Leaf: (pic related)
Tulip: youtube.com
Pixie: youtube.com
Leaf got upvotes on Hacker News but got almost no attention at all. Every forum made for the language is just the author posting about it every few months.
Tulip is "Intersectional Feminism: the Programming Language" but all interest in the language seems to have died, coinciding with the Strange Loop presentation about it.
Pixie looks a lot less political than the other two, but it seems to have completely died just like Tulip--the moment it was presented.
Are there any other languages like this? Where the author finally manages to show the language to the world in a big way (as big as Strange Loop anyway), and then gives up?
Failed conference languages
just when i thought the meme languages of the day were boring enough, they moved to "politics"-based language design
"politics" because american "your racist, no you're racist" debates barely even qualify as politics
Perl 6.
that's a failure in many senses, but not in the "nobody is even developing it sense"
Perl 6 is not an OPs language.
It was started in 2000 and has been made into a failure intentionally.
Nobody is going to adopt some random idea guy's language, no matter how special you think it is. If you want your language to be successful you have to write your own real useful programs in it, which will drive development of practical features, bring in people that have to learn said language to contribute to your programs, and signal to the world that your language is serious because this project or this organization uses it. If you aren't prepared to do that and face years of little to no adoption, then your language isn't going to be taken seriously and frankly it probably never solved any problems that mattered in the first place.
I wonder if this is why Tulip died?
The best compilers are made by PoC that don't think they know anything about compilers.
another programming thread about programming languages made by trannies and dykes that are garbage and barely functional. its almost like its not that hard to make a barebones scripting language. really makes you think.why even ask questions about "what languages that are like this" there are like 10 choices rust,c,c++,python,perl,javascript,c#,java,lisp,ada(I'm skipping a few because it doesnt matter)
pick one. it doesnt matter how shit it is aslong as you can get your shitty little program to work. all these random weird random programming langauges made by weird people that are incomplete and no one uses are bad because of the fact that you cant get any support for it and you cant work on projects using this programming language because no one else uses it. eat shit and die.
user, I'm not advertising these languages. Leaf's author declared it dead. Pixie and Tulip stopped showing any signs of life right after their Strange Loop presentations. They are dead. Deader than things that have no business not being dead, like newLISP. Deader than things with minute-long compile-times on tiny newbie programs and that are suitable for no practical purpose, like most of the dependent-type languages.
if you still think this thread could persuade anyone to use these languages, go watch that Tulip video. It's hilarious.
so they decided to have a culture where nobody uses the language!
I still have no idea what's "unapologetically femme" about the language, though.
I don't either. If they had actually made a language that embodied some ideology, I would have been a bit impressed and interested at what they did, no matter that it was some mental tranny shit.
I remember when Haxe was being hyped up for a while, it got further than conference stage, but I don't think I've ever seen it in the real world.
I don't trust a language when the main implementation of the compiler isn't self hosting. Well specifically, I don't trust that the developers of the language know anything about compilers. They are either lazy, or haxe cant be used to write a haxe compiler.
blz: blazingk.in
This one is under active development and it will never appear in a conference, but it's sort of comparable in how pitiful an effort it is.
Problem: One of the main devs are in HK, I know that guy and he admits it is mediocre
Haxe is mostly used by vidya, surprisingly. Anything written in OpenFL (including popular shit like Papers, Please) uses Haxe, as does Armory3D and an 8/agdg/ user who shipped two games written in the language.
Jesus, what a shitshow. Transgenderism is a mental disorder.
Oh boy, have I got a some languages for you OP, there's a thousand little * to Lua transpilers, most of them die immediately, but they're still complete, and I still consider them when I'm about to start a new project:
Red is still a thing.