Whats the point...

Whats the point? AI will be able to create the greatest code ever written why slave away trying to make X when in 15 years AI will make it better than you ever could

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1. slave away to make X to improve your skills,
2. keep improving your skills,
3. use your skills to develop the first general AI,
4. use the AI to do your bidding,
5. ???
6. profit

AI is a meme that will once again crash a computer language this time python.

Roger Penrose agrees with you. This book is on my reading list, but it does look quite interesting.

Attached: 51fZJBt0o9L._SX328_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg (330x499, 37.76K)


meant for

The same reason you don't listen to AI generated music

awful comparison Music needs to evoke an emotion from the listener which an AI has no frame of reference. Code has no emotion is is pure logic

You have no taste.

Attached: No taste.mp4 (640x360, 5.2M)

emotions are pure signals in the brain. You have to prove a machine couldn't be emotional if a human can using a similar set of hardware.

What's the point of anything then? If AI can code then it can also do other jobs. Stupid AIs are going to take all our jobs.

I hate AI.

Honestly the next 20 years scare the fuck out of me

Elaborate please, i agree whit you since modern AI is just patern recognition and those paterns are vectorised "stuff", you cant call that intelligence (ejample, the machine doesnt create and use "concepts", so there is no abstraction).

Attached: Pre-Sentient_Algorithms.png (215x215, 953)

b8 techcrunch tier thread. Markoff Chains will create shitcode on par with the garbage people are making today, which is a good thing

that's not how it works. "AI" isn't just "logical and therefore it can produce perfect code"

Me too. Hopefully all these AI predictions are the similar to the "flying car by 2000" predictions of the past.

It seems like corporations are pushing for AI. But AI will leave so many people jobless. How will corporations profit if nobody has money to spend? So it's like corporations are pushing for their own demise.

The number of jobless people we will have because of AI is scary. Even if your job doesn't succumb you will still suffer because there will be less people to sell your service/product to.

The best case scenario that I can reasonably foresee is that the masses of jobless people will be given government money to live off of. I'm sure there's plenty of people that will be happy to never work and spend their days on VR headsets or whatever. But I'm really not interested in that. I'm not trying to be dramatic, but I am worried that AI spells disaster for the freedom and autonomy of the average person.

If only he knew about microtubules.

Yeah it's blackbox statistics and while that's dangerous and powerful it's not intelligence.
There's also the stuff like the clearly AI driven bannings by tech giants. And it looks dumb as fuck. Seems like all the gains are still in automation and deregulation, or industry hacking, aka scamming, neo-slavery and degeneracy.

You'd think people wouldn't have to work. You'd be wrong. People will work 70 hour weeks until they are 90 and have the exact same standard of living as now.
Watch ads or tv or anime or something. Something so fucking dumb we would not believe it will be a job. But it will be and it will pay so badly that it's all you will do all day for your entire life.

dont fear automation, all those predictions were always wrong since the early XIX century century, back when weaving machines replaced weaving artisans and the Steam train was being implemented replacing couriers and animal transports.

There's that meme again.

I would argue that AI goes beyond mere automation. It's something else. Even if AI is simply automation, then it is a perverse form of automation.

Kinda. As more and more of the useful work gets automated, you still get jobs, but the proportion of those jobs that are depressingly dumb, worthless, parasitic and/or meaningless increases (e.g. bullshit "service" and white collar jobs).

Concretely productive.
Useful for society.


Go away shill.

Attached: shill.png (1030x94, 6.3K)

shut the fuck up faggots

Haha, you wish. What it actually means is that you will have data mining from large, wealthy tech companies AND Pajeet phone surveys from smaller marketing firms, at the same time. Can't get enough of that sweet data.
Please refrain from spouting retarded buzzwords, thank you very much.

So? That's the whole point of engineering: automation.

what? it's just like scada but whit big data applied to a productive chain from the prime matter suppliers to the warehouse inventory of thefinal product

Why bother doing anything because robots will eventually do it better? Why bother living when robots will eventually be superior to humans in every way?

Good post. And it's already happening. There was a factory in China that completely replaced people with robots.

Best case scenario is a full scale revolution - taking the so-called means of production, communist style. Worst case is people dying on the streets because that's what the elites wanted - depopulation.

you need to think about stuff the way nobody else does
theres problems that no algorithm can solve, when you have to redesign parts of your program
i cant see anything else doing that
call me when AI can solve world hunger

There is no (real) AI, only "Expert Systems"

Attached: wihueurl.jpg (807x659, 41.62K)

It's rarely worth replacing slave labor with automation.