Propietary engines BTFO by superior open source engine.
Propietary engines BTFO by superior open source engine.
and people will still use Unity for some reason
I really liked it until I read that GDScript is a proprietary language. I know that you can use other languages too but the whole flavour is in GDScript... :( feelsbadman
Engin is under MIT license but GDScript is proprietary.
Explain what exactly? Language is separate project apparently. On the other hand, nobody else mentions its license except that article I read so have as well been bullshit.
yeah, but why would a language for an open source engine be propietary?
how can a language be propietary?
Well is the interpreter featured in the Godot repo? If not, it's probably that. The more I think about it the more it seems like bullshit. Engine is nice overall so I can calm my FOSS standards if I decide to make a game.
yeah, godot is mostly an engine an argie made to help him while he was working in some game studio, until he made it open source and people started to be interested in it and he now has a patreon to work on the engine full time.
It's just weird that juan made an open source engine and made the language propietary.
Weird indeed. Maybe he's planning to sell it later on or something. Who knows...
I think he makes enough on patreon to live well off making his child project.
he seems very happy working on his own project.
he even brags about declining offers from unity and unreal to work with them.
He seems based and redpilled. We can't know what's going in inside that head of his...
Wow really? That means they're both threaten Godot.
I think making like 3.5k per month on fucking argentina on patreon (from their 9k montly donations) is like a better deal than working on other people engines.
Are you fucking retarded?
WoW! I can't believe Godot is planning to add features! Did you hear that Unreal Engine? Bet you can't do that!
Godot new practical features seems like a bigger deal than whatever crap unity calls new features.
3.0 just had features only latest version of unity had, like 2D rigs.
and start pay for Unity NOW
How fucking stupid are you? You think the language is proprietary because you can't grep a repo.
Lets the bloat happen.
It's a proprietary language in the sense that it's only really used as part of Godot, not in the sense that it's not free.
(Not even sure that's how it works, but chances are whoever wrote that didn't have English as his native tongue)
Why do people even still use Unity? It doesn't have many more features, it's buggy, and it's slow (probably due to memory bugs their Pajeets can't fix)
Have you used Godot enough to tell whether it's any faster?
I'm all for open source and whatever but nobody is actually using Godot seriously. Nobody, and I mean nobody in the world has ever made a game big enough in Godot to know how well it stacks against Unity in reality.
It's like Gimp and people who advocate for it. You can say "Gimp has X feature just like Photoshop, therefore it's as good as Photoshop in that task", but as soon as you start to actually use it you begin to realize that it's clumsier and slower and requires more clicks and is missing all kinds of nifty details that you had back in Photoshop.
8/agdg/'s Unityfags can back him: its editor is infamously buggy and the devs take years to fix anything, while Godot's editor is very stable and bugs are fixed quickly. The largest thing holding back Godot's 3D renderer is the lack of occlusion culling, and that's coming in 3.2 alongside the vulkan renderer.
Really, right now Godot's biggest strength is its 2D engine. It's leagues ahead of both Unity's "render a flat surface in our 3D renderer" hack and Game Maker in both features and performance.
The devs shipped several games with it before going open source and there's loads of 2D Godot games well into development. Pull your head from your ass and wipe the "muh Gimp vs Photoshop" shit off your face, it's getting in your eyes.
wow rude
I also made a babbys first platformer in my own engine, that proves absolutely fucking nothing. Call me when there's a game that looks like pic related with "made in Godot" attached to it.
Gimpfag detected
godot is a dumpster. I feel like we're back to the "GIMP is just as good as Photoshop!" days of yore.
godot is currently based on OpenGL ES 3.0. Yeah, like your phone. It's a million years behind the times. Their attempts to catch up have so far been stupid and unsuccessful. They're attempting to skip straight to vulkan despite it being way too new to be widely supported, especially for the kind of 2D phone / 3rd world games being made with it.
It's also inheritance-based rather than composition-based. No one works like that but total amateurs. Making common controllers in Unity is so easy you don't even think about it but you have to plan this shit out across your whole project with godot.
Everything else looks like shit but I've only skimmed it. The editor's code is a mess compared to Unity's. It's normal to customize the editor and I'd hate having to mod godot. Networking looks like a joke; it's all hand-crafted scripting with minimal RPC and synchronized variable support like modding the original Unreal Tournament. Modern engines do most of this at a high level in the editor.
I've worked on optimizing large Unity game projects. Unity dindu nuffin. The main problem is the level of programmer working on a Unity project is far lower than on Unreal.
They aren't really fully aware of the problems with garbage collection and will generate a lot of it. They also wait until the last minute in development to decide performance is too low so it's a scramble to reduce it to an acceptable amount of stuttering rather than avoid the problem from the beginning. It's difficult to fix garbage collection issues last-minute unlike doing the regular hot loop optimization as it's a much more dispersed problem.
They tend to not understand algorithms so abuse Unity for everything. Like, they'd much rather use Unity's APIs to search the Scene or even iterate over every GameObject at a level to find what they're looking for than use a datastructure. For you webdevs out there, it's like searching for elements by name in the DOM. In the last project I worked on, they had about 1M LoC of C# but I didn't see a single custom datastructure in the entire project.
They don't understand timing. This is where Unity diddu somethin as they hand devs time as a float for historical reasons (internally in Unity it's a double), but the precision is so low that it's unsuitable for many of the things people try to do with it (often used in frame time contexts where we're talking about 7ms frames and lower) and this causes a lot of really wacky and subtle problems. After about 10 hours, float time since start is no longer accurate to the millisecond and it just gets worse from there. Gamedevs usually don't test long-running instances or saves at all and this stuff goes unnoticed. A good dev would notice the trap here and roll their own timing but Unity-tier devs fall into it.
They ducttape together off-the-shelf stuff because custom coding is beyond them. Try reverse engineering the datafiles of Unity games. Instead of something ordered, logical, high-performance, compressed, etc. you'll find they just shoved everything into a serializer rather than define efficient formats. You'll commonly find Google's shitty protocol buffers being used for datafiles. This level of streetshitting is almost unheard of in Unreal games and is why Unity games tends to have horrible load times and bloated installs. But it's entirely about the programmers, not the engines.
If you want an example of what Unity can do when devs who can actually program use it, look into Layers of Fear. I'd link you a video but I can't find one not polluted by reaction face youtumors. The technical difficulty is high, performance and graphics are great.
Shame anons. Just because she isn't fluffy doesn't mean she isn't cute and marketable.
Cross her with Legends Godette and she'd be perfect~
So, what's the deal with GDScript vs C#? My impression was that they were implementing C# and letting GDScript become obsolete. I also heard C# is faster than GDScript. But apparently development of GDScript continues as a priority. Was C# implementation just a means of letting Unity kiddies migrate more easily?
I mean, if performance is that much of an issue, you could always just use C++.
If I recall, GDScript works a little differently, and C# goes through some interface (called GDnative?) that's meant to make using various other languages possible. I can't be any less vague since I just read something like that in passing when C# was about to be added.
I'm barely about to start learning Godot and want to make sure I learn the language that's going to be the future of the engine.
Basically yes.
If you think about it, if they were going to replace the scripting language with C# they might as well rewrite their entire engine to be C# based. And since there's no indication they are doing that it would be stupid to think they would drop GDScript at this point.
Industrial standards, what do you expect? See
What is the mindshare percentage?
Wow we have pros here and
Sounds like you're just really used to working with a shitty tool. The legacy cruft in Unity alone makes it sub-optimal to work with.
There's a bunch of Spics on /agdg/ who shill Godot for all it's worth. They keep saying Unity is bad and Godot is the way to go. Take everything said in this thread with a grain of salt.
Of course amateur devs are amateurs. They don't have the skills of a professional and have to wear many hats to finish a game. It's understandable for it to be less polished.
Layers of fear is barely a game. Sure it looks nice but it's a spooky walking sim.
Stupid manchild who belong in a home for the mentally retarded.
So, basically, you're saying Godot is the Sega Saturn of game engines?
Tech is pro-mascot, get over it and don't be a metafag.
Unity IS bad. You have no control over your own source code. One day development of Unity will stop, and you're as good as fucked.
Looking back, the Saturn has aged much better aesthetically vs the original PlayStation and the N64. Shame Sega dropped the ball with it.
Sage for tangent.
Asylums should never have been closed.
Unity serves it's purpose of being an easy to use game engine for novices. People using it are using it as it's free or because it's easy. Source code isn't a high priority for these people.
Then they're fuckin' morons, because ALL their work is going down the toilet eventually. The Unity guys have already said it's legally impossible for them to EVER open up all the code.
Seriously, don't be a metafag. We WILL start posting lewd Kikis.
It's almost as if you're on a Vietnamese basket weaving forum where philosophy trumps functionality 99% of the time.
You get the digits you deserve.
Most of the major Linux distros honestly give me less shit than Windows 10, so it's not just a philosophical issue anymore.
It's almost like you're one of the spics who got ran out of the 8/agdg/ chat room because you whined about racism.
just use the thread
Vulkan for 3.2? That's actually faster than I would have expected.
The quality as a game is irrelevant. The technical merit on display shows that it's not Unity that causes games to have shitty tech, it's the kind of semi-professional programmer one finds in the Unity community at fault.
Of course the Unity shill is a fucking Discordnigger.
Every large Unity project licenses the source and customizes it. This is only a concern for amateur devs.
Unity licenses some of the engine from other entities. If these other people don't open up their code, neither can Unity.
Actual "professional Unity dev" here: Unity is shit.
I am currently hired to work in a small Unity game (a simulator for a specific room escape, you will probably not see it around anytime). My employer wants it to be finished quickly, so any sort of crazy smoke-and-mirrors optimizations I have tried to propose to him were rejected because they would take more time than we actually have, so we more or less have to work with the systems Unity gives to us. The game is supposed to run on a 2010 potato, and considering it is a "realistic" simulation, FPS drops are absolutely unacceptable.
So far, what I have seen is that everything that comes with Unity is shit, and the forums suggest you write your own replacement. This is true for most components, such as controllers (the controller we will be using has some nonfunctional buttons because Unity only has so many registered buttons for controllers. The solution seems to be writing your own controller system and drivers), shaders, movement system... which are perfectly doable, but not in the tight schedule we have, so I had to find ways to circumvent these problems with hacks. Then there is the problem with in-engine stuff sucking so much, such as the "async" load system, which makes the game stutter like crazy because it triggers the GC real hard; some guys managed to fix it and made a talk about it, and you can do it as well, but oh surprise, you require that expensive Unity license to access its source code. We finally opted for loading every fucking thing in memory (not like there is much to load anyway), and hiding or showing stuff as needed. Talking about the GC, it fucked me over when I tried spawning a grand total of two objects per frame for 50 frames, so it would stutter unless I spawned a single object per frame for 100 frames. I am sure there is some reason why the Mono runtime does this stupid shit, but honestly, I don't have the time to read everything about the internals of a shitty Java offshoot. Also, the entity-component access API is clunky shit and I hate it.
I have not tried Godot, but I doubt it can be much worse than this dumpster fire of an engine that only gets by because it is free and doesn't require a 10 year formation, unlike Unreal.
It's telling that the Unity backend is so convoluted and fucked that the devs needed help getting fucking SDL2 working.
Sega's exterior design for consoles was very very good back then.
You just made me want to play super sonic.
Damn, that's a lot of salt.
As someone who has both a Genesis and a SNES in front of me, I can say personally I like the SNES' Gray Box professional look better than SEGAs attempt at looking sleek. Not to say the Genesis looks bad by any means, Nintendo and SEGA both had different design philosophies. Nintendo wanted a more industrial look to compliment home VHS players and Hi-Fi setups. SEGA wanted a more sleek high end look. I will say the Genesis managed to age better design wise if only for its choice of a smooth black finish. Build quality wise though its not even a contest, the SNES is built a lot better than the Genesis. Both Nintendo and SEGA went with ABS plastics as far as I can tell but the SNES is definitely thicker and heavier overall. The Genesis case feels brittle in comparison
Thanks for your feedback!
You mean yellow at this point.
any faggot here need to play the TPS demo.
True. Are there perhaps any tricks to un-sun the colors of ABS plast?
You always look for excuses to post those anyway, might aswell just fucking post them.
Lose track of your folder, user?
Some cases had more bromide in them than others so it really varies which ones yellowed when exposed to UV
Choke on gas pedo
Fuck if these cute and marketable mascots aren't good for weeding out the newfags~
daily reminder that lolicon = pedophilia
That's not leddit spacing newfag~ And nobody even posted any lolicon, retard.
Is there anything to it beyond tech demo?
Daily reminder that implying lolicon = pedo is (((you)))
You ruined Mari
Is it already in the demo repo?
Why is godot being shilled so heavily?
Uh... I think you might need glasses, user.
Because idiots value being able to read the source (that they will never read) over shit working.
Because it's free and open. This means no royalties and no obsolescence while any volunteers are willing to continue developing it.
Until it doesn't. Because you cant support future platforms.
Give me 10 games released in the last 5 years that deserve to be ported to natively work on new hardware/operating systems for the rest of time.
Also they can't be made in a custom engine because that defeats the point of the argument.
There may not be many (if any) games in the last 5 years but there are plenty from the mid 90s through to the late 2000's which deserve to be.
If you can't name good Unity/UE3+ games worth preserving then what's the argument? The odds that those games become unplayable are almost none, games that worked on Windows XP usually still work and those that don't tend to have fan patches to make them work, you can even play DOS games with an emulator.
Show me one decent game made in Godot
In time there will be.
Just like Communism will work "soon"?
what a debate.
you like those stuff in the file?
they're already on Unity
We call this a domain specific language.
And they're fine as address specific issues that general purpose languages dont't.
That said GDScript is Python-based and translating Python to GDScript is easy.
So... Blender?
Literally what user posted in looks better than this crap sceenshot.
Dog Mendonca is good if you like point-n-click games.
The Blender foundation ripped out the game engine recently to make room for improvements to the already decent video editor.