Why in the fuck are glow in the darks not using these for total surveillance and mobile botnetting in areas with poor phone receptions?
Even a nigger should be capable of comprehending the obvious advantages of having an aesthetic, VTOL capable drone aircraft that can carry 20+ tons of ordinance and stay airborne for weeks/months on end for surveillance purposes.
Instead (((they))) are still fumbling around with inferior fixed-wing drones and manned aircraft, it's as if they're too incompetent to build or maintain 1920s style airship hangars considering what happened to the Aeroscraft prototype.
Other urls found in this thread:
You would be right, but pic related obsoletes it.
What makes you think they're not?
Archive version: archive.is
But that's a tethered Aerostat, not a powered Airship.
Because any random Zig Forums, Zig Forums, or Zig Forums user would just shoot it down.
Alright, OP's question was gay, so lets change things up! How big of a balloon would we need to make a real Final Fantasy style airship out of say, a 32-gun French frigate from the American revolution? What would be used to propel said air-ship? How fast would it be? How long could it stay aloft?
anyone with half a brain could shoot it down also they are massive and are obvious. drones are in invisible and no one could shoot them down.
Op is basically confirming this will happen because of the detail. Thanks for the tip off
That it is, it just puzzles me why it's taking (((them))) so long when the tech is already where it needs to be for the most part.
Assuming its hull displacement is 500 tons or less you could theoretically do it with an Aeroscraft ML86X which is 280 meters long, though I'm not sure why you'd want to have such a heavy gondola hanging off your airship.
Because they're gigantic, nigh-on static targets with a very limited potential height.
Only way to successfully use them as surveillance tools is if the population already knows it's being watched 24/7 and has accepted this, aka in a 100% completed openly oppressive police state.
They'll probably have them up over Londinistan before 2020.
Is 3600m that small?
Sure it's not much compared to fixed wing aircraft but for a wide area urban surveillance platform it should be more than enough considering the fuckhueg botnet payload they could carry compared to airplanes.
These things could host an array of sophisticated IR cameras with onboard hardware running all sorts of high intensity proprietary niggerware and still have space to spare for some high-gain antennae, cooling circuits for the cameras and other shit if we're talking about rigid airships.
They'd also have to deal with far less inflight turbulence and vibration than aerodyne-based surveillance platforms on top of the fact that disguising a glow in the dark Zeppelin as an advertising platform wouldn't be too difficult in the eyes of a public that doesn't know much about airships beyond the Hindenburg and Goodyear Blimps.
They are you uneducated fuck. Surveillance blimps have been a thing for years now although IIRC for many applications drones are starting to replace them but not for every situation
Take your meds.
China are already looking at doing this. They say it will be used to keep track of forest fires and similar shit but It's obvious what it will be used for. Mass aerial surveillance using planes with a camera capable of capturing a massive area have already been used in America/Mexico: bloomberg.com
Even though they can't (currently) identify you with the camera, they don't need to. If your indistinct dot is seen interacting with a dissident dot, they just follow your dot back to your place of residence then kick your door down. This becoming widespread will absolutely devastate organized crime networks, the only chance you'd have of evading it is if you live somewhere like a favela and can move large distances constantly going in and out of buildings.
They have been for about a decade, as part of the larger "electronic border" that exists near the US border. Everything within 100 miles of the border is under constant surveillance. We deployed these technologies in both Iraq and Afghanistan too.
OP, how old were you in 2000 when Bush took office? He's the one who started it almost 18 years ago. It was done after 9/11.
All cartels did was evolve, they either send people through inside normal looking cargo pallets or through the desert where it takes at least 2-3 hours for CBP to show up and intercept them (and usually won't especially if it's only 4-5 people, who for all they know might be innocent hunters or trappers).
Mass surveillance doesn't stop crime, it just pushes it underground. Most gangs are culled but a few evolve into proper racketeering, setting up front businesses to disguise their operation.
And this is what they're using to watch us.
If I might ask, where did you save this from? I see a lot of posts like this in dark theme and containing esoteric content, but I don't know where they could come from.
It's on mewch.net
all dark skinned threads are from there, that's where all the good posters are, this is just a loading dock for 4chan refugees. if you want good posts go there
Its not from there, no board on Mewch has 9552303 posts. Its probably from some board on here or halfchan with a dark theme and those two anons were samefags setting up a segue to shill for their website
We're reaching the point with solar cells where an unmanned airplane will be able to stay in the sky indefinitely without the need of buoyancy aids. I guess there's no reason you couldn't combine blimp with plane though to combine their strengths.
private pilot/dronefag here. 24/hr flying on solar? it's been done. the key was actually to find thermals and use them the same way a bird does to conserve power. A guy on youtube made a really impressive solar r/c plane that flew for a solid 15 hours and lasted ~2(iirc) on battery when he tested it. The one that actually flies 24/7 does it by carefully conserving altitude. iirc it falls from around 10k feet to 1k feet over the course of a night, with reserve power.
A marketable, deployable version will probably hit the market in less than 3 years.
Also already done. Ever heard of a hybrid airship? Picrel is the airlander 10. Hybrid airships have a lot of advantages over regular airships, mainly being greater cargo capacity. The only real disadvantage is that they can't VTOL anymore and need a (relatively short) runway.
why bother when social media exist
This poster is correct
(((Mewch))) constantly shill their shit website everywhere they can get it in.
If you have any doubt on the posting quality. It's a good reminder that they heavily advertise on Something Awful.
They also have an account on ED which is solely dedicated to randomly inserting (((mewch))) into articles via image replacement or otherwise
They are, and they're dev them right now, for the exact purpose you're pointing.
Look out thales aerospace and stratobus.
thalesgroup. com/en/worldwide/space/news/whats-stratobus
someone post image of terry or RMS saying "SHOOT IT DOWN"
Google is actually doing this, check out Project Loon: