>Female developer (((SJW))) takeover in full effect
I know it's been this way for a while, but in the last few days it has been a big blackpill.
Some hot takes from the Zogcombinator thread:
Source: news.ycombinator.com
>Female developer (((SJW))) takeover in full effect
I know it's been this way for a while, but in the last few days it has been a big blackpill.
Some hot takes from the Zogcombinator thread:
Source: news.ycombinator.com
Other urls found in this thread:
Look at those gums!>>972860
What kind of mystery meat are we dealing with here? She's as highly abstracted as her programming language of choice.
Always a good hint.
Since no technology is going to be discussed here anyway, someone explain to me why HN is such a big deal.
For casual eye it looks like proto-reddit, with half its features and not that big of a userbase, and yet people talk about it as if it was capital of the internet or something.
That should explain it completely when they are building impossible programs if they were impossible they wouldn't be built. That whole movement is an engineered fast acting cancer and if it does not spread, they end up killing each other. The world of programming is going to enjoying their Tender Mercies.
I figure when they're brain dead mimetic programming ends up killing several hundred people in a few hours time, that's when the adults will be able to put a hand back in.
It's marginally better than reading the news, and slightly more entertaining than Reddit. It's even more entertaining if you're in on the joke. Come for the links, stay for the comments from Silicone Valley-based nobodies who think they are Larry Page.
Capital is the operative word user.
That said, don't expect anything revolutionary from HN. It is what it is, a Reddit for people who are slightly less autistic than we are.
Her teeth are so small, it's like her baby teeth never fell out, they're strange.
HN is cancer. It was only briefly not cancer when /r/programming (a community that had fled from slashdot) fled from the normalfaggotry that had flooded reddit after digg committed suicide and was worsening. There was a rules 1 & 2 equivalent in the early days where you were not supposed to mention the site elsewhere out of fear the horde would find us again. They did, and webdevs started seeping in. It became terminally ill and passed away almost decade ago. We should have burned the corpse.
Nuke everything.
What's wrong with its mouth?
unlike most women in tech she can actually program
I thought cancerous language like this fell out of the HR departments primarily staffed by women, not men.
>If there are no men, nobody can get harassed by men. That’s it. That’s the entire hack. This has the, to me, unpleasant side effect of excluding lots of people who I would like to hang out with. It means you need to be careful about making it clear that trans women are welcome, and make some careful decisions about nonbinary folks. But it still sometimes makes people feel safer, and that’s what we’re trying to do.
kek. All trannies will die on DOTR.
Using their shamelessness to get into women only things like changing rooms deserves a painful death. (In the German Bundeswehr (army) they unironically let "women" with dicks into the women's changing rooms. Fucking jews.)
Big gums and small teeth is a common jewish trait.
pic related
As well as mental illnesses like bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.
Oh shit really? Got a source? I need to send this to someone.
I don't get how people don't know how to smile. You set your upper lip to show your teeth and not anything else, not pull your lip up as far as you can like some damn horse.
But Y
I've always found her gum-to-tooth ratio terrifying. She looks like something out of a horror film.
I can't tell. She looks like she congealed in a gutter in one of the megacities on the South China Sea.
I've seen smokers' mouths on cigarette packs that look less disgusting than this.
I was going to say, this sounds like a tranny. unless I saw it naked I would never believe this was born a girl.
and her public speaking abilities are pathetic, and I didn't even listen to her "impossible" program story because of that.
in the old days, you could not get away with acting weird in a job setting, unless you were really really really brilliant. Dennis Ritchey-level, John Von Neuman-level. And nobody thought that acting weird made you look smarter.
from my 15-second view, this person appears to act eccentric (showboating) to draw attention to themselves, rather than just do their job well. this is a very common problem with faggots and lesbos in "progressive" workplaces. they tend to cloak their inadequacy by pointing out that "everybody isn't the same!",,, and it's true, but not in the way that they wish.
We're talking about beyond acting weird.
Like LGBTQ+, communist, my pronouns are she/her, I can't even program but it's the computers fault for being misogynist and anti-trans tier.
A programmers mind works like this: (isfemale?"she":"he"). No place for "In reality I'm a man but in my fantasies I'm an apache attack helicopter."
what in the absolute fuck
so much gum!
Who wants to volunteer to head over to the image search?
The face already exhibits at least 5 signs of transgenderism. If it's female it's a very unfortunate result.
What a genious idea. I have another idea: if we shoot cancer patients in the head, we have succesfully stopped people from dying from cancer. I can't believe no one thought of this before, where is my nobel price?
Looks like a mystery meat dude to me. Why are these people even given the time of day? These people should be mental patients, and literally they are being allowed to run things. Insanity.
So what would it feel like, coding some irrelevant shiat.
And at the very samt time being a wannabe hacker, weapon-grade attention whore like Julia Evans?
I found out why
Reminds me of someone
I like her. Listened to the talk, enjoyed it. So OP did you make a kernel module that rick roll you when you play any soundfile?
I like this from last year with Joe Damato more: player.vimeo.com
That upper gum is a prosthetic, concealing something. does sucking dick cause gum damage?
derp has been attained
I am job hunting, just turned down a place that had 5 freaks out of 30 people. the freak level was too high.
