What tech podcast would you recommend, Zig Forums?
What tech podcast would you recommend, Zig Forums?
Some shit I listen too
>GCP Podcast relevant to my job
>Kubernetes podcast same as above
Podcasts are for niggers. "Hey let's talk as slow as possible for 3 hours so the nigger cattle feed lot (listeners) spend as much time on our page as possible while we continually shit out the least content dense drivel week after week for youtube views"
Mozilla's podcast called IRL. Discover real stories of life online and hear real talk about the future of the Web. Learn to protect yourself from internet trolls and cyberbullies and fake news, learn about the history of emoticons, hear exclusive interviews with Instagram stars, etc.
Why do we live in a world where this tripe is acceptable?
>Veronica (((Belmont)))
meanwhile on google images as of 20 seconds before this post
"black fantasy" refers to fantasy story that have dark themes. Stephen King and HP Lovecraft etc obviously apply.
Not Google's fault. There's a black revisionist bullshit site that uses the term "European History" in it a lot. That's why it appears in the results.
On the flip side, you don't see altrighters complaining about the fact that when you google "Jew", 4 of the first page results are antisemitic.
I bitch about it, because those aren't jews but they are actually fake jews that are in fact babylonians. So having four pages of babylonians show up when you search for jews, like in the Bible jews, is stupid.
I don't listen to the podcasts. I'm speaking with myself, number one, because I have a very good brain, and I've said a lot of things. I know what I'm doing, and I listen to a lot of people, I talk to a lot of people, and at the appropriate time I'll tell you who the people are. But I speak to a lot of people, but my primary consultant is myself, and I have a good instinct for this stuff.
You, I like you. You remind me of me.
Because some cuck at Mozilla wanted to put his bell end in Belmont, so he gave a gig to that washed-up boobanimal.
she got the job because it's (((belmont)))
every fucking time
What a dumb kike. One more reason to switch from Firefox to Brave.
It's ok to be retarded.
lelelel look at that snout
That's why we have you.
How about posting some more podcasts instead of criticizing women like incel edgelords?
It is Google's fault. They weigh sites now by social media use and social media content is heavily policed by leftists. So a single crazy leftist site can end up single-handedly redefining terms worldwide.
Antisemitism is a widely held belief and it's only though great effort that more doesn't show up in searches. They had delisted our entire site at one point to keep us out of listings, and you'll find many other antisemetic sites are delisted.
Never knew Dracula was defeated by a kike.
you mean jews
how about posting some tech podcasts not run or hosted by tech jews
Not all women are jews sweetie but I bet your last gf was you obsessed fuck. Learn your place.
jupiter broadcasting podcasts are ususally good
That's actually a real statement, hilarious.
Any rightwing tech news podcasts out there? Something like The Daily Shoah of tech news?
Results are heavily weighed by social media because that's where the majority of images are uploaded and tagged. The average internet user who takes a photo and wants to share it is gonna go for Facebook, Flickr, Twitter, Instagram, Reddit, etc rather than upload it to a personal website.
None, podcasts are waste of time. You should read some good book about programming instead.
I can't read while I'm driving.
But you can listen to audiobooks.
I was just thinking about something like this today. Everytime I try to look for some new tech podcasts they are all either about Apple or consumer shit nobody should care about.
What programming audiobooks exist? Are you implying that I should dictate my textbooks one page at a time?
Any pink haired she-twink talking about ruby.
Semi-pozzed Slav and well-known Java extremist Yegor.
Pure Decking is pretty good although frequently 2edgy
Up :)
I've had exactly the same experience trying to find a good podcast. Maybe we need to start our own.
Dracula did nothing wrong. Alucard is a race-traitor.
Every. Fucking. Time.
that's part of the trick
But it is. You fell for the old trick of a people masquerading as a religion.
I'd listen to it
Glad to see my donation money is funding important projects like this!
People like you are a big part of the problem.
Yeah, here's a question:
Can we stop jibbering about religious bullshit, and start talking about tech?
You know... tech? The fucking TITLE OF THE BOARD?
Why the flying fuck does every single goddamn discussion on this goddamn board devolve into this arguing-about-religion bullshit?
What the fuck is wrong with you people?
Nobody is talking about religion, it's a matter of racial/ethnic nepotism. The tech industry is not a meritocracy, so you do yourself no favors by avoiding the topic.
The No Agenda podcast is great. While it's more focused on politics, news and deconstructing (or debunking) mainstream media news, it occasionally covers technology related topics as well.
There's an Alt-Lite one called Pure Decking. They're salient enough to listen to and listening to them take the mick is kind of funny.
Pic related is also good, even if the narrator sounds like he should be broadcasting on NPR. I gave it a chance after worrying it might be infosec drivel oriented towards outsiders who don't know much about tech, but some of the episodes are actually well-researched and interesting. Heard about it at DEF CON. 2600's show Off the Hook is too Jewish for me, but respect for age.
TWIT used to be a political. What went wrong?
I wouldn't recommend anything that calls itself a "podcast".
You can't deny it for much longer normalfag
Leo Laporte has gone senile. He let his new wife run the business and he's had to fire most talent. He also accidentally showed his dick pic on air.