I can tell you what I don't like about linux, the numerous updates to software. I can not stand how many updates there are to software, not only every year, but just down to the day. I don't even try to keep my software on the bleeding edge, but damn it, I want to keep the version that worked for me. With many distros I've used: notably, gentoo, ubuntu; I've noticed that updates tend to break my software installs. yes, I understand dependency hell, but that's not what I am talking. Case in point, I've been writing music with lmms since 0.4.13 and damn it, I have to keep 0.4.13 plus the current versions of dependencies. if I don't do this, I get terrible noise in my songs, and some of the instruments straight up do not work. This is not what I consider something productive. It's infurating. LMMS 0.4.13 is extremely old, but there should not be any reason that newer versions can't handle files that I wrote with the old versions. They should be compatible.
This is why linux is not used productively. There is too much change. There is too much incapatability within the software its self. It's ridiculous to expect anyone to accept this.
My faith in Zig Forums was restored a little tonight.
Cameron Jenkins
I didn't say anyting about UX you fag. I said that the old files I saved with the old versions can not be imported into the new versions. It is counter-productive. You are a faggot. I hope you die in a bunch of your lies.
everything only things it shines in customizability and compactness i guess technically every bet made with kernel and software is somehow worse than Windows dedicated engineers with budget seem to output better quality code
That's (probably) me you turbofag. Did you get so triggered that you project your nightmares of my argument into everyone who has a different opinion now?
Besides I don't even agree with OP on frequent updates, I don't care about that. This will sound stupid but updates are like marketing in a way, they make you feel like things are constantly improving even if nothing much changes in reality. If there isn't updates in a long time, it gives you a feeling that the software is abandoned or stagnant.
And since these threads are full of hyper autists, I need to specify that I'm not saying frequent updates are necessarily a good thing or I want one or the other, just that I'm indifferent. I swear it's like talking to SJWs where every time you talk about a nigger you have to give a speech about how not racist you are so as to not trigger the volatile snowflakes.
Luke Cruz
I'm triggered that there's uifags on Zig Forums
Dylan Wood
So your issue is less about the amount of updates and more about their quality (regressions, breaking changes, poor backwards compatibility...),. right? Because that's one of my main complaints too, having regressions in stable kernel releases is not acceptable from a serious Os.
Aaron Moore
How about a system where you can keep around multiple versions of a library. If you update a library you could then relink applications to use the newer version if they can handle it. The old library would still be around to everything that needs it can still use it.
Version the libraries in a way where minor bumps don't break or change the interface so no breakage should occur in any software that uses it. That you you also shouldn't have to keep a whole slew of minor versions around.
Let me guess Zig Forums, I just reinvented some idea from the 60's right?
Liam Roberts
That's called Gentoo. It's what SLOTs are for.
Jason Mitchell
But isn't it great that you can use an OS developed in a completely ad-hoc way through the marketplace of ideas, where everyone and his dog can commit code? I mean, between that and a system developed by a small, dedicated, and competent team with a clear vision of how it should work, which would you choose?
Only 2 things I don't like about Linux: takes too long to "get it right," screen tearing was gay without a lot of fucking around.
Other than that I can use Krita and Blender and make a living so it's fine.
Nathan Gutierrez
It is a real problem though, just five minutes ago I downloaded old package of aegisub (same aegisub version) from Debian stable because Debian testing fucked up aegisub (same version since 2014). I do it like this though which is a bit of work, but not much.
I have a folder $HOME/apps and the /usr/bin shit under that. I got aegisub, and after runnning it figured out I needed to get older hunspell and libass. Just dpkg -x packages.deb $HOME/apps and then "patchelf --set-rpath '$ORIGIN/../lib/x86_64-linux-gnu' aegisub-3.2".
No copilochacho neccesaburrito!
Nolan Perez
I think "UNIX Hater's Handbook" should be on Zig Forums's obligatory reading list. You don't even need to agree with it, it's just fun look into history of Unix development.
Medium kek. You clearly don't work in any software-related industry. Where do you think memes about pajeets and cs-undergrads come from? They actually put that shit in production code.
Connor Lee
No, his issue is that he's a brainlet and couldn't figure out how to disable (automatic) updates for specific packages.
Dylan Collins
I didn't say anything about automatic updates. I am talking about how every package distribution distributes the latest version of software, and with the case of emerge, updates software that might not need it or not wanted.
Blake Bennett
You know that this still makes you retarded, right? You're supposed to use the latest version. And if for any reason you need specific version, you do a custom install outside of package manager, in its own directory.
Jeremiah Hall
That's not true and is dumb. I gave reasons as to why I do not want the latest version.
Angel Lopez
Moron, hello? What's the point of a package manager if you install softare outside of it? Besides, I shouldn't have to go through a bunch of shit just make a local overlay for portage to go through and handle versioning. That's what a package manager is supposed to be used for. It's freaking ass to resync portage and have all my software on a working system to be completely unusable or maintainable because they decided to remove the ebuilds from the tree. This is true of every package manager for every mainstream distro.
Anthony Edwards
This OP:
Kayden James
Sounds like you want something like Debian Stable. Or, if you care so much, i'm pretty sure every package manager comes with the ability to blacklist certain packages from updating.
Brody Foster
It doesn't just work.
Lucas Stewart
All the concerned shills
Adam Hill
Stick with gentoo user. The latest stable version there of LMMS is 1.1.90.
Adrian Powell
you missed "dedicated"
Carson King
1) Shell - The TempleOS' shell is better and more advanced. Why keep emulating 60s/70s mainframes in 2018 anno domini? 2) a Micro or a Hybrid kernel would be better design 3) No consistent UI (compare this to Haiku) 4) CoC 5) *BSD have better man pages 6) No good sound system (pukeaudio's code is crappy, but you pretty much have to use it) 7) too many meme distros that are made by incompetent people (like manjaro, for instance)