how do we make computers easier for dumb people since 30% of people in white nations can't use them because they're too hard to use.
how do we make computers easier for dumb people since 30% of people in white nations can't use them because they're too hard to use.
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We don't, things are bad enough as it is.
We don't. Why would you want that?
I want my computers to be complex enough so that they don't hide the underlying complexity of what an OS is like.
30% of people in "white nations" aren't white. They're niggers and Latin American mestizos in the US, and Arabs, Turkroaches, and Africans in Europe. Instead of catering to them, society would be better off if we shipped them all back to their continents of origin or exterminated them.
Then their inability to use computers would be irrelevant.
The real question of how do we make people smart enough to use computers.
Making computers easier is what led to 2007. Stop it.
Kill almost everyone who can't use a computer. Things would get infinitely better from there.
By simplifying the keyboard, providing actually useful guides, not relying on the command line, and ignoring the people who think having skill in these things somehow make them intelligent.
wow! some people can't use computers? like can't even open a browser and type shit?! well it is good thing. Less noobs, and potentially less terrible mistakes at work - bad jk.
and it is very complicated topic:
on one hand you need to compute (or some trivial stuff)
and on the other hand you need to fuck girls and do some stuff outside your house.
I think computers are too of a commodity these days. Like, you know how to browse web and fetch a porn and play games and make websites, but it make your life sad...
we don't
The US is not a white country.
no, only 5% of the population is white
It was, up until recently.
The US was literally funded on Masonic principles, which are crypto-jewry.
Level 3 = 5% of Adult Population
This is what this most-skilled group of people can do: “At this level, tasks typically require the use of both generic and more specific technology applications. Some navigation across pages and applications is required to solve the problem. The use of tools (e.g. a sort function) is required to make progress towards the solution. The task may involve multiple steps and operators. The goal of the problem may have to be defined by the respondent, and the criteria to be met may or may not be explicit. There are typically high monitoring demands. Unexpected outcomes and impasses are likely to occur. The task may require evaluating the relevance and reliability of information in order to discard distractors. Integration and inferential reasoning may be needed to a large extent.”
The meeting room task described above requires level-3 skills. Another example of level-3 task is “You want to know what percentage of the emails sent by John Smith last month were about sustainability.”
You're right, but the idea of a white new world still persists.
What do the level represents exactly?
Level 1 = uses social media
Level 2 = webdev
Level 3 C/C++ asm
Something like that?
epin, but before some autist takes this seriously, almost every programmer is level 3 or even 4. Many people who use social media are probably level 2 as well.
So basically everyone with an IQ less than about 90 then (assuming SD of 15)
I don't know if I should be dissapointed or disgusted in this.
Level 0: how do you turn this on
Level under 1: you just do the copy first, then you do the paste
Level 1: to install anything just press next until finish
Level 2: i changed the wifi password
Level 3: lol microblows use gentoo
Level above doesnt fill surveys.
They give examples in the article OP posted.
Would be interested in seeing the results in China or India tbh. Heard that China doesn't have T1 tech support and that most of it is done for free by ISPs.
GTFO Steve Jobs, you're dead already. RIP in pieces.
Actually Reddit's probably strong level 3, we're above that scale completely. Level 3's still can't install and learn a new OS on their own, probably can't write a simple shell script, likely can't customize a makefile for their specific site, etc.
Who could be behind this post?
I'm interested in generational numbers, because if they plotted by age (in chunks for 5 years), I'd assume it'd look like a bell curve with the max number of level 3 users being millennials and tapering off for anyone under 20 and anyone over 40. We were born in the optimum time when computers were easier to use than 70's microcomputers, but harder to use than today's tablets and smart phones. All that shit trying to customize your myspace and install addons in WoW really helped develop problem solving skills and computer intuition, and todya's kids aren't getting that. I've seen teenagers google a calendar rather than look at their taskbar's clock, because they had no idea that it was clickable, when you're raised on the "app" mentality everything has a single purpose and an icon to click in a grid menu. Something that seems so intuitive that even microsoft doesn't bother to explicitly tell you is becoming lost knowledge.