>school sets everyone up with a onedrive (((cloud))) which it uses to deliver all documents
Wat do? VMs are annoying, especially on an old ThinkPad
>school sets everyone up with a onedrive (((cloud))) which it uses to deliver all documents
Wat do? VMs are annoying, especially on an old ThinkPad
put chewing-gum in the only available port on his mac
There's a chance they'll do something in visual studio that's more than just C# source code, for example they may teach you something through the debugger. The cloud thing is unavoidable since that's just how people tend to share files. You MAY be able to use Libreoffice or Openoffice instead of microsoft office. "Press Ctrl+Shift+E to open this panel, then switch these settings here", good luck following along in Libreoffice.
It's risky to avoid what they tell you to use, but that's what you get for going to normalfag central.
It's not even really a normalfag school. C# is just CS101 or whatever They teach some C and assembler for microprocessor stuff later.
Should I just use Windows for the next few years? I'm all for Linux but don't want to risk getting bad grades because of it.
Can't you just use Mono?
Also, what school is it?
switch to computer engineering. also when you are in school dont be a freefag if you need to use microsoft word just dual boot it and once you no longer need to use it uninstall it. my professor are pretty good in my c++ class my professor allows students to choice either to use linux or windows to compile and write their programs. same thing with all my other professors. on all their websites they recommend if you dont have microsoft word to use libre office.
It's Debian everywhere (found some Mageia, too frogland OS)
>not getting overly expensive software legally for free because you're a student
IIRC Mono only has support for the Open Source parts of .NET, right? Not sure whether the class is gonna stick to that
Also answering >>967794's question:
It's a regular German school gets you the diploma thing you need to be able to apply to College/University. Just so happens that it has a pretty decent CS Program that doesn't just teach the basics of Java like most other CS Classes over here.
Yuropoor here too, the school desktops have a dualboot between Win7 and Linux Mint, which I suppose they use for C stuff later.
But I do, we're getting the entire 365 Package + Visual Studio + their database shit + the permission to let Microshaft mine 1TB of our data in the (((cloud)))
Like embedded systems? My college only had one class with Windows, but for most of it I got away with using a ReactOS VM since we could use anything we liked as long as it would run on the professor's PC once compiled. Everything else was Linux or bare metal assembly and C. The cloud is a pain, but since you're only using it for work, the worst that could happen is some pajeet at MS copies your dissertation.
Isn't it now possible to make a w10 live usb pen?
Linux is a kernel
Yeah my class was like that last year but this year we are learning java in eclipse. For someone who only uses free software it is a real shock using a computer with nothing but commercial nonfree software. My advice is to bite the bullet and install windows 7 on a spare HDD and use that only for school, that way you don't have to worry about any spyware the schools installed on their computers to make sure you aren't doing bad goy things.
If you're actually studying CS and they tell you to use Windows and Excel, go to a different school.
PlayOnLinux has MS Office, so it's distinctly possible you can do the Excel classes on Linux.
OneDrive has a browser interface.
Just try doing the C# class in Mono and it's probably going to be fine.
sounds like community college.
have fun waiting three years to learn basic set theory and 12th grade linear algebra.
worst mistake of my life was going to CC, dropped out because every instructor was an arrogant fraud, my nigger math teacher struggled with 9th grade algebra, indian programmers who don't know shit but 15 yo buzzwords and struggled with binary, and my peers were all indians cheating on assignments and tests.
Just use the computer lab if you can find a spot free from loud mouth niggers and chinks playing dota.
God read the thread, it's not even that long.
high school cs is where you learn bad practices
leave underage fag
Complain, but still suck it up and do it. You can probably get a student version of all that shit, so you won't have to pay at least, but it's better to put up with that shit and complete your education, remembering that it won't be permanent.
When you get a real job, you're going to have to use a boatload of software that sucks and has retarded license restrictions, so now is a good time to get used to it.
LibreOffice can do Excel stuff just fine, Mono does C#
Am getting it for free
Mono only does the Open Source .net core (I think). Not their proprietary stuff. Libreofice is pretty damn horrible for anything more advanced than basic shit.
Yeah, it's a pain in the ass, but the fact is that if you're in publicly-funded education, they have serious budget concerns. They use Microsoft products becuase it's the cheapest to learn, the cheapest to teach, and the cheapest to get support for. Freedom is a real concern, and I'm a freetard myself, but practically, FOSS is often more expensive to work into a fully-functioning system, and it's unrealistic to expect any public education to stretch their already-thin budgets more than they already are for honestly niche philosophical reasons.
similar to the time we had to do a team building excersize where we where to design a tower out of paper. we had a team of 4 2 niggers a grill and me, the 2 niggers fucked off and looked at spongebob memes on a nearby mac computer while me and the girl made a tower.
when you are in school, you do it the way that the school tells you.
You don't walk in demanding to do everything your way because you know everything already.
