With all of this shit going on with Linus Torvalds and a new CoC, I looked for new OS's, and i found React OS, but i heard it cannot run modern programs (Ie. Steam) what is holding back the os from running these programs? Also, are there any easy to use Linux alternatives? (Like Mint level of easy)
Whats holding back React OS?
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It got CoC'ed too.
Cattle don't care about not Windows/OSX and not cattle don't care about Windows/OSX, including their mostly proprietary exclusive software.
Complete lack of understanding of what priorities and goals are.
The project implements exotic and semi-abandoned file systems because that's what the devs feel like doing or what they know how to do, even if it has nothing to do with the objective of building a Windows-like Os.
I'd say the main thing is the sheer amount of knowledge you have to attain in order to even begin understanding how to make meaningful contributions, especially if you're not someone who uses Windows.
OP here,
So if that's not the goal, are there any user friendly alternatives to Linux, that can be optimized for gaming? I honestly don't want to be a winfag again.
Dude, just keep using Linux. Windows didn't suddenly stop being proprietary shitware because some trannies wrote some rules no serious person is going to give a shit about.
I think you can install wine on BSD, but forget about any kind of graphics acceleration.
You better get content with playing old games, rogue-likes, emulators and Tux-Racer, or start looking for a new hobby.
Or alternatively, just set up a dedicated gaming rig. Compartmentalisation!
Well, it's not like Lignux is perfect for gaming yet. Depending on what you do, you still need Windows. Having two computers is a good idea unless you only play on emulators, in that case you don't need Windows anymore. Other than that, you should probably still have a computer around with pirated Windows XP or 7 and all updates disabled, just for that. For everything else, Windows is the worst, because it pretty much can't be customized and you don't have access to the massive amount of free software that exists, so it's better to have another computer running something else for that. It generally shouldn't cost all that much either, since you probably don't need really new hardware for that.
The only one I can think of right now is TrueOS, and that's based on FreeBSD, which is the Debian of BSD. Anyway, until you stop thinking like that, you really will never have any freedom. If something is made for normalfags, chances are it's going to be infected. Knowledge is freedom (except when it imprisons or kills you, but forget about that part).
Going to reformat my hd and put four partitions on it.
One for Gentoo, my daily driver.
One to try out OpenBSD
One to try out Haiku
One to try out SculptOS
I have high hopes for sculpt. It uses seL4 and the genode framework.
Mesa works on the BSD's too. The only thing missing is the nouveau driver ported to a BSD since AMD and intel already have drivers for most modern FOSS cards working on the BSD's.
Legal issues.
If you've been within 1000 miles of Windows source code, you're banned from contributing due to fears of a Microsoft lawsuit.
Couldn't you just virtualize 3 of them? It sounds like less of a headache.
Probably the whole trying to be a decades-old version of Windows thing.
I mean Windows is bad at everything except for backwards compatibility. Attempting to create a carbon copy from scratch of a system with decades of cruft and undocumented behaviour is going to be near impossible. What they've done thus far is environment impressive. As I mentioned in another thread the only reasonable alternatives to linux are in order: openbsd, illumos, and plan9. illumos has "LX branded zones" which allow for a secure enviroment to run linux applications with zero overhead. Openbsd has a stable community and lots of ported applications. plan9 has very little support but is usable.
Just track down the leaked NT source code and compile that instead, would probably be less of a headache.
That leaked source code should be used as reference only if you want not to be bombarded with lawsuits from M$
It's incomplete and can't actually be compiled.
So still more complete than React.
If you don't go around telling people that you did it then macroshit won't know.
React compiles and boots (under optimal conditions), its inability to do anything useful afterwards is another issue.
If the only way an open source project can work is by violating licenses, copypasting code a la Pajeet, and hoping nobody does an audit...
Maybe it isn't a good project.
*But it depends on what games you play. I think the best solution would be to dual-boot.
No. Every single version of Windows has had shit backwards compatibility after XP
No, but Linux did suddenly become SJW trannyware, and if I have the choice between proprietary and tranny, I choose proprietary.
That's not even software.
It's a "metro APP". It's weird XAML garbage.
From what I read the only difference to HTML is that it has C++ bindings while HTML only has JS bindings but I don't really know how it works, neither do their employees.
It often isn't, because the dev's purpose is making money and handing control over to some freak means risking their paycheck.
A pandering pic in family options is not comparable to the leader of the project being volunteered to step down.
