It's getting worse
Facebook privacy in UK dead?
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Facebook privacy was dead as soon as the site came into existence. It has been a CIA trap from the very beginning.
trust me, you dumb fucks
Yes I know but it's becoming all acceptable to have no privacy, we will have to go back to pen and paper for everything..
Oh yeah sure let's just write down our communications in literal plaintext. I'm sure they don't read peoples' mail.
These two words have never belonged together.
clearly a shill thread
only the most ambitious goyim can achieve their dreams of living in a bigger cage where the real privacy is xp
It's a murder investigation you fucking retard. Companies have always been forced to give up info during criminal investigations, in every country. The problem is indiscreminate surveillance where everyone is constantly monitored even when not suspected of any wrongdoing. You're fucking retarded.
i may just be an androgynous shapeshifting alien masquerading as an elf in people clothes, but calling op a fucking retard is like saying rain is wet
If you want something to complain about regarding the UK, try the fact that they just made it a literal fucking crime to compare Israel's policies to the Nazis, to compare the idea of Israel as a Jewish ethnostate to that of a Euro country as a white ethnostate and/or imply it is racist, or to accuse a Jew of putting Israel's interests ahead of the country where he lives.
what do you mean? why would you expect any form of privacy while using facebook? the UK literally sends their people to jail for saying "nigger" on the internet, not even in person
source on this?
Wait what? Looks like I'm going to get v& and kicked out of politics then.
I thought (((they))) were just trying to get Labour to adopt the (((JIDF)))'s definition of "antisemitism" (with Labour rightfully refusing, because the UK's left-wing is miraculously less cucked than (((America)))'s when it comes to the JQ). This is the first I've heard of anything happening in law.
And the IHRA's examples include:
I admit it's a little unclear to me what the exact legal status of this adopted definition is. It certainly isn't legislation, but it doesn't look like simple party policy either since the article talks about antisemitism being investigated as a criminal offence. From what I'm reading it sounds like rather than a separate bill that went through Parliament, it was a committee changing a definition used in an existing "hate speech" law, which seems wholly undemocratic on top of the obvious free speech issue.
Amusingly, they're still getting shat on by most of the kikes, because they attached a note to the announcement saying the policy should not be construed as denying the rights of Palestinians.
>(with Labour rightfully refusing, because the UK's left-wing is miraculously less cucked than (((America)))'s when it comes to the JQ)
No it isn't. It is pro-Islamic, which is anti-semetic. It is completely cucking oblivious to the JQ outside of their old "Free Palestine" mantra.
Did you know that Arabic Islamists are more likely to be semites than Khazar Jews?
The UK never had free speech retard. Stop applying Amerimutt history to other countries.
The new anti-Jew shit rose because of the alt right rising. They did the same thing they always do when alternative politics arise. Create new laws or reinterpret laws in order to curb stomp them. It's not something new.
yes. See the Bible Book of Revelation 2:9, & 3:9
trips of accuracy
Whether a policy violates the right to free speech is independent of whether the right to free speech is respected by any other policies of that government.
I suppose you think constitutions and bills of rights actually grant the rights rather than simply recognizing them.
It's time to move to greener pastures. Community-run, decentralized social networks already exist, you know?
Nothing good comes out of those places in the long run. Stick to imageboards or forums.
the absolute state of normies
I don't use Facebook, but privacy is dead anyway any os can be hacked by government etc, saying things offline or using VHS tapes, is the only way for privacy
You're missing on some quality meems and drama.
nuclear shiggy diggy
Stop shilling Pleroma, D
pick one
I suspect this may end badly.
That is not true.
It's legal status is nonexistent.
That's exactly what it is, being a ruling by the Labour party's National Executive Committee. Of course, if Labour come to power they might implement it into law.
That bit at the end of the article has little to do with the rest, it was just kikes trying to prove the "necessity" of having any criticism of Israel banned by producing a list of "hate crimes".
From the article:
The fucking audacity of these kikes. They're literally demanding the right to be immune to criticism.
A bait thread, rather.
I'd recommend watching or listening this to get a good handle on the situation in Britain, and also in the United States as explored towards towards the end. It's three hours and ten minutes long but well worth every second.
For the record, yes, the creator is a Jewish man, albeit one who is extremely put off by the communist-leaning faction of his identity group that continues to push for this shit.
Lol, the UK doesn't have privacy full stop, nevermind the faceberg variety (that doesn't exist at all).
It never existed you faggot.