I would want maybe 1 freak per 50 people. that way you can usually stay away from them if they end up being useless.
also I avoid places where people cannot figure out how to dress business-casual.
when you have a bunch of adults dressed like teenagers, the touchy-feely inclusiveness bullshit level is too high for me, thanks
welp, that is not so dumb.
when you work with a lot of people and everyone has laptops, you want a way to easily tell your laptop from everybody else's at the meeting, and some kind of sticker is the usual way. I am not young, very much middle-age, and even us old-timers do that. Not hello kitty faggy stickers, usually just a letter label with your initials or company server chat name. but anyway.
it's not a big deal, it's shit. It's pop-tech-y startup press releases. it's wannabe rock stars designing web pages and trying to be "quirky"
I checked there a few days ago. There was a thread about "Why don't more people eat insects?" Someone posted "Because it's inherently revolting" and everyone was getting extrordinarily assmad about this comment. "IT'S NOT REVOLTING TO EVERY CULTURE SHITLORD! HAVE YOU EVER EATEN A BUG? DIDN'T THINK SO! I'LL HAVE YOU KNOW I JUST MADE CRICKET FLOUR COOKIES! YOU INSENSITIVE PRICK. DOWNVOTED. STOP BEING SO OPPRESSIVE"
Nice photoshop.
I think i'm gonna be sick
I just have a sticky note on mine.
It's one thing to be ugly, it's another thing to grin into the camera like a horse so the entire world can see how ugly you are.
Do these freaks actually produce any code ?
I have the feeling they all are attention seekers and talkers
Like those bitches cheating some programing contest by stealing github code, and everyone played along.
that upper gum is totally fake-
1. it is plainly big enough to completely cover up the real gum/toothline,
2. the teeth are quite different colors, despite being side-by-side, and
3. the incisors don't stick out, and all of the outward-facing sides of the teeth are totally flat.
try this test yourself: look into a mirror and keep your teeth together but try and smile with your lips like that. you cannot do it.
fake gender, fake "impossible ruby" coding, and fake teeth
Does this mean the movement is gonna come full circle and give us male-only space back? Because that'd be wonderful. A space where you can focus on your mission without having to deal with bitchy women.
I don't know why you didn't just link the articles. It's more credible than a screenshot.
Hacker News is a great place to see the Jews let their guard down.
Oy vey.
Can confirm. Brother has schizophrenia, I have ADHD.
Making jewish babies is like playing russian Roulette but for your mental health.
I agree: the upper gum looks like a mouthpiece worn over top of the real teeth. Not sure what the purpose would be, though: a gag among friends? a set-up for an eventual "I spent five years as a..." tell-all magazine article? a lightning-rod for criticism, as you see in this thread?
Jesus. This thing can actually code? I think our friends at HN are getting played.
As a sidenote, I'm guessing from the shoulder-to-hip ratio that this is a real female (!) but I've seen some skinnyfat men reach similar shapes just by carrying fat in a feminized pattern.
I want to cum deep inside that goblin.
Mystery solved.
It's difficult to follow this thing's weird speech. Holy shit.
This is why all those 'X for WOMEN' programs are utter crap. You see men turning into women, and getting all the same benefits, lmao.
To cover the vampire fangs.
I've looked at her blog before; as far as I can tell she is an actual biowoman.
This is generally what actual women in tech are like. Autistic.
As someone who probably was exposed to too much estrogen in development I can tell you that it's possible to look like that as a man. I've got wide hips myself, but even so he somehow manages to have more manly hands than me.
He also has a wide and long chin, pronounced brow ridges, large and wide nose, male shaped straight eyebrows, pronounced temporal lines, small q angle of the knees, wide mouth, small elbow carrying angle.
I can't even wrap my mind around how that works
She's all like "Look, I've got a cnut and that means my code is better than yours.
Btw, how do you like my new undercut?
Her posts about Linux were informative and unlike that CoC-fag, she isn't super annoying.
Looks to me like he/she/fizzbuzz is about to have a nervous break down at any given moment.
The face of someone ready to give the kernel an elbow deep fisting now that they graduated from javascript codecamp
The articles on this site are almost entirely tech/programming related with nary a coc in sight.
Stop sliding the goddamn board.
Her stage appearance reminded me a bit about lectures from my favourite high energy particle physicist Holger Bech Nielsen.
Typical tricks.
You're a sick person, user.
And that's the problem with the code, too! Bazinga!
For you.
"gene" right
The jew is a lair and manipulator from the moment he hatches start to cultivate different personalities to use when it fits.
And when the jew get old he start having problems keeping them apart ..
No. Only roastie spaces and mixed spaces allowed, to ensure equality. Check your privilege, shitlord.
i put a large swastika sticker on my company laptop and my boss is like "can you tone it down a little, chap?" so i switched it for a 6" reichsadler sticker and told him it's a bird and he says its all cool
Join your a model railway or ham-radio club, or the local historical society.
Classical and napoleonic minitature tabletop wargaming on sand tables. Guaranteed no women or SJW. Also old school wargames from the 70's and 80's from Avalon Hill, SPI, and so on.
thefuck is wrong with she??
B-but it's a women!! And women can't make coding! Hah, dumb wamen
Well done chins, I imagine you did this because you're worried someone might ask to see your code if we measured people by their work.
Do the slashdot crowd even have a home now? I miss the intelligent shit they posted.
Because if you plan to take something over and need loyalty you use gutter scum since they're the people who have no other way of being in control and are hyper loyal.
A sticker or two stickers sure. Not 10 of them which is what hipsters do to signal.
how about some olde-tyme chan fun:
photoshop them teef onto other computer people (who are actually competent and well-known) and then repost the pix where HE will find them
It's the digital rag mag of Silicon Valley, hosted and run by a very influential VC firm.
Like Zig Forums it seems to be filled with high-tech know-it-alls, but getting any industry experience shows you that most commenters are autistic DK script-kiddies.
This is simply a symptom of the fact that as something becomes more and more popular the urge to appeal to the LCD increases.
What is DK ?