You will look like an arrogant idiot. End of discussion.
(Also: this answer is the same if they tell you to use PC or Mac, and you wanna use Mac/PC instead)
And honestly----Visual Studio is probably the best IDE around, and has been since Borland got out of that business 15-20 years ago.
It is tied to MS, but it is also the best IDE for making Windows programs, easily. With it, you can get more done, faster, than any other non-MS IDE.
You may not believe this now--but once you get used to using VS, when you must use anything else you often end up wishing that you could use VS instead.
Yea, sure. And if you're actually working in CS and they tell you to use Windows and Excel, go to a different job...
I dunno where you are, but in the US there is a lot of employers who are 100% Microsoft--Vis Studio, Office and repo/cloud service.
And you are an idiot to think that you can get hired and walk in to an entry-level job, and insist that they change everything they already use just to suit you.
If anyone on here says that you should demand FOSS anywhere you go, it's a pretty good bet that they are a neckbeard teenager who hasn't held an IT job yet.
Damn, it was clear to me for years that burgerreich is a third world shithole.
But every time I read something like this it still surprises me.
Just use mono
I sort of agree, however they have quite a decent server with a good connection, so instead of going for microsoft they could have setup nextcloud or something. But yea, microsoft probably was the easier choice.
Public education in Germany isn't all that terrible, it's very uncommon to go to a private school over here. Mostly either rich chinks or children of football players etc.
Yea, I agree. I just setup a windows 7 VM with the classic theme and all settings turned down and it runs fine I guess. Visual studio obviously is the best IDE out there, FOSS IDEs don't even get close.
I guess I'll just force myself through this C# shit and then hopefully do C and ASM in vim or emacs.
I'm not saying that public education is terrible, just that they always are at the limit of their budget. Microsoft isn't objectively easier to learn or teach, but it is cheaper just by merit of more people already knowing it. It's also a barrier because most of what the average student knows is either Windows or sometimes surface-level Mac shit. So in any case, switching to FOSS systems and education is an extra cost of some sort.
I don't know how Germany's public schools settle their budget, but here in the US, we have school boards, so budget changes have to be approved by a panel that runs the school district, so you'd have to justify the cost, and it would have to be entirely with average effectiveness of education. If you can argue that it makes the education more effective in ways that would show real results (and possibly enable a bigger budget), then they might move toward it. If all you've got is ideological arguments, that's not going to sway a school board unless can demonstrate that it's a very widespread concern. I don't like Microsoft, but there's a big reason they're everywhere in education, and most of that reason is just that it's the most-known and least-friction option.
C# destroyed entire Microsoft ecosystem and they had to restart and completely change the way they develop, never forget
And there are people who want use it for everything else
Microsoft had already destroyed their ecosystem. It was fucking miserable writing C++ for Windows and I totally understand why MS devs were even using trash like VB to get away from it. 5 different variants of a function taking 10 arguments half of which are NULL or pointers to nested structures of NULL. I think I've got around 100 LoC somewhere just to do the equivalent of strerror() with FormatMessage().
stay jealous
Fuck off with that meme. It's not as if you can run NT software on UNIX clones.
My school was a proprietary software shop with 99% of the software used being proprietary software. I did all my coursework at the school not on my personal machines.
Just repurpose an old laptop for school and install windows on it or dual boot. Attempting to follow along in another OS isn't worth the effort.
Mine has an rdp server farm to remote right into it so rip its the QEMU/KVM experience for you
I'm sorry that your school fucking sucks.
your professor sounds like he never actually worked any where else other then a college. he should make the students of his class employable by forcing them to use either linux or windows. he is also probably homosexual. maybe you can suck his cock for an A
JetBrains entire fucking Toolsuite is free for all students all over the world. Fuck off Pajeetard.
only for .Net stuff, NetBeans is way better IDE
feels good man
Jetbrains is a decent IDE I guess, especially because of the linux support, but it doesn't compete with Visual Studio.
Might be true, however I don't feel like I have a need for a full blown IDE for anything other than .net because of that fancy drag and drop GUI designer etc. Emacs with documentation lookup and IntelliSense-like autocomplete is pretty neat
I can actually relate on every single one of these points (except Linux Mint which basically is Ubuntu). Still botnet.
It's going to be obsolete really fucking soon, especially with the shit Oracle has been doing. The teacher told us that 3 years ago they were doing Java in the introductory class but switched to C# cuz it's less obsolete lul
im going to school in america and my professors use unix well at least I think it is. only programming langauges I have so far learned and will ever learn is C C++ and (I guess not really a language) assembly. just do computer engineering not cs. you arent special euro fag.
dual boot than back to gnu/linux.
make sure to parition everything so you won't loose your personal asian child porn folder.
Go to class wearing your GNU/shirt and refuse to do anything unless you're allowed to use Objective-C compiled on GCC and Gnumeric for spreadsheets. Don't forget to buy an Israeli flag so you can burn it in front of the teacher while you do the GNU/dance.
