In the near future, files will not take any diskspace
Thanks Microsoft!
In the near future, files will not take any diskspace
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In ten years, it'll be a federal crime to own hard drives.
In ten years, it's a crime to store information at home.
yeah nah. *people* still has data limit in freedom land
>"acqueerah sum hard data, nigga yah undahstah?"
We cyberpunk now.
"Cloud storage" is just reinvented FTP.
In any case, the lisp machine has done this properly since the late 1970s. I'm glad someone made this point. Perhaps the real point should not be that ftp wildcardsare not done right in unix, but that in fact unix (and somany other operating systems, for that matter) still have touse ftp at all. After all, for many years not only have lispms done `ftpwildcards' right, but they have also successfully kept mostusers from even knowing that FTP was involved at all bymaking the entire FTP-level dialog occur at an internallevel not ever seen by most users. Most lispm users wouldbe shocked to know the complexity of what goes on underneathan innocent-looking lispm command like: Command: Copy File (pathnames of files) PETER-PAN:[JOE]FOO.LISP;* (to) PEGASUS:/ufs/misc/joe/*But mostly those users are happy that they never have toknow. The sad part about unix is not just that people haveto know about ftp programs, connection protocols, details offilename syntaxes and how to convert them, etc. but that theimplementors aren't even apologetic, and perhaps don't evenrealize that there's something amiss. So far as I can tell, computer science has been executing a rapid rearward strategic advance since 1980, starting with the loss of the TKTVs.That's for sure.
MacOS has done this since at least Sierra, the cattle love it.
I can't wait to store my personal files on some one else's computer
Cloud storage is just storage on the (((cloud))).
No worries, I'll use tapes.
And a few months ago it was 'Windows 10 will use AI to make updates better'. Every few months they try to associate some new tech buzzword to their dying brand in order to make it seem relevant.
What have we been warning you about for the st several months?
The kikes always have the last laugh. Always. Linux can't save you now. The Day of the Cloud is fast approaching.
Yes, a big cloud of laughing gas to put all those kikes to sleep.
First Microsoft decided that its users are too incompetent to decide when to update their system (or when to reboot), now they've decided that their users are too incompetent to decide when to delete a file.
The horrifying thing is that Microsoft isn't all that wrong when it comes to the people still left on Windows.
t. shlomo
Fucking horrible decision. This means you'll have to stream all the files you want to access and so there's now additional waiting times in the file explorer.
I swear, Apple will do the same thing.
You know what I'd like? If I had a server storing files from my computer that I use less and less. Accessing that computer to get the files over 1000/1000 is not bad. But oh, why do we even have 1TB hard drives then?
The software market is retarded. It's time to install GNU/Linux.
Only if you sign up for iCloud.
They've been talking about this since 2005, but everyone told them it was a retarded idea then. It still is now. Just turn off OneDrive and block it in hosts. Also >Windows
Bad choice :^)
this is your brain as nu-dev
NPCs will eat this shit up.
They'll sell it to the normalfags as zero-effort backup and restore. Easy peasy.
That's an odd way of spelling normalfag, fuck off reddit.