu nuffin

Shut up you incompetent fuck. Either start a hardware company or stop bitching and start fixing.

It didn't. You can brick the UEFI table on Windows too via SetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableEx. It's not an OS issue, it's the hardware.

100% this. After using Gentoo for 4/5 years I moved all my computers to Void because I was so bored of configuring every little thing it's such a pain in the ass

are you fucking retarded? is it 1970 again?
that being said, firmware isn't real hardware, and most of it shouldn't exist in the first place, particularily all of (((U)))EFI


genkernel --kernel-config=/etc/your/kernel/config all

The only way I could see this being a risk is if we're talking about some absolutely chink shit level one company completely ass pulled ignoring all standards then went under 6 months latter after bouncing there employees checks for 4 months level faggotry manifest in physical for. In which case it deserves to give up the ghost.

▶Anonymous (You) 09/02/18 (Sun) 20:52:10 No.963953

I actually made an installation script the second time I installed gentoo.
Now, I just have to move my already config and that's it.
Seriously, that's not that hard.

You just have to copy your config file, and
make olddefconfig; make modules_prepare; make; make modules_install; make install; grub-mkconfig -O /boot/grub/grub.cfg
I don't even know if "make modules_prepare/install" is any useful.
And people bitching about configuration; seriously, I had to move everything to each new distro I ever installed. The only difference with gentoo is the installation; even though you can automate it with a script.

Better stuff here:

Just use genkernel, that's exactly what it automates.

Yeah, by bloating up your installation

Use a custom kernel config, retard.

You mean like UEFI variables mounted under /sys/firmware/efi/efivars ?

the whole point of genkernel is that you don't have to use a custom config because it compiles a generic kernel that justwerks with everything

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Or you can use a custom config.

Except under linux it's exposed as files for extra easy bricking.

Gentoo doesn't mount those by default.

Well, I neglected to mention something--I didn't just buy a new SSD, I also built a new workstation. I didn't want to meticulously configure my kernel when genkernel will just work. Yes, it's not that hard to figure out which modules you need; but I moved from an Intel machine to an AMD one, so it'd be a hassle to disable Intel-specific features and enable the AMD equivalents. When I first used Gentoo I tried to never bloat up my system, but it's difficult to stay fastidious when you have home servers and routers to maintain.

You might as well just compile it normally then.

Why would you even use Gentoo? Does it even work on the Talos II?
Use Fedora instead.

genkernel is doodoo


user, I use my computer to do work, not wank around with updates.

So gcc 8 has been on unstable for a while.
Any experience ricing your systems with it?
I've found that i3 won't compile with LTO on gcc 7.3, but on 8.2 it does just fine.
I'm currently looking through my running proccesses to find what programs I'm using, and then seeing if they compile with LTO now.
wine-staging didn't compile with LTO for me.
I switched a bunch of stuff over to LTO, such as i3, xorg-server and most xorg drivers.
I'm currently trying out gcc itself, libtool and binutils.


GCC didn't build. I also tried glibc but I noticed it just built too fast to be true and I realized it has strip-flags in its ebuild. It's also the case for binutils.
I don't want to have a nonstandard gentoo installation besides tweaked config files, so I'll leave things as they are.

livin that linux life

Pottering does it. First of all "Linux" doesn't even mount efivarsfs by default, you have to explicitly tell it to do that. Aecond, any sane system supervisor will mount it as RO since it's been known from dawn of time that mobo manufacturers can't build firmware worth shit. shitstemd, on the other hand mounts it as RW by default because apparently "some tools use it". This is the reason you can brick your system with rm -rf /* on systemd distros. Debian has already patched it downstream, efivarsfs is mounted RO by default (at least On My Machine(TM)). Don't use shit distros would be my advice.

You can't. x86 is designed to prevent that.
At most you'll only expand your sandbox that you compute in, but you'll never access the BIOS, SMM, or the ME/PSP.

