Sage Sharp accuses Linux kernel dev Theo Ts'o of being a rape apologist
Other urls found in this thread:
Imagine being Linus in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Sarah Sharp, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your tight body and horrific androgynous monster face. I would totally have sex with you, both my character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is fuck another 16 year old in his dressing room. Like seriously imagine having to be Linus and not only sit in that chair while Sarah Sharp flaunts her disgusting body in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her stretchmarks and leathery skin, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while she perfected that dance. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking visage but her haughty attitude as everyone on set tells her she's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, SARAH SHARP LOOKS LIKE THAT?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her mannish fucking gremlin face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of blondes and supermodels and later alleged rape victims for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Austria. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her dimpled stomach as she sucks it in to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in her "statuesque (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for with personal trainers in the previous months. And then the director calls for another take, and you know you could kill every single person in this room before the studio security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Linus. You're not going to lose your future political career over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.
Why are these repulsive bluehairs so obsessed with sex, sexual abuse, rape etc?
Because they want it. It's no mistake these people are all hideous and no one would actually want to fuck them, or do anything sexual with them. People who publicly and constantly focus on stopping specific issues are projecting their own problems onto society. We saw this with the gay pastors, we see it in the catholic church and their raping little boys. And we see it with these ugly, undesirable fucks who either have sexual problems (pedos, rapist, womanizer, etc) or they just want to be raped or mistreated.
They are broken psychologically. Imagine being so mentally fucked up that you have to do radical things to your body to stand out. Imagine being so insecure about yourself that you can't make anonymous messages on image boards because you have to show everyone who you are and constantly seek positive reinforcement for any retarded drivel that seeps from your mouth.
That's pretty much exactly whatever that thing is saying. The LF technical advisory board is beyond their control as members are voted in by linux developers based solely on merit to the project and are unlikely to care about anything that isn't technical in nature. They all have 6 figure jobs at major tech firms and decades of experience in the industry so there's no way they're going to care about some internet drama.
It begins.
The creature in question is being rightfully attacked on Twitter for it on that same thread. As usual, her tweets get a lot of silent likes and shares and no one trying to defend her with logic.
Freud and Evangelion. Everything is a metaphor for puberty now.
It's kinda like asking why are most feminists ugly.
And hence, their obsession is because they can't get laid. I mean they could, though it would mean they would have to act like a woman--or hell even just a human being instead of cancer--for more than five minutes. Even you ham planets could too, there are guys who pork fat chicks.
I'm actually kind of glad this happened, the hambeast was too eager to start removing devs so after only two days of the CoC, it showed their real goal. This could wake some LK devs up.
Are you sure those likes aren't bots user?
They're moving fast as fuck.
Unfortunately no. Hovering over the avatars shows a lot of accounts I doubt are bots.
There's hope!
Look at the responses by those evil cisshit white men on reddit!
It begins.
Now watch as Linus allows this to continue, watch as it becomes more obvious that he is being blackmailed.
This is racist.
your first mistake. Those things are about feeling important, and schmoozing out free food, wine and merchandise. Business networking and technical matters are secondary.
It's a prepared and organized coup from long ago.
Also from a lesser important software (pic)
>On patreon
This one is most likely a troll.
Urbit is made by Curtis Yarvin, aka Mencious Moldbug, aka father of neoreaction. And Urbit itself is his political views transformed into code. He got cicked out out of some conference because of this. I can't imagine some SJW being "a long time follower of Urbit", they wouldn't go near something so "toxic" even if you pay them.
I didn't find Galen's and Curtis's names on post-meritocracy manifesto's website either.
This is getting real bad real fast
Their entire personalities revolve around sex because their brains were smashed as a child.
The fire rises.
God, you summed it up perfectly.
This, exactly this.
You can completely fuck everything up and remove their power over anything useful by revoking contributions.
That is a surprising amount and ratio of good replies.
See: &
This thread has been locked.
While the original veins of conversation were about Linux kernel governance and CoC, the post has been invaded from elsewhere on reddit and has ceased being about Linux, devolved into personal attacks, and is being used to propagate conspiracy theories. Future posts about the CoC (as with all /r/linux posts) will need to be centered specifically around Linux.
Yeah the discussion got too real, better stop it now before our users get too uppity. You'll be permitted by the mods to graciously be allowed to discuss as long as you promise to steer clear of any and all speculation, controversy, negative opinions or thought, accusations of the CoC supporters being negative, wrong or hindering development or any claims of what we deem conspiracy. Have a nice day, le goyim
edit: thanks for the gold, myself!
and as a SaaS they can datamine and blackmail others with as for mere allegations.
It's HR as a service. I am sure their big idea is to become a central database that employers query as a de-facto standard part of hiring so that they don't accidentally allow any bad goyim to earn a living. Totally fucking nuts.
These same asshats who want CoCs to be applied retroactively will scream from the rooftops that "deadnaming" trannies or referring to anything prior to them formally adopting their delusions is tantamount to murder. If anyone ever had any doubts about the intended use of these things as nothing but Stalinist political tools that should all be gone now.
Problem is even if we know this I'm sure many people knew the soviet commies doing the same shit. The question isn't if but when now. How do you prevent it from going full soviet russia?
Explicitly anti-CoC projects. Similar to how the GPL is a software license designed to defeat software liscensing in general. We need a Code of Conduct specifically designed to defeat Codes of Conduct. Hell, bake it into the license itself. Add a no CoC addendum to whatever license you create your project with.
Doesn't help if the entire system goes this way. It will just make you a target.
Good. It'll be a fair fight.
You flat-out fucking murder these people before they get the opportunity to murder you.
what kind of snowflake setup is using?
Nuke Russia now.
That is going full soviet, which is the opposite of the desired result
I'm legitimately curious why this didn't happen at the "video games" stage. I'm really surprised that it escalated so badly that it near ruined the entire market and nobody resorted to violence, they just accepted it. Maybe it has to do with the low average age for that hobby, but the same is not true for programmers.
I wonder how hard it would be to organize around this. The antagonists don't seem like hard targets in any regard.
unironically this
we can't let them win another time
Seems like a realist. I like him already tbh.
kek. moar.
Fuck. Had to fuck up something.
It all ends in neon hair.
I doubt someone fucked that thing in uni...
I mean come on...
Hey you can't speak to a PoC that way.
Reported, nazi scum.
If this "person" isn't immediately sanctioned for violating the CoC then it's final proof that, as we all suspected, the CoC was to be used as a weapon against Linux contributors whom Intel, MS, and Google dislike and not as an actual community standard.
Of course anybody with a brain knew this is what they'd do but for a lot of the fence-sitters and soy-infused domesticated cubicle bound code monkeys working on the kernel it is probably a huge redpill, if their narrow blinders allow them to see it.
While I am still running Linux on this machine I will be migrating soon. It's over.
They are so much separated from their instictual nature that they project the fear they involuntarily and secretly feel for it unto others.
t. C. Jung
Soon they will try to make 'free speech apologist' a thing too.
I keep trying to tell everybody, the East Germans had a 25 year plan after the wallfell and we're seeing it now.