Acting like rms and refusing to even touch computers running Windows is plain retarded out-of-touch nerd faggotry. Most of the great programmers I know tell me the same thing when I ask about their OS preferences--they'll use whatever they need to. (One even remarked that *nix-like proselytizers are "keeping the '90s alive.") In short, don't give any personal information, and (most of all) don't make a big deal of it--you are paying thousands for school, retard.
Whoops, looks like my virulence was misguided. Anyways, the German education system is practically the only good thing about that country, so don't be a sperg and stick with it.
So are threads like this. You know what to do, stop being a freetard and install Windows, or keep being a freetard and install Windows in a VM.
remember to eat your GNU/footcheese
But before that, make sure that the footcheese respects your freedom.
Try installing an Android apk in your Ubantu desktop, newfag. Then try saying Linux is more than just a kernel.
protip: emulators don't count.
An operating system is "the software that securely abstracts and multiplexes physical resources" (Tanenbaum, 1987). Sure sounds like Linux to me. While we're at it, from The Design of the UNIX Operating System:
All GNU programs are userspace and non-essential; rms is just using this as propaganda and you idiots are falling for it.
Get a RAM. They're pret ty cheap. Maybe a 4GB or 2GB x2. DDR2 is cheapo.
dualboot with a hdd caddy.
Not bad. Students need exposure to various kinds of software, and the command-line including ssh is at the top of the list. Macfags deserve the gas, though.
We've had this debate already.
This summed up my experience in CC perfectly in 2005, and I'm sure it's timeless with the exception of what game title was popular amongst the dinks.
I was in OP's situation in 2007, i taught myself OpenOffice, manual driver compilation, shit ton of Linux trouble shooting and everything telnet related to get my micro controller assignments done in Linux. When I showed my professor who was also the dept director, he put a recommendation in for me to get a job on the campus. You're just a monumental faggot.
its literally copypasta
There is a lot of stuff good about it here. University is not only practically frew, you can even get paid monthly for doing nothing (200-400€ better than nothing). Once you've finished your studies you only have to pay back HALF of what you got from them. And that even only if you are able to pay them back, so if you are unable to work for whatever reason you won't have to.
Communism is great.
It's not as garbage as ami education but you learn nothing anymore.
It's just mandatory indoctrination. Now go out into the world to save the migrants by letting them in and save the world from climate change etc.
The teachers of academic high schools unironically tell the students about worldwide basic income for doing nothing. The absolute state of indoctrination.
Not the actual content, but the three-track system works. Well, it wouldn't work in America, because Shaniqua thinks they kid be special and that the teachers are holding him/her down.
The fact that you didn't immediately explain you don't use Windows for various personal/political/religious reasons and that it's up to the school as an institution to accommodate you per ADA means you're not really serious tbqh
I'm really considering switching back to Windows 10 at this point
if you have to use an ide for java, why not just use intellij? it makes java a lot easier to program with unless they force you to use that retarded ide
This picture is strange... why would a cat (they can't taste sweets) enjoy licking frosting so much?
Your job isn't your life. Well, unless you're a normalfag, then it might be.
It's a special cat-cake I assume. Sweet stuff is bad for them.
I don't feel like it's super biased, but obviously it depends on the teacher. Haven't been told about basic income yet, however there are mandatory classes on politics and stuff in some states here where some of the big political parties here in germany are covered, but it wasn't like they were shilling for some ultra left-wing party. In German class there is some pro-communist literature read since many famous communists wrote in German, however it was also criticized a lot by my teacher back then.
I don't feel like you could call that indoctrination, except two examples where there definitely is a strong bias being pushed: 2nd World War and The BRD/DDR. Somewhat undeestandable since there still is a "feel-sorry-culture" among many Germans.
Why not use one thing for work and another for yourself? Lots of jobs will actually give you a laptop or work computer to use.
What the fuck do you think WINE does?
buy a Latitude to use as a sacrifice
The point of the class is to teach you to obey corporate conventions, so either do that or drop out. If you stay that makes you a cuck tbh
wait until you finish school lol
Story time. Once applied for a CS job that involved RPG (that's a computer language, not
"role playing game"). Bought book, taught self the basics (no pun intended) of the language. Went to interview, told them this, thought this would show initiative and dedication. Interviewer to my extreme surprise was my former 8th grade math teacher, who was a bitch back then, too. Asked me "why would you do such a thing? why not just take a class?" while giving me a look like I had grown an extra arm. Did not even get a "we chose someone else but thanks for playing" call back.
I wouldn't be surprised in Microsoft turned out to be partially behind the recent removal of Linus and his replacement by a tranny, just to drive people back to their shitty products
And here we see the classic freetard behavior, denying all and any responsibility and blaming microsoft instead