Was googling something just now, and came across something curious:
Kenyan gnu/linux users group
Is Africa the future of open source?
pic related
Was googling something just now, and came across something curious:
Kenyan gnu/linux users group
Is Africa the future of open source?
pic related
God dammit I hate "nerd" and "techy" (sic) culture. How can they prattle on about this garbage? Chad should have ended these people's lives, shoving them into lockers was clearly not enough.
Ubuntu is a Zulu word that means unity, Shuttleworth himself is a white South African so maybe this is related.
Looks like north africa has more linux users than the rest, except for gabon.
Niggers like Linux because its free and they're not smart enough to pirate Windows lmao
I installed it.
My computer got ebola.
All questions in headlines can be answered with no.
Not immediately. As Africans gain more access to the internet, it'll be through mobile devices at first.
I think how common linux is in Africa depends on how much Microsoft tries to push their products. There are a couple of barriers for Microsoft though, mainly how fast and reliable the internet is. If it's slow and unreliable (which it currently is), the frequent updates and cloud will be less appealing to consumers. And the Microsoft Managed Desktop won't be attractive to businesses. They have built two data centers in south Africa though so it's not all good news.
They do actual meetups in KFC! Cant make this shit up.
There are also few white guys:
I suppose the upper percentiles of the Kenyan bell curve attract eachother. Good for them.
Okay, I giggled.
They're probably more educated in white European culture than white Europeans. We've officially entered bizzarro world.
Never change Africa.
Kenya isn't a dictatorship.
Many African nations aren't dictatorships in name, but are extremely corrupt and will have the same president for years upon years.
Also, there might be some truth to his story.
I understand being fed up with forced diversity in western world, but how is Kenyan gnu/linux users group not a good thing? Why is this worth a thread?
I spent a small fraction of my childhood in Gabon, and it was mandatory that we have a photo of President Bongo (real name) in our home.
Democracy in Africa is a joke that not even the lowIQ inhabitants believe in.
The OP didn't imply that it was a bad thing, but you did.
You're seeing the cognitive dissonance between (1) a feeling of racial superiority and (2) the belief that using GNU/Linux makes you superior.
Statistically, you can expect a linux user to be smarter than a mac or windows user.
Keep entertaining, monkey.
kill all niggers
It is a good thing, OP is just racist.
Well, not OP, the people taking issue with it.
...Why yes! Yes it is.... ;>]
As someone who was born early enough to enjoy the great Linux age of the mid-90s, they actually look cool-- certainly better than us fatarses at HUMBUG who do a group crash at Pizza Hut. Their shirts are cleaner, too.
I envy how they very likely don't have Furries running around over there. Fuckdamn those guys were a pain with their cartoon porn on the LAN.
nearly shat myself laughing
Isn't Kenya the Canada of Africa?
shills pls go