Haiku OS
Is this the future now that (((they))) have subverted linux?
Any anons have experience with it?
Should I prepare to make the jump?
Haiku OS
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Nice thumbnail, nerd.
Thanks nerd
Haiku has always been the future, but unfortunately it isn't really usable as your main OS. Treat it like TempleOS: Be a white man and boot the iso file in a VM and play around. Right now, the best option is to email people behind Linux kernel and try to make them listen to reason. If that doesn't work, then OpenBSD, NetBSD and Dragonfly BSD are the only realistic alternatives to Linux. Has anyone used OpenIndiana?
It has a CoC, but at least it's not the SJW version. Might give it a try soon. Tribblix also looks nice.
Looks like Haiku is x86 only? I'm trying to migrate to ARM.
Anyway there's also the AROS project that's kinda like Amiga. Allegedly it can run natively on various hardware like x86 and PPC.
Briefly. It ran slow and came with ancient software.
You idiots keep posting alternative systems and thinking they are not full of commies. They are ALL pozzed. Programmers are all cucks. Search just a tiny bit before shilling everything.
Autists still can't accept that we're headed for an eternal leftist regime and we can do nothing to fix it. Non-Marxist thought is dying in many places around the world and SJW are gaining influence in everything.
They won
Kek, just go get your tranny op already, you fucking loser.
t. nodev
I see you 2 are well versed in the content farm.
maybe you should just kill yourself then
Fuck you.
Kill yourself cuck
45 IQ
Autists never learn.
Nothing will improve. Everything has fallen. There is no escape from (((them))). The SJW regime always wins and that's an inarguable fact.
Enjoy your newly discovered highly-effective trolling tactic. It's not gonna last.
Haiku is unironically pretty great. Its really gaining traction with R1 Beta coming out. If encourage you to give it a download, read the docs, and join the mailing list and/ or head over to #haiku on freenode. It's really a nice and extremely comfortable OS.
I can say, from personally experience, that Haiku is the future of modern computing.
I need an OS that supports 60 fps video minimum on a 4k display with an Nvidia 970. Until I get that most OSes are more or less unusable to me.
Niggers will catch wind and implement SJW crap into it. However, it seems like an awesome project regardless.
Why? No one in this thread says why it's a great OS. Are we just talking about some architectural decisions that don't actually affect the end user at all?
Architectural decisions do affect the end user. Everything in GNU/Linux systems is so modular yet everything has dependencies, that the further down you go it's just a huge clusterfuck of impending obsolescence of software the user may want or need. Consider gtk revisions, the move from X to Wayland, systemd's scope creep, etc. Many normalfags users that can't be assed to maintain their own software will resent when changes to the distro fucks their shit up. They will also notice how long it takes to boot up or shutdown. Haiku and Windows have it right, the desktop environment, window manager, and display server, and the GUI API should be a tightly integrated standard thing so application developers don't need to worry about changes fucking them over and forcing massive rewrites. The users also benefit from the added consistency between applications. You don't end up with one app having a file picker without thumbnails and one having a kick-ass for picker. Windows however is bloated as fuck (although that's gotten better recently despite their increase in CIA nigger spyware and kikery) and makes money off forcing you to buy new versions of Windows so breaks compatibility between versions on purpose (planned obsolescence).
does haiku have a cute girl yet
How come you can run Emacs on Haiku but not on MINIX3?
No argument without a proof
templeos is sjw free
Have you been in #templeos lately???
AROS has a furry waifu for u. More pics here:
yiff in hell
Good point. #foss is the official TempleOS channel
is that a even a OS issue
rather a driver issue ?
I would like to see a catgirl or japanese kemono style version of the AROS girl.
Doesn't it have FreeBSD code, after the FreeBSD CoC-ing over I'm not looking for a FreeBSD distro.
Exciting! Drawfags should get to work.
Reminder that art/characters need to be declared licensed as GPL
Agreed though I don't mind tasteful furry girls.
Posting from Haiku OS nightly build Live ISO running from qemu.