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Gentoo will run on Librebooted systems and the Talos II not that OP is likely to have either of those things

Libreboot exists, so as a proof of concept this is wrong. In the future, hopefully support and options will be better.
Not on x86, you're right about that. Maybe in the far future, or with an architecture change, though.

IME was cracked and someone accessed it. It may be feasible in the future to gain access and either run your own version of Minix on it or at least change the keys so remote access isn't feasible. PSP has yet to be cracked, but AMD is also usually more willing to bend to consumer demand, so perhaps this will change.

But you're right: x86 is designer to prevent this. But we must keep pushing the boundaries so that someday we can control these things along with whatever else the manufacturers come up with in the interim. Hopefully someday we can just move to RISC-V and full plans will need to be released for everything.

I don't get it. If you don't know what you're doing, don't use root.

Gentoo is nice for learning though. When you build a system "from scratch" it makes you think about how you want to use your system.
Then when the inevitable breakage occures when you update something, you replicate your setup on something like Debian.
Gentoo is still really fucking nice though.

Go in the other direction, to the past. 80386 chips (except the laptop ones) don't have that SMM shit.
But hey, most other 80's computers also don't have any of the modern nasty shit either.

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But Gentoo is very stable, it doesn't just break randomly, like Arch (if you don't update every day) or shitty meme distros, like (((Manjaro)))

This. But don't worry too much about fucking up the entire install. It's kind of made up of a few components (of which you almost certainly will fuck up one of them), which you can salvage the the others from.

It's a fucking process though, and is going to require some serious determination if you're not that seasoned with Linux. A search engine will be your best friend: search for those error messages!

Then, you get to learn a new paradigm for a new package manager, and a new init system, and new configs, and syntax....

I just installed Gentoo for the first time a few hours ago. It took me the better part of two days. It probably could've been done in like 3 hours including compilation time, but every documentation starts out promising and then either falls short, or worse, leads you astray (without outdated information).

In my case, I could not get Gentoo to boot without using grub, despite booting Arch and OS X fine with rEFInd. Of course, it wasn't obvious (to me) I needed an actual boot loader, I thought I just kept assuming I fucked up the kernel. When I got beyond that (`genkernel all`) I could not get my NIC working! Again, I searched and searched for information on the driver (was it built into the kernel? did I use the right driver/module?). As it turns out, as per the fucking guide, I used the name of the NIC that was used in the livecd, and from that, edited the rest of the relevant networking files. It was only when I'd exhausted all other solutions, that I went back through those configs and figured it out.

Anyway, sorry for the blog boast. Just, be determined and you'll get it. Also, try the forums for help. It seems like they are pretty helpful there, but I never want to bother with asking for help.

P.S. is pretty hilarious.

what you said is not true
gentoo also breaks randomly
gentoo is not meant to be stable
and you're the meme

the tipical gentoo user who thinks he's above other people and feeling butthurt for having no life to maintaning an OS instead of using a user friendly distro

you can learn much more about linux by reading and experimenting with things like LFS

people just want to show off their distro and feel superior to others

if another half-popular distro comes up that is harder to install and maintain than gentoo, elitists will jump right to it and come up with new excuses as to why that distro is the best and how meme is everything else

You're wrong. Gentoo is meant to be very stable. Gentoo breaking is mostly compilation errors because of the myriad hardware and software configurations that the users have. The Gentoo maintainers never stabilize a package (ie. move package from testing to stable) if it has compilation or run-time errors. In fact, Gentoo by default is quite conservative considering its rolling nature. However, if you choose to run ~amd64 ("testing") then you get more blockers and compilation errors which often require manual tinkering or rolling back a package version.

you can brick your motherboard by nuking the EFI through the OS. As has been done already by jewbuntu on a bunch of computers.

Don't be a brainlet user, the best gentoo builds are the ones, where you spend weeks to setup base, don't be in a hurry gentoo ain't for the weak, this is what filter's out the normalfags who want to run Loonix.

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How could you be that retar..

Gtfo neckbeard

nice lol

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Just install it using livecd + handbook. I am sure you will learn a lot in the process.

