Fuck open source devs

Not everyone is a programmer you lazy fuckwits, just fix your fucking software!

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If you're posting on Zig Forums you can do it.

Open source is really an excuse to do a half assed job and put all the blame on the user for "not fixing it yourself" or contributing to development, and saying they're not obliged to add/fix things since they're not profiting from it.

It also makes it impossible for people who are more design/UI/UX oriented to contribute since programmers won't listen to them.

This is why OSS is shit.


why make your software open source if you don't want to deal with people?

t. butthurt webdev
There are reasons we of the logic-minded master race don't listen to you cunts. You have bad ideas, your UI design appeals to the lowest common denominator which reflects poorly on us, and we don't agree that your lifestyle of taking cocks in the ass and in the mouth is a sign of a visionary.

You will sit down, shut the fuck up, and make the UI the way we want it to be because we know what it needs to do and you don't. UIfags getting their way is how we ended up with the office ribbon, Adobe cancer, and giant green OK buttons that take up 1/4 of a smartphone's screen.

Attached: 1469034663190.jpg (321x352, 42.67K)

It's the same reason Linux never became the dominant Desktop OS before it got cucked.

Make a fleshed-out suggestion that is reasonable to implement and I'll think about it. Yes, that includes ALL current use cases, including the ones that aren't interesting to you. No, you can't ignore platform limitations, or i18n if the software is internationalized. No, I will not change the software into something completely different just because you think it looks pretty.

t. nodev

Yes, OSS devs have an ego problem. For example: github.com/DeaDBeeF-Player/deadbeef/wiki/FAQ

All that arrogance for not even being the best music player (that's QuodLibet)

lmao my dude

Attached: 14251202.jpg (239x316, 10.56K)

webdev status: TOLD

Hahaha OP has no skills.

t. soyboy webdevs fear-grimacing over Metro UI

Yeah yeah, mommy's here to give you your (You).

If you want to report a bug follow the developer instructions.
Otherwise just shut the fuck up.


that's a feature
we DO NOT want "UX" retards contributing to our software and tools
every victory for "UX" is a loss for computing as a whole
"UX" seeks to hide the computer, details and customizability and streamline everything to the point of not needing to think

nobody but you is upset luser

to make life good for other hackers who can read source code and maybe even improve it if they care enough
it's not open source so lusers can spam the issue tracker with feature requests

Just bountysource it faggot

Just make a pull request faggot.