Yo, How can I become a Hacker? I want to extract money secretly for myself online from Iran and North Korea's banks, Where to start?
Yo, How can I become a Hacker? I want to extract money secretly for myself online from Iran and North Korea's banks...
I've reported your IP to your local law enforcement. Please cease use of this site immediately.
Put some effort in your shit threads.
op is a faggot
This is the funniest thread I've ever seen on here.
just watch mr.robot a few times
Ask the other glownigger sitting beside you.
You need to use Windows 10(TM) LTSB. That's what all the hackers use.
Thank god I'll be dead of poor health long before I hit fursona
wrong site buddy, you're looking for the elite hacker 4chin
Don't bother, if you can't even use a search engine you'll never make it.
By respawning as someone who isn't retarded. Besides being poor targets (Iran/NK have no money) I doubt you're fluent in farsi/korean so you can't scam people out of their money there. NK is to most retarded target someone could possibly choose btw, you must have a 2-digit IQ.
What you're really looking for OP is /g/
Call up the First Bank of Iran and tell them you're the Supreme Leader's National Password Inspector.
top kek
Go back to 4chan if you're just going to post like a drooling moron.
not funny
download parrot os and buy hacker rf.
With it you'll be able to pick up and mess with wifi signals.
You might be able to literately download a car.
All you have to do is an sql injection.
Good luck fren.