Windows is officially a service, not a product.
Windows is officially a service, not a product.
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How could anyone acquiesce to this?
I've been delaying linux migration for far too long. It's time to jump, but I know shit-all about any of it. I can program but I don't want to deal with terminals and shit.
Install mint, and once shitstench D bites your ass, install Devuan
As much as I hate Microsoft(having stopped using Windows at home years ago), I don't think it's reasonable to expect them to offer security updates for old products indefinitely free of charge.
The real problem here is that all their recent OSes suck(even by comparison), not that they're going to start charging for security patches on an OS after the extended support period is over.
The thing here is this is the direction they're taking NEW versions of Windows too. The groundwork has already been laid in the current version of Win10.
There's always been periods beyond which supports ends.
It pisses me off that now even OS's are jumping into a subscription model. I hate subscriptions.
Year of the Linux desktop soon?
I highly doubt those intelligent enough to have rejected W10 in favor 7 outside of businesses to this day are willing to pay.
I haven't updated Windows 7 in a long time, and I don't plan to start.
Xmedia Recode, ShareX, and windows photo viewer are probably the only reasons I haven't switched to Linux yet. There's just no good alternatives.
Stopped reading there.
They haven't announced any such plans for Windows 10, and there's no reason to think they'll charge for updates on their current O/S.
At least by then react OS will be out of alpha with version 0.5, and then stuck in beta for a decade There is no way Microsoft is getting away with this. It's like cable. Normalfags are going to get frustrated at the price and lack of convenience, and stop using their computers. They don't even need to use microsoft word anymore, they're all starting to use google docs.
Dude, LOOK at the things they've already done with Win10. The groundwork for Windows: SAAS Edition has already been laid. They're just biding their time at this point.
Uh, there are actually tons of decent image viewers for Linux.
Do they really think this is gonna work?, Microshaft is finished.
Give me one that doesn't freeze for a whole minute when I'm scrolling through images and a 20000x20000 image comes by. Windows photo viewer doesn't, it opens a thumbnail in an instant and loads the full image in the background, and I can just ignore the image and keep scrolling without being affected.
if dubs microshit goes bankrupt by 2019
Microsoft calls that period "extended support". Except for some critical updates, they've NEVER given security updates past that.
How often do you have gigantic images like that anyway? Pretty lame excuse if you ask me.
Nigger, what are these images of? Your fucking Minecraft world map?
FOSS advocates everyone
I do graphic design and I'm constantly dealing with photos that are upwards to 8000+ pixels, I don't have the time or patience to constantly sit waiting for the program to regain it's heartbeat. Recently I had an image of Earth (over 20k pixels wide if I recall) in a project folder, and whenever I viewed images from that folder irfanview would freeze and become completely unresponsive and interrupt what I was doing.
Since people didn't read the article, what this means is that after Windows 7 support ends in 2020 they will start offering paid security updates until 2023.
A lot of them don't do anything with their systems, so the idea that people need their systems to be able to do certain things is a bit alien to them.
Why don't you send us a sample image and we'll see if it loads.
I actually edit videos and do animation with nothing but F/OSS. Maybe you guys should head back over where you came from before you embarrass yourselves.
He won't.
Try nomacs, it loads thumbnails in the background.
Freezes for 4 seconds on this computer, but my computer at work is significantly slower and older.
Failing to see the viewpoint of other people is a symptom of autism.
That still freezes, the only difference is that I can still move the window. But I don't see what image is loading nor am able to scroll past it without waiting for it to finish.
Admittedly I'm on Windows right now so I don't know if it functions differently on Linux.
For the record, gif images constantly freeze ristretto so it's not as if I couldn't see the need for an image viewer that doesn't do these things. I just figured like most Windows users he was making shit up to avoid the switch.
Also try Wine.
Nigger, are you seriously bitching about other peoples autism on a tech related image board? Where exactly do you think you are right now?
Great job.
huh, well it does load thumbnails in the background, I don't know if it's any different with the massive images you speak of.
He's bullshiting at this point. He just gave us a bunch of broken links to try.
Wew, them digits.
I just downloaded it a fucking minute ago. Give me a file host that you guys are willing to download from and I'll upload it there. Volafile is made of javascript and catbox seems to be taking 7 years to upload.