That's an exaggeration. If you really care that much, then you should unironically use one of the more obscure unix-likes if things got so out of hand, and get a new hobby outside of gay men if older games aren't enough for you.
On what planet is MS unpozzed?
Let's see how valves fork of wine goes first. They might just save us all along with vulkan
The purpose of React is a fallback for Winblows, it's not intended as a replacement. The hope is that you can run bespoke/legacy, unsupported software in the future, similar to FreeDOS.
Being windows.
It's going to take at least a year, but probably 2-3, for these new rules to start to degrade the quality of the kernel. You can still play your games until then.
That planet wishes not to be identified.
Which would hurt Windows substantially, as a hundreds of millions of people still use XP, not including business running legacy software. ReactOS is almost out of alpha, and the possibilities are huge. If they get their shit together, it'll all go downstream to normalfags.
Imagine believing this
Imagine thinking that people that hate change and business relying on critical legacy software will care about an incredibly unpolished and unreliable project.
After how many decades of work?
Afew decades in beta to then fall back into alpha becasue they can't keep up with the rest of the world, so huge.
Sure, and Bernie can still win.
Unfortunately you're right.
Not even close, dude. Were did that idea come from? It has huge issues in almost all areas and there's not even USB support. Hell, it doesn't even support NTFS.
At the current pace of development it will take many more years before it goes to beta. Certainly not before 2023.
The devs themselves have said 0.5, is going to be the end of alpha, and it's on 0.4.9 currently.
Good thing the system is actually GNU then. Stop calling it 'Linux' if the CoC bothers you. Take the memetic power away from the kernel.
They've already neutered the progressive stack bullshit in the CoC. This thing is going to be declawed. The issue is how much damage it will do before that happens.
the jews are subverting open source projects with the hands of SJW robots
we need to defeat jews, even if holocaust will be necessary
But they're nowhere near releasing 0.5 yet. It's not like next version is going to be 0.5, there's still 0.4.10 and 0.4.11 and I'm sure they'll continue like that for a while.
God what retards. If your first reaction to "fix this bug" is screaming how offensive it is, no one's going to WANT to submit bug-fixes to your code-base. Why should they spend X hours getting to up to speed with the project when apparently the bug is too opaque for those that already maintain it? Might as well head for greener pastures.
Just part and parcel in open source software.
That picture really speaks for itself.
Yet another sound of kikes winning, and good guys losing. Windows and MacOS will remain the only options forevermore.
Makes me wish I was a nigger or a spic so I could practically get college for free. Really want to know where my white privilege is so I have to hardly pay anything.
I see this happen all the time in software.
There is a game called 7 Days to Die that hasn't updated in over a year and everytime its pointed out people jump to defend the devs. They can't keep goals in mind without adding more to it, which delays the release (which funnily enough they stopped giving estimates of update releases). Not to mention there are game breaking bugs still present, any criticisms and you are attacked while being called "entitled". I do not understand peoples' mentality on this, its not like devs are your friend.
And then people wonder why Windows is popular and why open source communities become political echo chambers.
It's not about being friends with the devs, it's about being on the side wielding the banhammer.
People go to ridiculous lenghts for the tiniest bit of power.
At any rate, we cam abandon any and all hope for any viable alternatives to botnet OS. Enjoy literally being stuck with Windows forever.
7DTD has the most insane development of any game in recent memory. Half-way through development, right before a major overhaul of nearly all game graphics and mechanics, they port an alpha to PS4 and call it a finish product. Of course, now there's two parallel dev teams, both working on half-baked versions of the game in isolation, who occasionally work together to "update" the PS4 version with new features from the PC version. A complete shit show on every front.
ReactOS confirmed for stillbirthed.
Shame, the bug report might have went somewhere if OP wasn't such a retard and the devs didn't fall for his bait.
Faggot over-sensitive users and mods are the quickest way to kill a project.
Too much estrogen.
I was using the latest build idiot, it wasn't fixed, its been that way since .3alpha
Let me prove it, This is the latest build of reactos.
ReactOS confirmed for shit.
Install OpenBSD! :^)
Never tried ReactOS, but if it supports Windows programs, I guess it also features a registry? Maybe there's a key to enable auto refresh when updating folders, like "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{BDEADE7F-C265-11D0-BCED-00A0C90AB50F}\Instance DontRefresh" in Windows.
directory doesn't exist.