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enough of this oppression olympics shit


I wish the formatting on wasn't so shit

This is what autists actually believe

Shhhh, just use this as a wedge against (((them))).
acktually op, as a person with aspergers you're the next stage of human evolution and have magical powers.
check your privilege

I don't know about born with or any kind of wiring, but it feels exactly like having to run way too many calculations. Normal people don't just say what they mean.

Anyway my peers have learned that I'm an asshole and don't remember human shit and I'm mostly drunk when I socialize so I don't care. There are important things like rational thinking and the rest can be simulated with standard phrases and nods.

People state their problems all the time and when I tell them how to solve it, like any other puzzle, that's not what they fucking wanted. Then why the fuck did they say that shit out loud.

I'm not sure I'm aspie, but human bullshit sure is fucking boring.

I'm starting to think the trannies are just useful idiots for Microshit and co. to kill Linux, we need to keep supporting Linux.

This, my brain is completely exhausted after using my 'social' personality for more than 2 hours.

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You don't have to be an aspie to realize that most human conversations are 99% fluff. A lot of people talk just to talk.

If this is will people you know well then maybe autist, but people you don't know well this is pretty normal if you're not an introvert and you're trying to make a good impression.

I am too autistic to work with other people at all, so none of this would affect me directly. It's not like I can have a job at all either. Actually professionally diagnosed (as an adult), so I'm definitely not making shit up like some people on the internet.

That does sound like it could be autism. It's just another kind of sensory overload. Difficult to even explain to normal people, and I generally use computer analogies to do that anyway, so the fact that you even say that could mean that you're not normal.

He's not doing that you fuckwad. You're even more autistic than he is.

It's a pretty accurate analogy. What's your issue with it?

Depending on how you do it, it's fun and enjoyable too, it's just when it's the wrong kind it really spikes the anexity.

(sorry if this double posts, Zig Forums is erroring out)


This strategy only works on the honest ones who actually believe in the principles they tout. The real crazies, the ones behind this shitshow, are trained to dismiss it as "the oppression olympics" and call you a bigot for even bringing it up.

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btw, golden dawn and thelema are weak ass magic systems.
i bet the faggot read "self-initiation into the golden dawn" and a few of crowley's book-length shitposts then thought he was some kind of godly magician.

While most of us are rotting alone in misery. It hurst.

Holy shit.


I don't know where to post number came from.


How many death spells do you think she's done?

"she" has already killed once

Fucking hell

Holy fuck do I have Asperger's?

FUCKING THIS. Explicit > implicit.

I don't think normies are actually using their brains when they talk. I think it is just a buncha hot air. These people don't even have an internal dialoguge going on. Literal NPCs.

I think the "reality is plastic!" crowd are suffering from a mental breakdown and are trying to use defensive measures to retain some amount of working sanity. When you put your subjective experience above the objective reality we all share...that's the definition of insanity. Thinking you are Napoleon is crazy talk. Thinking your XY genes magically become XX genes is crazy talk.
Oh, neat, the "Minor attracted persons" SJW is here. You're gonna hang, pedo.

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140 characters was a mistake.

Who is that a picture of?

Marriage material if she was a virgin.

magic fags always seem to be trannies for some reason. Don't do magic kids.

You mean the guy who believes he's a woman might be mentally ill? You fucking think mate? It's not like they're even arguing about a placebo like effect or how you can manipulate the human mind into feeling things incorrectly

True, another example of this is that Zero Kama dude who made thelema themed music. I think it's the sexual depravity that's involved with sex magic as a whole, that makes it's followers become degenerates. But it's more likely an slippery slope for people with mental problems to being with.

Couple that with the romantic ideas of witches from Harry Potter and whatnot, and we get Coraline.

Notice in the first photo from what his ex-wife said before them leaving each other. Most magical systems are designed in a way to achieve self-realization, which can lead to an heighten feeling of self-importance, a symptom of narcissism.

I can only imagine the fright in people like Coralines head for society going back to it's old values. Because there are no way back from his decision, and he knows it. The only way forward for him is to push his agenda, and forcing people into avoiding triggering introspection in him. Because introspection and re-evaluation of choices is the number one cause of death among these cretins.

Oh no, the poor creature

It is proof that (((TV))) causes behavioral disorders

This. I'm attempting for months to vent off my retarded relatives' talmudvision addiction, with so much resistance. If I could train them instead household chores and maintenance, especially for the one who's formally schooling, and sell that fucking dog one of them forced on us without thinking about the negative repercussions.

You know, you might be right. I knew a guy way back in the 90s. Brilliant programmer, had even started making money off shit when he was in his early-mid teens. He started using that money to buy Magic the Gathering cards, then started spending all his time online in some fucking Magic chatroom because he became obsessed with not only that game, but magic in general. He Became really fucking isolated all of sudden, and eventually faded out of existence. Everyone really thought he was fucking weird.

Years later, it was found out that he now works for Magic, became full on trans and is the most unpassable tranny. Every time he talks he giggles like he's Mickey fucking Mouse about to blow his brains out.

link to video?

WOTC is cancer central, it pozzes everything

It drives a wedge between the honest ones and the crazies tho.

kek @ dat guy with a address trolling this LKML thread

Well, it's probably not working considering the transition is not even remotely a success, but it's still a disturbing thought.

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