Ubuntu is for learning. Gentoo is for using.
You don't build anything "from scratch" on Gentoo.
It comes prebuilt in a tarball with one of the most powerful package management systems.
Do you consider installing a DE on Arch "building the system from scratch" as well?
Your drivel sure does make one think.
Shove that FUD up your faggot ass.
Debian is broken by design.
There isn't a nicer distro.

Gentoo is literally the most stable distro out there.
It also manages to accomplish that while being up to date, unlike Debian.
You can install bleeding edge packages on a stable system without it breaking, ever. Unlike Debian.
You can install any version of any package and even multiple versions of the same package side by side and it just works.
Unlike Debian with its "dependency hells" and package manager misbehavior.
Just stop. This is embarrassing.
No such thing.
You seem insecure.
Nobody actually thinks they're superior for the OS they're using.
You're the one feeling inferior.
And butthurt.
Keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better.
But keep those bullshit rationalizations to yourself.
Sure. It's not like the point of Gentoo is to "learn about linux".
Boo-hoo! There's that insecurity again. Your post sounds like a toddler crying to his mama.

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Gentoo doesn't even provide 3.x anymore. The earliest stable one in gentoo-sources is 4.4.87, and the latest stable is 4.14.65. I'm running 4.18.5 now.
Him being retarded isn't Gentoo's fault.

from scratch was between quotes for that very reason.
What would you learn from doing a default Ubuntu install?
Boot up, see gnome, nice, I think...
Boot up, see terminal, use it a bit, learn about x-server, install basic x. Hmm, ugly, what is a window manager. Hey, I don't need a menubar etc.
The same process can be more or less replicated with a minimal arch or debian I think.

You kind of implied that Gentoo is only good for learning.
Sure, it involves some learning if you're new, but Gentoo is a pragmatic operating system and pretty much the best distro for practical use.
A distro such as Ubuntu on the other hand is barely good for anything else but college kids to learn bash.
I didn't say anything to the effect that you learn less by using Gentoo.

New Gentoo user.
Is there an option in genkernel.conf to generate kernel & initramfs as :


(exactly like that)

also, how to add a keyfile in initramfs with genkernel?
I'd like to add keyfile.
With Arch, I used :
FILES="/keyfile.bin" in mkinitcpio.conf

For me, everything works on Gentoo. Haven't encountered a single problem yet. Anons bitching about whatever are either doing something wrong or don't like waiting for things to compile (which actually can be pretty long waits, I'll give you that). All in all it's the most stable and well behaving distro I have ever tried. Fuck you.

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lol look whos the idiot now

enjoy your CoC lol

Did you purge the bloat in the kernel

I've removed things that I 100% knew I would not need. I'm switching the profile to hardened so I'll go through the options again and see if there's something I missed

Real men compile their kernels themselves.

Also, updating doesn't take that long. Updates never break anything, only thing that can happen is that building fails.

Compile the kernel yourself and read

Compiling Linux is very easy. Just use hwinfo and the searching functionality in make menuconfig. Besides, genkernel can fuck up and produce a kernel that won't boot. You actually safe time by configuring it yourself.

Can i make gentoo be able to run .deb files?

apt-get (and yum) are available in Gentoo:
>>>/cpu/24 has instructions how to add and use overlays.

A better way is to extract the files and create an ebuild (

Gentoo hardened doesn't have a hardened kernel anymore. There is also no way to run a pure Wayland system with no X11 dependencies as far as I know (Firefox and Chromium still require X11 dependencies IIRC).
Add to this the new Linux CoC and I really don't see any reason to use this over, say, FreeBSD, or Debian. You can tinker with build options directly in the make files if you're so inclined.
Both can be hardened to different degrees, and you can always go OpenBSD if you want rigorous hardening.
TLDR the combination of grsecurity removing their patches and being little bitches, pure Wayland windowing environments taking forever to be available, and the new CoC leaves little advantage to using Gentoo.
I mention the Wayland thing because I think the ability to run a pure Wayland environment will be doable on Gentoo before anywhere else, and so would be an advantage if and when it becomes possible.

