It's pretty grim guys. Article 13 has passed with none of the amendments. At this rate, all our memes will have to be based on Public Domain, or Creative Commons works.
Article 13 Passed
Oh? This might not turn out so bad...
I haden't thought of that. But maybe this just makes memes less normalfag accessible.
This is Zig Forums in 2018.
It was a joke. If we had to resort to using nothing but public domain and CC licensed stuff as raw material for memes, yeah, it would be a bad thing. And there is plenty besides that to hate about this being passed.
That is the most punchable face I have seen in ages.
269 looks like she has downs
Fuck boomers
Because OP is a faggot:
>The European Parliament has voted on changes to the Copyright Directive, a piece of legislation intended to update copyright for the internet age. In a session this morning, MEPs approved amended versions of the directive’s most controversial provisions: Articles 11 and 13, dubbed by critics as the (((link tax))) and (((upload filter))).
>The legislation approved today still faces a final vote in the (((European Parliament))) in January (where it’s possible, though very unlikely, it will be rejected).
Generations don't exist
Jew gotta jew
I only create original content anyways.
It sounds like they're trying to corporatize the internet and make it sterile and fill it with only approved Jewlywood or BBC poz. Effectively making it another version of TV.
>most (((MSM))) silent so far over this — they prefer muh Hungary and muh Brexit instead
Source of pic related:
Straight from the horse's mouth:
Pic related of some cuckchanner tells a CEO of an indie musician's association to kill himself over this. Source:
our MSM was pushing for it and applauding result because the newspaper syndicate wants the piece of google/fb pie.
Make no mistake, this is a great thing for the internet in general because the practical solution is going to be for websites to simply firewall off EU IP's. Imagine an internet without constant whiny socialist. Thats the promise here.
Right conservatives win again!
Not having to talk to euro cucks sounds great
Google etc. will never leave the EU market, believing so exposes the utter lack intelligence of the Zig Forumstards.
I wish they would though tbh
>resisting (((link taxes))) and (((uploading filters))) is leftist
Heh. Fucking cucks.
You have autism.
The EU is pissing itself because the Internet allows people from every EU country to talk to each other and they're starting to notice that nobody (except corporations) actually likes the EU. And they know what happens to them if the EU ends.
What was the punishment for treason again?
They might be forced to segregate it. Europeans will end up on the separate but equal where there are no link summaries and most of the content has been censored.
Get back to drawing catgirls leftyfag. It's all you're good for.
If you love to repost memes, you are a pirate!
I'm sorry that picture is property of lazy town that's now 9 billion dollar fine yes
I was joking before, but we may very well have to resort to using CC and public domain content for meme material at some point.
oi this is the copyright police!
we have to take you away!
you have nowhere to run!
no, you fucking idealist.
you don't seem to realise how unenforceable that is.
It's unenforceable TODAY, sure, but look down the line a bit.
wow the future sucks
Weren't we trying to replace Pepe with a Rabbit at some point? Am I just imagining that?
Even with ultra-advanced image recognition technology, it's still quite unenforceable. Don't forget that normalfags, including police officers and especially tech workers, love unoriginal memes. I say it couldn't be as successful as the american alcohol prohibition.
Eurocucks love the EU. You are not resisting anything.
Wrong. They are not going after nobodies directly, that would be stupid. They will simply make the major platforms filtter everything out that is similar to anything copyrighted. Try uploading a pop song to youtube, they already have a system to detect & block it. Financial pressure will make those systems better and better.
I have. There are ways to outsmart the detection algorithm, as good as it is.
side note: theres something almost comfy about the thought of using deep/dark webs for meme distribution. it will be like early 4chan for the new generation
I guess we need to ip range europeans so sad
"better" lol
you mean find random patterns in videos and streams that looks like something and limit even more people who have done nothing wrong
even more and for even less
fuck you
Lel eucucks
Pretty much. It's the largest consumed media resource, why wouldn't they want to divide it up and eat it up while it's still alive?
But just like youtube those places will be filled with almost nobody and essentially be ghost towns. It's almost like they want to remove the influential outsiders from the public eye or something.
Yes, yes, YES.
Take a screenshot doofus.
Of course this is a far right thing. Why would anybody think this is a left-leaning proposal?
t. retard
Why are more rightist parties voting for more big evil gubmint then? Or do you perhaps wish to argue that pic related, which strongly supports this draconian governmental overreach, is socialist?
It's a Ubuntu screensaver so it's even worse. Unsurprisingly it's from Zig Forums.
so sad. such low iq.
All completely worthless individuals
Frankly, this. I live in this fucking cesspool, and I'm so fucking pissed with every fucking single decision those unelected assholes pushes on european countries. But seeing how it impacts the rest of the web is even worst. I looked up a local website in Dakota I think, and they refused the access because they noticed my IP was from europe and they wouldn't comply with their "tell users about cookies" policies. So they just decided to block all european IPs. Every website should do that. The bureaucratic abomination that is the EU is slowly creeping into worldwide policies, and getting it their way too.
