Terry Davis story to run

I put this in the thread, but it is autosaging, so I'll start another. No one cares about that whiny technician who has to clean jizz out of keyboards, anyway.

I reached out to The Dalles Chronicle, and they responded that they will be running a story about Terry in the weekend edition. I'm sure someone here or on Kiwi Farms will upload the whole thing.

Attached: Progress.png (1511x395 48.1 KB, 36.82K)

Other urls found in this thread:

dropbox.com/s/gjw48re35zcpulq/2018-09-05 14-21-40.flv?dl=0

That won't bring him back, either.

Yeah, it reached the bump limit of 400 posts.

Uh, these are the emails I received from the cop Jamie Carrico:

A couple of days ago, after asking if the case was being investigated and if they had more details about the accident.

A few hours ago, after asking if the witness was the train engineer, if there was a date when more info and video footage would have been available.

Fake news. These retards on discord are The Dalles Chronicle. Fucking retards beyond belief. I expect the cop and the journalist is fake.

Still being in denial?

It's just the first phase and it will pass.

this is a real possibility, but if this turns out to be truth, then the discord kikes will need to be gased

The article is up now on the Dalles Chronicle.

Attached: terryobit.png (634x219, 24.61K)

people should just contact Union Pacific directly and request the video from them, if they get enough people whining about it maybe they'll release it

Here's the full article.

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This article makes me cringe. The reporter took people from Kiwi Farms, 4chan, and/or Zig Forums seriously. Psychologist? What a joke. anyway:


That may or may not be profound, but either way, it's not original to Terry. It's a paraphrasing of passages from the Gospels of Matthew and Luke. Maybe Mr. Psychologist should READ HIS BIBLE.

His name was Terrence, The Dalles fuckers.

A direct link. Not a (((screencap)))
You ircfags got caught faking emails and caps already. No one is buying your bullshit anymore.

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That's the source. The article is behind a paywall

Despite the reporter using a kiwifag as a source, it looks like she got the name right (ish). There can't be a whole lot of 48 year-old Terrence Andrew Davis' in America.

The paywall has a $2 option for 1 week of service, and it's handled by PayPal.

TheDalleschronicle is prob the work of TheTemple/tshickes

If Terry's death is true then why can't you fuckheads just link to an official source? Actual proof is always JUST out of reach...can never be produced because of (((reasons))) it seems.

If someone gets hit by a train there will be some reports filled out. I am sure they even called the cops. Why not just link to the police report with correct name and DOB?

You know what? Go on believing whatever the fuck you want; it's of no concern to us what you choose to do.

holy fuck, the man is dead, screaming like a retard for real evidence isn't going to change anything. I'm not linking any to you because it's posted fucking everywhere, get off your ass and find it for yourself.

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Fake screen caps, doctored emails, (((social media))) and a dumb reporter *who might be fake,paypal to read? kek* who's source is unsolicited emails from kiwifags is proof of nothing.
I looked. There is zero mention of his death on an official site anywhere. Hard to prove a negative.
Someone dies in the 5,676th car wreck of the day and we can find the name and police report. But someone getting hit by a fucking train seems to be some secret event? No police report filled? Ya ok.
Post some more convoluted sources. Maybe you can trick some more idiots for the lulz and laugh about it in your #skeritclub. Maybe put up another paypal link so people can (((donate))).

that's not how it works you raging faggot, if you claim there's evidence you FUCKING LINK THE SOURCE, period, that said, at this point I'm pretty sure you and everyone acting like you is part of the hoax.


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i believe that terry is dead, but what if this is a hoax to get terry off the net?

The town has 15000 people. Their local paper can't even figure out https. The police don't have a website. What do you want. Terry died in a pretty Amish part of America.

Here's your biggest problem:

does "walking along the railroad tracks" mean he is walking *on* the railroad tracks and not walking walking *alongside* the railroad tracks?

The $2 PayPal is to access the newspaper's website. They have a paywall. It's a pretty legitimate looking website, tbh, despite the fact that the fuckers can't into https and have a login system.

Why don't you do research on the places we are sending you to:
owned by
Or, you can go here:
And find out that you need to actually fucking call the police department to get any information about case D181510.
Or, you can send Capt. Carrico an email yourself [email protected] you lazy fucking nigger. We can't spoon feed you, you nigger because white men run the city he died in and they won't allow it.

He might well be, but there's enough """people""" pretending it's set in stone before there's proof to suspect this is a hoax.


