Is this framework botnet?
The prospect of writing apps for both android and ios by just writing html and javascript is quite tempting when the alternative would be to use java and learn swift or whatever ios is using.
Is this framework botnet?
I think I just got my fill of cancer for the month.
Then make a better solution for the mobile world.
Yes masturbating with porn on the phone is just too convenient
I mean, these days normalfags want apps. Even if the alternative is to browse a website, they want to click on that app and scroll through it / check radiobuttons on their profile using a smartphone app.
I can either do it from scratch or ride along with the starbucks soy latte code artisan and end the project in few days.
I'm willing to use software developed by facebook for that. What I'm not willing to to is let them fuck around harvesting data once the app is finished.
We want convenience and we want fast loading apps, because websites are more bogged down, they don't save your location on the "infinite scroll" bar. Also, smooth animation and rendering is pleasing to the eyes. Frameworks are the best at UX, and the worst at data mining. We don't want data mining but we don't want eye-sores either. Textpunk/ASCIIpunk is just a gimmick
The source of React is smaller than ReactDOM/Native when minified. I think they're about 15kB total. You can check the source for yourself, it really is not that complicated.
If you wanna develop for phones, use Flutter. Anything else is cancer, proprietary, bloat and all of the above.
tbh I admit I posted this thread without doing my homework and checking the source code (neither size nor content)
I'm worried about expo, .asking for permission for everything on my phone for example
Using React lets Facebook pull the rug from under your infrastructure if you sue them for patent infringement. Use it if you want to sign away your rights.
all desktop software should be done inside of a webkit browser too.
What makes a reactive webpage not software though? By your definition stuff like Paint isn't software just because someone made it into a webpage.
Considering how slow and bloated modern browsers are, they might be smarter than it seems.
my definition right or not is:
anything written in a language that compiles down to assembly before running, ie anything that's meant to be executed directly on the processor = software
anything that's run inside of something else, another piece of software, is a script.
C, C++, Rust(fuck rust) -> Software
Python, Ruby, Perl, Java, Javascript -> Script
Python, Ruby, Perl, Java, Javascript Interpreters -> Software (notice they are all written in C/C++ or other compiled language).
At some point Scripts become so large and elaborate it requires a different word, script implies small, but it's not software just because it's a bloated mess that should have been written in a non scripting language and run on the processor instead of run inside an interpreter.
by this definition android apps are also not software, because they run inside of a Java VM.
maybe App is the correct terminology for large script that serves the same purpose as software but is not software.
Fucking idiot.
keep writing scripts poonigger
NO. Languages by itself don't compile anything you faggot, are just an abstraction. You need a compiler for that matters. Do you ever realize that languages and interpreters or compilers are a different thing?
Yes because clearly that post implied that languages compile all by themselves without compilers and interpreters and had nothing to do with the difference between compiled languages and interpreted languages.
Your understanding of the English language is clearly lacking. You will never be white pajeet.
How is that possible? React Native is under the MIT license.
no. it's just bloat on top of bloat
quite literally
The Java VM isn't enough! Let's put a Javascript VM INSIDE of a Java VM and then put our "App" inside of that! perfect!
heh :^)
makes sense coming from a react pooscript shill.
Spaghetti code can hide spyware, so that could be an issue
Yes, because it is made by kikebook. See but this time with finding botnet code in mind.
they tried to censor react OS like that other language facekike also fucked up
It's not my fault that it's fucking god damn impossible to have a piece of software that works in Windows, OSX, Linux, Android, and iOS unless it's a browser app.
The only alternative is to write 5 completely separate apps, or ignore all of the other platforms, or use some god awful shambling horror like Java or .NET.
Just. Use. Qt. For. Native. Applications.
Use React Native or Naticescript for phone app.
Flutter has license issues.
You know LLVM has both iOS & Android paths, right? You can just write in whatever normal language.
Not true, assembler can be passed around the runtime to execute directly on the hardware in more recent versions of Android.
Unnecessary, Qt also supports Android & iOS.
shoot yourself
peak nu-dev
Is it optimized though?
does the UI look native? Also does it work with PyQt or other scripting language that isn't JS?
LLVM is roughly similar to GCC in speed, in fact, compilers can even be swapped between them.
Recent versions of Qt support fully native widgets on desktop, iOS, and Android, using C++ (or any language that can bind to C++).
Which license issues?
why would you do this to yourself? writing anything longer than a few lines in python is a nightmare, then on top of that running qt with signals etc
enjoy your hell hole
How much better than electron is this?
Qt on Android and iOS is not "native"; as in, they don't use the widgets for each OS' respective SDK.
OP, RN has absolute shit tooling that will make your life living hell. It is, however the only "write almost-once, get native widgets" framework.
Given your post I assume you're not a senior programmer, so you *really* don't want to deal with someone else's half-finished internal tool (which RN is). Updates will be hell, dealing with some dependencies will be hell, expect the unexpected and expect it to be hell.
With that said: Real-world mobile development is very stupid at times, so it's not a silver bullet you can rely on. This means I'd recommend that you do a bit of both, and then you'll begin to understand how to apply these tools to actual problems.
This, if you're making something for a normalfag client then just use this, is not like they give a fuck about privacy and a lot of startups are shady as fuck with glowing in the dark founders
I been hearing flutter and kotlin are a better combo, less clutter and faster, but both make you use goolag's bullshit new languages so dunno