It is kinda slow without KVM enabled, but I remember earlier releases running quite nicely on bare metal.
What I also remember is driver issues, especially video (only VESA-BIOS resolutions, none of them fitted my screen) and wifi (probably can be fixed by installing necessary blobs manually?).
Sadly I can't test those drivers in a virtual machine.
Also, I just learned that Haiku OS is written in C++.
Just some FreeBSD drivers. Haiku's isn't UNIX-based.
The glory of BSD is it's a cuck license so Haiku doesn't have to give them cred.
It's wicked fast on bare-metal. Like seriously fast.
Yes this is unfortunately true except for just a few older Nvidia cards
Not true. They received a bunch of money to write/ port WiFi drivers. All my WiFi cards are supported. You should google before you post.
Nice reddit spacing faggot. Also since you can't even program in any language but HTML, your opinion really doesn't matter.
Hmm, hmm, maybe I'll look into it.
Aren't these other OSes already CoCed? I'm pretty sure the BSDs are. I know the seL4 microkernel is. Why jump ship from Linux being CoCed if you're just going to another CoCed OS?
Haiku isn't CoCd
FreeBSD is pozzed as fuck but the rest are still fine.
Illumos is our best bet probably. It's a fork of OpenSolaris so it has first rate ZFS support. It also supports KVM and Linux LX containers (it can run native Linux programs). Also has a great package manager with plenty of packages. I've been using OmniOS on my home server since 2014 and it's been great. It has real hardware support. For desktop use I would recommend OpenIndiana (don't get scared away by the hipster naming scheme).
I took a look at OpenIndiana, it seems possible to get the Virtualbox guest additions running on it.
That's a relief. I still don't like the cuck license, though. Going to give OpenBSD a try anyway.
Illumos (Solaris) is officially supported both in a Virtualbox host and guest with the guest additions. You should really be using KVM if you're using VMs to get a performance boost (which is also natively supported as a host and guest with virtio). OpenIndiana has real hardware support too. I meant that Illumos and its distros all have real hardware support. You can easily load and boot OpenIndiana on a flash drive and try it out.
Suprisingly reasonable, I wonder if they would bow down to pressure to get it changed which SJWs definitely would.
Don't fucking bother.
Read and
The kikes are verywhere. We can't escape. It's the end of FOSS as we know it.
Bumping for the lazy fuck that seems to think he's too good to check the catalog.
I hope you are getting paid well for this. You seem to be everywhere.
No we should be fighting back and reclaiming our territory. Fragmenting FOSS further is exactly what (((they))) want us to do.
It would however be funny if we could do something along the lines of C+= again and fork Linux to make it ultra SJW politically correct parody.
That's not even the point. If all is already lost then there is nothing further to lose in "fighting back". The defeatist argument defeats itself.
Why does the board owner endorse this fucking guy?
Because newfags need to learn how to not feed the trolls.
I've installed Haiku nighly build on a slow-ass dual core Atom 1.66 GHz computer with 2GB ram. I can play anime in 480P resolution and shitpost on Zig Forums, which is all I really did with my computer anyway.
Now I just need to figure out how to compile GIMP and all its dependencies, and then I'll install it on my fast quad core. Linux and Wangblows were barely usable on my dual core, and Haiku was a big improvement. I'm excited to see how fast it will be on my quad core.
Haiku is also a great OS politics-wise because it states it is a meritocratic project. I'll send an email to the developers stating how I appreciate that, and I advise everyone else using Haiku to do so as well - we can't let the kikes get away with complaining about everything they don't like.
Forking is their exact tactics and none of their projects have survived because their are not interested in code, but the original projects panicked and introduced a CoC in their project to appease the trolls.
So to draw on these snowflake trolls experiences forking is not a bad solution, even as only a political statement, but I think it would be more effective to do a fork on hackers terms where it is still okay too have a hackerish humour. That is what we are defending here and I believe that is what most real hackers want (not fond of the man). Then perhaps the original project would feel a bit of a panic and self reflection and introduce an anti-CoC.
