Python introduced breaking changes because faggots
Python introduced breaking changes because faggots
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This is why real men will always program in C.
who fucking cares dude, python always breaks stuff with updates
It's not even a month since Guido left.
One more reason why Ruby is better. Matz wouldn't allow this sort of faggotry
Well, Python is officially dead.
Good to know it's definitely faggotware now.
This shit is why I stick with Ansi C. That's safe until they get a time machine.
Guido's the one that stopped discussion on it. He didn't leave Python development.
surprising but true.
Out of Perl, Python, and Ruby--
Lua is the least cucked.
Lua is done by a mulatto communist Jew.
Perl and Ruby are both GPLed and of the divine inspiration.
You are a nigger for even comparing them to Lua.
Well, I will bet that Ruby gatherings are way more pozzed.
I await the day when the machine learning community moves away from this train-wreck of a language (which is currently the only reason to use Python).
Must be difficult being you in the summer when everyone is tanned and acting like hippies. You probably survive by thinking: at least they're not jewish.
Stop acting like a newfag. Jew is a dysphemism for "the man" and nigger is an dysphemism for his pawn or slave. What you say are of no relevance to Lua.
Quite a projection, faggot
I use LuaJIT, it's cool even if a little wonky. Performance is great and it can hook up dynamically linked libraries without explicit Lua support in them. Don't particularly care about who's making it.
t. communist jew nigger
Please mentally ill people, stay away from EE. We don't want you here.
Oh wow, you're not even kidding.
It's like you hate being white
Someone fork it and change the wording to "Jew" and and "Goy".
I wanted to be black when I was a kid. Still not possible with modern science.
If only it was true, faggots and jews would be gone.
Glad I switched to Julia since it hit 1.0
Corporations will hire these people into very high-ranking tech lead positions. I mean, they contributed to a programming language! They didn't just contribute to software, they contributed to a freaking LANGUAGE! What a go-getter! Meanwhile, what has a NEET like you done? I don't care if you solved np = p on a piece of napkin, you have zero work experience so fuck you, your resume goes into the trash (and besides, everybody knows that the 'n' in 'np' means not! So how can not-p = p? Silly NEETs!).
Is there a website that list for every lang / soft who is behind it ? And what ((())) they support ?
Something like :
X is a tranny
X promotes CoC
So I can only execute Aryan code on my hardware. Thanks
There will be after you make it. Get to work.
The thread in the bug report is telling. This VStinner guy asserts that he has evidence that people find "master"/"slave" triggering, but he can't release it. Privacy and all that.
It's funny to me, because this guy is basically Zig Forums. He's a fascist and acts in bad faith in order to advance his own personal power. He doesn't care about "diversity", he cares that other users are banned for disagreeing with him. The only difference between the fascism he supports and Zig Forums's fascism is their respective Jews. (Who are actually the same Jews when you read between the lines of SJW thought.)
I know. I know.
< Muh horseshoe theory!
Fuckers like this show off how real it is, though.
I mean, who the fuck really believes that you can increase diversity by pandering to mentally ill people? Want to know how to increase diversity? Take smart black children from their parents and remove them from stupid black children, so that they don't grow up to be niggers. Take smart girls from their parents and remove them from stupid other children, so that they don't grow up to be feminists. Notice that it's always blacks and women. No one talks about how pajeets and chinks are over-represented in tech. That's not a problem (if people need to be fired to make room for the niggers and cunts, it's white men who will be fired first).
quit overreacting you faggots
The backend will be ANSI C.
Guido had never left. What he stopped is directing the direction of the language. He's still a part of the python community.
The cianiggers strike again. Python was always shit tbh. Stick to sh or perl you faggots or write a better language for multi-core in order instruction computing.
I'm never using python again!
Archive link so you can see the comments:
>the recent (((Redis))) brouhaha (but not that licensing one) mentioned in context for this shit
Devs' discussion:
Python is not some hobby project. What a high level of disrespect to their developers by trying to be respectful to non-developers. Like how can you lack care this much for such a big project.
How can you seriously devote multiple people to making a change so technically AND socially, insignificant. This is not even change for changes sake either, this is breaking changes for no reason whatsoever. Literally just "Fuck it man!" level of attitude under some bullshit guise.
I'm beyond sick of this shit. People kept saying this kind of behavior wouldn't creep it's way into anything meaningful, and time and time again it keeps happening.
I cannot stand to witness this level of wasted effort, for both parties. The Python team themselves, and their users who now have to deal with this mess.
Yeah, it's always the same story. They claim to want to be inclusive and welcoming by by doing this but end up excluding and banning massive amounts of people.
