Whats the best version of OSX to use in 2018? Brew packages are dropping support more and more often. Most importantly, gcc. It even throws a big error message saying they no longer support 10.9. Are the recent osx releases any good at all? Is it worth it to upgrade to 10.11 or 12 or should i finally uninstall osx from this thing? I never use it for anything serious, just light coding, shitposting and browsing when away form home. I do most of my coding at my desktop, so having a 'just werkz' os like mac has been really useful.
Sierra was the last "it works I guess" OS in the recent era. High Sierra is fraught with issues, including an especially retarded decision to replace the PDF renderer with the same engine they're using in iOS. Documents are blurry on a hidpi (retina) display, and look like shit on a standard monitor. High Sierra was also host to many embarrassing security issues at launch, including saving a users password as the password 'hint' that is displayed to all users. I don't think they even do any testing, and a macfag actually argued with me that such a thing would be impossible to test for. Mojave OS14 is expected to be released later this month, there's absolutely no technical impetus to use it, the biggest feature is a "dark mode" theme. Other features include being able to run some iOS apps. Long story short, I'd say upgrade to 12, but not 13 just yet. Linux can run quite well on older mac hardware, but it ends up being more hassle than it's worth when you factor in trackpad support, battery life, sleep, and fan control.
Do you really like homebrew? I've always preferred macports, as the brew crowd are ruby fags, and the creator isn't actually very bright (he whined that Google refused to hire him because he couldn't invert a binary tree).
Jaxon Wright
Fuck off nigger.
Austin Brooks
When do you guys go back to school?
Bentley Scott
What the actual fuck? This can't be real. How could this even possibly happen by mistake?
Who cares? And call me when your hardware is libre. For people that need to get things done, they'll choose whatever solution works best. Funnily enough, most of the things I run on Linux are closed source, and there are not alternatives.
William Myers
I've heard that so many times. It makes me smile everytime I hear it :)
Hi ! Me from again, just to tell you that I respect your freedom to choose the software you want and software makers freedom to release source or not. I also have an opinion about what the best choice is.
Jack Miller
Then you smile at your ignorance, because it is simply not the case that all proprietary software has an open source equivalent.
Nathaniel Jenkins
You are so right. Totally without question. Not going to argue. Nope. We have no grounds for discussion. No software mentionted. Pointless talk. Always ends the same. With me smiling :)
Leviticus 18:22 - Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it [is] abomination.
1 Corinthians 6:9-11 - Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, (Read More...)
Leviticus 20:13 - If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood [shall be] upon them.
Romans 1:26-28 - For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: (Read More...)
1 Timothy 1:10 - For whoremongers, for them that defile themselves with mankind, for menstealers, for liars, for perjured persons, and if there be any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine;
Mark 10:6-9 - But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female. (Read More...)
Jude 1:7 - Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.
1 Corinthians 7:2 - Nevertheless, [to avoid] fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband.
1 Timothy 1:10-11 - For whoremongers, for them that defile themselves with mankind, for menstealers, for liars, for perjured persons, and if there be any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine; (Read More...)
Romans 1:27 - And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
Romans 1:32 - Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.
Genesis 19:1-38 - And there came two angels to Sodom at even; and Lot sat in the gate of Sodom: and Lot seeing [them] rose up to meet them; and he bowed himself with his face toward the ground; (Read More...)
Romans 13:8-10 - Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law. (Read More...)
Leo Thomas
That's a pretty faggy thing to quote.
Liam Perez
I used to be a Macfag, but one day I tried sticking my dick into a power outlet and that turned me straight, so I switched to GNU/Linux. The only thing I really miss are iWork (the old one, not the iOS port shit they give out for free now) and Pixelmator. LibreOffice and Gimp are OK, but their interfaces make me want to strangle someone.
What does inverting a binary tree mean? Turn around all the endges to point into the opposite direction? Swap left and right child of every node?
Justin Hughes
Great program. I bought that during a sale for $9 and I never needed to think about pirating Photoshop again.
Yeah, it's that simple.
Owen Miller
This is a pretty faggy thread.
Tyler Morris
Are there any laptops that don't feel like a 5 year old glued plastic together, other than a macbook? I switched when they made aluminum bodies but run nix variants. I know Israel makes a lot of their chips but frankly I don't know any other options that aren't 5-10 years old C2D
Owen Smith
No, but thanks to Apple dropping support from everything, and all the drooling fanbois that make up modern Mac devs following suit, the choice isn't really up to you. Why are you using 10.9? Here's the versions that are worth caring about:
Blake Nelson
How do I create a bootable USB drive for anything other than High Sierra? How do I even find installers for literally anything else?
If the government told you to record all your calls, messages, everything you say and give it to them, would you agree? I don't think so. Don't be a slave and start caring about yourself. Or you can just ignore me and continue to suck Tim Cock
David Taylor
Which ends up making macports a hell of a lot cleaner, in that it doesn't mix and match libraries from macos and from it's own repository.
Jason King
Yes freetard, everyone knows about opensource software. See if you can make something great with it instead of evangelizing all day.
Logan Ward
Or, freesoftware I should say, before you feel the need to preach to us the difference.
Thomas Brooks
I do, that's why I smile :)
Do go on complaining.
Brandon Watson
That statement is true prima facie. It is particularly true in engineering, especially concerning EDA tools. There is to my knowledge only one open FPGA toolchain, but it is restricted to a single architecture, experimental, and really a reverse-engineering showcase rather than a viable solution for a commercial product. The problem is that even when you can find an open alternative, it is not necessarily viable.
Define "something great". Isn't freedom, privacy and having power over own computer great enough?
What's your problem about free software? Is the idea of freedom stupid for you, or you just like convenience and free programs are not good enough for you? You know, freedom requires sacrifices, sometimes small somethimes big, but investing in free software is more profitable at the end.
Isaac Hall
I favour pragmatism. I sometimes use free software on a mac, and sometimes use proprietary software in linux. I support free software, but I am not a zealot, ultimately I favor productivity and results.
Nolan Clark
Jose Taylor
Is it actually this? If it is, wouldn't this work? t. brainlet const swapBTree = tree => ({ left: swapBTree(tree.right), right: swapBTree(tree.left), value: tree.value})
Let me help you out by pointing out terms I used in my response. The point is that the problem is even worse than their not being a free-alternative, for often the free-alternative is far from adequate.
Keep smiling.
Caleb Mitchell
*free-alternative (in the event it even exists).
Parker Watson
I don't know the syntax (rust?), but that's it exactly. (define (invert-tree tree) (match tree [#f #f] [(node l v r) (node (invert-tree r) v (invert-tree l))]))
Aaron Gutierrez
This obnoxious attitude is rife with freetards. They're not concerned about the quality of the product, they see existence of the half-baked free alternative as reason enough to convert proprietary users. They can check off a box, bury their head in the sand and smugly ignore the fact that people are using payed alternatives even though their free product is gratis.
Easton Ward
I guess it is paid, not payed. Silly English.
Lucas Adams
Yes my friend, you said you want to use something other than the alternative. You clearly have an opinion about Lattice FPGAs and that's your opinion. It's not that you don't know how this works being a macfag. You can't use most of the shit that's out there.
You avoid being specific about what it is you can't do, because you're just another fag who don't want to use the alternatives. That's fine you I'm not here to tell you what to do, but admit it. People program FPGAs with free software even if you say vague stuff like "not viable", "don't want _THAT_ FPGA", "experimental". You have nothing. I could say the same words about the stuff you use and you'd be all defensive and say "duh uh not true". It's why I smile :)
I'm not even freetarding on you saying you should use any free software. Try some reading yourself. I'm a pragmatic person myself, which is one of the reasons I prefer free software. Obviously my favourite old DOS game is never going to be free software.
here, btw I own a Mac and I think you (>>965648) are allright :)
Evan Ward
Question how did you learn to code? How can I learn to code? I've never coded before. Want to learn to do what they do in the matrix. I work in bank we use something called #bash
Posting from a first gen iPad. Not sure if it counts or not but iOS is technically an OSX fork. Surprised how good and responsive everything feels browsing the web on a device with just 256mb of RAM. Really showcases optimization as a lost art. Of course modern bloated web pages will crash safari outright but otherwise Apple did a really good job at making sure the UI itself never feels sluggish. The only real issue is lack of file upload support on this thing but right now it makes a good reader device
Bentley Flores
You guys should seriously pick up the Bible sometimes.
Camden Martin
open source is sjw'd now, proprietary is where it's at
Imagine browsing dozens of companies websites and assembling a list of their pages about diversity. If autism was materialized, this is how it would look like.
Caleb Rogers
Large corporations are legally mandated to have "diversity initiatives", they don't all do it by choice.
Not him, but have you ever done hardware design? It is a sorry state of affairs for open source tooling.
Doesn't Apple prevent you from installing an OS earlier than what your machine came with? Maybe there is a workaround to that, but he is likely stuck on 10.9, or 10.8 at the earliest. Homebrew is annoying with their silly analogies. "Tap cask", yeah no. I'm a white man I'll use mac ports.
Easton Flores
True, but it also means not having to remember the structure of half a parallel OS on your machine.
Some, but most of it is simply the fact it only runs a single browser tab at a time, aggressively paging all background stuff to virtual memory.
You're right, OP's machine shipped with 10.9 from the factory.
Matthew Campbell
It's actually javascript
Andrew Morris
That wasn't even the worst issue. The worst issue was when you could log in as root by putting in any password and just trying it twice, because the first attempt reset the password to the attempted one: macrumors.com/2017/11/28/macos-high-sierra-bug-admin-access/
Asher Wood
I think you mean "Googling '[company] diversity' and clicking the first link". Do you really think they went to all these base websites and clicked around until they found a diversity age? What, are you retarded?
Adrian Cruz
Oh god, I forgot about that one. I'm actually curious to see if they've learned their lessons with mojave, or whether it'll just be slapping some emojis on top of a turd.
Nolan Collins
iOS does not actually use SWAP/Pagefiles by default. The interfaces are all there iirc but on a stock unjailbroken iDevice there is no swap used. Instead iOS has its own virtual memory system in the kernel that is only used to keep the system itself from crashing in order to maintain overall system responsiveness. That's why applications like Safari would rather just crash outright when faced with an out of memory condition rather than just start paging and slowing down. Apple likely also did this because flash memory was still new a fragile as shit when the iPhone was first released so it was likely necessary to avoid swapping in/out of flash to keep it alive. The iPad I was posting from already has dying flash memory so I don't use it for anything other than as a browsing machine now and it serves its purpose well.
Also, Mobile Safari, at least on iOS 5.1 on iPad, does in fact support multiple tabs, but web pages are effectively unloaded on tabs not in sight to save memory, being reloaded when you go back to said tabs.
Julian Robinson
Are those photo's of another "woman in tech" tranny?
Joshua Baker
I used to be a massive macfag 4 years ago, I've been using High Sierra recently for work and it's a complete shitshow. Fullscreen is glitchy, sometimes windows just stop responding to input and the overly aggressive sandboxing means I need to self-sign so much crap. Add to that the keyboard that started failing 1 month after I started using it.
Josiah Turner
I don't give a shit. As long as its free as in beer, im happy. Its not that free software can't do what i want, its that in some scenarios, proprietary does it better for the same price. see: amd blobbed drivers vs foss. Or nouvea vs cuda, but thats kind of unfair.
There are no computers(save for a select few libreboot thinkpads) that run fully free-as-in-freedom code. Even the talos II devs are lying to you.wiki.raptorcs.com/wiki/BCM5719 Thats before getting even more autistic over over how much uses muh cuck license.
Mac hardware, for the most part, is pretty fucking good. I heard in recent years (esp since they added the touchbar bullshit) they've really let QC go to shit, but this laptop has held together very well. The only issue i've had are the brew package developers dropping support for 10.9 and the network card slowing down a ton, replaced it and its fine now.
Did some research and skimmed some changelogs, decided to go with 10.11 as 10.10 seemed to have far more bugs, 10.12 implemented the shitty IOS theme, and 10.11 will still be supported for another two years.
They sell cds of any version of osx for 20$. They won't let you go back for free, even if you upgraded a machine and want to go back(unless you made a backup with the old OS on it).
Some of these just look like something corporate shoved down their throats to make investors happy, not an actual sjw culture there. Expecially the NVIDIA one, that's literally a yearly report for stockholders. Is it better for them to be faking SJW-ness to appease shareholders or to genuinely believe it and force you to 'agree to not use this application to create any inaccurate, hurtful, inflammatory, obscene, defamatory, biggotted, violent, racist, or harassing material' (not saying google, amazon, and apple arent sjw as fuck but the rest aren't nearly so bad)
probably going to install gentoo on this thing when 10.11 stops being useful
Dylan Adams
You can go back to Sierra from High Sierra (I did), but if it isn't showing in the app store, there is a direct link you can use (which reveals sierra in the store) I do recall some recent Macbook users complaining that they couldn't use Sierra, because their machines actually came with High Sierra. I have not verified that myself.
They usually provide security updates for 3 releases back, so later this month I would imagine 10.11 will reach end of life.
Jace Thompson
gno even used macs are really over priced.
Ian Sanchez
Just install a real BSD if you want to be a BSDfag, you hippie.
Gavin Robinson
I can get a dual quad core 2.9 ghz xeon mac pro with 16G of ram and 4 graphics cards support for 12 monitors. only 300.
Justin Gomez
A good BSD or 10.5 on PPC hardware.
Liam Sanchez
Luke Bennett
Recent versions aren't bad. My problem with Macs isn't the software. MacOS is fine. It's the hardware that sucks. I hackintoshed a ThinkPad X230 with High Sierra and it's very stable and all the hardware except the wireless card works (I just ordered a new one). I'll probably stick with this for the next 6-8 months at least, or until Mojave has all its problems ironed out. Other than this I have a 2011 MacBook Pro 13 inch running High Sierra that I don't really use. I also have a Core2 Duo 20 inch iMac that I got for free some time ago which I installed Debian on. Works great for basic programming and shitposting.
Why are people so obsessed with hardware? Atm I'm using a iMac 27 2012. I put in a ssd some time ago and a bit more ram. Does everything it needs to and the screen is still better than 90% of screens sold today. I also have a 2010 macbook pro that has probably traveld a million miles. Still works perfect and does everything I need. In the same time my father went through 3 shitty sony or dell notebooks.
Isaac Myers
Best origin story
William Moore
Adam Phillips
Adam Scott
no, free software has plenty of >((("quality"))) see for example, Gnome 3. retards like you will love it
Blake Butler
how did you manage install OSX on a thinkpad? I tried to install OSX on a VM 10 different ways and couldn't get it to work.
Brody Russell
this but unironically
Sebastian Brooks
OS 9 was best Mac OS
Lincoln Harris
It was incredibly easy and took me less than a day to get everything working except WiFi. First you'll need to get MacOS running in a VM and pass through a USB port, or you'll need access to a real Mac. I have a 2011 MacBook Pro I barely used so that was the easiest method. You go to www.tonymacx86.com, make an account with a throw away email, and then you can start downloading the tools you'll need. You use Unibeast to create a bootable USB stick. Download High Sierra or Mojave or whatever from the Mac App Store and then it'll show up under the Applications directory. Run Unibeast. It'll write the MacOS installer and the Clover bootloader to your USB flash drive. You then take your ThinkPad and go to the firmware setup. Set the SATA controller to AHCI, make sure Secure Boot is completely off, and set the legacy boot option to UEFI only with CSM support enabled. That's enough to get the installer started. You then go straight to Disk Utility, format your disk as GPT for partition table and then for the file system you'll want to use APFS for SSDs and HFS+ for HDDs. After that you can just install the system. It'll reboot to Clover, just be sure to select the entry that says "pre-booter". When it's done you set up accounts and users and networking and stuff. It should then take you to a desktop. There are more specific guides out there to get graphics and other things working. It's mostly a matter of dragging and dropping kexts (kernel extensions, drivers) into the right folders. Eventually you'll need to mount the EFI partition of your main disk and copy in all of your bootloader files, configs, and special kexts you want loaded at boot time by Clover.
