there has been such an effort to downplay the rape gangs, and prolong the debate as if it's still unclear whether it's a Muslim problem or not. Sickening.
Landon Cooper
And now after all their bullshit they are finally starting to realise that the masses aren't fucking blind. The damage control and backtracking will be sublime, we have their names either way.
No english working class community EVER voted to be shoved together with pakis
Cooper Moore
Apparently this was really good
Matthew King
Since it's tanks it might just be that they are moving assets around rather than going to border detail, however Trump has said that he's not fucking around.
If they actually fire on the invaders, the outcry around the world will be extreme. I suspect there could even be antifa riots in parts of the US and Europe. It'd be great
Gabriel Miller
Lefties cannot help but be condescending elitists. Our entire civilisation creaks under the weight of their conceits - yet they jealously maintain their stranglehold on "acceptable" discourse.
You know what I hate? The way lefties act like the far right is some evil force which exists regardless of circumstances, and is ever ready to pounce on the saintly left's mistakes. The far right exists BECAUSE of the left's mistakes.
Parker Rodriguez
The caravan will be exactly like last time (which everyone conveniently forgot) Photo ops throughout Central America, and before they hit the US-Mexico border it fizzles out and vanishes.
Conservatism and Nationalism have ALWAYS been reactionary towards Liberalism, yet they insist it's the reverse which would make no fucking sense.
Colton Thomas
Conservatism is about keeping the normies in check to make sure their values don't become warped due to improving material circumstances. Leftism (of all stripes) is about deliberately warping the values of normies to appoint themselves as messiahs of a great new age.
Not good that burried in that article paki Javid says he wants more police centralisation, i.e. govt control, and 'innovation' always means trendy bollocks that isn't as effective as what's described here as core policing, neighbourhood patrols and crime prevention, previously known as police doing their jobs.
Lefties are more likely to suffer depression, more likely to use mental health services, more likely to commit suicide or have suicidal thoughts and more likely to use anti-depressants. I know this to be true.
comfy feels knowing that if the SHTF we wont have to worry about the rozzers being on our case when most of them bleed once and month and can only do half the amount of pushups as us. Their weakness is our opportunity when the time comes.
Leo Hughes
It's why I just laugh when I see articles like "women allowed into the SAS"
I read that article and they've technically allowed them but they havent changed the entry requirements so we wont be seeing SAS Stacey unless some roided bulldyke freak somehow slips in or the brass force a diversity quota on them.
Luke Cooper
Did he think he was playing GTA? He almost managed it as well. Kek.
SHTF is going to be one cluster-fuck vortex of the overburded and weak establishment on one side, the ethnics hordes on another side, foreign soldiers (see: saudi funded mosques) on another side, and us English patriots in the middle blasting away for our lives. At least we have the home advantage, nothing to lose and everything to gain.
We know the land and we have the greatest right to be here, Patton said what makes foes flee is not the point of our bayonets but the glint in our eyes. Motivation is everything (see: Vietcong, Taliban)
I'll never understand why women want to be policemen. I assume they think its like fancy dress everyday or perhaps the uniform makes up for their inferiority complex toward men. Either way the police should only hire men 6ft tall and in good physical condition.
Dominic Jackson
tbh can you imagine any force trying to go up north against local insurgents
I often wonder about all the factions (or ordinary people) that might be hoarding arms and just waiting already. If your average gangster (even the white ones) are trafficking machine guns and grenades all the time, committed nationalists, commies, akbars, obviously IRA, etc. could have stashes of weapons and training groups already. And of course as you say, outside interference (from based Russia to Saudi, US, even Pakistan) would mean arms get smuggled in, and move from group to group whenever say a group of Zig Forums dafties kill some ackbars and take their US military equipment. I reckon once it gets going, the UK could have a pretty long and brutal civil war of it's own tbph.