What's the best operating system that isn't microsoft? I'm trying to de kike myself.
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install gentoo
It's GNU/Linux, but what are the chances that this isn't a bait thread to talk shit about linux?
Install gentoo
memes aside install ubuntu if the only thing you have ever used was windows. there is no best operating system. for instance templeos is fast as fuck for somethings but for daily use it would be horrible. if you were a /v and didnt care about your own privacy or anything windows would be better. what is the best operating system depends on what you are going to use it for.
install gentoo, it's not a meme.
I'm a cybernazi and am worried about FBI.
if you are a /pol tard and want easy privacy and also only want to use the web browser use tails. for shitposting
no, far beyond Zig Forums
I want comprehensive privacy
TempleOS you fucking heathen. I bet your MIT professors don't even know how a JIT compiler works.
If you need to ask then Linux Mint or Solus. Ubuntu is botnet and everything else is either a meme or made by and for autists.
Install GuixSD
its simple
you need to gut windows telemetry
Best for what?
Also, you should have asked your dumbass question in the Consumer Advice sticky instead of creating a new thread.
Doesn't your ISP know you use TOR an puts you on a list?
I'm a pleb and I've been using Mint for a while. Is there anything Solus does better?
If you're having to ask this question, your hardware needs de-kiking too.
There is no "best OS" for numerous reasons.
First of all, what would be optimal for your setup depends on a lot of factors, especially your level of experience, what hardware you run, and what you plan on doing
Personally I prefer minimalist Linux OSs for desktop (currently running Gentoo) and OpenBSD for server. Your preferences and requirements are your own however, and you should really be doing your own research
ok, let's turn this into a comprehensive de-kiking thread.
OpenBSD is the best OS in my opinion. It's very easy to use and everything just works. Very lightweight, yet it is full featured. So many OS's ship without proper developer tools. That's not the case with OpenBSD. It comes with everything you need.
Just add a few packages to get a browser, email, client, and media player. Done.
Don't use a smartphone or a tablet.
If you must use an Intel or AMD system, use a librebootable one and install Libreboot. Otherwise, use an ARM system that's not susceptible to Spectre/Meltdown.
Install a minimal Linux OS and secure it.
Browse the Web as little as possible, and when you do, do so through Tor.
Do not run js on your machine.
Never use social media.
If you must use email, host your own.
Don't shop online. When you shop in person, pay cash whenever possible.
If you're a gamer (excepting old non-internet-connected games) you're kiked.
If you use social media, you're kiked.
If you shop on Amazon, you're kiked.
If you use Discord, Spotify, or any other of those spying services, you're kiked.
If you use a FitBit, you're kiked.
If you use Windows or Mac, you're kiked.
If you use Linux but don't take steps to secure it an anonymize yourself, you're still kiked.
If you use an Android phone with LineageOS, you're kiked. If you use a phone with Replicant or CopperheadOS, you're still kiked,, though slightly less so.
If you use a stock Android or iPhone, you're so thoroughly kiked that you might as well change your name to Schlomo Talmudberg and enroll in a yeshiva.
Soooo...I've got some bad news...
Don't be pedantic.
install gentoo