Why not? I understand that at first it seems like a ton of work but as the alternative to digging through GUIs I think it's a lot better.
I don't think it's reasonable for them to make anything secure in the first place. Money is much better invested in redesigning the UI, logo, and marketing campaigns.
Windows already stopped being a real OS when they started using hyperlinks to get around the administrative GUIs (introduced in Vista IIRC).
Listen to me, autist wanting your automagical image viewer. How do you think a thumbnail is made? Right, the image must be read then resized. This means that your OS or viewer creates a cache (leaking info by writing on the disk, or simply by creating the thumbs when you don't know it's doing so) for every image either created or viewed.
Your viewer will have the same problem if it opens it for the first time.
btw, sxiv is the best image viewer (currently).
The argument was that it doesn't matter whether or not someone is able to edit huge images on Linux.
If all else fails, the GIMP should be able to load TIF files that large. If all you want to do is LOOK at the file, then that's one option.
sxiv is cool, but it doesn't generate thumbnails in the background which is annoying.
how about you just disable thumbnails on the folder with your multi-gigabyte images faggot
Firstly you're asking me to do work I don't have to while in Windows, and secondly you didn't understand what the problem was.
7-tan is a qt.14
That's so good it looks official.
What the fuck are you doing? What fucking language are you using that you haven't "dealt with" a fucking terminal?
What do you use? I've still been using kdenlive and it's shit
It is official.
You've found a web dev
If people want to use windows then by all means. Just don't be the moron who comes into a linux oriented board and starts complaining about how they can't load images in linux based OSs as if any of us are supposed to care. If linux is too shit for you then fuck off to windows and take whatever cuckoldry they give you or go complain to actual GNU devs who can actually do something about it.
Haven't said I've never dealt with it. I'm saying I don't want to deal with OS terminals any more than I have to.
If Stallman is so smart, why hasn't he invested in anime commercials?
You can use blender.
Good thing there's a graphical frontend or replacement for literally every command line tool worth using.
unironically master ffmpeg
Something like ShareX doesn't make much sense on Linux. You can assign keyboard shortcuts to scrot (capture entire screen/selection rectangle/selected window) and have it do a specific action to the new image file like moving it to a folder, uploading it to a website, and/or putting it on your clipboard, any other user defined action.
Literally the first actual literal sentence of the literal article, literally.
Blender is a powerful video editor, and there is next to nothing you can't do with it when you learn how to use it.
Also, nobody gives a fuck what you think about Blender's UX. It gets the job done and all it takes is the patience to sit through a few tutorials.
Is there some epidemic of dyslexia I'm unaware of that has so many people terrified of text-based interfaces?
The UNIX way is too extensible to bother with writing a program specifically for that. Here's the part on my i3 configuration file that handles screenshots. I can take fullscreen or current window PNG and JPG screenshots.
bindsym Print exec "scrot '/homea/user/Pictures/Screenshots/scrot/%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S_$wx$h.png' -e 'optipng -o7 -zm9 '$f''"bindsym $mod+Print exec "scrot -u '/home/user/Pictures/Screenshots/scrot/%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S_$wx$h.png' -e 'optipng -o7 -zm9 $f'"bindsym shift+Print exec "scrot '/tmp/%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S_$wx$h_scrot.bmp' -e 'mozcjpeg -outfile /home/user/Pictures/Screenshots/scrot/%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S_$wx$h_scrot.jpg -quality 89 -quant-table 2 -maxmemory 512000 -dc-scan-opt 1 -optimize -progressive $f && rm $f'"bindsym $mod+shift+Print exec "scrot -u '/tmp/%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S_$wx$h_scrot.bmp' -e 'mozcjpeg -outfile /home/user/Pictures/Screenshots/scrot/%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S_$wx$h_scrot.jpg -quality 89 -quant-table 2 -maxmemory 512000 -dc-scan-opt 1 -optimize -progressive $f && rm $f'"
Do it Microsoft, make everyone move to Linux
I forgot Sharex is supposedly a screenshot tool. The thing I specifically use it for is to record webms from a screen region. It's so easy and fast to use that I can casually make videos to show things any time. Gif related.
I manage screenshots by pasting and cropping it into MS Paint, since that's more controllable for cropping, and I can save it where ever when ever and won't have to clean temporary files after.
Learning, remembering, and then typing words is not as convenient as seeing a button and pressing it. There's advantages to both, but GUIs take the cake in both ease of use and perception of results. Text based input is generally superior in flexibility since you can condense a huge amount of behavior into a single text line, but that's assuming you memorized those commands beforehand.
Everyone likes to post that terry video, but it's still so fucking true. Command line interfaces required a base level intelligence and patience, and computing was better for it.
You know, modern shells have this thing called "autocompletion"...
Autocompletion is helpful but not a solution. Even if it autocompletes [bindsym $mod+Print exec "scrot -u '/aaa.png' -e 'optipng -o7 -zm9 $f'"] for you, that might as well be in Chinese until you go and learn what it all means, and if you do that then autocompletion didn't prevent you from having to go and memorize them.
Exactly. For migration to be feasible it needs to be at least somewhat intuitive. I don't want to have to spend weeks learning the insides of an OS. That being said, I've been researching the matter and some distros look pretty user-friendly. Now it's a matter of honing in among all the options to the most convenient and versatile.
It's a tool. If you put some effort into it you'll see when it makes sense to use a terminal and when it makes sense to use a GUI.
In a couple of weeks you'll get used to it and in a few months you'll want to chop your dick off when you want to do something that fits the terminal model better but don't have access to one.
In other words, the same thing they've always done when a Windows version's extended support is over? Seems like OP blew this out of proportion.
Wew, what else is new? Nothing to see here, move along.
If you have a Windows computer here's what to do:
From there, you should be good to go.
This depends on the computer. It may be F2 or F4 or something else.
I can install an OS. The issue is when using it, doing things through command lines where GUI is insufficient. Maybe Linux is more user friendly than what I know. I'm reading good things about Mint. I have to look closer.
There's no way around it, is there? I'm going to have to learn things.
I'm talking about a subscription model for updates. SaaS was not the point. You should read the EULA on most of the software you use.
Is USBWriter better than Rufus?
use WSUSoffline dumbass
Nah, stay in your MS shithole OS kiddo. We don't want you.
lol programmers go away! We don't need new talents or viewpoints, as proven by year of the linux desktop 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018!
What kind of programmer complains about terminals? Piss off.
If you are on windows, you can easily program in C/C++ or Java without bothering with the command line, by using IDEs, besides seeing the results in the "terminal" at the bottom, and maybe giving some inputs for argv[], and even then, people who use that "terminal" don't become experts in using the terminal for Linux/Windows, it's just a window that shows the results, no something to use cd, ls/dir, grep or whatever.
Just learn to use the fucking terminal holy fuck it isn't hard. Like sudo apt install niggers it's four words.
So... what's the best distro for a windows faggot that doesn't know anything about anything when it comes to computers?
I have never touched the command line for programming reasons. I made a build file as soon as I started programming in a compiled language and have called that from my text editor since. Technically I've written 3 meaningful command line commands since that's what I put into the build file; compile, link, and start program, but for the most part I copy pasted those from somewhere else.
I can use the command line if I really need to, but I don't fucking want to.
I deal with 800mb image files on a daily basis and I can tell you now you're talking absolute shite. Windows photo viewer freezes when trying to open such a large image. It doesn't support any bit depth above 8-bit per channel and it doesn't even support ICC profiles. Irfanview opens these images without image.
I captured on video both irfanview and nomacs freezing up when a large image comes by while photo viewer isn't affected. You can see them stopping momentarily at other images too.
It definitely doesn't show the colors in certain profiles correctly (CMYK images are especially bad), but that's much less of a problem than the freezing in my usage. The programs where I actually use the images show colors correctly.
monkey pls
Kubuntu, obviously.
And in 7 it didn't support camera raw unless you installed an add-on from microshaft.
IDK about 10, I uninstalled that shit as soon as it forced itself on me.
Hey if you want to be a pajeet that's fine just don't expect anyone to agree with you retarded wisdom.
So did I, when I was 5.
Wow teach me your ways epic hacker Anoymous! You're so l33t and cool!
Step 1: Don't be a faggot
Step 2: Don't be a nigger
Step 3: Don't fear the command line
Is there some secret to how you did it without following Step 1?