Can I use an alternative libc, init or even kernel with those? No. Gentoo still has the advantages of portage (USE flags, SLOTs, making a binpkg host being easy as fuck, ebuilds are easy to write) and big repos.
Does Gentoo have a fucking womyn special site?

Is gentoo the only sane choice?

pretty much

Bullshit. BSD is better.
I've switched to BSD on all systems where I have physical access. I have control over one laptop but not physical access, and that has Gentoo on it. That gentoo installation has been working CONTINUOUSLY for 147 days now, without ANY bugs or glitches at all. Updates are running smoothly, everything is working fine. The >gentoo is unstable meme is total fucking bullshit caused by people with poetteringware installed.

What's that, a gentoo chroot on an android phone?

When we're talking Linux, there's also void, but gentoo is the most sane choice yes.
Otherwise OpenBSD

This is very much true. I have -dbus, -pulse and so on on my useflags. WINE has a hard dep on dbus anyway, and the only breakage I ever had was a broken dbus version borking my wine.
Fuck that CIA-nigger plant called Poettering.

Nice borders on your i3 config.
Now uninstall your compositor, it's bloat.

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Okay than

And these people are talking about how pottering is an evil CIA agent lmao

I've been wondering about how I'd manage multiple audio devices and outputs without pulseaudio. I often switch between speakers and headset (using a laptop).

I'll look into removing dbus and pulse now.

I used to use pure ALSA on my gentoo but I lost my config and it's a true PITA to get multichannel with some degree of quality or reliability so now I just use pulseaudio. It's the best we have (at least when talking about user experience and not the code itself). You'd have to get autistic about ALSA to make it work for you instead of vice versa.

Multiple outputs is easy with alsa, multiple devices is hard or near impossible because it involves switching config files in place and won't change running applications.
If you're on something like a laptop that'll require constantly switching what audio device you're using, pulseaudio at least has the feature set you'd want.
And the actual useflag is pulseaudio, my mistake.

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Wine can be dbus free. Just compile it with -dbus and -test.
You can use a patched gtk3 too, to avoid at-spi2-bla, and thus dbus on that too.
We must be free from the dbus(t), freedesktop, systemdick, consolekit, policykit, etc cancers.

Then I can't remove pulse OR dbus because puke depends on drot

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put -pulseaudio in your make.conf and use equery d pukeaudio. then do a emerge --update --deep --newuse --with-bdeps=y @world
Also, you can use emerge --unmerge to DELET it (but this can cause breakage, use emerge --depclean to be saf e)

Tbh, that's the reason I moved to Slackware. I loved making my own modifications to arch and void and such, but maintaining them would always prove to be a major pain. Slackware ships really stable and sanely configured, and I can just make any modifications I want _once_, and only bother updating everything once every three years. I want my shit to just work but still be granular and flexible when I need it.

This is what happens when niggers use a white man's distro.

I'm not a new Gentoo user. I know how to do all of what I want to, you missed the point. I can't remove pulseaudio because there isn't a viable alternative (that I know of) and I can't remove dbus because puke depends on it.

Have you tried using jack? It's much better than pulse in almost every way and it interfaces nicely with alsa.

No thanks, i'd rather have my windows in one piece.

Shit, really?
I've just compiled gtk3 with -X flag to prevent the at-spi2 shit.
That's how i got wine to work for me.
But i'm intrested, where do i find these patched versions?

I actually do use jack for some virtual instruments. Do you know if it can be utilized as a replacement for puke?

Need Some Gentoo help anons, are there any overlays for OpenVAS, or any alternative scanner ?

Every single time.

Without exception.

Like clockwork.

Are you using X or Wayland? x11-libs/gtk+:3 requires any of "aqua" (which is dependant on "X" being set), "wayland" or "X" to be set; setting "wayland", logically, pulls Wayland in as a dependency.

Oh and bebbitors are, unsurprisingly, going "dbus güd, it's current year, you're dumb if you oppose dbus xddd":
Reader discretion advised.

At least someone posted a genuinely funny story though, link: