London's 'ghost towers': Centre Point joins growing list of empty luxury skyscrapers as developer gives up trying to sell apartments for up to £55m each after receiving too many 'detached from reality' low offers
'Why did he get preferential treatment?!': Outraged Bake Off viewers ask why Rahul was given extra time, how he could win after burning his pitta and losing technical challenge and claim he 'lied' about never eating a doughnut
You guys ok? Just checking in to see if you need any help. It’s like asking a decrepit 100 year old Lady(British empire) if she needs assistance. (She does, obviously.)
You need a diaper Change, ma’am? “Yeeeass love, I doo”
Whilst between two and five per cent of hate crimes reported to the Met are online, community organisations suggest the number of offences may be much higher. Jewish organisation, Community Security Trust, cites 20 per cent, suggesting these incidents are significantly under-reported* and Tell MAMA, which measures Islamaphobic hate nationally, estimates that over 70 per cent of the reports it receives are about online hate. A key aim of the Online Hate Crime Hub is to build a stronger evidence base and better understanding of the scope, nature and scale of online hate, in order to tackle it. >(((Jewish organisation)))
Jace Hall
Jaxon Wright
>the more and more you hear about the Netflix adaptation of The Witcher
I love films like this. They aren't even meant to make money. They are there to he the official cultural version if events. Reminds me of that fucking suffragettes movie or the zero dark thirty movie or every gulf war movie. 20 years from now when people want to learn about the migrant crisis they will want a film written by Lena Dunham movie.
all this is going to do is stop 18/19 year olds being jewed by the establishment and being brainwashed
Dominic Murphy
based neo-con vs neo-lib paradigm
Elijah Thompson
For the most part, yes. I think there are still some professions where a university degree is helpful in finding work such as the sciences or areas of applied mathematics like economics, finance, etc.
The remnants of ideological subversion are certainly an issue in western universities. The issue was exacerbated when the Blair government focused on getting the majority of young people to go to university. Suddenly the value of a degree plummeted because everyone now has one. What's more, universities could offer more and more out there courses to young people who had no clue what they wanted to do with their future, but knew they needed to go to university and wanted to have a good time. As the demand for university increased, as did the prices for these useless courses and the entry requirements crept further and further down to try to attract more customers.
Now we have millions of radical left brainwashed young people, £27,000+ in debt with worthless degrees that won't help them find work to pay off said debts. It's no wonder the university machine is crashing.