I actually think this is their plan. I think they imagine they can fracture the web into a couple of different partitions: US, EU, Chink.
The web is dead, m8. It started with all the lame javascript that need bloated botnet browser, and it ends with this. Everything about it now is completely backwards of what was originally intended.
good euros belong on their designated shitting spots on the internet that have automatic copyright botnets scanning every thing uploaded and downloaded.
Do we have a list of who voted for what? Also what exactly are the amendments and what does the new thing say? For some reason I can't find any of this.
Does that meqn i can't post Pepe?
Actually, yes.
For bureaucrats that get to foist this on people they sure have dull, cattle like eyes.
Even normalfags are catching on now. The only question is whether it'll be enough.
Do anyone see the development of alternatives outside western nations like meshnets, drone wifi and pirate satellites?
It's not like there's worse censorship on shit like north korea, iran and china and they still pirate memes.
Yes, its going to be interesting over the next few decades because with companies like RocketLabs driving the cost to put satelites into orbit soon its going to be feasible to crowdsource an array of cubesats.
So Farage is a leftist now?
Same reason leftist parties vote for the same shit. It just so happens there are more cuckservatives than liberals.
German Anons, don’t vote for CDU, CSU, and SPD traitors
A strong state isn’t inherently leftist. Just look at the British Empire, Monarchist France, Imperial Germany, Imperial Japan, and Austro-Hungary for strong right-wing states.
I want corporate shills to leave.
I want corporate shills to leave.
Buy a gun. Oh, wait...
Those are Merkel's party and its coalition partners so any Germans voting for them are already cucked.
But all leftist states are big.
You mean the empire which treated its former colonies as a source of expendable cannon fodder when the Germans decided to try and push their shit in?
So much starvation and poverty the people rose up and literally chopped the heads of the ruling elite.
The empire which ruined Europe.
Picked a fight they knew they couldn't win and ended up getting nuked twice.
So incompetent that Serbia had to literally tell them they were behind the assassination of its head of state.
Its a bad thing, but it can be used as a weapon.
Victory by mandated imaginary property protection mechanism.
You have best military tho
They'll probably try it in America if they can get that law passed in the EU. So probably best to be on the lookout just in case.
Disney will probably try blaming the russians on anti-billion year copyright sentiment.
everyone of those who voted were elected through party elections in their respective country you fucking moron.
great idea. did your rabbi tell you that?
actually user none of them have jewish blood
France had a monarchy for many centuries, and they weren't starving that whole time. Contrast that to any communist government, and they come out ahead at least 10-1.
Don't reply to d&c shills, they've been doing the same thing on each European-only and American-only thread. I suspect they're the same group paid to make mutt memes.
Tbh Austria-Hungary was a really comfy state I would prefer them ruling eastern europe to eastern europe being blacked by the soviets
Australia and NZ will unironically be the last bastion of white people at this rate
Is that an abbo?
Nonetheless, the nation you're thinking of is Mexico- it's literally 56% white according to official statistics.
No. They're FAT.
For everyone saying it's unenforceable, expect an internet that requires your real ID to be next.
Which is more or less what Estonia is doing already I think.
Not really. There is one that isn’t.
and soon, China
Kurdistan doesn't exist as an independent state yet and I would lay money on them implementing a strong government as soon as they gain statehood.
Fat? or do you mean T H I C C?
It matters less what it was and more how it ends. The Spanish monarchy was prosperous for hundreds of years because of all the gold silver and precious stones they were pillaging from the new world yet it ended at the start of the 20th century with Spain being a pre-industrialized society.
Comparing monarchy to communism is like comparing AIDS to terminal brain cancer, I would rather have neither . Democracy is shit as well.
Same deal as the above with the French monarchy vs communism.
my neighbors name might turn in to amigo but at least I can post memes with out the botnet censoring it
So we have until january to hoard?
Why not start a hoarding thread, pointing to everything worth saving before it's gone?
Which is the whole point of IPv6.
May sound like a wild conspiracy, but its already been mentioned that on birth, each person should be assigned a /64 subnet. Then all through your life, every device including every IoT fridge, tv, etc will use an address from your /64 range. TIA.
The days of randomly assigned dynamic IPs are over and this new era will have total open routing between all devices (no nat, no firewalls). They will promote this because of the convenience offered: "well user....with proper encryption (((broken))) and firewalls on each device (((broken)))....this new IPv6 world will be so convenient, imagine being able to check on your fridge from anywhere with no need for complicated VPNs....anyway, you have nothing to hide, amirite?"
That's the point. I didn't get to vote for anyone else. I get to vote for one person amongst a list of ten, then that one person that was elected to be the representative for my country is fighting against thirty others. Big fucking deal.
This is completely ridiculous and not at all plausible.
Routing has zero to do with identity and a lot to do with network topology, trying to change that is as stupid as using your system clock as a clipboard.