Hey blackpill shill, have you cut off your dick yet? Otherwise we can't believe you actually believe what you're typing. Show us the proofs of your new front hole.
So fucking what? If you want your pure Arian-fascist OS, with no free spirits then go ahead, that'll, just like a SJW-fascist system, also suck.
Why is the window title bar cut off? It looks gay. I'll forgive it if you can merge windows together into tabs.
Yes you can!
centrists gtfo reeeeeeeeeeee
How do I do that? I've looked in all the preferences menus and can't find that option. It'd be pretty epic if I could do that, but for some reason I don't think it's possible because that functionality is already provided in the form of the deskbar.
Just hold down the command key (windows key), grab the tab, and drag it on top of the other tab, and let go.
Holding shift while grabbing the tab moves it vertically along the window boarder
Holding command and dragging the edge of a window to another joins them at that edge.
There's a couple of other GUI features like that. You did read the docs before posting, right user?
haiku masterrace
I might actually try this.
I think I just got meme'd into installing Haiku
Dear Haiku-fag,
I have different distros of linux running fine on my stuff. what is it that I am doing that you are not? I use SSDs on all of them for one.
He's using an atom N450 you rightist retard.
It'd be usable for me if there was a web browser that doesn't get slow downs on more complex websites and wouldn't crash so often.
There's also a bug that sometimes the USB keyboard and/or mouse stop working.
You're not running haiku...
Fuck gentoo and install Haiku
Haiku looks comfy as fuck. I need to get a guarantee that they will not adopt the contributor covenant before I use it.
The developers said it's a-political.
On #haiku in freenode the other day
Ok. On Wikipedia it says it is a 32-bit distro. That's not true, is it?
Are googles servers fucking offline or something? Are you incapable of holding your own little cock when you pee, also?
From the FAQ
The 64-bit night lies are stable-ish and R1 Beta should be released soon.
I’m going to get on the Haiku train asap. Legit scared as fuck that the future Linux builds will be unstable and exploitable as hell.
I own a business and RELY on my software being secure.
Haiku is a single user desktop operating system, not a server OS. If you want security and stability you should probably go with OpenBSD.
Nothing inherently insecure about single-user when it's done right. Remember haiku is barely getting into beta tho.
Nevertheless, it suites my needs swimmingly!
use 9front and become a part of the solution instead of complaining about the problem. coding with 9front is really fun!
People tell me to install gentoo. Fuck gentoo I'll install haiku instead thank you very much.
worse than the librexp shills tbh
9front is fucking garbage
very much want
Me too.
explain yourselves, 9front is fucking good
not the ones you linking to, but:
- absolutely no software
- parts 9front is good at aren't very useable in single user environment
- there was some cucking drama in mailing list/irc, I'm not sure on the details.
9front looks edgy as fuck.
I'm still working on my programming. I may end up using something more unusual later on when I can develop software for myself and so I can actually contribute somehow. Using something like that right now could slow down my learning. Anyway, I decided that I want to use NetBSD. I like it a lot. I can try Haiku later, but now is not the time. If you have the skills to help any alternative to Lignux, you should do it. Being stuck only with Lignux isn't freedom.
Very true. I am thinking about trying out DragonflyBSD myself. Haiku right now is making too much of a jump as my main system. it would be like taking up an obscure linux distribution without guaranteed support in the future.
so.... no software and "edgyness"? I expected more honestly. But oh well.
my man
Haiku is designed for desktop usage; this means:
- the UI toolkit is multithreaded
- much of the API is internally multithreaded
- there is an API for 'converters' that allow you to, for example, turn a PDF into a PNG or an mp4 into a webm without the program actually knowing about its inputs
- the UI toolkit itself is tightly integrated into the rest of the OS
- it is not tied down by backwards compatibility dating to the 60s
- the UI is not designed for smartphones
Does this mean I will get a BIG speed boost from a 2 core vs a 4 core? I'm looking forward to that, but I need to do more research into compiling gimp and whatever before I make the jump.