Some reddit nigger made a video or him calling the police station:
dropbox.com/s/gjw48re35zcpulq/2018-09-05 14-21-40.flv?dl=0
While I realize that we are dealing with cia niggers, this is a super elaborate hoax.

Everyone who is saying that Terry isn't dead is a CIA NIGGER trying to cover up that they killed him

They took over all his accounts, impersonated him online for months and friended his family on social media. We are dealing with high level autisim here. Making a fake phonecall would be nothing.

Terry could be dead or could be just locked out of everything with nothing but a deactivated obamaphone.

Are you saying Terry was never real but actually a CIA nigger himself? His operation ended and he "died" and got transferred back to a desk job.

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But making up a fake newspaper website with years of articles?

Is he dead or not?

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Wait until the DNA test.

/r/ing amtrak vid of terry's body double getting multi-track drifted on

>If Terry's death is true then why can't you fuckheads just link to an official source? Actual proof is always JUST out of reach...can never be produced because of (((reasons))) it seems.

The only official source that is fully and always accurate are the death certificates but we don't know who exactly is going to issue this, be it Wasco County Oregon (where Terry died), Clark County Nevada (where Terry lived) or wherever Terry was born. And even then actually obtaining a copy of this can be difficult because it's technically private info and won't be freely given out without a good reason to prevent fraud. It's also debatable if it's even legal to post this sort of info to the web.

Either do that, or fuck off. Failing that we have more than enough information that Terry died, in one paywalled news article and emails to the Dalles police dept.

See, now you're mad. Terry is dead, accept it and move on. You can sit here and claim spooky scary IRC tards actually went out and faked an email for something that doesn't affect them in the slightest (and would be quickly disproven by Terry if he was still alive) and which none of them gain from at all or you can live in reality.

Terry is gone. No amount of conspiracies or bargaining can change that.

The Dalles only has a bus stop, no Amtrak station, Amtrak is on the other side of the river on the ATSF tracks. Terry was most likely hit and killed by a Union Pacific train, so contact them if you want to request a video (I did and still haven't gotten a response after a day).


there was probably less spam and posts across multiple boards online when Michael Jackson died.

lol I dunno but is it any crazier than what the CIA did with Bill Hicks ? Maybe a little bit but I see shills online with less of a profile than Terry has/did.


dude i'm not old enough to remember that. i was like 4 or 5 when that happened.

Paywalled local story on Terry's death:

LOL dumb atheist nigger doesn't realize that's a Jesus quote XD

Good job guys. You killed him.
I hope you are proud of yourselves.

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>a local newspaper that's been published continuously for 100 years or more publishes an article quoting (((anonymous sources)))
which one of you faggots is larping as a psychologist and which one of you faggots is larping as a female.

So basically the article says it was a suicide.

Well. His suffering came to an end, then.

Are you entirely retarded?
He was hit from behind, he didn't realize the train was coming until it was too late.


now I'll never go back to programming, his streams always motivated me to do something productive
my life is officially trash now

also fuck this gay year, then Hawking, now Terry, can it finally end? ;_;

Not comparable at all. But if they were, then

"Prof. Stephen Hawking > Terry Davis"

Ehh I know, but I'm not comparing them they were both cool

But not that kind of "cool" that contributed to science.
And not that kind of "cool" that could solve questions of mankind and universe.

Those were reserved for Hawking only.

Don't you dare using those two names together.

hawking didn't do shit. he was a half robotic mouthpiece for the jew, there was nothing actually there mental wise

That's what the nigger train engineer said.
It's most likely an excuse he came up with to avoid legal persecution or to simply not feel guilty.
Were the headlights on? Did he honk the train horns? Strangely, we do not know and no one wants to release more information.

That train engineer sneaked up on Terry.

Look who made a video:

Police report saying name and DOB is all that is needed here. Yet there is none.

The title is simply outrageous.

I don't know American laws (or the ones specific for the steate of Oregon), what's the procedure to request it?
My attempt to gather more information didn't produce much. You can see what the Captain of the police department wrote me here

They don't need a fake website, they just need to feed false info to the paper. (((Wikipedia))) has become notorious for putting false info into articles so that they can have (((reliable news outlets))) report on it as if it were fact. The Discord and irc fags have faked being terry for months to his family and fabricated a lot of info, so it's not totally out of the question.

We'll likely never know the truth until the dust clears and the cows get tired of the Terry. Either that or Terry shows up alive again months later.



To me, it's apparent that Terry decided to end his own life. He knew that his suffering was going to last for as long as he lives. He knew that his parents are close to death. He knew that his siblings are aging, have families and lives of their own and won't be able to handle his schizophrenia--not without getting medicated; and even then, may not be willing to have him in their homes. And he understood that his life wasn't worth living given the circumstances. RIP Terry, we love you and we miss you and we wish you are in heaven resting in paradise.

Terry is a christian you fag. That means he wouldn't have commited sudoku.

Where in the Bible does it say no sudoku?

Terry was a """christian""".
Nowhere in the bible says to do divination using random bible passages. Neither to kill weak people to prevent overpopulation.
Not saying he killed himself, who knows, but he didn't actually give a shit about the bible or christianity. He just used it as a way to justify his delusions and make them more socially acceptable.


Once the case is closed (ruled suicide, accident, what ever) the police report is public information unless ordered sealed by a judge. Getting a copy of the report even if it is heavily redacted will at least prove he is dead and would verify the name and date of birth to prove it was TAD.
With all the interest in this subject that local reporter should at least put in the effort to put this issue to bed. No wonder newspapers are dying. She wrote a low effort story based on wikipedia and some sketchy emails. All she has to do is walk down to the PD and get a copy of the police report. If she publishes that it would probably become her most viewed story ever.
Right now it just looks like The Dalles Chronicle got duped in to becoming part of a hoax.

Terry is alive

Look at the evidence. Terry was on the railroad tracks and turned to face the train. In addition, his life wasn't getting any better as he aged. Think about it. Terry made a rational choice in a lucid state and decided to opt out of life. May Terry rest in peace.

six get TAD lives

If Oregon's FOIA is similar to the Federal FOIA, then this would be covered by exemption 3 (information is prohibited from disclosure by another law), see:

Thou shalt not kill.

Oh, wait, you were talking about the police report. That could be interpreted as exemption 7C.

The biggest problem with a FOIA is that the government sends you a hard-copy of your request. Even if one of the non-niggers in this thread did the work of obtaining the police report, we would have to scan it to show it to you and you wouldn't accept it. You need to stop being a lazy nigger and do the fucking work yourself. The white men here are tired of carrying you.

The white men here can't carry you due to the nature of the things that you are asking for and the backwardness of the government that you are asking it of. The easiest way for you to verify Terry's death is to call the Dalles police department, their phone number is on the city's website, and ask. Nigger, that is the only way that you can get the information that you want.

And the white men here have done that, to the farthest that they are willing to go, and satisfied themselves that he is truly dead.

So that fucking nutter offed himself.

Attached: Grumpy_Cat-Good.jpg (320x300, 65.8K)

PSYCHO: Just take these drugs with 100 side effects that will fuck u up good!
TERRY: Fuck u lamer, u don't know jack!

Attached: TempleOS - Neurons-_yDFnmfg8sQ.mp4 (480x360, 12.87M)

Productive? 40000 keks, that's the word that they use when they write lots of bloated modern software. Just make old school games. That's what his OS is for.

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1 Corinthians 3:17
If anyone destroys God's temple, God will destroy him. For God's temple is holy, and you are that temple.

Ecclesiastes 7:17
Do not be overwicked, and do not be a fool– why die before your time?

1 Kings 16:15-20
As an evil king of Israel and facing utter defeat, Zimri saw no way out, except to take his own life. He set the palace on fire and died in it, rather than choose to face his enemy.

From the five minutes of additional research I've done everyone in the bible who offed themselves was an evil kike and was going to burn in hell, nobody who wasn't an asshole killed themselves.

The jew bible / old testament also says no murdering allowed with the commandments. Suicide is self murder.

Attached: Our Jewish Robot Future.jpg (975x1449, 120.61K)

I can’t wait for the resurrection

Still waiting for proof.

Don't be a nigger. Call the Dalles police yourself.

Hawking was an adulterous piece of shit who achieved literally nothing, built literally nothing, and used his token iconic status as a way to push secular judaism. Objectively speaking, the world would've been better off if he never existed. Sage for off-topic.

Wait one more fucking week and no one will bump this useless thread any more or talk about Teri Davids.
And you know it.

He be ded, Nigga.

I would accept it if a known person did the scanning and posting. The reporter doing it would be fine.
I am not trusting some random kiwifag or user on here. They stole money from him and they have an interest in seeing him locked off line and forgotten.

Oh please don't bring that faggot's videos here.

I'm ready to believe Terry is really gone, but I think it's likely we will never be able to put to rest the lingering details of the circumstances surrounding his death. I just can't believe Terry would kill himself. He didn't seem suicidal in his last video, and it seems completely antithetical to everything he has ever said. He expressed some semblance of doubt in his own status as king, which is rather out of the ordinary, but suicide seems a bit of an overreaction. Unless every one of Terry's delusions got pulled out from under him in one afternoon, I guess that could be very overwhelming... I think something that disturbs people about his death is the idea that he might have lost his omnipresent self-confidence in his final hours. He always rationalized about how living homeless is righteous and how God wants life to be dangerous and exciting though, so why would he lose faith in this? No matter how bad his life on the streets got (and it wasn't particularly bad as far as I can tell; there was a church giving him food, and he had Internet access at the library), that wouldn't be a reason for him to think God abandoned him. People like to say that he could have not noticed the train "because of his mental illness", but that still doesn't seem right. If anything, schizophrenia would make him more alert and paranoid to things like, oh I don't know, hundreds of thousands of pounds of steel and freight rolling toward him. I wouldn't describe Terry as idle-minded, spaced out, unresponsive, or anything like that in any of his videos; incoherent, sure, but he's always been alert. I'm not sure exactly what to think.

Some might take these inconsistencies to mean that Terry isn't dead at all, but I think the overall proof is becoming insurmountable. The big reason there's so much confusion is because the news first broke via a private facebook post that only got out because of TheTemple's illegal and highly immoral impersonation/hijacking of Terry's facebook. It's clear at this point he told some white lies to avoid getting in serious trouble, but that's all only tangential to the increasingly undeniable evidence of his death. On top of that, nobody seems able to formulate a concrete hypothesis for how exactly all these lies are being coordinated. No amount of police reports, facebook posts, obituaries, or newspaper articles will convince you, because they can all be theoretically faked, assuming the perpetrators are willing, able, and (this one's important) motivated to impersonate and/or completely dupe these entities. TheTemple's shady actions have unrealistically heightened your standard for evidence, it seems. Even if that reporter at The Dalles Chronicle were to somehow be convinced that the paranoia of a group of (I'm using this term correctly and non-derogatorily) conspiracy theorists on the Internet is worth her time to go get a physical copy of the police report, scan it, and print it in the paper, you'd still have to pay $5 to read the article yourself in order to dispel any worries that user might have doctored the screencap he posts here. And even then, I bet a few of you would then move the goalpost, saying that the reporter is in on the lie. That's all fine, but understand that you will likely never have any degree of closure about this.

Personally, I think the proof of death we have now is adequate enough for my skepticism. But as I said earlier, I wish we could know why he got hit by that train for sure. If we had the video, it would make everything more clear to everybody. Maybe a disgruntled Union Pacific worker would leak the video for the right price. The question is then of how much money your autism will command to see our favorite homeless king be eviscerated by a train.

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Police reports are more difficult to forge than a Facebook account. From the way the article reads, it suggests that the reporter looked at the police report to get the events, not the name, and then pieced together that the name had to do with all these people calling and emailing about Terry.

The Dalles likely has a huge homeless population according to various blog posts and events happening there.



The Dalles wasn't a strange place for a homeless person to find and stay in. Look at the picture attached and see how far away the homeless shelters/services are from First and Terminal. Some of these places are closer than the library was. For a small town like this to have that many homeless shelters and services available, it suggests that there was a disproportionately large homeless population in The Dalles. This is evidenced by the need for their City Council to consider a ban for certain people to enter specific parts of the city based on prior criminal histories.

Until I see a police report that explicitly names Terry, I will have doubts about the whole thing.

Forgot picture.

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There's nothing strange about that request except for the way you phrase every single sentence you fucking spig.

so first it was car crash now its train suicide
which one is it?
is there going to be another Terry dieing in another accident?

Where did you get the idea it was a car crash?

When the rumor first started, it was floated around that Terry was killed in a car crash with his mother on their way to get Terry's medication in Iowa.

Back in late August, it was rumored that Terry died in a car crash, and there was an article that went along with it that was getting linked in threads then

If it was only a rumor then it's irrelevant.
The info we got now is official. Unless there's another 48 year old Terrence Davis or the police chief is lying.

or those emails and phone calls were fake.