Imagine being a muslim from Saudi Arabia and wanting to contribute some free software project but they demand you to accept some haram western European tranny worshipping CoC, which would violate your religious beliefs. In the name inclusivity SJW CoC's ironically exclude most people who aren't western European/American.
now cropped for her pleasure
the face of treason
this is why france is filled with shitskins
register did an article about it.
even the bongs don't like it,there's a ton of comments against it, though they are probably all going to be arrested. these comments are illegal in bongland
These comments are not illegal in England.
oi mate, do you have a loicense for that BIDF you're engaging in
Archive of article:
Archive of the full register thread:
skipped through to try and see what language this was related to without getting too much feminism
not a single slide of code spotted, in any language
Might as well be bull and cuck
Fire-Crackers are retards.
t. Chinese
Thanks, I really didn't need a reminder that my country is nearing US levels of pozz.
We need a picture of a sad dominatrix.
What a faggot, has he nothing else better todo then introducing breaking changes for "diversity reason"? And so far he didn't even chimed on the discussion why he is pulling this shit.
It's horrible for HPC, anyways. Who the fuck uses python when performance matters?
This, but unironically.
holy shit you are retarded
Honestly, it's not. At least the cutting edge degeneracy like transthings.
In that case they're using Python to call highly optimized libraries written in performant routines.
Still racist against Native Americans.
That's bigoted against colorblind people.
our baseline is less cucked than anywhere else in the world, though, and that baseline has a lot of guns.
Lots of guns, but where's the will to use them?
I have vitiligo, you faggot.
I want to stragle these fucking people. A "worker" is not a "slave". Unless you subscribe to Marxist ideology. Really makes you think...
What are the odds that the PR was just supposed to be a joke? That he just wanted to see if the Python guys would really do it?
How the hell does this surprise you
Just make sure to continue using these terms in all your projects. Do not submit to the idiocy of political correctness.
people who think "slave" is problematic should be fired, as a form of political resistance, especially if they're wasting time going around renaming variables. making slave a bad word because there's a 0.0005% chance it will remind someone of their great great great grandfather is a straight train to a shitty communist world
[disclaimer: i have no idea what the context of these bugs are and they are probably out of context like everything in the e-drama scene]
But user, if you are a worker then your boss is the capitalist master. Thus you are a slave!
Break free from your shackles brother! Renaming all variables will make all related evil disappear!
You can use Ruby without CoCks, nigger. In fact, that's the only way people (as opposed to hipster trash) have ever used it.
nigger, wat? Zig Forums is a mob of anons. Namefags get the gas right after jews and all.
If your primary data types are hundred-thousand-row matrices and/or million-digit precision floats rather than single-word numbers, it doesn't matter much what glue language you use to string together operations (themselves likely written in highly-optimised CUDA) on them.
>This comment was marked as off-topic.
>rsaleri Sep 12, 2018
>merged commit 012f5b9 into python:master
kekkity kek
Ruby is not Rails you mouthbreathing retard.
Yeah these people deserve to get trolled
LMAO but I think they could actually do something like that as a 'friendly warning'... Don't give them ideas.
we've got to think of the poor non-native speakers who might mimic master/slave usage without knowing -- the horror!
they're going to do it
cuckchan had this a few weeks ago
Kek I am a non-native speaker and the fact they think I'd screw up master/slave terminology of all things insults my intelligence more than anything
What's new
It's nice to see the Python Foundation trolling anonymous retards.
Off topic, but the OP bothers me. He said he didn't trust politicians and that the best system is one where the best interests of the people are put first. So either the OP is saying that fascism puts the interests of the people first, or that a politician considers his talk of not trusting politicians to be equivalent to fascism.
Python is fucking dogshit for babbies and talking about Star Wars is a better use of this thread. Also Ahsoka is so much better than Padme it's impossible to overstate it.
How else do you troll people if not by causing them discomfort? Are you retarded?
It isn't causing user or Zig Forums discomfort, it's causing the people that are using Python day to day discomfort. It's obvious the SJWs that don't write code suggested and pushed this through because they're the only ones that would even think such a change would be accepted by the wider community.
You somehow managed to make me cringe more than the SJWs. Well done lad that's impressive
We need somebody to dress up in black armor and shoah you for the greater good of society.
Anyway, I'm enjoying the spectacle. These days SJWs troll better and more efficiently than Zig Forumstards, and it's usually the former who become the food, not vice versa.
Christ its getting worse just stop
Let's summarize
Ebin trolling
You're pretty fucking cringey yourself.