You should be able to get everything working on a lot of laptops and most desktops except WiFi, since Apple uses odd wireless cards. So just order a TP-Link USB adapter that says it's supported on Macs and then while you're waiting on shipping you can install an RNDIS driver to tether Android phones, found at joshuawise.com/horndis.
If you have a ThinkPad X230 with an i5 3320M I can upload the contents of my EFI partition for you. It might also work on a T430 if you're using the same CPU and Intel 4000 graphics, since the hardware is fairly similar.
Ethan Price
I would totally buy a Mac if it wasn't as expensive as a new motorcycle or a used car in my country. In US, a Macbook is $1,599.00, in the shithole I live in is (after converting) $3,645.00. Fuck this shit. Even the most recent, powerful and expensive Thinkpad is much cheaper than this.
A Mac Pro actually is as expensive as a good brand new car here, $7.942,00.
Landon Nguyen
Are you out of your goddamn mind user?
Leo Morris
Brayden Morgan
Well, how can I talk shit about something I never used? I used Windows 98, XP, Vista and Seven. In the GNU/Linux world, Suse, Slackware, Fedora and Ubuntu with the combination of many WM and desktops, Fluxbox, KDE, GNOME, Openbox, DWM, i3 and XFCE. I can say their good and bad points and go on and on, from how Linux programs lacks consistency, are harder to install if not available in your repos and how every goddamn distro has its perks in configuration. Windows is easy to fuck up the registry (not a problem for most), uninstalling shit leaves a lot of garbage, comes basically naked in terms of software and makes you feel vulnerable to virus like fucking a hooker without condom. I never had a chance to use a Mac, no one I know have one. Regarding Apple, people here usually only have Iphones that they take the whole year to pay off and they hold on it for like four years or more.
Jayden Carter
System 7, you mean.
Os is only sold in tandem with certain hardware. Os and hardware are produced by the same company. Using either of them outside of the combination is not supported, but possible: almost nobody does so, suggesting that both parts aren't actually good compared to the alternatives. Do you have arguments or just dank maymays?
Mason Brown
NeXSTEP was pretty cool but OSX is for queers who should be dropped into the ocean with millstones tied around their necks.
Apple hasn't had unique hardware for over a decade, so trying to say their OS is made to sell hardware by definition makes the OS a selling point you stupid faggot.
Isaac Cooper
And here I thought they were just catering to retards who want to see stupid shit like round displays and trash can PCs.
William Bailey
If by unique hardware you mean "making their own chips", sure, but that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying they sell you prebuilts, those prebuilts only come with Macos installed, and Macos license forbids you from installing it on any other hardware. But keep shilling for the worst of the worst of tech, user, what could possibly go wrong?
Jeremiah Jenkins
Thinkpad I know they're a meme but the benifits are real:
It's plastic but it has an alloy frame. and the plastic parts are bolted to that instead of directly to the mobo.
James Smith
Jack Davis
Steve Jobs's death also has to do with it.
Noah Jenkins
Did IBM make them for anyone else? If so, I'm sure Apple had some time-based exclusivity agreement.
Colton Rodriguez
still trash compared to pre-2015 macbooks tbh but now that apple has shit QC there really aren't any dependable laptop manufacturers
Brandon Long
Only X. Classic Mac OS can't be associated with that.
The Steve Jobs thing makes me wonder what Apple would have been like without him. Wonder if it still would have ended up going against Steve Wozniak's vision so quickly. Maybe their computers would have been more like the Apple ][ for at least a little longer.