These were the scenes at a Trump rally last night after a woman in the crowd fainted – his enraptured supporters broke into a spontaneous rendition of Amazing Grace as Trump himself nodded along in approval.
Thought so, I remember seeing him (it?) going on a tirade on Zig Forums ages ago about how bisexuality is good because of Alexander the Great or some shit
Jace Fisher
Oh fuck off
Liam Wood
Noah Young
im sorry lad i was just quoting the video I'm sure you're very handsome
picture of a goblina trying to work a voting machine when
night lad, hopefully tomorrow will bring good news
Sebastian Nguyen
Hudson Cox
woke insight: the most significant result of tonight is Florida voting to allow felons to vote. this means that Florida will vote against Trump in 2020, which means that Pennsylvania will decide the 2020 election, which means that Trump will probably lose in 2020
Ted Cruz and DeSantis won, dems narrowly win house, your state became a dudeweedlmao safe space, and Florida will let felons vote which means Trump will lose 2020
Brayden Hernandez
can't wait to watch alegs take a shite on bebo o'rekt tomorrow
Camden Collins
I just need to know the final result and what it means tbh
blue house + red senate = no laws get passed (unless it's something like giving trillions of dollars to Israel)
felon voting in Florida = Trump loses in 2020
dems underperformed = libshits will be salty
that's it
Mason Wood
only heard that from you so far.
Jack Morgan
its hyperbolic memmieshit
Jordan Hill
JF Stream
David Duke live right this minute
Jackson Jones
reminder to filter spic because he is like herts but more shite and autistic
Juan Ross
reminder to filter spic because he is like herts but more shite and autistic
minnesota got somali'd
Luke Fisher
also this deadlock is going to fuck the stock market even more which is delicious
Jason Thompson
yeah, feels that way, has the smell of blackpilled doom porn about it
Cameron Perez
how am I like Herts?
Adrian Ortiz
florida is not even an important state since the year 2000 tbh
Cameron Jackson
bs. Fagifornia, Jew York, Texas, and Florida are the most important states
Xavier Lewis
I also suspect that a lot of felons don't vote, because they don't give a shit about society
Brayden Roberts
yeah its boomer memmies like dead people voting, it happens but it is less effective than it appears
Xavier Taylor
Is it going ok for Trump then? Just got on.
Christopher Baker
Robert Morales
I think some seats in California will flip. Would be funni.
Jason Fisher
they haven't assassinated trumo yet because electric pence and the messianic jews would usher in teotwawki prematurely, so they're bigging up cruz for VP come 2020. the problem with cruz is that he's a loose cannon but is a step up for reptilian interests as long as ted can have his fill of killing strange whores on the side. - Q